9,760 research outputs found

    Uma abordagem de agrupamento baseada na técnica de divisão e conquista e floresta de caminhos ótimos

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    Orientador: Alexandre Xavier FalcãoDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: O agrupamento de dados é um dos principais desafios em problemas de Ciência de Dados. Apesar do seu progresso científico em quase um século de existência, algoritmos de agrupamento ainda falham na identificação de grupos (clusters) naturalmente relacionados com a semântica do problema. Ademais, os avanços das tecnologias de aquisição, comunicação, e armazenamento de dados acrescentam desafios cruciais com o aumento considerável de dados, os quais não são tratados pela maioria das técnicas. Essas questões são endereçadas neste trabalho através da proposta de uma abordagem de divisão e conquista para uma técnica de agrupamento única em encontrar um grupo por domo da função de densidade de probabilidade dos dados --- o algoritmo de agrupamento por floresta de caminhos ótimos (OPF - Optimum-Path Forest). Nesta técnica, amostras são interpretadas como nós de um grafo cujos arcos conectam os kk-vizinhos mais próximos no espaço de características. Os nós são ponderados pela sua densidade de probabilidade e um mapa de conexidade é maximizado de modo que cada máximo da função densidade de probabilidade se torna a raiz de uma árvore de caminhos ótimos (grupo). O melhor valor de kk é estimado por otimização em um intervalo de valores dependente da aplicação. O problema com este método é que um número alto de amostras torna o algoritmo inviável, devido ao espaço de memória necessário para armazenar o grafo e o tempo computacional para encontrar o melhor valor de kk. Visto que as soluções existentes levam a resultados ineficazes, este trabalho revisita o problema através da proposta de uma abordagem de divisão e conquista com dois níveis. No primeiro nível, o conjunto de dados é dividido em subconjuntos (blocos) menores e as amostras pertencentes a cada bloco são agrupadas pelo algoritmo OPF. Em seguida, as amostras representativas de cada grupo (mais especificamente as raízes da floresta de caminhos ótimos) são levadas ao segundo nível, onde elas são agrupadas novamente. Finalmente, os rótulos de grupo obtidos no segundo nível são transferidos para todas as amostras do conjunto de dados através de seus representantes do primeiro nível. Nesta abordagem, todas as amostras, ou pelo menos muitas delas, podem ser usadas no processo de aprendizado não supervisionado, sem afetar a eficácia do agrupamento e, portanto, o procedimento é menos susceptível a perda de informação relevante ao agrupamento. Os resultados mostram agrupamentos satisfatórios em dois cenários, segmentação de imagem e agrupamento de dados arbitrários, tendo como base a comparação com abordagens populares. No primeiro cenário, a abordagem proposta atinge os melhores resultados em todas as bases de imagem testadas. No segundo cenário, os resultados são similares aos obtidos por uma versão otimizada do método original de agrupamento por floresta de caminhos ótimosAbstract: Data clustering is one of the main challenges when solving Data Science problems. Despite its progress over almost one century of research, clustering algorithms still fail in identifying groups naturally related to the semantics of the problem. Moreover, the advances in data acquisition, communication, and storage technologies add crucial challenges with a considerable data increase, which are not handled by most techniques. We address these issues by proposing a divide-and-conquer approach to a clustering technique, which is unique in finding one group per dome of the probability density function of the data --- the Optimum-Path Forest (OPF) clustering algorithm. In the OPF-clustering technique, samples are taken as nodes of a graph whose arcs connect the kk-nearest neighbors in the feature space. The nodes are weighted by their probability density values and a connectivity map is maximized such that each maximum of the probability density function becomes the root of an optimum-path tree (cluster). The best value of kk is estimated by optimization within an application-specific interval of values. The problem with this method is that a high number of samples makes the algorithm prohibitive, due to the required memory space to store the graph and the computational time to obtain the clusters for the best value of kk. Since the existing solutions lead to ineffective results, we decided to revisit the problem by proposing a two-level divide-and-conquer approach. At the first level, the dataset is divided into smaller subsets (blocks) and the samples belonging to each block are grouped by the OPF algorithm. Then, the representative samples (more specifically the roots of the optimum-path forest) are taken to a second level where they are clustered again. Finally, the group labels obtained in the second level are transferred to all samples of the dataset through their representatives of the first level. With this approach, we can use all samples, or at least many samples, in the unsupervised learning process without affecting the grouping performance and, therefore, the procedure is less likely to lose relevant grouping information. We show that our proposal can obtain satisfactory results in two scenarios, image segmentation and the general data clustering problem, in comparison with some popular baselines. In the first scenario, our technique achieves better results than the others in all tested image databases. In the second scenario, it obtains outcomes similar to an optimized version of the traditional OPF-clustering algorithmMestradoCiência da ComputaçãoMestre em Ciência da ComputaçãoCAPE

    Instance selection of linear complexity for big data

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    Over recent decades, database sizes have grown considerably. Larger sizes present new challenges, because machine learning algorithms are not prepared to process such large volumes of information. Instance selection methods can alleviate this problem when the size of the data set is medium to large. However, even these methods face similar problems with very large-to-massive data sets. In this paper, two new algorithms with linear complexity for instance selection purposes are presented. Both algorithms use locality-sensitive hashing to find similarities between instances. While the complexity of conventional methods (usually quadratic, O(n2), or log-linear, O(nlogn)) means that they are unable to process large-sized data sets, the new proposal shows competitive results in terms of accuracy. Even more remarkably, it shortens execution time, as the proposal manages to reduce complexity and make it linear with respect to the data set size. The new proposal has been compared with some of the best known instance selection methods for testing and has also been evaluated on large data sets (up to a million instances).Supported by the Research Projects TIN 2011-24046 and TIN 2015-67534-P from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness

    Adaptive content mapping for internet navigation

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    The Internet as the biggest human library ever assembled keeps on growing. Although all kinds of information carriers (e.g. audio/video/hybrid file formats) are available, text based documents dominate. It is estimated that about 80% of all information worldwide stored electronically exists in (or can be converted into) text form. More and more, all kinds of documents are generated by means of a text processing system and are therefore available electronically. Nowadays, many printed journals are also published online and may even discontinue to appear in print form tomorrow. This development has many convincing advantages: the documents are both available faster (cf. prepress services) and cheaper, they can be searched more easily, the physical storage only needs a fraction of the space previously necessary and the medium will not age. For most people, fast and easy access is the most interesting feature of the new age; computer-aided search for specific documents or Web pages becomes the basic tool for information-oriented work. But this tool has problems. The current keyword based search machines available on the Internet are not really appropriate for such a task; either there are (way) too many documents matching the specified keywords are presented or none at all. The problem lies in the fact that it is often very difficult to choose appropriate terms describing the desired topic in the first place. This contribution discusses the current state-of-the-art techniques in content-based searching (along with common visualization/browsing approaches) and proposes a particular adaptive solution for intuitive Internet document navigation, which not only enables the user to provide full texts instead of manually selected keywords (if available), but also allows him/her to explore the whole database

    Recent Trends in Big Data Analytics and Role in Business Decision Making

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    In this information overload era, we can see that a large amount of data has been available for everyone, and it helps business organizations to take strategic decisions. The rapid increase of internet and digital marketing has made increased in demand for data. And we can see that the volume of the data is very high which can't be handled using traditional systems. Data has become more valuable nowadays for organizations because of the valuable insights in the data. Present we can see that every day millions of data was generated through our daily transactions to customer interactions and various social media networks. As we can that data is of various types like structured, and unstructured data, the data need to be cleaned and it should be converted into meaningful information for the organizations. In this paper, we are focusing on how big data will show an impact on business decision-making, and how big data will play a crucial role in the decision-making process


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    Achieving timely access to data objects is a major challenge in big distributed systems like the Internet of Things (IoT) platforms. Therefore, minimizing the data read and write operation time in distributed systems has elevated to a higher priority for system designers and mechanical engineers. Replication and the appropriate placement of the replicas on the most accessible data servers is a problem of NP-complete optimization. The key objectives of the current study are minimizing the data access time, reducing the quantity of replicas, and improving the data availability. The current paper employs the Olympiad Optimization Algorithm (OOA) as a novel population-based and discrete heuristic algorithm to solve the replica placement problem which is also applicable to other fields such as mechanical and computer engineering design problems. This discrete algorithm was inspired by the learning process of student groups who are preparing for the Olympiad exams. The proposed algorithm, which is divide-and-conquer-based with local and global search strategies, was used in solving the replica placement problem in a standard simulated distributed system. The 'European Union Database' (EUData) was employed to evaluate the proposed algorithm, which contains 28 nodes as servers and a network architecture in the format of a complete graph. It was revealed that the proposed technique reduces data access time by 39% with around six replicas, which is vastly superior to the earlier methods. Moreover, the standard deviation of the results of the algorithm's different executions is approximately 0.0062, which is lower than the other techniques' standard deviation within the same experiments

    Local matching learning of large scale biomedical ontologies

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    Les larges ontologies biomédicales décrivent généralement le même domaine d'intérêt, mais en utilisant des modèles de modélisation et des vocabulaires différents. Aligner ces ontologies qui sont complexes et hétérogènes est une tâche fastidieuse. Les systèmes de matching doivent fournir des résultats de haute qualité en tenant compte de la grande taille de ces ressources. Les systèmes de matching d'ontologies doivent résoudre deux problèmes: (i) intégrer la grande taille d'ontologies, (ii) automatiser le processus d'alignement. Le matching d'ontologies est une tâche difficile en raison de la large taille des ontologies. Les systèmes de matching d'ontologies combinent différents types de matcher pour résoudre ces problèmes. Les principaux problèmes de l'alignement de larges ontologies biomédicales sont: l'hétérogénéité conceptuelle, l'espace de recherche élevé et la qualité réduite des alignements résultants. Les systèmes d'alignement d'ontologies combinent différents matchers afin de réduire l'hétérogénéité. Cette combinaison devrait définir le choix des matchers à combiner et le poids. Différents matchers traitent différents types d'hétérogénéité. Par conséquent, le paramétrage d'un matcher devrait être automatisé par les systèmes d'alignement d'ontologies afin d'obtenir une bonne qualité de correspondance. Nous avons proposé une approche appele "local matching learning" pour faire face à la fois à la grande taille des ontologies et au problème de l'automatisation. Nous divisons un gros problème d'alignement en un ensemble de problèmes d'alignement locaux plus petits. Chaque problème d'alignement local est indépendamment aligné par une approche d'apprentissage automatique. Nous réduisons l'énorme espace de recherche en un ensemble de taches de recherche de corresondances locales plus petites. Nous pouvons aligner efficacement chaque tache de recherche de corresondances locale pour obtenir une meilleure qualité de correspondance. Notre approche de partitionnement se base sur une nouvelle stratégie à découpes multiples générant des partitions non volumineuses et non isolées. Par conséquence, nous pouvons surmonter le problème de l'hétérogénéité conceptuelle. Le nouvel algorithme de partitionnement est basé sur le clustering hiérarchique par agglomération (CHA). Cette approche génère un ensemble de tâches de correspondance locale avec un taux de couverture suffisant avec aucune partition isolée. Chaque tâche d'alignement local est automatiquement alignée en se basant sur les techniques d'apprentissage automatique. Un classificateur local aligne une seule tâche d'alignement local. Les classificateurs locaux sont basés sur des features élémentaires et structurelles. L'attribut class de chaque set de donne d'apprentissage " training set" est automatiquement étiqueté à l'aide d'une base de connaissances externe. Nous avons appliqué une technique de sélection de features pour chaque classificateur local afin de sélectionner les matchers appropriés pour chaque tâche d'alignement local. Cette approche réduit la complexité d'alignement et augmente la précision globale par rapport aux méthodes d'apprentissage traditionnelles. Nous avons prouvé que l'approche de partitionnement est meilleure que les approches actuelles en terme de précision, de taux de couverture et d'absence de partitions isolées. Nous avons évalué l'approche d'apprentissage d'alignement local à l'aide de diverses expériences basées sur des jeux de données d'OAEI 2018. Nous avons déduit qu'il est avantageux de diviser une grande tâche d'alignement d'ontologies en un ensemble de tâches d'alignement locaux. L'espace de recherche est réduit, ce qui réduit le nombre de faux négatifs et de faux positifs. L'application de techniques de sélection de caractéristiques à chaque classificateur local augmente la valeur de rappel pour chaque tâche d'alignement local.Although a considerable body of research work has addressed the problem of ontology matching, few studies have tackled the large ontologies used in the biomedical domain. We introduce a fully automated local matching learning approach that breaks down a large ontology matching task into a set of independent local sub-matching tasks. This approach integrates a novel partitioning algorithm as well as a set of matching learning techniques. The partitioning method is based on hierarchical clustering and does not generate isolated partitions. The matching learning approach employs different techniques: (i) local matching tasks are independently and automatically aligned using their local classifiers, which are based on local training sets built from element level and structure level features, (ii) resampling techniques are used to balance each local training set, and (iii) feature selection techniques are used to automatically select the appropriate tuning parameters for each local matching context. Our local matching learning approach generates a set of combined alignments from each local matching task, and experiments show that a multiple local classifier approach outperforms conventional, state-of-the-art approaches: these use a single classifier for the whole ontology matching task. In addition, focusing on context-aware local training sets based on local feature selection and resampling techniques significantly enhances the obtained results

    Improved PrefixSpan Algorithm for Efficient Processing of Large Data

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    PrefixSpan (Prefix-projected Sequential pattern mining) algorithm is very well known algorithm for sequential data mining. It extracts the sequential patterns through pattern growth method. The algorithm performs very well for small datasets. As the size of datasets increases the overall time for finding the sequential patterns also get increased. The efficiency of PrefixSpan algorithm gets reduced while processing the large data. The cost of constructing the projected dataset is also huge which ultimately affect the memory utilization. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15072

    Enhancing FP-Growth Performance Using Multi-threading based on Comparative Study

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    The time required for generating frequent patterns plays an important role in mining association rules, especially when there exist a large number of patterns and/or long patterns. Association rule mining has been focused as a major challenge within the field of data mining in research for over a decade. Although tremendous progress has been made, algorithms still need improvements since databases are growing larger and larger. In this research we present a performance comparison between two frequent pattern extraction algorithms implemented in Java, they are the Recursive Elimination (RElim) and FP-Growth, these algorithms are used in finding frequent itemsets in the transaction database. We found that FP-growth outperformed RElim in term of execution time. In this context, multithreading is used to enhance the time efficiency of FP-growth algorithm. The results showed that multithreaded FP-growth is more efficient compared to single threaded FP-growth

    Interactive Knowledge Discovery for Temporal Lobe Epilepsy

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