47 research outputs found

    Re-ranking of Yahoo snippets with the JIRS passage retrieval system

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    Comunicación presentada en: Workshop on Cross Lingual Information Access, CLIA-2007, 20th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI-07, Hyderabad, India, January 6-12, 2007Passage Retrieval (PR) systems are used as first step of the actual Question Answering (QA) systems. Usually, PR systems are traditional information retrieval systems which are not oriented to the specific problem of QA. In fact, these systems only search for the question keywords. JIRS Distance Density n-gram system is a QA-oriented PR system which has given good results in QA tasks when this is applied over static document collections. JIRS is able to search for the question structure in the document collection in order to find the passages with the greatest probability to contain the answer. JIRS is a language-independent PR system which has been already adapted to a few non-agglutinative European languages (such as Spanish, Italian, English and French) as well as to the Arabic language. A first attempt to adapt it to the Urdu Indian language was also made. In this paper, we investigate the possibility of basing on the web the JIRS retrieval of passages. The experiments we carried out show that JIRS allow to improve the coverage of the correct answers re-ranking the snippets obtained with Yahoo search engine.ICT EU-India; TEXT-MESS CICY

    Finding answers to questions, in text collections or web, in open domain or specialty domains

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    International audienceThis chapter is dedicated to factual question answering, i.e. extracting precise and exact answers to question given in natural language from texts. A question in natural language gives more information than a bag of word query (i.e. a query made of a list of words), and provides clues for finding precise answers. We will first focus on the presentation of the underlying problems mainly due to the existence of linguistic variations between questions and their answerable pieces of texts for selecting relevant passages and extracting reliable answers. We will first present how to answer factual question in open domain. We will also present answering questions in specialty domain as it requires dealing with semi-structured knowledge and specialized terminologies, and can lead to different applications, as information management in corporations for example. Searching answers on the Web constitutes another application frame and introduces specificities linked to Web redundancy or collaborative usage. Besides, the Web is also multilingual, and a challenging problem consists in searching answers in target language documents other than the source language of the question. For all these topics, we present main approaches and the remaining problems

    Event-Based Modelling in Question Answering

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    In der natürlichen Sprachverarbeitung haben Frage-Antwort-Systeme in der letzten Dekade stark an Bedeutung gewonnen. Vor allem durch robuste Werkzeuge wie statistische Syntax-Parser und Eigennamenerkenner ist es möglich geworden, linguistisch strukturierte Informationen aus unannotierten Textkorpora zu gewinnen. Zusätzlich werden durch die Text REtrieval Conference (TREC) jährlich Maßstäbe für allgemeine domänen-unabhängige Frage-Antwort-Szenarien definiert. In der Regel funktionieren Frage-Antwort-Systeme nur gut, wenn sie robuste Verfahren für die unterschiedlichen Fragetypen, die in einer Fragemenge vorkommen, implementieren. Ein charakteristischer Fragetyp sind die sogenannten Ereignisfragen. Obwohl Ereignisse schon seit Mitte des vorigen Jahrhunderts in der theoretischen Linguistik, vor allem in der Satzsemantik, Gegenstand intensive Forschung sind, so blieben sie bislang im Bezug auf Frage-Antwort-Systeme weitgehend unerforscht. Deshalb widmet sich diese Diplomarbeit diesem Problem. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist zum Einen eine Charakterisierung von Ereignisstruktur in Frage-Antwort Systemen, die unter Berücksichtigung der theoretischen Linguistik sowie einer Analyse der TREC 2005 Fragemenge entstehen soll. Zum Anderen soll ein Ereignis-basiertes Antwort-Extraktionsverfahren entworfen und implementiert werden, das sich auf den Ergebnissen dieser Analyse stützt. Informationen von diversen linguistischen Ebenen sollen daten-getrieben in einem uniformen Modell integriert werden. Spezielle linguistische Ressourcen, wie z.B. WordNet und Subkategorisierungslexika werden dabei eine zentrale Rolle einnehmen. Ferner soll eine Ereignisstruktur vorgestellt werden, die das Abpassen von Ereignissen unabhängig davon, ob sie von Vollverben oder Nominalisierungen evoziert werden, erlaubt. Mit der Implementierung eines Ereignis-basierten Antwort-Extraktionsmoduls soll letztendlich auch die Frage beantwortet werden, ob eine explizite Ereignismodellierung die Performanz eines Frage-Antwort-Systems verbessern kann

    Information fusion for automated question answering

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    Until recently, research efforts in automated Question Answering (QA) have mainly focused on getting a good understanding of questions to retrieve correct answers. This includes deep parsing, lookups in ontologies, question typing and machine learning of answer patterns appropriate to question forms. In contrast, I have focused on the analysis of the relationships between answer candidates as provided in open domain QA on multiple documents. I argue that such candidates have intrinsic properties, partly regardless of the question, and those properties can be exploited to provide better quality and more user-oriented answers in QA.Information fusion refers to the technique of merging pieces of information from different sources. In QA over free text, it is motivated by the frequency with which different answer candidates are found in different locations, leading to a multiplicity of answers. The reason for such multiplicity is, in part, the massive amount of data used for answering, and also its unstructured and heterogeneous content: Besides am¬ biguities in user questions leading to heterogeneity in extractions, systems have to deal with redundancy, granularity and possible contradictory information. Hence the need for answer candidate comparison. While frequency has proved to be a significant char¬ acteristic of a correct answer, I evaluate the value of other relationships characterizing answer variability and redundancy.Partially inspired by recent developments in multi-document summarization, I re¬ define the concept of "answer" within an engineering approach to QA based on the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern of user interface design. An "answer model" is a directed graph in which nodes correspond to entities projected from extractions and edges convey relationships between such nodes. The graph represents the fusion of information contained in the set of extractions. Different views of the answer model can be produced, capturing the fact that the same answer can be expressed and pre¬ sented in various ways: picture, video, sound, written or spoken language, or a formal data structure. Within this framework, an answer is a structured object contained in the model and retrieved by a strategy to build a particular view depending on the end user (or taskj's requirements.I describe shallow techniques to compare entities and enrich the model by discovering four broad categories of relationships between entities in the model: equivalence, inclusion, aggregation and alternative. Quantitatively, answer candidate modeling im¬ proves answer extraction accuracy. It also proves to be more robust to incorrect answer candidates than traditional techniques. Qualitatively, models provide meta-information encoded by relationships that allow shallow reasoning to help organize and generate the final output

    Apports de la linguistique dans les systèmes de recherche d'informations précises

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    International audienceSearching for precise answers to questions, also called "question-answering", is an evolution of information retrieval systems: can it, as its predecessors, rely mostly on numeric methods, using exceedingly little linguistic knowledge? After a presentation of the question-answering task and the issues it raises, we examine to which extent it can be performed with very little linguistic knowledge. We then review the different kinds of linguistic knowledge that researchers have been using in their systems: syntactic and semantic knowledge for sentence analysis, role of "named entity" recognition, taking into account of the textual dimension of documents. A discussion on the respective contributions of linguistic and non-linguistic methods concludes the paper.La recherche de réponses précises à des questions, aussi appelée « questions-réponses », est une évolution des systèmes de recherche d'information : peut-elle, comme ses prédécesseurs, se satisfaire de méthodes essentiellement numériques, utilisant extrêmement peu de connaissances linguistiques ? Après avoir présenté la tâche de questions-réponses et les enjeux qu'elle soulève, nous examinons jusqu'où on peut la réaliser avec très peu de connaissances linguistiques. Nous passons ensuite en revue les différents types de connaissances linguistiques que les équipes ont été amenées à mobiliser : connaissances syntaxiques et sémantiques pour l'analyse de phrases, rôle de la reconnaissance d'« entités nommées », prise en compte de la dimension textuelle des documents. Une discussion sur les contributions respectives des méthodes linguistiques et non linguistiques clôt l'article

    Topic indexing and retrieval for open domain factoid question answering

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    Factoid Question Answering is an exciting area of Natural Language Engineering that has the potential to replace one major use of search engines today. In this dissertation, I introduce a new method of handling factoid questions whose answers are proper names. The method, Topic Indexing and Retrieval, addresses two issues that prevent current factoid QA system from realising this potential: They can’t satisfy users’ demand for almost immediate answers, and they can’t produce answers based on evidence distributed across a corpus. The first issue arises because the architecture common to QA systems is not easily scaled to heavy use because so much of the work is done on-line: Text retrieved by information retrieval (IR) undergoes expensive and time-consuming answer extraction while the user awaits an answer. If QA systems are to become as heavily used as popular web search engines, this massive process bottle-neck must be overcome. The second issue of how to make use of the distributed evidence in a corpus is relevant when no single passage in the corpus provides sufficient evidence for an answer to a given question. QA systems commonly look for a text span that contains sufficient evidence to both locate and justify an answer. But this will fail in the case of questions that require evidence from more than one passage in the corpus. Topic Indexing and Retrieval method developed in this thesis addresses both these issues for factoid questions with proper name answers by restructuring the corpus in such a way that it enables direct retrieval of answers using off-the-shelf IR. The method has been evaluated on 377 TREC questions with proper name answers and 41 questions that require multiple pieces of evidence from different parts of the TREC AQUAINT corpus. With regards to the first evaluation, scores of 0.340 in Accuracy and 0.395 in Mean Reciprocal Rank (MRR) show that the Topic Indexing and Retrieval performs well for this type of questions. A second evaluation compares performance on a corpus of 41 multi-evidence questions by a question-factoring baseline method that can be used with the standard QA architecture and by my Topic Indexing and Retrieval method. The superior performance of the latter (MRR of 0.454 against 0.341) demonstrates its value in answering such questions