475 research outputs found

    Question Answering on Scholarly Knowledge Graphs

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    Answering questions on scholarly knowledge comprising text and other artifacts is a vital part of any research life cycle. Querying scholarly knowledge and retrieving suitable answers is currently hardly possible due to the following primary reason: machine inactionable, ambiguous and unstructured content in publications. We present JarvisQA, a BERT based system to answer questions on tabular views of scholarly knowledge graphs. Such tables can be found in a variety of shapes in the scholarly literature (e.g., surveys, comparisons or results). Our system can retrieve direct answers to a variety of different questions asked on tabular data in articles. Furthermore, we present a preliminary dataset of related tables and a corresponding set of natural language questions. This dataset is used as a benchmark for our system and can be reused by others. Additionally, JarvisQA is evaluated on two datasets against other baselines and shows an improvement of two to three folds in performance compared to related methods.Comment: Pre-print for TPDL2020 accepted full paper, 14 page

    Sentence, Phrase, and Triple Annotations to Build a Knowledge Graph of Natural Language Processing Contributions - A Trial Dataset

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    This work aims to normalize the NlpContributions scheme (henceforward, NlpContributionGraph) to structure, directly from article sentences, the contributions information in Natural Language Processing (NLP) scholarly articles via a two-stage annotation methodology: 1) pilot stage—to define the scheme (described in prior work); and 2) adjudication stage—to normalize the graphing model (the focus of this paper). We re-annotate, a second time, the contributions-pertinent information across 50 prior-annotated NLP scholarly articles in terms of a data pipeline comprising: contribution-centered sentences, phrases, and triple statements. To this end, specifically, care was taken in the adjudication annotation stage to reduce annotation noise while formulating the guidelines for our proposed novel NLP contributions structuring and graphing scheme. The application of NlpContributionGraph on the 50 articles resulted finally in a dataset of 900 contribution-focused sentences, 4,702 contribution-information-centered phrases, and 2,980 surface-structured triples. The intra-annotation agreement between the first and second stages, in terms of F1-score, was 67.92% for sentences, 41.82% for phrases, and 22.31% for triple statements indicating that with increased granularity of the information, the annotation decision variance is greater. NlpContributionGraph has limited scope for structuring scholarly contributions compared with STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Medicine) scholarly knowledge at large. Further, the annotation scheme in this work is designed by only an intra-annotator consensus—a single annotator first annotated the data to propose the initial scheme, following which, the same annotator reannotated the data to normalize the annotations in an adjudication stage. However, the expected goal of this work is to achieve a standardized retrospective model of capturing NLP contributions from scholarly articles. This would entail a larger initiative of enlisting multiple annotators to accommodate different worldviews into a “single” set of structures and relationships as the final scheme. Given that the initial scheme is first proposed and the complexity of the annotation task in the realistic timeframe, our intra-annotation procedure is well-suited. Nevertheless, the model proposed in this work is presently limited since it does not incorporate multiple annotator worldviews. This is planned as future work to produce a robust model. We demonstrate NlpContributionGraph data integrated into the Open Research Knowledge Graph (ORKG), a next-generation KG-based digital library with intelligent computations enabled over structured scholarly knowledge, as a viable aid to assist researchers in their day-to-day tasks. NlpContributionGraph is a novel scheme to annotate research contributions from NLP articles and integrate them in a knowledge graph, which to the best of our knowledge does not exist in the community. Furthermore, our quantitative evaluations over the two-stage annotation tasks offer insights into task difficulty

    Joint models for information and knowledge extraction

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    Information and knowledge extraction from natural language text is a key asset for question answering, semantic search, automatic summarization, and other machine reading applications. There are many sub-tasks involved such as named entity recognition, named entity disambiguation, co-reference resolution, relation extraction, event detection, discourse parsing, and others. Solving these tasks is challenging as natural language text is unstructured, noisy, and ambiguous. Key challenges, which focus on identifying and linking named entities, as well as discovering relations between them, include: • High NERD Quality. Named entity recognition and disambiguation, NERD for short, are preformed first in the extraction pipeline. Their results may affect other downstream tasks. • Coverage vs. Quality of Relation Extraction. Model-based information extraction methods achieve high extraction quality at low coverage, whereas open information extraction methods capture relational phrases between entities. However, the latter degrades in quality by non-canonicalized and noisy output. These limitations need to be overcome. • On-the-fly Knowledge Acquisition. Real-world applications such as question answering, monitoring content streams, etc. demand on-the-fly knowledge acquisition. Building such an end-to-end system is challenging because it requires high throughput, high extraction quality, and high coverage. This dissertation addresses the above challenges, developing new methods to advance the state of the art. The first contribution is a robust model for joint inference between entity recognition and disambiguation. The second contribution is a novel model for relation extraction and entity disambiguation on Wikipediastyle text. The third contribution is an end-to-end system for constructing querydriven, on-the-fly knowledge bases.Informations- und Wissensextraktion aus natürlichsprachlichen Texten sind Schlüsselthemen vieler wissensbassierter Anwendungen. Darunter fallen zum Beispiel Frage-Antwort-Systeme, semantische Suchmaschinen, oder Applikationen zur automatischen Zusammenfassung und zum maschinellem Lesen von Texten. Zur Lösung dieser Aufgaben müssen u.a. Teilaufgaben, wie die Erkennung und Disambiguierung benannter Entitäten, Koreferenzresolution, Relationsextraktion, Ereigniserkennung, oder Diskursparsen, durchgeführt werden. Solche Aufgaben stellen eine Herausforderung dar, da Texte natürlicher Sprache in der Regel unstrukturiert, verrauscht und mehrdeutig sind. Folgende zentrale Herausforderungen adressieren sowohl die Identifizierung und das Verknüpfen benannter Entitäten als auch das Erkennen von Beziehungen zwischen diesen Entitäten: • Hohe NERD Qualität. Die Erkennung und Disambiguierung benannter Entitäten (engl. "Named Entity Recognition and Disambiguation", kurz "NERD") wird in Extraktionspipelines in der Regel zuerst ausgeführt. Die Ergebnisse beeinflussen andere nachgelagerte Aufgaben. • Abdeckung und Qualität der Relationsextraktion. Modellbasierte Informationsextraktionsmethoden erzielen eine hohe Extraktionsqualität, bei allerdings niedriger Abdeckung. Offene Informationsextraktionsmethoden erfassen relationale Phrasen zwischen Entitäten. Allerdings leiden diese Methoden an niedriger Qualität durch mehrdeutige Entitäten und verrauschte Ausgaben. Diese Einschränkungen müssen überwunden werden. • On-the-Fly Wissensakquisition. Reale Anwendungen wie Frage-Antwort- Systeme, die Überwachung von Inhaltsströmen usw. erfordern On-the-Fly Wissensakquise. Die Entwicklung solcher ganzheitlichen Systeme stellt eine hohe Herausforderung dar, da ein hoher Durchsatz, eine hohe Extraktionsqualität sowie eine hohe Abdeckung erforderlich sind. Diese Arbeit adressiert diese Probleme und stellt neue Methoden vor, um den aktuellen Stand der Forschung zu erweitern. Diese sind: • Ein robustesModell zur integrierten Inferenz zur gemeinschaftlichen Erkennung und Disambiguierung von Entitäten. • Ein neues Modell zur Relationsextraktion und Disambiguierung von Wikipedia-ähnlichen Texten. • Ein ganzheitliches System zur Erstellung Anfrage-getriebener On-the-Fly Wissensbanken

    Fourteenth Biennial Status Report: März 2017 - February 2019

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    Pix2Struct: Screenshot Parsing as Pretraining for Visual Language Understanding

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    Visually-situated language is ubiquitous -- sources range from textbooks with diagrams to web pages with images and tables, to mobile apps with buttons and forms. Perhaps due to this diversity, previous work has typically relied on domain-specific recipes with limited sharing of the underlying data, model architectures, and objectives. We present Pix2Struct, a pretrained image-to-text model for purely visual language understanding, which can be finetuned on tasks containing visually-situated language. Pix2Struct is pretrained by learning to parse masked screenshots of web pages into simplified HTML. The web, with its richness of visual elements cleanly reflected in the HTML structure, provides a large source of pretraining data well suited to the diversity of downstream tasks. Intuitively, this objective subsumes common pretraining signals such as OCR, language modeling, image captioning. In addition to the novel pretraining strategy, we introduce a variable-resolution input representation and a more flexible integration of language and vision inputs, where language prompts such as questions are rendered directly on top of the input image. For the first time, we show that a single pretrained model can achieve state-of-the-art results in six out of nine tasks across four domains: documents, illustrations, user interfaces, and natural images

    ORKG-Leaderboards: a systematic workflow for mining leaderboards as a knowledge graph

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    The purpose of this work is to describe the orkg-Leaderboard software designed to extract leaderboards defined as task–dataset–metric tuples automatically from large collections of empirical research papers in artificial intelligence (AI). The software can support both the main workflows of scholarly publishing, viz. as LaTeX files or as PDF files. Furthermore, the system is integrated with the open research knowledge graph (ORKG) platform, which fosters the machine-actionable publishing of scholarly findings. Thus, the systemsss output, when integrated within the ORKG’s supported Semantic Web infrastructure of representing machine-actionable ‘resources’ on the Web, enables: (1) broadly, the integration of empirical results of researchers across the world, thus enabling transparency in empirical research with the potential to also being complete contingent on the underlying data source(s) of publications; and (2) specifically, enables researchers to track the progress in AI with an overview of the state-of-the-art across the most common AI tasks and their corresponding datasets via dynamic ORKG frontend views leveraging tables and visualization charts over the machine-actionable data. Our best model achieves performances above 90% F1 on the leaderboard extraction task, thus proving orkg-Leaderboards a practically viable tool for real-world usage. Going forward, in a sense, orkg-Leaderboards transforms the leaderboard extraction task to an automated digitalization task, which has been, for a long time in the community, a crowdsourced endeavor
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