53,079 research outputs found

    An approach for incremental entity resolution at the example of social media data

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    When querying data providers on the web, one has no guarantee that they will reply within a given time. Some providers may even not answer at all. This makes it infeasible to wait for a complete result before beginning with the entity resolution. In order to solve this problem, we present a query-time entity resolution approach that takes the asynchronous nature of the replies from data providers into account by starting the entity resolution as soon as first results are returned. Resolved entities are propagated from the entity resolution engine to the mobile client as early as possible. Resolution results that are produced later are send as updates to the client and thus improve earlier results

    Towards Scalable Real-Time Entity Resolution using a Similarity-Aware Inverted Index Approach

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    Most research into entity resolution (also known as record linkage or data matching) has concentrated on the quality of the matching results. In this paper, we focus on matching time and scalability, with the aim to achieve large-scale real-time entity resolution. Traditional entity resolution techniques have as-sumed the matching of two static databases. In our networked and online world, however, it is becoming increasingly important for many organisations to be able to conduct entity resolution between a collection of often very large databases and a stream of query or update records. The matching should be done in (near) real-time, and be as automatic and accurate as possible, returning a ranked list of matched records for each given query record. This task therefore be-comes similar to querying large document collections, as done for example by Web search engines, however based on a different type of documents: structured database records that, for example, contain personal information, such as names and addresses. In this paper, we investigate inverted indexing techniques, as commonly used in Web search engines, and employ them for real-time entity resolution. We present two variations of the traditional inverted in-dex approach, aimed at facilitating fast approximate matching. We show encouraging initial results on large real-world data sets, with the inverted index ap-proaches being up-to one hundred times faster than the traditionally used standard blocking approach. However, this improved matching speed currently comes at a cost, in that matching quality for larger data sets can be lower compared to when tandard blocking is used, and thus more work is required

    An Incremental Approach to Entity Resolution

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    We present a query-time entity resolution process that works in a highly parallel fashion. We use the application MobEx to showcase our process, which consists of a mobile client and a server, where the server takes the role of a mediator and carries out the resolution. Results are propagated to the client as early as possible. Resolution results that are produced later in the process are send as updates to the client and thus improve earlier results

    Dynamic sorted neighborhood indexing for real-time entity resolution

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    Real-time Entity Resolution (ER) is the process of matching query records in subsecond time with records in a database that represent the same real-world entity. Indexing techniques are generally used to efficiently extract a set of candidate records from the database that are similar to a query record, and that are to be compared with the query record in more detail. The sorted neighborhood indexing method, which sorts a database and compares records within a sliding window, has been successfully used for ER of large static databases. However, because it is based on static sorted arrays and is designed for batch ER that resolves all records in a database rather than resolving those relating to a single query record, this technique is not suitable for real-time ER on dynamic databases that are constantly updated. We propose a tree-based technique that facilitates dynamic indexing based on the sorted neighborhood method, which can be used for real-time ER, and investigate both static and adaptive window approaches. We propose an approach to reduce query matching times by precalculating the similarities between attribute values stored in neighboring tree nodes. We also propose a multitree solution where different sorting keys are used to reduce the effects of errors and variations in attribute values on matching quality by building several distinct index trees. We experimentally evaluate our proposed techniques on large real datasets, as well as on synthetic data with different data quality characteristics. Our results show that as the index grows, no appreciable increase occurs in both record insertion and query times, and that using multiple trees gives noticeable improvements on matching quality with only a small increase in query time. Compared to earlier indexing techniques for real-time ER, our approach achieves significantly reduced indexing and query matching times while maintaining high matching accuracy

    Query-Driven Sampling for Collective Entity Resolution

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    Probabilistic databases play a preeminent role in the processing and management of uncertain data. Recently, many database research efforts have integrated probabilistic models into databases to support tasks such as information extraction and labeling. Many of these efforts are based on batch oriented inference which inhibits a realtime workflow. One important task is entity resolution (ER). ER is the process of determining records (mentions) in a database that correspond to the same real-world entity. Traditional pairwise ER methods can lead to inconsistencies and low accuracy due to localized decisions. Leading ER systems solve this problem by collectively resolving all records using a probabilistic graphical model and Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) inference. However, for large datasets this is an extremely expensive process. One key observation is that, such exhaustive ER process incurs a huge up-front cost, which is wasteful in practice because most users are interested in only a small subset of entities. In this paper, we advocate pay-as-you-go entity resolution by developing a number of query-driven collective ER techniques. We introduce two classes of SQL queries that involve ER operators --- selection-driven ER and join-driven ER. We implement novel variations of the MCMC Metropolis Hastings algorithm to generate biased samples and selectivity-based scheduling algorithms to support the two classes of ER queries. Finally, we show that query-driven ER algorithms can converge and return results within minutes over a database populated with the extraction from a newswire dataset containing 71 million mentions

    Noise-tolerant approximate blocking for dynamic real-time entity resolution

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    Entity resolution is the process of identifying records in one or multiple data sources that represent the same real-world entity. This process needs to deal with noisy data that contain for example wrong pronunciation or spelling errors. Many real world applications require rapid responses for entity queries on dynamic datasets. This brings challenges to existing approaches which are mainly aimed at the batch matching of records in static data. Locality sensitive hashing (LSH) is an approximate blocking approach that hashes objects within a certain distance into the same block with high probability. How to make approximate blocking approaches scalable to large datasets and effective for entity resolution in real-time remains an open question. Targeting this problem, we propose a noise-tolerant approximate blocking approach to index records based on their distance ranges using LSH and sorting trees within large sized hash blocks. Experiments conducted on both synthetic and real-world datasets show the effectiveness of the proposed approach

    Collective Entity Resolution In Relational Data

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    Many databases contain imprecise references to real-world entities. For example, a social-network database records names of people. But different people can go by the same name and there may be different observed names referring to the same person. The goal of entity resolution is to determine the mapping from database references to discovered real-world entities. Traditional entity resolution approaches consider approximate matches between attributes of individual references, but this does not always work well. In many domains, such as social networks and academic circles, the underlying entities exhibit strong ties to each other, and as a result, their references often co-occur in the data. In this dissertation, I focus on the use of such co-occurrence relationships for jointly resolving entities. I refer to this problem as `collective entity resolution'. First, I propose a relational clustering algorithm for iteratively discovering entities by clustering references taking into account the clusters of co-occurring references. Next, I propose a probabilistic generative model for collective resolution that finds hidden group structures among the entities and uses the latent groups as evidence for entity resolution. One of my contributions is an efficient unsupervised inference algorithm for this model using Gibbs Sampling techniques that discovers the most likely number of entities. Both of these approaches improve performance over attribute-only baselines in multiple real world and synthetic datasets. I also perform a theoretical analysis of how the structural properties of the data affect collective entity resolution and verify the predicted trends experimentally. In addition, I motivate the problem of query-time entity resolution. I propose an adaptive algorithm that uses collective resolution for answering queries by recursively exploring and resolving related references. This enables resolution at query-time, while preserving the performance benefits of collective resolution. Finally, as an application of entity resolution in the domain of natural language processing, I study the sense disambiguation problem and propose models for collective sense disambiguation using multiple languages that outperform other unsupervised approaches
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