1,001 research outputs found

    The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Science Archive: Migrating a Multi-Terabyte Astronomical Archive from Object to Relational DBMS

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    The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Science Archive is the first in a series of multi-Terabyte digital archives in Astronomy and other data-intensive sciences. To facilitate data mining in the SDSS archive, we adapted a commercial database engine and built specialized tools on top of it. Originally we chose an object-oriented database management system due to its data organization capabilities, platform independence, query performance and conceptual fit to the data. However, after using the object database for the first couple of years of the project, it soon began to fall short in terms of its query support and data mining performance. This was as much due to the inability of the database vendor to respond our demands for features and bug fixes as it was due to their failure to keep up with the rapid improvements in hardware performance, particularly faster RAID disk systems. In the end, we were forced to abandon the object database and migrate our data to a relational database. We describe below the technical issues that we faced with the object database and how and why we migrated to relational technology

    C4.5 Decision Tree Algorithm for Spatial Data, Alternatives and Performances

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    Using data mining techniques on spatial data is more complex than on classical data. To be able to extract useful patterns, the spatial data mining algorithms must deal with the representation of data as stack of thematic layers and consider, in addition to the object of interest itself, its neighbors linked through implicit spatial relations. The application of the classification by decision trees combined with the visualization tools represents a convenient decision support tool for spatial data analysis. The purpose of this paper is to provide and evaluate an alternative spatial classification algorithm that supports the thematic-layered data organization, by the adaptation of the C4.5 decision tree algorithm to spatial data, named S-C4.5, inspired by the SCART and spatial ID3 algorithms and the adoption of the Spatial Join Index. Our work concerns both data organization and the algorithm adaptation. Decision tree construction was experimented on traffic accident dataset and benchmarked on both computation time and memory consumption according to different experimentations: study of phenomenon by a single and then by multiple other phenomena, including one or more spatial relations. Different approaches used show compromised and balanced results between memory usage and computation time

    The Vadalog System: Datalog-based Reasoning for Knowledge Graphs

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    Over the past years, there has been a resurgence of Datalog-based systems in the database community as well as in industry. In this context, it has been recognized that to handle the complex knowl\-edge-based scenarios encountered today, such as reasoning over large knowledge graphs, Datalog has to be extended with features such as existential quantification. Yet, Datalog-based reasoning in the presence of existential quantification is in general undecidable. Many efforts have been made to define decidable fragments. Warded Datalog+/- is a very promising one, as it captures PTIME complexity while allowing ontological reasoning. Yet so far, no implementation of Warded Datalog+/- was available. In this paper we present the Vadalog system, a Datalog-based system for performing complex logic reasoning tasks, such as those required in advanced knowledge graphs. The Vadalog system is Oxford's contribution to the VADA research programme, a joint effort of the universities of Oxford, Manchester and Edinburgh and around 20 industrial partners. As the main contribution of this paper, we illustrate the first implementation of Warded Datalog+/-, a high-performance Datalog+/- system utilizing an aggressive termination control strategy. We also provide a comprehensive experimental evaluation.Comment: Extended version of VLDB paper <https://doi.org/10.14778/3213880.3213888

    FICCS; A Fact Integrity Constraint Checking System

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    Bench-Ranking: ettekirjutav analüüsimeetod suurte teadmiste graafide päringutele

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    Relatsiooniliste suurandmete (BD) töötlemisraamistike kasutamine suurte teadmiste graafide töötlemiseks kätkeb endas võimalust päringu jõudlust optimeerimida. Kaasaegsed BD-süsteemid on samas keerulised andmesüsteemid, mille konfiguratsioonid omavad olulist mõju jõudlusele. Erinevate raamistike ja konfiguratsioonide võrdlusuuringud pakuvad kogukonnale parimaid tavasid parema jõudluse saavutamiseks. Enamik neist võrdlusuuringutest saab liigitada siiski vaid kirjeldavaks ja diagnostiliseks analüütikaks. Lisaks puudub ühtne standard nende uuringute võrdlemiseks kvantitatiivselt järjestatud kujul. Veelgi enam, suurte graafide töötlemiseks vajalike konveierite kavandamine eeldab täiendavaid disainiotsuseid mis tulenevad mitteloomulikust (relatsioonilisest) graafi töötlemise paradigmast. Taolisi disainiotsuseid ei saa automaatselt langetada, nt relatsiooniskeemi, partitsioonitehnika ja salvestusvormingute valikut. Käesolevas töös käsitleme kuidas me antud uurimuslünga täidame. Esmalt näitame disainiotsuste kompromisside mõju BD-süsteemide jõudluse korratavusele suurte teadmiste graafide päringute tegemisel. Lisaks näitame BD-raamistike jõudluse kirjeldavate ja diagnostiliste analüüside piiranguid suurte graafide päringute tegemisel. Seejärel uurime, kuidas lubada ettekirjutavat analüütikat järjestamisfunktsioonide ja mitmemõõtmeliste optimeerimistehnikate (nn "Bench-Ranking") kaudu. See lähenemine peidab kirjeldava tulemusanalüüsi keerukuse, suunates praktiku otse teostatavate teadlike otsusteni.Leveraging relational Big Data (BD) processing frameworks to process large knowledge graphs yields a great interest in optimizing query performance. Modern BD systems are yet complicated data systems, where the configurations notably affect the performance. Benchmarking different frameworks and configurations provides the community with best practices for better performance. However, most of these benchmarking efforts are classified as descriptive and diagnostic analytics. Moreover, there is no standard for comparing these benchmarks based on quantitative ranking techniques. Moreover, designing mature pipelines for processing big graphs entails considering additional design decisions that emerge with the non-native (relational) graph processing paradigm. Those design decisions cannot be decided automatically, e.g., the choice of the relational schema, partitioning technique, and storage formats. Thus, in this thesis, we discuss how our work fills this timely research gap. Particularly, we first show the impact of those design decisions’ trade-offs on the BD systems’ performance replicability when querying large knowledge graphs. Moreover, we showed the limitations of the descriptive and diagnostic analyses of BD frameworks’ performance for querying large graphs. Thus, we investigate how to enable prescriptive analytics via ranking functions and Multi-Dimensional optimization techniques (called ”Bench-Ranking”). This approach abstracts out from the complexity of descriptive performance analysis, guiding the practitioner directly to actionable informed decisions.https://www.ester.ee/record=b553332

    Intelligent search in social communities of smartphone users

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    Social communities of smartphone users have recently gained significant interest due to their wide social penetration. The applications in this domain,however, currently rely on centralized or cloud-like architectures for data sharing and searching tasks, introducing both data-disclosure and performance concerns. In this paper, we present a distributed search architecture for intelligent search of objects in a mobile social community. Our framework, coined SmartOpt, is founded on an in-situ data storage model, where captured objects remain local on smartphones and searches then take place over an intelligent multi-objective lookup structure we compute dynamically. Our MO-QRT structure optimizes several conflicting objectives, using a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm that calculates a diverse set of high quality non-dominated solutions in a single run. Then a decision-making subsystem is utilized to tune the retrieval preferences of the query user. We assess our ideas both using trace-driven experiments with mobility and social patterns derived by Microsoft’s GeoLife project, DBLP and Pics ‘n’ Trails but also using our real Android SmartP2P3 system deployed over our SmartLab4 testbed of 40+ smartphones. Our study reveals that SmartOpt yields high query recall rates of 95%, with one order of magnitude less time and two orders of magnitude less energy than its competitors

    Database system architecture supporting coexisting query languages and data models

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    SIGLELD:D48239/84 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo

    An index for moving objects with constant-time access to their compressed trajectories

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in International Journal of Geographical Information Science in 2021, available at: https://doi.org/10.1080/13658816.2020.1833015Versión final aceptada de: Nieves R. Brisaboa, Travis Gagie, Adrián Gómez-Brandón, Gonzalo Navarro & José R. Paramá (2021) An index for moving objects with constant-time access to their compressed trajectories, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 35:7, 1392-1424, DOI: 10.1080/13658816.2020.1833015[Abstract]: As the number of vehicles and devices equipped with GPS technology has grown explosively, an urgent need has arisen for time- and space-efficient data structures to represent their trajectories. The most commonly desired queries are the following: queries about an object’s trajectory, range queries, and nearest neighbor queries. In this paper, we consider that the objects can move freely and we present a new compressed data structure for storing their trajectories, based on a combination of logs and snapshots, with the logs storing sequences of the objects’ relative movements and the snapshots storing their absolute positions sampled at regular time intervals. We call our data structure ContaCT because it provides Constant- time access to Compressed Trajectories. Its logs are based on a compact partial-sums data structure that returns cumulative displacement in constant time, and allows us to compute in constant time any object’s position at any instant, enabling a speedup when processing several other queries. We have compared ContaCT experimentally with another compact data structure for trajectories, called GraCT, and with a classic spatio-temporal index, the MVR-tree. Our results show that ContaCT outperforms the MVR-tree by orders of magnitude in space and also outperforms the compressed representation in time performance.This work was supported by Xunta de Galicia/FEDER-UE under Grants [IN848D-2017-2350417; IN852A 2018/14; ED431C 2017/58]; Xunta de Galicia and European Union (European Regional Development Fund- Galicia 2014-2020 Program) with the support of CITIC research center under Grant [ED431G 2019/01]; Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades under Grants [TIN2016-78011-C4-1-R; RTC-2017-5908-7]; A.G. was supported by Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional (FPU) [grant number FPU16/02914]; G.N. was supported by ANID - Millennium Science Initiative Program under Grant [ICN17_002]; and Fondecyt under Grant [1-200038]. T.G. was supported by NSERC under grant [RGPIN-2020-07185].Xunta de Galicia; IN848D-2017-2350417Xunta de Galicia; IN852A 2018/14Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2017/58Xunta de Galicia; ED431G 2019/0

    Dynamic Assembly for System Adaptability, Dependability, and Assurance

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    (DASASA) ProjectAuthor-contributed print ite