6,390 research outputs found

    Quasi-symmetric designs related to the triangular graph

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    Conditions for Singular Incidence Matrices

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    Suppose one looks for a square integral matrixN, for which NN has a prescribed form.Then the Hasse-Minkowski invariants and the determinant of NN lead to necessary conditions for existence.The Bruck-Ryser-Chowla theorem gives a famous example of such conditions in case N is the incidence matrix of a square block design.This approach fails when N is singular.In this paper it is shown that in some cases conditions can still be obtained if the kernels of N and N are known, or known to be rationally equivalent.This leads for example to non-existence conditions for selfdual generalised polygons, semi-regular square divisible designs and distance-regular graphs.singularities;matrices;graphs

    Three-class association schemes.

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    Geometric auxetics

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    We formulate a mathematical theory of auxetic behavior based on one-parameter deformations of periodic frameworks. Our approach is purely geometric, relies on the evolution of the periodicity lattice and works in any dimension. We demonstrate its usefulness by predicting or recognizing, without experiment, computer simulations or numerical approximations, the auxetic capabilities of several well-known structures available in the literature. We propose new principles of auxetic design and rely on the stronger notion of expansive behavior to provide an infinite supply of planar auxetic mechanisms and several new three-dimensional structures

    "Magic" numbers in Smale's 7th problem

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    Smale's 7-th problem concerns N-point configurations on the 2-dim sphere which minimize the logarithmic pair-energy V_0(r) = -ln r averaged over the pairs in a configuration; here, r is the chordal distance between the points forming a pair. More generally, V_0(r) may be replaced by the standardized Riesz pair-energy V_s(r)= (r^{-s} -1)/s, which becomes - ln r in the limit s to 0, and the sphere may be replaced by other compact manifolds. This paper inquires into the concavity of the map from the integers N>1 into the minimal average standardized Riesz pair-energies v_s(N) of the N-point configurations on the 2-sphere for various real s. It is known that v_s(N) is strictly increasing for each real s, and for s<2 also bounded above, hence "overall concave." It is (easily) proved that v_{-2}(N) is even locally strictly concave, and that so is v_s(2n) for s<-2. By analyzing computer-experimental data of putatively minimal average Riesz pair-energies v_s^x(N) for s in {-1,0,1,2,3} and N in {2,...,200}, it is found that {v}_{-1}^x(N) is locally strictly concave, while v_s^x(N) is not always locally strictly concave for s in {0,1,2,3}: concavity defects occur whenever N in C^{x}_+(s) (an s-specific empirical set of integers). It is found that the empirical map C^{x}_+(s), with s in {-2,-1,0,1,2,3}, is set-theoretically increasing; moreover, the percentage of odd numbers in C^{x}_+(s), s in {0,1,2,3}, is found to increase with s. The integers in C^{x}_+(0) are few and far between, forming a curious sequence of numbers, reminiscent of the "magic numbers" in nuclear physics. It is conjectured that the "magic numbers" in Smale's 7-th problem are associated with optimally symmetric optimal-energy configurations.Comment: 109 pages, of which 30 are numerical data tables. Thoroughly revised version, to appear in J. Stat. Phys. under the different title: `Optimal N point configurations on the sphere: "Magic" numbers and Smale's 7th problem