984 research outputs found

    Approximation Algorithms for Polynomial-Expansion and Low-Density Graphs

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    We study the family of intersection graphs of low density objects in low dimensional Euclidean space. This family is quite general, and includes planar graphs. We prove that such graphs have small separators. Next, we present efficient (1+Δ)(1+\varepsilon)-approximation algorithms for these graphs, for Independent Set, Set Cover, and Dominating Set problems, among others. We also prove corresponding hardness of approximation for some of these optimization problems, providing a characterization of their intractability in terms of density

    Packing and Covering with Non-Piercing Regions

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    In this paper, we design the first polynomial time approximation schemes for the Set Cover and Dominating Set problems when the underlying sets are non-piercing regions (which include pseudodisks). We show that the local search algorithm that yields PTASs when the regions are disks [Aschner/Katz/Morgenstern/Yuditsky, WALCOM 2013; Gibson/Pirwani, 2005; Mustafa/Raman/Ray, 2015] can be extended to work for non-piercing regions. While such an extension is intuitive and natural, attempts to settle this question have failed even for pseudodisks. The techniques used for analysis when the regions are disks rely heavily on the underlying geometry, and do not extend to topologically defined settings such as pseudodisks. In order to prove our results, we introduce novel techniques that we believe will find applications in other problems. We then consider the Capacitated Region Packing problem. Here, the input consists of a set of points with capacities, and a set of regions. The objective is to pick a maximum cardinality subset of regions so that no point is covered by more regions than its capacity. We show that this problem admits a PTAS when the regions are k-admissible regions (pseudodisks are 2-admissible), and the capacities are bounded. Our result settles a conjecture of Har-Peled (see Conclusion of [Har-Peled, SoCG 2014]) in the affirmative. The conjecture was for a weaker version of the problem, namely when the regions are pseudodisks, the capacities are uniform, and the point set consists of all points in the plane. Finally, we consider the Capacitated Point Packing problem. In this setting, the regions have capacities, and our objective is to find a maximum cardinality subset of points such that no region has more points than its capacity. We show that this problem admits a PTAS when the capacity is unity, extending one of the results of Ene et al. [Ene/Har-Peled/Raichel, SoCG 2012]

    Parameterized Approximation Schemes for Independent Set of Rectangles and Geometric Knapsack

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    The area of parameterized approximation seeks to combine approximation and parameterized algorithms to obtain, e.g., (1+epsilon)-approximations in f(k,epsilon)n^O(1) time where k is some parameter of the input. The goal is to overcome lower bounds from either of the areas. We obtain the following results on parameterized approximability: - In the maximum independent set of rectangles problem (MISR) we are given a collection of n axis parallel rectangles in the plane. Our goal is to select a maximum-cardinality subset of pairwise non-overlapping rectangles. This problem is NP-hard and also W[1]-hard [Marx, ESA\u2705]. The best-known polynomial-time approximation factor is O(log log n) [Chalermsook and Chuzhoy, SODA\u2709] and it admits a QPTAS [Adamaszek and Wiese, FOCS\u2713; Chuzhoy and Ene, FOCS\u2716]. Here we present a parameterized approximation scheme (PAS) for MISR, i.e. an algorithm that, for any given constant epsilon>0 and integer k>0, in time f(k,epsilon)n^g(epsilon), either outputs a solution of size at least k/(1+epsilon), or declares that the optimum solution has size less than k. - In the (2-dimensional) geometric knapsack problem (2DK) we are given an axis-aligned square knapsack and a collection of axis-aligned rectangles in the plane (items). Our goal is to translate a maximum cardinality subset of items into the knapsack so that the selected items do not overlap. In the version of 2DK with rotations (2DKR), we are allowed to rotate items by 90 degrees. Both variants are NP-hard, and the best-known polynomial-time approximation factor is 2+epsilon [Jansen and Zhang, SODA\u2704]. These problems admit a QPTAS for polynomially bounded item sizes [Adamaszek and Wiese, SODA\u2715]. We show that both variants are W[1]-hard. Furthermore, we present a PAS for 2DKR. For all considered problems, getting time f(k,epsilon)n^O(1), rather than f(k,epsilon)n^g(epsilon), would give FPT time f\u27(k)n^O(1) exact algorithms by setting epsilon=1/(k+1), contradicting W[1]-hardness. Instead, for each fixed epsilon>0, our PASs give (1+epsilon)-approximate solutions in FPT time. For both MISR and 2DKR our techniques also give rise to preprocessing algorithms that take n^g(epsilon) time and return a subset of at most k^g(epsilon) rectangles/items that contains a solution of size at least k/(1+epsilon) if a solution of size k exists. This is a special case of the recently introduced notion of a polynomial-size approximate kernelization scheme [Lokshtanov et al., STOC\u2717]

    Optimality program in segment and string graphs

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    Planar graphs are known to allow subexponential algorithms running in time 2O(n)2^{O(\sqrt n)} or 2O(nlog⁥n)2^{O(\sqrt n \log n)} for most of the paradigmatic problems, while the brute-force time 2Θ(n)2^{\Theta(n)} is very likely to be asymptotically best on general graphs. Intrigued by an algorithm packing curves in 2O(n2/3log⁥n)2^{O(n^{2/3}\log n)} by Fox and Pach [SODA'11], we investigate which problems have subexponential algorithms on the intersection graphs of curves (string graphs) or segments (segment intersection graphs) and which problems have no such algorithms under the ETH (Exponential Time Hypothesis). Among our results, we show that, quite surprisingly, 3-Coloring can also be solved in time 2O(n2/3log⁥O(1)n)2^{O(n^{2/3}\log^{O(1)}n)} on string graphs while an algorithm running in time 2o(n)2^{o(n)} for 4-Coloring even on axis-parallel segments (of unbounded length) would disprove the ETH. For 4-Coloring of unit segments, we show a weaker ETH lower bound of 2o(n2/3)2^{o(n^{2/3})} which exploits the celebrated Erd\H{o}s-Szekeres theorem. The subexponential running time also carries over to Min Feedback Vertex Set but not to Min Dominating Set and Min Independent Dominating Set.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figure

    Efficient Approximation Schemes for Uniform-Cost Clustering Problems in Planar Graphs

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    We consider the k-Median problem on planar graphs: given an edge-weighted planar graph G, a set of clients C subseteq V(G), a set of facilities F subseteq V(G), and an integer parameter k, the task is to find a set of at most k facilities whose opening minimizes the total connection cost of clients, where each client contributes to the cost with the distance to the closest open facility. We give two new approximation schemes for this problem: - FPT Approximation Scheme: for any epsilon>0, in time 2^{O(k epsilon^{-3} log (k epsilon^{-1}))}* n^O(1) we can compute a solution that has connection cost at most (1+epsilon) times the optimum, with high probability. - Efficient Bicriteria Approximation Scheme: for any epsilon>0, in time 2^{O(epsilon^{-5} log (epsilon^{-1}))}* n^O(1) we can compute a set of at most (1+epsilon)k facilities whose opening yields connection cost at most (1+epsilon) times the optimum connection cost for opening at most k facilities, with high probability. As a direct corollary of the second result we obtain an EPTAS for Uniform Facility Location on planar graphs, with same running time. Our main technical tool is a new construction of a "coreset for facilities" for k-Median in planar graphs: we show that in polynomial time one can compute a subset of facilities F_0 subseteq F of size k * (log n/epsilon)^O(epsilon^{-3}) with a guarantee that there is a (1+epsilon)-approximate solution contained in F_0

    On the Complexity of Anchored Rectangle Packing

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    Optimal Parameterized Algorithms for Planar Facility Location Problems Using Voronoi Diagrams

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    We study a general family of facility location problems defined on planar graphs and on the 2-dimensional plane. In these problems, a subset of kk objects has to be selected, satisfying certain packing (disjointness) and covering constraints. Our main result is showing that, for each of these problems, the nO(k)n^{O(k)} time brute force algorithm of selecting kk objects can be improved to nO(k)n^{O(\sqrt{k})} time. The algorithm is based on an idea that was introduced recently in the design of geometric QPTASs, but was not yet used for exact algorithms and for planar graphs. We focus on the Voronoi diagram of a hypothetical solution of kk objects, guess a balanced separator cycle of this Voronoi diagram to obtain a set that separates the solution in a balanced way, and then recurse on the resulting subproblems. We complement our study by giving evidence that packing problems have nO(k)n^{O(\sqrt{k})} time algorithms for a much more general class of objects than covering problems have.Comment: 64 pages, 16 figure
