18 research outputs found

    Fluoro-substituted prolines as structural labels for solid state ÂčâčF-NMR of polypeptides

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    Proline substitution useful for the solid state NMR structure analysis was explored on two peptides: gramicidin S and SAP. Corresponding microbiologial and conformational effects were correlated with the solid state NMR response

    Computational studies of protein posttranslational modification : glycosylation of oligoproline and collagen peptides

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    xvi, 238 leaves : ill. ; 29 cmGlycosylation is the most complex posttranslational modification of proteins and has consequences on protein structure and function. In particular, the hydroxyproline (Hyp) rich glycoproteins (HRGPs) of plants are heavily glycosylated. On the other hand, glycosylation has not been observed in animal collagen despite the high occurrence of Hyp residues. This thesis uses computational chemistry to provide molecular level information about the structural effects of Hyp glycosylation to help understand the biological implications of the modification and explain the lack of glycosylation in animals. Initially, the nature of the glycosidic linkage between Hyp and galactose was determined. The theoretical results were validated by comparing to the recent experimental data, which helped understand other experimental observations. Subsequently, contiguous and non-contiguous glycosylation of a nonaproline oligopeptide was considered, which revealed that contiguous glycosylation increases the stability of the all trans polyproline II (PPII) conformation, while non-contiguous glycosylation leads to loss of PPII content. Sophisticated modeling suggested that this difference arises since peptide–solvent interactions stabilize the PPII conformation in the contiguously glycosylated peptide, while sugar–peptide backbone interactions that stabilize the cis conformations of some residues are stronger in the non-contiguously glycosylated peptide. Finally, the effects of Hyp glycosylation on the collagen triple helix were assessed, where it was determined that glycosylation makes the monomeric state more stable and hence hinders triple helix formation, which agrees with experimental results and highlights that the synergy between computation and experiments is necessary to understand complex glycosylation in nature

    Enantioselective separation of fluorescence tagged amino acids using chiral anion exchangers

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    Im Zuge der Masterarbeit wurde die Enantiomerentrennung von AminosĂ€uren (AS) unter Verwendung von auf Chinin/Chinidin-basierenden chiralen stationĂ€ren Phasen untersucht. Die AS wurden N-terminal funktionalisiert, um auf einer AnionenaustauschersĂ€ule retardiert zu werden. DafĂŒr wurde ein weit verbreiteter Fluoreszenztag, 6-Aminoquinolin succinimid carbamate (AQC), verwendet. DemgegenĂŒber wurde ein weiteres Label, Fluoresceinisothiocyanat (FITC), eingesetzt und die Ergebnisse bezĂŒglich ihrer chromatographischen Leistung, wie EnantioselektivitĂ€t, Auflösung und Retentionsverhalten, verglichen. AQC wurde ĂŒber eine Harnstoffgruppe und FITC ĂŒber eine Thioharnstoffgruppe an ein primĂ€res oder sekundĂ€res Amin des Analyten gebunden. Diese Arten von chemischen BrĂŒckengruppen wurde bislang noch nicht in Kombination mit Chinin/Chinidin basierenden chiralen stationĂ€ren Phasen zur enantioselektiven Trennung untersucht. Die verwendeten Substanzen, AminosĂ€uren, sind mit Ausnahme von Glycin von Natur aus chiral, und kommen beinahe ausschließlich in der (S)- bzw. L-Form vor. Die Spanne von Analyten umfasste die proteinogenen AS, sowie eine Reihe von nicht proteinogenen AS, wie AminophosphonsĂ€uren, Phenylalaninderivaten- bzw deren Analoga, Sulfon,- als auch PhosphonsĂ€uren, Dipeptide, Phenylalanine- und Alaninpeptide. Die chirale Trennung wurde ĂŒber HochleistungsflĂŒssigchromatographie (HPLC) durchgefĂŒhrt. Der chirale Selektor, Chinin/Chinidine, wurde an der C9 Position mit einer tert-Butylcarbamatgruppe versehen. Diese Modifikation fĂŒhrte zu einer sehr hohen EnantioselektivitĂ€t gegenĂŒber chiralen MolekĂŒlen. Betreffend der Wahl eines N-terminalen AS-tags kann das AQC Reagenz als sehr brauchbar eingestuft werden. Mit Ausnahme von AsparagrinsĂ€ure, wurden alle proteinogenen AS aufgetrennt. Spezielle Trennungsprobleme, wie die Separation von Stereoisomeren, wurden untersucht. So konnten alle vier Stereoisomere des 4-Hydroxyprolins basislinien rein getrennt werden. Die Threonin Stereoisomere, Threonine, allo-Threonin und Homoserin, wurden aufgelöst, mit der Ausnahme von den ersten beiden eluierenden Enantiomeren, welche kaum retardiert wurden und als eine Analytbande eluierten. Isoleucin Stereoisomere wurden dagegen viel schlechter aufgelöst. Dies kann darauf zurĂŒck gefĂŒhrt werden, dass das zweite Stereozentrum in der hydrophoben Seitenkette lokalisiert ist. Die hydrophoben Wechselwirkungen mit dem chiralen Selektor haben aber keinen Anteil an der chiralen Erkennung. Dem zugrunde liegend kann erklĂ€rt werden wieso fĂŒr Isoleucin keine Basislinientrennung bewerkstelligt werden konnte. Schwer zu trennende Dipeptide wie Glycylprolin und Glycylphenylalanine konnten basislinienrein aufgelöst werden. Die Untersuchung von Alaninpeptiden sollte weiteren Aufschluss ĂŒber die Leistungskraft der AS-label geben und auch ĂŒber den chiralen Erkennungmechanismus weitere Erkenntnisse liefern. Die erzielten Ergebnisse ergĂ€nzen frĂŒhere Untersuchungen zu Alaninpeptiden und vervollstĂ€ndigen das erarbeitete Konzept der chiralen Erkennung von Peptiden mit mehreren Stereozentren. Die AbhĂ€ngigkeit der Enantiomerentrennungen bezĂŒglich des Abstandes der Schutzgruppe zu dem chiralen Zentrum wurden untersucht, ebenso der Einfuss einer achiralen BrĂŒcke, wie der eines Glycinrestes in solch einem Peptid. Die Auftrennung der Phenylalaninpeptide war ein weiterer Leistungstest fĂŒr das angewandte Label. Aufgrund von durchgehend erzielten Basislinientrennungen, mit Ausnahme einiger Stereoisomer der Tri- und Tetrapeptiden, konnte dieser Derivatisierungsreagenz große KomplementariĂ€t zu dem tert-butyl-carbamate Chinineselektor zugesprochen werden. Generell stellt die AQC Gruppe, aufgrund von guten Trennleistungen, eine Erweiterung der möglichen N-terminalen Schutzgruppen dar. FITC konnte ebenfalls alle proteinogenen AminoĂ€uren derivatisieren und die Enantiomere wurden mit Ă€hnlicher Trennleistung wie fĂŒr die AQC-Derivate aufgetrennt. Die EnantioselekitivitĂ€t war durschnittlich etwas geringer als bei AQC. Aufgrund von der weitaus kostengĂŒnstigeren VerfĂŒgbarkeit von FITC, war auch diese fluoreszenz aktive Gruppe sehr attraktiv. Ein weiterer wesentlicher Bestandteil dieser Masterarbeit war die Synthese und Charakterisierung von auf Chinin basierenden Sulfobetain modifizierten chiralen Selektoren. Drei chirale stationĂ€re Phasen dieses Typus wurden mittels einer Alkylierung unter Verwendung eines Propylsultons hergestellt. Die Alkylierung am Quinucelodinring des nativen Chinins fĂŒhrte zum Selektor der SĂ€ule CSP 3. Die gleiche Modifikation wurde an einem tert-butyl carbamate modifizierten Chininanalogon durchgefĂŒhrt und fĂŒhrte zu CSP 4. Die Alkylierung am Quinolinring des tert-butyl carbamate Analogons ergab CSP 5. Die SĂ€ulen wurden auf ihre FĂ€higkeit zur Enantiomerentrennung getested. Es wurde festgestellt, das die Modifikation an einem der beiden enthaltenen Stickstoffatome unter EinfĂŒhrung einer SulfonsĂ€uregruppe die FĂ€higkeit zur Enantiodiskriminierung stark verringert, beziehungsweise völlig auslöscht. Nur fĂŒr einige Analyte konnte eine Antrennung der Enantiomere erzielt werden. GrundsĂ€tzlich kann der Ort der Modifkation, als auch die eingefĂŒhrte Gruppe dafĂŒr verantwortlich gemacht werden. Die SulfonsĂ€uregruppe und das quaternĂ€re Amin stellen intramolekulare Gegenionen dar und ihre Ladungen können sich gegenseitig abdecken. Die SĂ€ulen wurden daraufhin auf ihre Anwendbarkeit in den hydrophilen Interaktionsmodus (HILIC) untersucht. Generell wurden dem SelektormolekĂŒl zwei Ladungen zugefĂŒgt, wodurch die PolaritĂ€t des GesamtmolekĂŒls wesentlich gesteigert wurde. In Bezug auf die Anwendung als HILIC SĂ€ulen konnte ermittelt werden, dass eine grundsĂ€tzliche Retention von polaren und geladenen Analyten, Nukleoside, Nukleotide, Alkaloide, SĂ€uren, Basen und amphotere Verbindungen, stattfindet. Die SelektivitĂ€t bezĂŒglich Nukleosiden und Nukleotiden war begrenzt, wogegen geladene und zwitterionische Verbindugen mit hoher SelektivitĂ€t als auch Effizienz getrennt wurden. Die Modifikation an den Stickstoffatomen des Chinins, unter EinfĂŒhrung einer zweiten starken Ionenaustauschgruppe, fĂŒhrte zu einer Verminderung des chiralen Erkennungssystems. Diese Modifizerung des Chinins war daher nicht zielfĂŒhrend um die chirale Erkennung zu verĂ€ndern oder zu verstĂ€rken. Als HILIC SĂ€ulen konnten die Sulfobetainphasen Verwendung finden. Eine höhere Selektorbeladung, sowie die EinfĂŒhrung einer zweite Alkylierung mit einem Akylsulfon, oder einer anderen, mehr HILIC taugliche Gruppe am C9-Atom des Chinins könnte zu mehr Effizienz der Auftrennung von HILIC Verbindungen fĂŒhren. Die Retention von Analyten auf CSP 3 wurde durch hydrophobe als auch hydrophile Inkremente hervorgerufen. Es wurde auch hydrophiles Retentionsinkrement des tert-butyl carbamat Chininselektors festgestellt, das zu moderaten Retentionen von hydrophilen Substanzen im HILIC Modus fĂŒhrte.The enantioselective separation of fluorescent labelled amino acids and peptides was investigated. A set of amino acids, all proteinogenic, many non-proteinogenic and dipeptides of biological, pharmaceutical or chemical interest were selected for the investigation. tert-Butyl carbamate-modified quinine/quinidine based chiral stationary phases (CSPs) were used for enantioseparations. Most of the analytes were N-terminal labelled with 6-aminoquinolyl-succinimidyl carbamate (AQC), a common fluorescent tag for quantitative amino acid analysis. As an easy derivatization procedure allowing sensitive quantification, AQC was often used in chiral separation studies. A comparison with fluoresceine-isothiocyanate (FITC) was conducted in the present study, concerning their chromatographic performance on an anion-exchanger-type CSP. FITC was found to yield equal chiral separation potential compared to AQC. Besides the proteinogenic amino acids, the separation of AQC-tagged stereoisomers of 4-hydroxyproline, threonine and isoleucine, of dipeptides like phenyalaninoylglycine and glycoylphenylalanine or prolinoylglycine and glycoylproline was investigated. Further, the separation performance of the AQC reagent was explored using a set of alanine peptides. All-D/all-L peptides up to the hexamer were separated. The investigation of the influence on chiral recognition of one or two non-chiral linkers in di- and tripeptides, namely glycine subunits, either N- or C-terminal located was also part of this study. Enantiomerically pure phenylalanine peptides up to pentamers were also separated. These very lipophilic compounds were known to exhibit an unfavourable character related to chiral separations. The separation of stereoisomers of tri- and tetrapeptides of the before mentioned alanine and phenylalanine peptides was also investigated. The performance of the tert-butyl carbamate modified quinine/quinidine based CSPs was explored, as well as the influence of the stereochemistry on the N- or C-terminus of peptides on chiral recognition. The second part of the master thesis was the synthesis and application of sulfobetaine-type quinine-based chiral stationary phases. A set of native or derivatized amino acids was analyzed with different types of mobile phase. It was found that the alkylation of the nitrogen atoms, either on the quinuclidine or the quinoline ring, had led to strongly reduced or even diminished chiral discrimination behaviour of the quinine selector. The sulfobetaine-type columns were also investigated concerning their applicability in the hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC) mode. A set of typical HILIC compounds, polar and/or charged substances were separated using mobile phases with different compositions and adjusted pH values. The retention mechanism of the columns was found to be a mixed mode, containing hydrophobic and hydrophilic retention increments. The study also showed that the tert-butyl carbamate quinine-based CSPs has also a hydrophilic retention increment. It was shown that the synthesized sulfobetaine columns can be used as HILIC columns for the separation of highly polar substances. The present master thesis showed the applicability of a fluorescent tag, based on a carbamate linkage group, for the enantioselective separation of amino acids and related compounds on a quinine-based anion exchange-type chiral stationary phase

    The influence of solvent representation on nuclear shielding calculations of protonation states of small biological molecules

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    In this study, we assess the influence of solvation on the accuracy and reliability of isotropic nuclear magnetic shielding calculations for amino acids in comparison to experimental data. We focus particularly on the performance of solvation methods for different protonation states, as biological molecules occur almost exclusively in aqueous solution and are subject to protonation with pH. We identify significant shortcomings of current implicit solvent models and present a hybrid solvation approach that improves agreement with experimental data by taking into account the presence of direct interactions between amino acid protonation state and water molecules

    RechnergestĂŒtzte Beschreibung der Struktur und Dynamik von Peptiden und ihren Bausteinen

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    Investigating The Structural And Physiochemical Properties Of Collagen Mimetic Peptides With Modified Backbones

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    Collagen is the most abundant protein found in mammalian systems and is critically important in a myriad of different regulatory pathways, prompting widespread effort to model and understand collagen-protein interactions. A network of hydrogen bonds, non-covalent interactions, sterics, and stereoelectronic effects hold collagen’s unique triple-helical quaternary structure together. The highly repetitive primary structure, generalized by a three amino acid triplet: (Xaa-Yaa-Glycine), is critical for this uncommon structural assembly.Our lab has been investigating how the incorporation of aza-glycine (azGly, azG) and aza- proline (azPro, azP) residues affect the triple-helical structure and thermal stability of collagen mimetic peptides (CMPs). Although we have previously shown azGly and azPro incorporation can affect the triple-helical thermal stability of CMPs, the model systems used were quite limited in scope. Herein, the impact of azGly and azPro incorporation on CMP stability and structure is demonstrated to be dependent on a variety of different factors. This was accomplished through the synthesis of peptide libraries containing these aza-amino acids, evaluation of CMP thermal stabilities along with refolding times, and by solving high-resolution crystallographic structures of triple-helical structures. Futhermore, we optimize the synthesis of azGly-containing CMPs, evaluate the binding of azGly-containing CMPs to a target protein, and investigate an alternative CMP model system. Collectively, this body of work reports the first comprehensive set of design guidelines for incorporating azGly and azPro residues into CMPs and sets the stage for the utilization and application of aza-collagen peptides within biologically relevant systems

    RechnergestĂŒtzte Beschreibung der Struktur und Dynamik von Peptiden und ihren Bausteinen

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    SynthÚse en phase solide de pyrrolo[3,2-e][1,4]diazépin-2-ones modulateurs du systÚme urotensinergétique

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    Les pyrrolodiazĂ©pinones ont des activitĂ©s biologiques intĂ©ressantes sur diffĂ©rents rĂ©cepteurs biologiques, ce qui en font une cible de choix pour dĂ©velopper de nouvelles petites molĂ©cules biologiquement actives. Une mĂ©thodologie en solution a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©e pour synthĂ©tiser des pyrrolo[3,2-e][1,4]diazĂ©pin-2-ones, qui utilise la rĂ©action de Pictet-Spengler pour former le cycle diazĂ©pinone, comme rĂ©action clĂ©. Il a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©montrĂ© que le pyrrolo[3,2-e][1,4]diazĂ©pin-2-one mime un tour-Îł inverse par l’analyse de cristaux par rayon X. Cette mĂ©thodologie a Ă©tĂ© transposĂ©e sur trois types de support, soit la rĂ©sine de Merrifield, de Wang et un support soluble (TAP). Le systĂšme urotensinergĂ©tique joue un rĂŽle dans certaines pathologies du systĂšme cardiovasculaire, comme l’hypertension artĂ©rielle, l’insuffisance cardiaque et l’athĂ©rosclĂ©rose. Le systĂšme urotensinergĂ©tique est exprimĂ© dans le systĂšme circulatoire, extractoire et le systĂšme nerveux central et comprend l’UII, l’URP et le rĂ©cepteur UT. L’UII et l’URP humains sont composĂ©s respectivement des sĂ©quences d’acides aminĂ©s : H-Glu-Thr-Pro-Asp-c[Cys-Phe-Trp-Lys-Tyr-Cys]-Val-OH et H-Ala-c[Cys-Phe-Trp-LysTyr-Cys]-Val-OH. L’UII est le peptide vasoconstricteur le plus puissant connu Ă  ce jour, dont l’URP est son isoforme. Les deux peptides ont des effets biologiques diffĂ©rents et on peut supposer qu’ils jouent un rĂŽle distinct dans certaines pathologies. Il a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©montrĂ© que la partie active de l’UII est composĂ©e du tripeptide : Trp-Lys-Tyr. Dans l’URP, il a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©montrĂ© que ce tripeptide forme un tour-Îł inverse, ce qui fait du rĂ©cepteur UT une bonne cible biologique pour tester une librairie de pyrrolo[3,2-e][1,4]diazĂ©pin-2-ones, reprenant le tripeptide Trp-Lys-Tyr. DerniĂšrement, l’équipe du professeur David Chatenet a mis au point un peptide, l’urocontrin en remplaçant le segment Trp par un groupement biphĂ©nylalanine, qui a dĂ©montrĂ© un comportement spĂ©cifique comme antagoniste du rĂ©cepteur UT. La Librairie de pyrrolo[3,2-e][1,4]diazĂ©pin-2-ones est basĂ©e sur la sĂ©quence TrpLys-Tyr de l’UII et de l’URP et de la sĂ©quence Trp-Lys-Bip de l’urocontrin. La synthĂšse de la librairie est faite sur la rĂ©sine de Wang. La chaĂźne latĂ©rale de Tyr est mimĂ©e en utilisant la tyramine, Lys et Orn sont utilisĂ©s et la chaĂźne latĂ©rale de Trp a Ă©tĂ© reproduite II en utilisant le biphĂ©nyle (comme dans l’urocontrin), le 1-naphthyle et le 2-naphthyle, sont introduits en employant les aldĂ©hydes respectifs dans la rĂ©action de Pictet-Spengler, ce qui donne les pyrrolo[3,2-e][1,4]diazĂ©pin-2-ones insaturĂ©s et les saturĂ©s S- et R-. L’évaluation de l’activitĂ© biologique des pyrrolo[3,2-e][1,4]diazĂ©pin-2-ones obtenues sur le rĂ©cepteur UT se fait par des tests in vitro et ex vivo. Les tests in vitro consistent en un essai de liaisons sur des cellules CHO exprimant le rĂ©cepteur UT en employant hUII-125I, comme contrĂŽle radiomarqĂ©. Les tests ex vivo sont effectuĂ©s sur des aortes de rats pour mesurer la capacitĂ© Ă  induire des contractions ou de moduler les contractions induites par hUII et URP. Certains R-pyrrolo[3,2-e][1,4]diazĂ©pin-2-ones causent une rĂ©duction de 50% du signal radioactivitĂ© du hUII-125I. Les pyrrolo[3,2-e][1,4]diazĂ©pin-2-ones ne montrent guĂšre d’activitĂ© ex vivo, mais ils ont la capacitĂ© de moduler les contractions induites par l’hUII et l’URP. Par exemple, l’analogue Lys R-saturĂ© avec le biphĂ©nyle inhibe toutes les contractions de l’aorte Ă  14 ”M avec un pKb de 5,54 Ă  4 ”M, sans influencer les contractions de l’aorte induites par l’URP. Les pyrrolo[3,2-e][1,4]diazĂ©pin-2-ones ont une sĂ©lectivitĂ© pour le systĂšme urotensinergĂ©tique et sont inactifs sur le rĂ©cepteur de l’endotheline-1. Les pyrrolo[3,2-e][1,4]diazĂ©pin-2-ones sont les premiĂšres petites molĂ©cules qui peuvent moduler l’activitĂ© biologique de l’UII et URP et offrir un potentiel intĂ©ressant comme outil pour Ă©tudier le systĂšme urotensinergĂ©tique.The pyrrolodiazepinones have interesting biological activities on various biological receptors, which makes them a prime target for developing new biologically active small molecules. A methodology in solution had been developed for synthesizing pyrrolo[3,2-e][1,4]diazepin-2-ones, which utilized the Pictet-Spengler condensation as the key reaction to form the diazepinone ring. Pyrrolo[3,2-e][1,4]diazepin-2-ones were found to mimic an inverse Îł-turn conformation by X-ray crystallographic analysis. The methodology was subsequently implemented on three types of support: Merrifield resin, Wang resin and the soluble TAP support. The urotensinergic system plays a role in certain diseases of the cardiovascular system, such as hypertension, heart failure and atherosclerosis. The urotensinergic system is expressed in the circulatory system, excretory and central nervous systems and includes the endogenous ligands urotensin II (UII) and urotensin II-related peptide (URP), and the urotensin receptor UT. The ligands UII and human URP are composed of the respective amino acid sequences: H-Glu-Thr-Pro-Asp-c[Cys-Phe-Trp-Lys-Tyr-Cys]-Val-OH and H-Ala-c[Cys-Phe-Lys-Tyr-Trp-Cys]-Val-OH. The peptide UII is the most potent vasoconstrictor known to date. The two peptides have different biological effects and may exhibit distinct roles in certain diseases. Their common Trp-Lys-Tyr sequence is believed to play an important role in the activity of UII and URP, and has been suggested to adopt an inverse Îł-turn conformation. Notably, the laboratory of Professor David Chatenet developed the UT receptor antagonist peptide urocontrin by replacing the Trp residue by biphenylalanine (Bip) in URP. A library of pyrrolo[3,2-e][1,4]diazepin-2-one analogs was thus designed to mimic the inverse Îł-turn sequence and targeted against UT. The pyrrolo[3,2-e][1,4]diazepin-2-one library was designed based on the Trp-Lys-Tyr sequence of UII and URP, and Trp-Lys-Bip sequence of urocontrin. The synthesis of the pyrrolo[3,2-e][1,4]diazepin-2-one library was achieved on Wang resin. The side chain of Tyr was mimicked using tyramine, Lys and Orn were used as the basic amino acid component, and the side chain of Trp was replicated using biphenyl (as in urocontrin) 1-naphthyl and 2-naphthyl groups that were introduced by employing their respective aldehydes in a Pictet-Spengler reaction, which furnished unsaturated and saturated S- and R-pyrrolo[3,2-e][1,4]diazepin-2-ones. Evaluation of the biological activity of the pyrrolo[3,2-e][1,4]diazepin-2-ones on the UT receptor was performed in vitro and ex vivo. Tests in vitro measured binding in CHO-cells which expressed UT by employing hUII-125I as radiolabeled control. In rat aorta, ex vivo tests measured capacity to induce contraction, or modulate the contractions induced by hUII and URP. Certain R-pyrrolo[3,2-e][1,4]diazepin-2-ones caused an up to 50% reduction of the radioactive signal of hUII-125I. Pyrrolo[3,2-e][1,4]diazepin-2-ones exhibited little activity ex vivo; however, they modulated contractions induced by hUII and URP. For example, the saturated R-analog possessing lysine and a biphenyl side chain inhibited completely hUII-induced contractions of the aorta at 14 ”M with a pKb of 5.54 at 4 ”M, without influencing URP-induced contractions. Pyrrolo[3,2-e][1,4]diazepin-2-ones were selective for the urotensinergic system and inactive on the related receptor endothelin-1. Pyrrolo[3,2-e][1,4]diazepin-2-ones represent the first small molecules that can differently modulate the biological activities of UII and URP, and offer interesting potential as tools for studying the urotensinergic system

    Expanding the complexity and functional diversity of bis-amino acid building blocks

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    We are developing a unique approach to the synthesis of macromolecules with programmable shape. These scaffolds are assembled from stereochemically pure orthogonally protected bis-amino acids that are interconnected by two amide bonds. This ladder-like arrangement restricts the conformational flexibility of bis-amino acids to a large extent which in turn drastically reduces the number of allowed conformations for an oligomer. As a result, significantly lesser computing power is needed for the final three-dimensional structure prediction. Several stereochemically pure bis-amino acid monomers have been synthesized by our research group and incorporated into a number of homo- and hetero-oligomers.In this dissertation we present the synthesis of a new pipecolic acid-based bis-amino acid building block pip5(2S5S). Assembly of this monomer into a short spiroladder oligomer utilizing solid-phase synthesis followed by in situ activation by dicyclohexylcarbodiimide and N-hydroxysuccinimide has been demonstrated. The structure of the oligomer was determined in aqueous solution using two-dimensional NMR. We report improved conditions for rapidly and simultaneously closing multiple diketopiperazines on solid support. These new conditions involve either heating of a suspension of solid supported amino-tetrafluoropropyl esters in acetic acid/triethylamine catalyst solution in a microwave oven or continuous flow of catalyst solution through the resin, heated in a special flow cell apparatus.Finally, the synthesis of the first functionalized bis-amino acid monomer proAc(2S3S4R) that carries an acetyl side chain is presented. This monomer was incorporated into a short oligomer and the solution phase structure was determined using two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance. The solution structure confirmed the intended connectivity and stereochemistry of the oligomer. This first functionalized bis-amino acid represents a milestone towards functionalized bis-peptide nanostructures for catalytic, molecular recognition and nanotechnology applications