668,034 research outputs found

    Research on the Homogenization Development of Beihai-Qinzhou-Fang Chenggang Urban Industries under Beibu Gulf Urban Agglomerations in China

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    This study examines the homogenized development of three closely related cities in Guangxi Province of China. The cities are Beihai, Qinzhou, and Fang Chenggang (otherwise called Beiqinfang), as an important part of Beibu Gulf urban agglomerations in China.The paper explored the current situation of Beiqinfang urban industries through quantitative research methods, applied correlation degree measurement index to conduct effective measurement on the isomorphism of Beiqinfang urban industrial development, in order to understand the current situation of industrial isomorphism among those areas, establish industrial dislocation development among Beiqinfang cities, and how to achieve sustainable development.We recommend that the three cities should actively avoid the mutual competition among them, so as to achieve effective resource allocation and prevent industrial homogenization. Keywords: Urban agglomeration, City industry, Homogenization development, Beibu Gulf, China DOI: 10.7176/JESD/11-8-05 Publication date: April 30th 202


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    The rapid development of industrial fund has become an essential supporting force to promote China’s economic restructuring. The purpose of this study is to determine Industrial Investment Fund Sustainability for the Local Government in Henan, China. To review the research phenomenon empirically and theoretically, two factor theories, quasi-public theory, market failure theory and theory of sustainable development have been discussed, together with review of domestic research on the development of local government industrial investment funds. Quantitative methods are considered to be more suitable for this study. Primary objective is to provide researchers with a description of the apparent facts of interest. Quantitative results mainly involve statistical analysis of collected data. In this study, the data interpretation of statistical analysis is used to describe the expected final results of the study clearly. The questionnaire of the present study based on the existing literature and past researches regarding student satisfaction in different contexts. The empirical findings of this study that supervision system structure, market exit mechanism and professional talents are significant factors that stimulates peoples’ industrial investment fund for the local government in Henan, China is similar and confirms with the findings of previous scholars. Thus, transparency is the main impetus of China’s financial development. Without change and opening, there would be no China today. However, contrasted and the genuine needs of monetary development, China’s receptiveness to the outside world is as yet inadequate. JEL: L10; L16; L78 Article visualizations

    Strategic Real Estate Development

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    Strategic Real Estate Development (Strategic RED) is the contemporary framework that integrate both Resorce-based View (RBV) and Industrial Organization (IO) paradigm. Strategic RED have many complex variables and indicators, to test the hypotheses need a mix method, combination of QUANTITATIVE and qualitative methods, because the results of the first quantitative study needs to be deepened with qualitative study. The research design using sequential explanatory strategy, This model of combination research give more higher weight to the use of quantitative research methods. This mixed sequential explanatory design first examined the relationships between environment riks, core competence, competitive strategy, competitive advantage, and organizational performance. 200 real estate companies will asked the hypotheses and analyze with partial least square technique in the quantitative design. In a second phase of the study, further exploration of result of relationships be-tween contributing variables was explored through qualitative semi-structured interviews with CEO, Senior Manager, and Expertist in real estate development. Interviews were recorded, transcribed, and then analyzed for themes. Conceptual paper Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Hastjarjo, K. (2015). “Strategic Real Estate De-velopment: Mixed Method Using Sequential Explanatory Strategy – Research Methodology”, Journal of Entrepreneurship, Business and Economics, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 65–85


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    This study aims to explore the determinants of sufficient growth of the Local Government Industrial Investment Fund in Henan, China. The industrial investment fund in China started with the development of an overseas investment fund. China has become the world’s second-biggest equity investment market. Industrial capital has thrived in recent years. In China, local government investment funds also have a broader role and importance and are becoming an important funding mechanism that local governments can function and encourage. This research methodologically constitutes a quantitative study. Another is the consequence, rather than explaining variables as a cause. Under the probability sampling design, the analysis uses the basic random sampling approach, using survey methods that include structured questionnaires. The result indicates that the local government’s industrial investment fund in Henan, China, would be an infrastructure for economic development. Article visualizations

    The Influence of Innovation Models, Micro Small and Medium Enterprises, and Development Strategies Towards Cooperatives in Industrial Era 4.0

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    Cooperatives are Business entities that are driven and owned by members seeking to achieve common needs in various fields, utilizing the Industrial Era 4.0 in order to reach its goals. This paper aims to point out the impacts of innovation models, micro small and medium enterprises, and development strategies towards cooperatives in industrial era 4.0.  Research methods outlined that are applied in this paper consists of Qualitative, Quantitative, Descriptive, and secondary research approaches. The results regarding to this paper are as follows. With the innovation model designated for the cooperative’s renovation, it is expected that it has a positive impact on cooperatives and its pupils, creating a healthy and fair transaction process. Furthermore, small, medium and micro businesses as well as cooperatives need to adopt survival strategies and strategic methods, apply modern systems to their business processes, and strive to successfully answer various global challenges in the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. Finally, the transformation of the cooperative development strategy needs to be carried out considering that the new challenges of cooperatives are not only related to how to do business in the digital era but also change the overall perspective of the governance found in a cooperative of this modern era

    Achievement of Sustainable Development Goals through the Implementation of Circular Economy and Developing Regional Cooperation

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    Funding Information: Funding: This research has been published with the support of Latvian Council of Science (Latvia), a research project “Quadruple Helix Concept (QHC) as base of the next generation PPP model” (no. lzp-2020/1-0062). Publisher Copyright: © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Circular economy is a tool based on the inclusion of environmental, social, and governance performance (ESG) in decision-making to achieve sustainable development goals (SDG). In recent years, it has become clear that business-as-usual has nothing to do with sustainability, and alternative business models, primarily on technological grounds, must be implemented to mitigate the damage caused by significant and unpredictable effects of climate change. The current situation requires unprecedented and urgent changes to policies and business development models. The current research aimed to target on industrial symbiosis as one of the business models of the circular economy. It evaluated the benefits of symbiosis and the fostering of cooperation between industries and, consequently, has a major impact on resource efficiency ratios. The research is based on quantitative and qualitative research methods, including a literature review, assessment, and application of the triangulation method. As a result of this research, the authors realized a matrix for the development of regional or cross-country industrial symbiosis that can be used by policymakers to foster the development of symbiotic interconnections on a wide scale. The authors also recommend the development of the Baltic University Program (BUP) network center of excellence and methodological justification for industries to engage in industrial symbiosis (IS).publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Essays on mechanisms of technological catch-up and industrial upgrading in economic development

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    This thesis examines the channels and mechanisms of technological catch-up and industrial upgrading in the context of economic development. Technological progress is critical for a country's sustainable growth and for the successful transition of a country from imitation to innovation. Therefore, to clarify the main channels and mechanisms driving the accumulation of knowledge and technologies in an economy contributes to an understanding of the sources of economic growth. The specific aspects of technological catch-up and industrial upgrading covered in the thesis include inter-sectoral industrial upgrading, the intensification of R&D activities, a country's tapping into foreign sources of knowledge, and a country's changing position in the global value chain. In studying these channels and mechanisms, in-depth theoretical discussion and quantitative methods are applied. In terms of theoretical discussion, the thesis covers many issues relating to the factors contributing to technological progress and draws our attention to the key aspects of such progress. In terms of quantitative methods, advanced econometric methods such as Generalized Method of Moments (GMM), the estimator from Kyriazidou (1997), the Heckman two-step estimator, the Tobit and Probit estimators and various instrumental variable estimators are employed to address different econometric issues and data structures in model estimations. The thesis finds evidence of the critical role of institutional quality in promoting the productive use of scarce tertiary human capital, in stimulating the Research and Development (R&D) investment of firms, and in attracting R&D investment in host countries by multinational enterprises. The thesis also reveals the importance of human capital as an essential input to the process of technological catch-up and industrial upgrading. A case study of Chinese manufacturing firms clarifies the determinants of firm-level R&D investment, which helps us understand and predict the prospects for innovation in the Chinese economy. By linking firm-level production and customs datasets, the thesis probes into the important question of how trade participation affects innovation in the context of the Chinese economy, which is an especially interesting case due to the huge contribution from trade to China's growth miracle to date. The findings draw attention to processing trade and suggest that under some circumstances deep and long-term engagement in processing trade may adversely influence the R&D investment and innovation prospect of firms. This point reflects the difficulty of technological catch-up and industrial upgrading in a world where global production sharing continues to deepen. Based on the results of empirical and quantitative analyses, several policy suggestions are proposed. These include (1) enhancing institutional quality to accompany other growth-promoting policies, (2) encouraging individual and household-level investment in human capital, (3) nurturing domestic R&D stock and research talents at relatively early stages of development and (4) looking beyond the direct targets of industrial and trade policies to take into account the implications for technological catch-up and industrial upgrading when making such policies. The thesis also points out some directions for future research to extract from the dynamics of the world economy those channels and mechanisms of technological catch-up and industrial upgrading yet unclarified by this thesis

    Model of Innovative Wayang Wong for Millenial Generation to Meet 4.0 Industrial Revolution Era in Bali

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    This study aims to develop an innovative Wayang Wong Performing Arts model for millennial to meet the 4.0 industrial revolution in Bali. This research was inspired by the imbalance between assumptions and reality in the field. Supposedly, Wayang Wong, as one of the local wisdom in the form of performing arts, is in demand in the community. However, the reality is different. This research was conducted by integrating qualitative and quantitative methods through several stages of development. The research model design was applied by means of participatory observation, and in-depth interviews targeting millennials (teenagers and children) in Bali. The conclusion of the research is a model of Innovative Wayang Wong that was developed by a new perspective regarding the millennial generation need with a new creation and new meanings. The Innovative Wayang Wong performing arts is expected to have an impact on the sustainability of this performance art, which will indirectly strengthen the children’s national character Keyword: Model, Innovative Wayang Wong, Millenial Generation, 4.0 Industrial Revolution


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    To facilitate China’s economic reform, the rapid growth of the industrial fund has become a vital support force. This study aims to evaluate the Local Government’s Industrial Investment Fund Sustainability in Henan, China. Two-factor theories, quasi-public theory, market failure theory and sustainable development theory, along with a study of domestic studies on the development of local government industrial investment funds, were addressed to investigate the research phenomenon empirically and theoretically. For this analysis, quantitative methods are considered to be more fitting. The primary goal is to provide an overview of the apparent facts of interest to researchers. The quantitative findings include primarily statistical analysis of the data obtained. In this study, the description of statistical analysis data is used to explain the studies predicted final results. The empirical findings of this study that the structure of the supervisory system, the process of market exit and technical talents are essential factors that stimulate the industrial investment fund of the people for the local government in Henan, China, are similar and confirm with the results of previous scholars. Thus, the primary catalyst for China’s financial growth is accountability. There would be no China today without a transition and an opening. Nevertheless, in comparison to the real needs of monetary gain, China’s receptiveness to the outside world is still insufficient. JEL: L10; L16; L78 Article visualizations