1,553 research outputs found

    Journal Self-Citation I: Overview of the Journal Self-Citation Papers – The Wisdom of the IS Crowd

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    The author who sits on an editorial board received a request from that journal\u27s publisher that articles which were submitted to them contain at least five references to that journal. The publisher stated that this request was common practice. A simple three-question, yes/no survey on AISWorld yielded overwhelming consensus that this journal self-citation practice is neither common, nor appropriate, nor ethical. The survey results are presented. In addition, a large number of respondents sent messages discussing their responses. The 21 papers that follow this introductory article are the result of a request to expand responses into short articles for CAIS. Many of the papers are based on solid analysis while others are detailed expositions of points of view. The papers are divided into four groups: analysis of impact factors (an important consideration), responses from editors, discussions of ethics, and analyses of related issues. Based on the responses, this article argues that the request for journal self-citation is a form of “payola” (pay to play) that is ethically inappropriate. The article is also an example of using the “wisdom of crowds” (Surowiecki 2004) as an alternative way to understand phenomena

    A Qualitative Investigation of Women Academics' Citation Experiences Through a Marketing Lens

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    This qualitative research aims to provide a unique angle to examine and contribute to a controversial topic—gender gap in citation. Some research has concluded that women tend to cite themselves less than their male colleagues do, while other research has argued that the gender gap in self-citation does not exist at. This study fills the gap by taking an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) approach to explore how women academics experience and make decisions of whether to cite themselves or not. The nature of academia requires academic researchers to create and disseminate knowledge. From a marketing perspective, academics are like entrepreneurs because they must generate and market their own work. By investigating the motivations and tensions around self-citation using in-depth interviews, this study also explores female academics’ self-branding strategies and their current career environment in the academy. This study not only serves academics by investigating a mundane but influential aspect of academic life, but also helps non-academic stakeholders, such as policy makers and academic administrators, by providing the language and framework to understand women’s career strategies

    Online Visibility, Social Networks and Glamorous Scientific Publications

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    In a context of transformation of the higher education institutions’ mission, there is a growing need for the academy to respond to the needs placed both at the political and social levels, which has implications for the scholar’s expected activity. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the growing importance, besides publishing and being cited, of having visibility in the digital world. We conclude that this new dimension, which is being added to the success and legitimacy of the scholar and his/her institution, will have probable direct consequences both on the form and on the contents of future publications. The willingness of scholars to produce publications worthy of social visibility may foster a growing number of publications that are attractive, perhaps less complex and more accessible to the “uninitiated”, what we call glamorous publications

    Female university students' preferences for different types of sexual relationships: implications for gender-based violence prevention programs and policies

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    Background: Gender-based violence among young women is a growing problem worldwide. The consequences of this victimization have been well reported in the scientific literature, among which negative health outcomes stand out. The factors influencing this problem are many; one highlighted by research is socialization into a dominant coercive discourse that associates sexual-affective attraction to males with violent attitudes and behaviors, while in turn, such discourse empties males with egalitarian behaviors from sexual attractiveness. This coercive discourse may be shaping the sexual preferences of female youth. The current paper explores young women's preferences for different types of sexual relationships and, more particularly, for what type of sexual affective relationships they coercively preferred men with violent attitudes and behavior. Methods: A quantitative, mixed-design vignette study was conducted with 191 college females in Spain. We focused the analysis only on responses about vignettes including narratives of men with violent attitudes and behaviors. In addition, we examined whether participants would report higher coerced preferences for violent men when asked about the coerced preferences of their female friends than when asked about their own preferences. Results: Only 28.95% of participants responded that their female friends would prefer a young man with violent behavior for a stable relationship, meanwhile 58.42% would do it for hooking up. When reporting about themselves, the difference was greater: 28.42% would prefer a young man with violent behavior for hooking up and just 5.78% for a stable relationship. Conclusions: The dominant coercive discourse that links attractiveness to people with violent attitudes and behaviors may be explaining the results obtained in this study. The findings can help eliminate the stereotype largely adopted by some intervention and prevention programs which assume that gender-based violence occurs mainly in stable relationships, considering that falling in love is the reason that lead women to suffer from violence. Our results can also support health professionals and others serving young women to enhance their identification of gender violence victimization, as well as our findings point to the need to include the evidence of gender violence in sporadic relationships in prevention programs and campaigns addressed to young women

    Academic misconduct, misrepresentation and gaming: a reassessment

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    The motivation for this Special Issue is increasing concern not only with academic misconduct but also with less easily defined forms of misrepresentation and gaming. In an era of intense emphasis on measuring academic performance, there has been a proliferation of scandals, questionable behaviors and devious stratagems involving not just individuals but also organizations, including universities, editors and reviewers, journal publishers, and conference organizers. This introduction first reviews the literature on the prevalence of academic misconduct, misrepresentation and gaming (MMG). The core of the article is organized around a life-cycle model of the production and dissemination of research results. We synthesize the findings in the MMG literature at the level of the investigator or research team, emphasizing that misbehavior extends well beyond fabrication and falsification to include behaviors designed to exaggerate or to mislead readers as to the significance of research findings. MMG is next explored in the post-research review, publication, and post-publication realms. Moving from the individual researcher to the organizational level, we examine how MMG can be engaged in by either journals or organizations employing or funding the researchers. The changing institutional environment including the growth of research assessment exercises, increased quantitative output measurement and greater pressure to publish may all encourage MMG. In the final section, we summarize the main conclusions and offer suggestions both on how we might best address the problems and on topics for future research

    Understanding the Impact of Trauma, Violence and Abuse - An Exploration of the Experience of Exposure to Violence.

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    This portfolio thesis comprises of three parts: Part One: Systematic Literature Review Part one contains a systematic review which explores the use of Compassion Focussed Therapy (CFT) with adult survivors of violence, trauma, and abuse (VTA). A systematic search of five databases revealed 11 suitable papers, the findings of which are presented using narrative synthesis. Part Two: Empirical Paper Part two is a qualitative empirical study, which explored women’s experiences of being exposed to gender-based violence (GBV) in the media (i.e. the news and social media etc.). A reflexive thematic analysis revealed a total of three themes. Conclusions, implications and recommendations for future research were considered. Part Three: Appendices Part three contains the appendices for the previous two parts and also includes a reflective and epistemological statement

    Inserção de fornecedores locais como fonte de performance em custos de transação e legitimidade

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    The hiring of goods and services is a critical activity for oil companies, so the availability of qualified suppliers is desirable. In Institutional Theory, the insertion of suppliers and relationship forms between them and the main agent may be analyzed from the perspective of the search for legitimacy by organizations in the organizational field. The Transaction Costs Economics, in turn, gives support to analyze opportunism and uncertainty in exchange relationships as factors that alter transaction costs. The study shows a case of insertion of local suppliers as an industrial concentration encouragement sponsored by the State, in which pragmatic and cognitive legitimacy strategies are used to gain legitimacy and to keep it. Although there are no clear gains associated with transaction costs, Petrobras did not demonstrate that reduction in transaction costs was a priority in this process. The accomplishment of its mission, which is legitimized in society, is placed as a priority, in a behavior that can be understood as the result of a political decision to adopt sub-optimal goals, which are better explained through an institutional perspective. Key words: Institutional Theory, transaction costs, insertion of suppliers, oil and gas.A contratação de bens e serviços é uma atividade crítica para as empresas petrolíferas, de forma que a disponibilidade de fornecedores qualificados é desejável. Na Teoria Institucional, a inserção de fornecedores e as formas de relacionamento entre estes e o agente principal podem ser analisadas a partir da perspectiva da busca de legitimidade por organizações no campo organizacional. A Economia dos Custos de Transação, por sua vez, dá suporte para analisar o oportunismo e a incerteza em relações de troca como fatores que alteram os custos de transação. O estudo mostra um caso de inserção de fornecedores locais como uma forma de incentivo à concentração industrial patrocinada pelo Estado, no qual as estratégias de legitimação pragmática e cognitiva são usadas para ganhar legitimidade e mantê-la. Embora não existam ganhos claros associados aos custos de transação, a Petrobras não demonstrou que a redução dos custos de transação fosse uma prioridade neste processo. O cumprimento de sua missão, a qual é legitimada na sociedade, é colocada como uma prioridade, em um comportamento que pode ser entendido como o resultado de uma decisão política de adotar objetivos sub-ótimos, osquais são mais bem explicados através de uma perspectiva institucional. Palavras-chave: Teoria Institucional, custos de transação, inserção de fornecedores, petróleo e gás

    National Institute of Mental Health Roundtable Discussion: Promissory Notes and Prevailing Norms in Social and Behavioral Sciences Research

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    Most workshops convened by the National Institute's of Health are devoted to the puzzle-solving activities of normal science, where the puzzles themselves and the strategies available for solving them are determined largely in advance by the shared paradigmatic assumptions, frameworks, and priorities of the scientific community's research paradigm. They are designed to facilitate what Thomas Kuhn referred to as elucidating topological detail within a map whose main outlines are available in advance. And apparently for good reason. Historical studies by Kuhn and others reveal that science moves fastest and penetrates most deeply when its practitioners work within well-defined and deeply ingrained traditions and employ the concepts, theories, methods, and tools of a shared paradigm. No paradigm is perfect and none is capable of identifying, let alone solving, all of the problems relevant to a given domain of inquiry. Thus, the essential day-to-day business of normal science is not to question the limits or adequacy of a given paradigm, but rather to exploit the presumed virtues for which it was adopted. As Kuhn cautioned in his discussion of paradigms, re-tooling, in science as in manufacture, as an extravagance to be reserved for the occasion that demands it. Well, as the marketing people say --- this is not your father's Oldsmobile. We are breaking with tradition today by stepping outside the map to initiate and pursue a long-overdue dialogue about paradigm reform and scientific retooling. Our warrant for prosecuting this agenda is a Kuhnian occasion that demands it--- is a protracted paradigm crisis, the neglect of which has hurt us terribly and the resolution of which will determine the viability and fate of the social and behavioral sciences in the 21st century. Since the details of the crisis are well know within and outside our ranks, a brief sketch of its main outlines will suffice as a framework for our dialogue today. They include, (a) widespread dissatisfaction with the meager theoretical progress and practical yield of more than a century of social and behavioral sciences research in many substantive domains, (b) long-neglected yet widely recognized deficiencies in the epistemological assumptions, discovery practices and justification standards of the dominant paradigm on which the social and behavioral sciences have relied --- and rely--- to conceptualize, interpret, and guide their empirical research, (c) a broadly based consensus among leading scholars and scientists about the need for fundamental paradigm reforms, and (d) institutional incentive structures that not only encourage and reinforce the status quo but discourage constructive reform efforts. Our objective for the next eight hours is to formulate strategies and recommendations for leveraging the resources and influence of the National Institute of Mental Health to foster a climate of constructive reforms where they are needed by freeing investigators in from the oppressive constraints of existing paradigms and facilitating, encouraging, and funding their retooling their effort

    J.D. Thompson’s Organizations in Action 50th anniversary: a reflection

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    At the 50th anniversary of James D. Thompson’s fundamental book, Organizations in Action, TAO Digital Library proposes a reflection on this great master’s legacy and the evolution of organizational studies. Twelve researchers, from different disciplinary fields, analyze both the texts utilized for teaching and the contribution of several important journals, particularly in recent decades. The outcome is an overall picture that may stimulate different, divergent evaluations and, even more importantly, desirable, deeper reflections