8,071 research outputs found

    How can SMEs benefit from big data? Challenges and a path forward

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    Big data is big news, and large companies in all sectors are making significant advances in their customer relations, product selection and development and consequent profitability through using this valuable commodity. Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) have proved themselves to be slow adopters of the new technology of big data analytics and are in danger of being left behind. In Europe, SMEs are a vital part of the economy, and the challenges they encounter need to be addressed as a matter of urgency. This paper identifies barriers to SME uptake of big data analytics and recognises their complex challenge to all stakeholders, including national and international policy makers, IT, business management and data science communities. The paper proposes a big data maturity model for SMEs as a first step towards an SME roadmap to data analytics. It considers the ‘state-of-the-art’ of IT with respect to usability and usefulness for SMEs and discusses how SMEs can overcome the barriers preventing them from adopting existing solutions. The paper then considers management perspectives and the role of maturity models in enhancing and structuring the adoption of data analytics in an organisation. The history of total quality management is reviewed to inform the core aspects of implanting a new paradigm. The paper concludes with recommendations to help SMEs develop their big data capability and enable them to continue as the engines of European industrial and business success. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Management Methods for Complex Projects

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    This freely available project management eBook is the start of your journey in the field of complex project management methodologies, introducing you to some of the core methods, processes and tools as recognised by the project management discipline. This eBook lays out methodologies such as XP, Agile, Scrum, Kanban, Six Sigma, PRINCE2, Waterfall, PRiSM, Soft Systems Methodology as well as introducing Project Design as a method so you can leverage the right project management approach. This eBook will be of value to students, practitioners, and businesses in Australia and overseas seeking professional development in the field of project management methodologies

    Assessing BPM’s role in a digital innovation project

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Information Systems and Technologies ManagementThe world is changing. In the digitalization era, digital devices are everywhere, enabled by the quick proliferation of smart and connected products. The transformation we are witnessing is not only about the new digital artefacts, but also includes the alignment of the operations, business processes, strategy and organizational, and IT structures, resulting in the so-called maturity. Although it might not be trivial, this increased efficiency is closely connected with the processes, of how to create opportunities for optimizing and redesigning them. However, the combination of digital innovation and business process management, and how one benefits the other, is not very explored in the literature, which constitutes a research gap. Given this, the importance of business process management practices and their relationship with the remaining organisation’s dimensions was studied and assessed through a comprehensive and systematic literature review. Hence, insights were gathered to create a framework that allows answering the research question “What is the BPM’s role in a digital innovation project?”. It was expected to understand the challenges associated with digital transformation, what core requirements are the most valuable, and what is the role of process management in all of it. A focus group has confirmed the usefulness of the artefact, by showing the correlation between the different elements in scope and allowing an understanding of the capabilities needed in the organisation. Nonetheless, the feedback suggested the adaptation of the framework to include a maturity assessment pre-stage and cost evaluation per digital transformation category, so it can be completely transversal to all types of organisations and all budgets

    Kehitys- ja ylläpito-osastojen välisten ohjelmistokehitysprosessien parantaminen teleoperaattoriyrityksessä

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    This Master’s Thesis studies the improvement of software development processes of a tele-communications company by utilizing agile development methods. Specifically, this thesis focuses on improving the processes of a development organization within the telecommunications company that has been split into two distinct development departments. In order to apply agile development methods effectively, analysis of the situation had to be per-formed. The primary analysis method utilized during this thesis was a set of interviews conducted together with several employees of the company. Additionally, a quantitative data analysis was performed using Six Sigma process development methods in order to complement the interview results. The results from the analyses were that the telecommunications company needs to apply certain aspects of agile development, such as preferring local development teams, and improving cross-team collaboration and knowledge transfer, while avoiding some potentially ineffective aspects of agile development that would not be applicable in the specific situation of the company. Additionally, the company needs to focus on improving the processes related to development of newer, younger telecommunications systems, as this kind of system development particularly benefits from agile development.Diplomityö tutkii tietoliikenneyrityksen ohjelmistokehityksen prosessien parantamista ketterän ohjelmistokehityksen menetelmien avulla. Erityisesti, diplomityö pyrkii kehittämään yrityksen ohjelmistokehitysyksiköiden välisiä prosesseja, sillä yksiköt ovat yrityksessä jaettu kahteen erilliseen kehitys- ja ylläpito-osastoon. Jotta ketterää kehitystä pystytään soveltamaan tehokkaasti, yrityksen nykyisestä tilanteesta piti suorittaa kattava analyysi. Pääasiallinen analyysimenetelmä diplomityössä oli haastattelu, joka toteutettiin yhdessä yrityksen työntekijöiden kanssa. Haastattelutulosten täydennykseksi työssä toteutettiin kvantitatiivinen data-analyysi käyttäen Six Sigma -prosessikehitysmenetelmiä. Diplomityön tulosten perusteella yrityksen on sovellettava eräitä ketterän kehityksen menetelmiä, kuten paikallisten kehitystyöryhmien perustamista sekä ryhmien välisen yhteistyön ja tiedonvälityksen parantamista, mutta samalla yrityksen tulee välttää tiettyjä sille sopimattomia ketterän kehityksen menetelmiä, jotka voisivat olla haitallisia yrityksen erityisessä tilanteessa. Lisäksi yrityksen tulee keskittyä iältään nuorten tietoliikennejärjestelmien kehitystyön prosessien parantamiseen, sillä tämän kaltaisien järjestelmien kehitys hyötyy eniten ketterän kehityksen menetelmien käyttöönotosta

    Operational Risk Management and Implications for Bank’s Economic Capital – a Case Study

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    In this paper we review the actual operational data of an anonymous Central European Bank, using two approaches described in the literature: the loss distribution approach and the extreme value theory (“EVT”). Within the EVT analysis, two estimation methods were applied; the standard maximum likelihood estimation method and the probability weighted method (“PWM”). Our results proved a heavy-tailed pattern of operational risk data consistent with the results documented by other researchers in this field. Additionally, our research demonstrates that the PWM is quite consistent even when the data is limited since our results provide reasonable and consistent capital estimates. From a policy perspective, it should be noted that banks from emerging markets such as Central Europe are exposed to these operational risk events and that successful estimates of the likely distribution of these risk events can be derived from more mature markets.operational risk, economic capital, Basel II, extreme value theory, probability weighted method

    Shifting from Management to Leadership: A Procurement Model Adaptation to Project Management

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    abstract: The construction industry is performing poorly regarding project management and service delivery. On average, global projects are over-budget, delayed, and met with unsatisfactory results according to buyers. To mitigate poor performance, the project management career path has been heavily researched and continually developed over the last century. Despite the published advances in project management approaches and tools, project performance continues to suffer. This research seeks to conduct an exploratory analysis of current project management and other approaches and determine how they affect project performance. Through a detailed literature search, the researcher identified a procurement model that is more heavily documented as high performing than all other approaches. The researcher proposed that this model may be a solution to assist project managers with the delivery of high performing services. The model is called the Best Value Approach (BVA). The BVA focuses on leadership, non-technical communication, quality assurance, and transparent project execution. To test the effectiveness of its practices, the researcher modified and adapted the BVA into a project management approach and tested it on a large-scale government project. During the case study test, the researcher observed that there were two primary project management roles in the supply chain; the buyer’s and vendor’s project managers. The case study resulted in the large government organization receiving more work and increased their satisfaction of the work received by 22 percent from the previous year. To further test the project management adapted BVA, the researcher conducted a classroom case-study in which students learned and implemented the BVA practices on real-time, small-scale industry projects. Results include cost savings of 100,000for10companiesover24projects,costavoidanceofover100,000 for 10 companies over 24 projects, cost avoidance of over 4.5M, and a 9.8/10 customer satisfaction [in terms of the companies’ satisfaction with the deliverables produced on each project]. These results suggest that the BVA practices may effectively improve the performance of project delivery, and may be a viable new project management approach to train future project managers. Out of the two project manager roles, it is proposed that the buyer’s project manager may receive the most benefit. Additional research is needed on the other approaches to compare quantitative project performance, and run repeated testing on the potential new project management approach.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Construction Management 201

    Capability Maturity Model Integration (Cmmi) for Small Organizations

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    Software Process Improvement (SPI) is a large area of expertise that deals with software development standard processes and is a progression of proven methods of process improvement from many different methodologies. Personal Software Process (PSP) and Team Software Process (TSP) complement the implementation of Capability Maturity Model Implementation (CMMI) and can be applied gradually from the individual, to the team, and then to the organization. These solutions from Carnegie Melon\u27s Software Engineering Institute (SEI) are leading edge for the field of process improvement. Solutions like this consume many resources, are very complex, require years to implement, and can be costly. The SEI solutions offer an industry standard for SPI. Three case studies were analyzed to provide insight into the benefits of CMMI for small organizations. Decisions that steer these solutions generally involve scheduling, quality, and cost. Depending on the individual needs of an organization, the CMMI technology can fulfill what is required. The example case studies were examined and concluded that given favorable conditions, implementing CMMI is feasible for small organizations

    An agile information flow consolidator for delivery of quality software projects: technological perspective from a South African start-up

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    In today’s knowledge-based economy, modern organisations understand the importance of technology in their quest to be considered global leaders. South African markets like others worldwide are regularly flooded with the latest technology trends which can complicate the acquisition, use, management and maintenance of software. To achieve a competitive edge, companies tend to leverage agile methods with the best possible combination of innovative supporting tools as a key differentiator. Software technology firms are in this light faced with determining how to leverage technology and efficient development processes for them to consistently deliver quality software projects and solutions to their customer base. Previous studies have discussed the importance of software development processes from a project management perspective. African academia has immensely contributed in terms of software development and project management research which has focused on modern frameworks, methodologies as well as project management techniques. While the current research continues with this tradition by presenting the pertinence of modern agile methodologies, it additionally further describes modern agile development processes tailored in a sub-Saharan context. The study also aims novelty by showing how innovative sometimes disruptive technology tools can contribute to producing African software solutions to African problems. To this end, the thesis contains an experimental case study where a web portal is prototyped to assist firms with the management of agile project management and engineering related activities. Literature review, semi-structure interviews as well as direct observations from the industry use case are used as data sources. Underpinned by an Activity Theory analytical framework, the qualitative data is analysed by leveraging content and thematic oriented techniques. This study aims to contribute to software engineering as well as the information systems body of knowledge in general. The research hence ambitions to propose a practical framework to promote the delivery of quality software projects and products. For this thesis, such a framework was designed around an information system which helps organizations better manage agile project management and engineering related activities.Information SciencePh. D. (Information Systems

    Risk management framework in Agile software development methodology

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    In software projects that use the Agile methodology, the focus is on development in small iterations to allow both frequent changes and client involvement. This methodology affects the risks that may happen in Agile software projects. Hence, these projects need a clear risk management process to reduce risks and address the problems before they arise. Most software production methodologies must use a framework for risk management, but currently, there is no such framework for the Agile methodology. Therefore, we present a risk management framework for projects that use the Agile methodology to help the software development process and increase the likelihood of the project’s success. The proposed framework states the necessary measures for risk management according to the ISO31000 standard at each stage of the Agile methodology. We evaluated the proposed framework in two running software projects with an Agile methodology by a number of expert experts. The results show that using our proposed framework increases the average positive risk reaction score by 49%

    Harmonizing CMMI-DEV 1.2 and XP Method to Improve The Software Development Processes in Small Software Development Firms

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    Most software development organizations are small firms, and they have realized the need to manage and improve their software development and management activities. Traditional Software Process Improvement (SPI) models and standards are not realistic for these firms because of high cost, limited resources and strict project deadlines. Therefore, these firms need a lightweight software development method and an appropriate SPI model to manage and improve their software development and management processes. This study aims to construct a suitable software development process improvement framework for Small Software Development Firms (SSDFs) based on eXtreme Programming (XP) method and Capability Maturity Model Integration for Development Version 1.2 (CMMI-Dev1.2) model. Four stages are involved in developing the framework: (1) aligning XP practices to the specific goals of CMMI-Dev1.2 Key Process Areas (KPAs); (2) developing the proposed software development process improvement framework based on extending XP method by adapting the Extension-Based Approach (EBA), CMMI-Dev1.2, and generic elements of the SPI framework; (3) verifying the compatibility of the proposed framework to the KPAs of CMMI-Dev1.2 by using focus group method coupled with Delphi technique; and (4) validating the modified framework by using CMMI-Dev1.2 questionnaire as a main item to validate the suitability of the modified framework for SSDFs, and conducting two case studies to validate the applicability and effectiveness of this framework for these firms. The result of aligning XP practices to the KPAs of CMMI-Dev1.2 shows that twelve KPAs are largely supported by XP practices, eight KPAs are partially supported by XP practices, and two KPAs are not-supported by XP practices. The main contributions of this study are: software development process improvement framework for SSDFs, elicit better understanding of how to construct the framework, and quality improvement of the software development processes. There are possible avenues for extending this research to fulfil the missing specific practices of several KPAs, examining other agile practices and using CMMI-Dev1.3 to improve the framework, and conducting more case studie
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