17 research outputs found

    Statistical equilibrium in quantum gravity: Gibbs states in group field theory

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    Gibbs states are known to play a crucial role in the statistical description of a system with a large number of degrees of freedom. They are expected to be vital also in a quantum gravitational system with many underlying fundamental discrete degrees of freedom. However, due to the absence of well-defined concepts of time and energy in background independent settings, formulating statistical equilibrium in such cases is an open issue. This is even more so in a quantum gravity context that is not based on any of the usual spacetime structures, but on non-spatiotemporal degrees of freedom. In this paper, after having clarified general notions of statistical equilibrium, on which two different construction procedures for Gibbs states can be based, we focus on the group field theory (GFT) formalism for quantum gravity, whose technical features prove advantageous to the task. We use the operator formulation of GFT to define its statistical mechanical framework, based on which we construct three concrete examples of Gibbs states. The first is a Gibbs state with respect to a geometric volume operator, which is shown to support condensation to a low-spin phase. This state is not based on a pre-defined symmetry of the system and its construction is via Jaynes’ entropy maximisation principle. The second are Gibbs states encoding structural equilibrium with respect to internal translations on the GFT base manifold, and defined via the KMS condition. The third are Gibbs states encoding relational equilibrium with respect to a clock Hamiltonian, obtained by deparametrization with respect to coupled scalar matter fields.Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst https://doi.org/10.13039/501100001655Peer Reviewe

    Spin Foams and Canonical Quantization

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    This review is devoted to the analysis of the mutual consistency of the spin foam and canonical loop quantizations in three and four spacetime dimensions. In the three-dimensional context, where the two approaches are in good agreement, we show how the canonical quantization \`a la Witten of Riemannian gravity with a positive cosmological constant is related to the Turaev-Viro spin foam model, and how the Ponzano-Regge amplitudes are related to the physical scalar product of Riemannian loop quantum gravity without cosmological constant. In the four-dimensional case, we recall a Lorentz-covariant formulation of loop quantum gravity using projected spin networks, compare it with the new spin foam models, and identify interesting relations and their pitfalls. Finally, we discuss the properties which a spin foam model is expected to possess in order to be consistent with the canonical quantization, and suggest a new model illustrating these results

    Holographic Aspects of Quantum Gravity

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    The unification of quantum principles with Einstein's geometric conception of spacetime and gravity into a consistent theory of quantum gravity is one of the main open challenges at the foundations of modern theoretical physics. Among several approaches developed over the years, the two main candidates are string theory and loop quantum gravity (LQG). Both theories are characterized by their own achievements and open issues so that the solution to the problem of quantum gravity remains still elusive. In lack of experimental guidance, in order to make progress, it becomes important to single out common features shared by different approaches allowing to merge tools and ideas, thus providing indirect tests to potentially overcome current limitations. In this respect, one of the major recent developments is the so-called holographic principle and its string theory-based realization within the Anti-de Sitter/Conformal Field Theory (AdS/CFT) correspondence, a conjectured duality between string theory in asymptotically AdS spacetime and a SU(N) gauge theory thought of as living on its conformal boundary. As such it provides a promising arena to look for possible connections between non-perturbative LQG and string theory non-perturbatively defined via its dual field theory. With this motivation in mind, in this thesis we focus on effective symmetry-reduced models for resolved cosmological and black hole singularities to which lot of effort has been devoted within the LQG community and their possible embedding within the AdS/CFT framework. First of all, we focus on the field theory signatures of the singularity resolution in the bulk of Kasner-AdS spacetimes and show via several examples of quantum corrected effective geometries that the finite-distance pole in the boundary two-point correlator previously interpreted as the holographic signature of the bulk singularity is smoothed out by quantum gravity effects. The time dependence of the boundary spacetime however prevents us from setting up an independent field theory computation to compare with the bulk gravity results. We move then to black hole (BH) singularities whose asymptotic boundary is Minkowski or AdS. Since no fully satisfactory effective LQG model is available already for the simplest static spherically symmetric case with zero cosmological constant, we consider the case of a 4-dimensional Schwarzschild BH as a necessary preparation for higher dimensional extensions to AdS BHs. New models based on new sets of canonical variables directly related to the Kretschmann scalar are thus introduced to take the onset of quantum effects under control, and the resulting quantum corrected spacetime structure is discussed in detail. A key ingredient of our analysis is the study of Dirac observables for the asymptotic ADM masses and their relation with admissible initial conditions for the effective dynamics compatibly with the requirement of a unique upper bound on curvature invariants resolving the central singularity. Finally, quantum corrections to thermodynamic quantities are also analyzed and, coming back to the original motivation of using LQG techniques for AdS/CFT, a possible extension to arbitrary dimensions and negative cosmological constant is sketched

    The Construction of Spin Foam Vertex Amplitudes

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    Spin foam vertex amplitudes are the key ingredient of spin foam models for quantum gravity. These fall into the realm of discretized path integral, and can be seen as generalized lattice gauge theories. They can be seen as an attempt at a 4-dimensional generalization of the Ponzano-Regge model for 3d quantum gravity. We motivate and review the construction of the vertex amplitudes of recent spin foam models, giving two different and complementary perspectives of this construction. The first proceeds by extracting geometric configurations from a topological theory of the BF type, and can be seen to be in the tradition of the work of Barrett, Crane, Freidel and Krasnov. The second keeps closer contact to the structure of Loop Quantum Gravity and tries to identify an appropriate set of constraints to define a Lorentz-invariant interaction of its quanta of space. This approach is in the tradition of the work of Smolin, Markopoulous, Engle, Pereira, Rovelli and Livine

    Theoretical and Observational Aspects in Metric-Affine Gravity

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    En esta tesis se tratan varios aspectos teóricos y fenomenológicos de las teorías de gravedad métrico-afin. En la introducción se presentan las herramientas necesarias para comprender el marco y entender algunas sutilezas relacionadas con la prescripción de acoplamiento mínimo entre geometría y materia en presencia de torsión y nometricidad. La parte central de la tesis está dedicada a estudiar la estructura de teorías de la gravedad basada en el tensor de Ricci (RBG), que serán de uso posterior para comprender las propiedades genéricas de las teorías métrico afines. Empezamos analizando la estructura de las ecuaciones de campo RBG y aspectos no triviales de su espacio de soluciones. Luego analizamos los espectros de abrosción de algunas soluciones esféricamente simétricas. Finalmente mostramos que, si la simetría proyectiva en estas teorías se rompe explícitamente, entonces surgen grados de libertad inestables de tipo fantasma, argumentando que esta será una característica genérica de las teorías de la gravedad métrica-afín. Concluimos estra parte analizando teorías métrico-afines desde la perspectiva de teorías de campo efectivas (EFT), mostrando cómo la no metricidad toma una forma particular en las teorías genéricas donde el tensor Ricci simétrizado aparece en la acción más allá del término de Einstein-Hilbert. Esto genera interacciones efectivas observables, que usamos para imponer restricciones estrictas a estas teorías. En la tercera parte de la tesis presentamos una miscelanea de trabajos que no están tan relacionados con la estructura de las teorías RBG. Primero nosotros encontrar una familia de teorías f (R) métrico-afines que imitan la dinámica de los modelos de cosmología cuántica de bucles a nivel de background. Luego estudiamos un modelo para la ruptura espontánea de la simetría de Lorentz en el enfoque métrico-afín. En el siguiente capítulo generalizamos una definición invariante conforme de tiempo propio dada por Perlick al caso con no metricidad general. Finalmente, presentamos argumentos que muestran que la teoría D->4 EGB propuesta recientemente no está bien definida en su forma original. Terminamos con unas breves conclusiones.In this thesis we deal with several theoretical and phenomenological apsects of metric-affine theories of gravity. Concretely, we first give a broad introduction to the necessary tools to understand the framework and elaborate on some subtleties of the minimal coupling prescription between geometry and matter in presence of torsion and nonmetricity. Then we dedicate the central part of the thesis to study the structure of Ricci Based gravity (RBG) theories, which will be of later use to understand generic properties of metric-affine theories. We begin by analysing the structure of the RBG field equations and nontrivial aspects of their solution space. We then analyse the abrosption spectra of some spherically symmetric solutions. Then, we show that, if the projective symmetry in these theories is explicitly broken, then there arise ghost degrees of freedom, and we argue that this will be a generic feature of metric-affine gravity theories. Having done this, we analyse metricafine theories through the EFT lens, showing how the nonmetricity tkes a particular form in generic theories where the symmetrised Ricci tensor appears in the action beyond the Einstein-Hilbert term. This sources effective interactions that we use to place tight constraints to these theories. In the third part of the thesis we present a miscelanea of works which are not so related to the structure of RBG theories. First we find a family of metric-affine f(R) theories that mimicks the dynamics of Loop Cosmology models at the background level. Then we study a model for spontaneous breaking of Lorentz symmetry, namely the bumblebee model, in the metric-affine approach. In the following chapter we generalise a conformal invariant definition of proper time given by Perlick to the case with general nonmetricity. Finally, we present arguments that show that the recently proposed D$EGB theory is not well defined in its original form. We finish with a brief outlook