713 research outputs found

    Quantifying the Effects of Normal Ageing on White Matter Structure using Unsupervised Tract Shape Modelling

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    Quantitative tractography may provide insights into regional heterogeneity of changes in white matter structure in normal ageing. Here we examine how brain atrophy and white matter lesions affect correlations between tract shape, tract integrity and age in a range of frontal and non-frontal tracts in 90 non-demented subjects aged over 65 years using an enhanced version of probabilistic neighbourhood tractography. This novel method for automatic single seed point placement employs unsupervised learning and streamline selection to provide reliable and accurate tract segmentation, whilst also indicating how the shape of an individual tract compares to that of a predefined reference tract. There were significant negative correlations between tract shape similarity to reference tracts derived from a young brain white matter atlas and age in genu and splenium of corpus callosum. Controlling for intracranial and lateral ventricle volume, the latter of which increased significantly with age, attenuated these correlations by 40 and 84 % respectively, indicating that this age-related change in callosal tract topology is significantly mediated by global atrophy and ventricular enlargement. In accordance with the 'frontal ageing' hypothesis, there was a significant positive correlation between mean diffusivity () and age, and a significant negative correlation between fractional anisotropy (FA) and age in corpus callosum genu; correlations not seen in splenium. Significant positive correlations were also observed between and age in bilateral cingulum cingulate gyri, uncinate fasciculi and right corticospinal tract. This pattern of correlations was not, however, reproduced when those subjects with significant white matter lesion load were analyzed separately from those without. These data therefore suggest that brain atrophy and white matter lesions play a significant role in driving regional patterns of age-related changes in white matter tract shape and integrity

    Quantitative T2 mapping of white matter:applications for ageing and cognitive decline

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    In MRI, the coherence lifetime T2 is sensitive to the magnetic environment imposed by tissue microstructure and biochemistry in vivo. Here we explore the possibility that the use of T2 relaxometry may provide information complementary to that provided by diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) in ageing of healthy controls (HC), Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and mild cognitive impairment (MCI). T2 and diffusion MRI metrics were quantified in HC and patients with MCI and mild AD using multi-echo MRI and DTI. We used tract-based spatial statistics (TBSS) to evaluate quantitative MRI parameters in white matter (WM). A prolonged T2 in WM was associated with AD, and able to distinguish AD from MCI, and AD from HC. Shorter WM T2 was associated with better cognition and younger age in general. In no case was a reduction in T2 associated with poorer cognition. We also applied principal component analysis, showing that WM volume changes independently of  T2, MRI diffusion indices and cognitive performance indices. Our data add to the evidence that age-related and AD-related decline in cognition is in part attributable to WM tissue state, and much less to WM quantity. These observations suggest that WM is involved in AD pathology, and that T2 relaxometry is a potential imaging modality for detecting and characterising WM in cognitive decline and dementia

    Fluctuating asymmetry in brain structure and general intelligence in 73-Year-olds

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    SRC, MEB, JMW, IJD were supported by MRC grants MR/M013111/1 and MR/R024065/1. IJD is additionally supported by the Dementias Platform UK (MR/L015382/1), and he, SRC and SJR by the Age UK-funded Disconnected Mind project (http://www.disconnectedmind.ed.ac.uk). The work was done within the University of Edinburgh Centre for Cognitive Ageing and Cognitive Epidemiology; it was funded by the MRC and the BBSRC (MR/K026992/1) and supported SJR, IJD, and JMS. SRC, SJR, MEB and IJD were supported by a National Institutes of Health (NIH) research grant R01AG054628. JMW was supported by the Scottish Imaging Network: A Platform for Scientific Excellence (SINAPSE) collaboration (http://www.sinapse.ac.uk).Fluctuating body asymmetry is theorized to indicate developmental instability, and to have small positive associations with low socioeconomic status (SES). Previous studies have reported small negative associations between fluctuating body asymmetry and cognitive functioning, but relationships between fluctuating brain asymmetry and cognitive functioning remain unclear. The present study investigated the association between general intelligence (a latent factor derived from a factor analysis on 13 cognitive tests) and the fluctuating asymmetry of four structural measures of brain hemispheric asymmetry: cortical surface area, cortical volume, cortical thickness, and white matter fractional anisotropy. The sample comprised members of the Lothian Birth Cohort 1936 (LBC1936, N = 636, mean age = 72.9 years). Two methods were used to calculate structural hemispheric asymmetry: in the first method, regions contributed equally to the overall asymmetry score; in the second method, regions contributed proportionally to their size. When regions contributed equally, cortical thickness asymmetry was negatively associated with general intelligence (beta=-0.18,p <.001). There was no association between cortical thickness asymmetry and childhood SES, suggesting that other mechanisms are involved in the thickness asymmetry-intelligence association. Across all cortical metrics, asymmetry of regions identified by the parieto-frontal integration theory (P-FIT) was not more strongly associated with general intelligence than non-P-FIT asymmetry. When regions contributed proportionally, there were no associations between general intelligence and any of the asymmetry measures. The implications of these findings, and of different methods of calculating structural hemispheric asymmetry, are discussed.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Does white matter structure or hippocampal volume mediate associations between cortisol and cognitive ageing?

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    AbstractElevated glucocorticoid (GC) levels putatively damage specific brain regions, which in turn may accelerate cognitive ageing. However, many studies are cross-sectional or have relatively short follow-up periods, making it difficult to relate GCs directly to changes in cognitive ability with increasing age. Moreover, studies combining endocrine, MRI and cognitive variables are scarce, measurement methods vary considerably, and formal tests of the underlying causal hypothesis (cortisol→brain→cognition) are absent. In this study, 90 men, aged 73 years, provided measures of fluid intelligence, processing speed and memory, diurnal and reactive salivary cortisol and two measures of white matter (WM) structure (WM hyperintensity volume from structural MRI and mean diffusivity averaged across 12 major tracts from diffusion tensor MRI), hippocampal volume, and also cognitive ability at age 11. We tested whether negative relationships between cognitive ageing differences (over more than 60 years) and salivary cortisol were significantly mediated by WM and hippocampal volume. Significant associations between reactive cortisol at 73 and cognitive ageing differences between 11 and 73 (r=−.28 to −.36, p<.05) were partially mediated by both WM structural measures, but not hippocampal volume. Cortisol-WM relationships were modest, as was the degree to which WM structure attenuated cortisol–cognition associations (<15%). These data support the hypothesis that GCs contribute to cognitive ageing differences from childhood to the early 70s, partly via brain WM structure

    Probing the brain’s white matter with diffusion MRI and a tissue dependent diffusion model

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    While diffusion MRI promises an insight into white matter microstructure in vivo, the axonal pathways that connect different brain regions together can only partially be segmented using current methods. Here we present a novel method for estimating the tissue composition of each voxel in the brain from diffusion MRI data, thereby providing a foundation for computing the volume of different pathways in both health and disease. With the tissue dependent diffusion model described in this thesis, white matter is segmented by removing the ambiguity caused by the isotropic partial volumes: both grey matter and cerebrospinal fluid. Apart from the volume fractions of all three tissue types, we also obtain estimates of fibre orientations for tractography as well as diffusivity and anisotropy parameters which serve as proxy indices of pathway coherence. We assume Gaussian diffusion of water molecules for each tissue type. The resulting three-tensor model comprises one anisotropic (white matter) compartment modelled by a cylindrical tensor and two isotropic compartments (grey matter and cerebrospinal fluid). We model the measurement noise using a Rice distribution. Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling techniques are used to estimate posterior distributions over the model’s parameters. In particular, we employ a Metropolis Hastings sampler with a custom burn-in and proposal adaptation to ensure good mixing and efficient exploration of the high-probability region. This way we obtain not only point estimates of quantities of interest, but also a measure of their uncertainty (posterior variance). The model is evaluated on synthetic data and brain images: we observe that the volume maps produced with our method show plausible and well delineated structures for all three tissue types. Estimated white matter fibre orientations also agree with known anatomy and align well with those obtained using current methods. Importantly, we are able to disambiguate the volume and anisotropy information thus alleviating partial volume effects and providing measures superior to the currently ubiquitous fractional anisotropy. These improved measures are then applied to study brain differences in a cohort of healthy volunteers aged 25-65 years. Lastly, we explore the possibility of using prior knowledge of the spatial variability of our parameters in the brain to further improve the estimation by pooling information among neighbouring voxels

    Structural brain networks from diffusion MRI: methods and application

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    Structural brain networks can be constructed at a macroscopic scale using diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) and whole-brain tractography. Under this approach, grey matter regions, such as Brodmann areas, form the nodes of a network and tractography is used to construct a set of white matter fibre tracts which form the connections. Graph-theoretic measures may then be used to characterise patterns of connectivity. In this study, we measured the test-retest properties of such networks by varying several factors affecting network construction using ten healthy volunteers who underwent a dMRI protocol at 1.5 T on two separate occasions. High resolution T1-weighted brains were parcellated into regions-of-interest and network connections were identified using dMRI and two alternative tractography algorithms, two alternative seeding strategies, constraints on anatomical plausibility and three alternative network weightings. Test-retest performance was found to improve when: 1) seeding from white matter, rather than grey; and 2) using probabilistic tractography, rather than deterministic. In terms of network weighting, a measure of streamline density produced better test-retest performance than tract-averaged diffusion anisotropy, although it remains unclear which is most representative of the underlying axonal connections. These findings were then used to inform network construction for two further cohorts: a casecontrol analysis of 30 patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) compared with 30 age-matched healthy controls; and a cross-sectional analysis of 80 healthy volunteers aged 25– 64 years. In both cases, networks were constructed using a weighting reflecting tract-averaged fractional anisotropy (FA). A mass-univariate statistical technique called network-based statistics, identified an impaired motor-frontal-subcortical subnetwork (10 nodes and 12 bidirectional connections), consistent with upper motor neuron pathology, in the ALS group compared with the controls. Reduced FA for three of the impaired network connections, which involved fibres of the cortico-spinal tract, were significantly correlated with the rate of disease progression. Cross-sectional analysis of the 80 healthy volunteers was intended to provide supporting evidence for the widely reported age-related decline in white matter integrity. However, no meaningful relationships were found between increasing age and impaired connectivity based on global, lobar and nodal network properties – findings which were confirmed with a conventional voxel-based analysis of the dMRI data. In conclusion, whilst current acquisition protocols and methods can produce networks capable of characterising the genuine between-subject differences in connectivity, it is challenging to measure subtle white matter changes, for example, due to normal ageing. We conclude that future work should be undertaken to address these concerns

    Brain white matter integrity and cortisol in older men:the Lothian Birth Cohort 1936

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    AbstractElevated glucocorticoid (GC) levels are hypothesized to be deleterious to some brain regions, including white matter (WM). Older age is accompanied by increased between-participant variation in GC levels, yet relationships between WM integrity and cortisol levels in older humans are underexplored. Moreover, it is unclear whether GC-WM associations might be general or pathway specific. We analyzed relationships between salivary cortisol (diurnal and reactive) and general measures of brain WM hyperintensity (WMH) volume, fractional anisotropy (gFA), and mean diffusivity (gMD) in 90 males, aged 73 years. Significant associations were predominantly found between cortisol measures and WMHs and gMD but not gFA. Higher cortisol at the start of a mild cognitive stressor was associated with higher WMH and gMD. Higher cortisol at the end was associated with greater WMHs. A constant or increasing cortisol level during cognitive testing was associated with lower gMD. Tract-specific bases of these associations implicated anterior thalamic radiation, uncinate, and arcuate and inferior longitudinal fasciculi. The cognitive sequelae of these relationships, above other covariates, are a priority for future study
