1,941 research outputs found

    DSpot: Test Amplification for Automatic Assessment of Computational Diversity

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    Context: Computational diversity, i.e., the presence of a set of programs that all perform compatible services but that exhibit behavioral differences under certain conditions, is essential for fault tolerance and security. Objective: We aim at proposing an approach for automatically assessing the presence of computational diversity. In this work, computationally diverse variants are defined as (i) sharing the same API, (ii) behaving the same according to an input-output based specification (a test-suite) and (iii) exhibiting observable differences when they run outside the specified input space. Method: Our technique relies on test amplification. We propose source code transformations on test cases to explore the input domain and systematically sense the observation domain. We quantify computational diversity as the dissimilarity between observations on inputs that are outside the specified domain. Results: We run our experiments on 472 variants of 7 classes from open-source, large and thoroughly tested Java classes. Our test amplification multiplies by ten the number of input points in the test suite and is effective at detecting software diversity. Conclusion: The key insights of this study are: the systematic exploration of the observable output space of a class provides new insights about its degree of encapsulation; the behavioral diversity that we observe originates from areas of the code that are characterized by their flexibility (caching, checking, formatting, etc.).Comment: 12 page

    Programming language trends : an empirical study

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    Predicting the evolution of software engineering technology trends is a dubious proposition. The recent evolution of software technology is a prime example; it is fast paced and affected by many factors, which are themselves driven by a wide range of sources. This dissertation is part of a long term project intended to analyze software engineering technology trends and how they evolve. Basically, the following questions will be answered: How to watch, predict, adapt to, and affect software engineering trends? In this dissertation, one field of software engineering, programming languages, will be discussed. After reviewing the history of a group of programming languages, it shows that two kinds of factors, intrinsic factors and extrinsic factors, could affect the evolution of a programming language. Intrinsic factors are the factors that can be used to describe the general desigu criteria of programming languages. Extrinsic factors are the factors that are not directly related to the general attributes of programming languages, but still can affect their evolution. In order to describe the relationship of these factors and how they affect programming language trends, these factors need to be quantified. A score has been assigued to each factor for every programming language. By collecting historical data, a data warehouse has been established, which stores the value of each factor for every programming language. The programming language trends are described and evaluated by using these data. Empirical research attempts to capture observed behaviors by empirical laws. In this dissertation, statistical methods are used to describe historical programming language trends and predict the evolution of the future trends. Several statistics models are constructed to describe the relationships among these factors. Canonical correlation is used to do the factor analysis. Multivariate multiple regression method has been used to construct the statistics models for programming language trends. After statistics models are constructed to describe the historical programming language trends, they are extended to do tentative prediction for future trends. The models are validated by comparing the predictive data and the actual data

    Quantifying and Predicting the Influence of Execution Platform on Software Component Performance

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    The performance of software components depends on several factors, including the execution platform on which the software components run. To simplify cross-platform performance prediction in relocation and sizing scenarios, a novel approach is introduced in this thesis which separates the application performance profile from the platform performance profile. The approach is evaluated using transparent instrumentation of Java applications and with automated benchmarks for Java Virtual Machines

    Software redundancy: what, where, how

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    Software systems have become pervasive in everyday life and are the core component of many crucial activities. An inadequate level of reliability may determine the commercial failure of a software product. Still, despite the commitment and the rigorous verification processes employed by developers, software is deployed with faults. To increase the reliability of software systems, researchers have investigated the use of various form of redundancy. Informally, a software system is redundant when it performs the same functionality through the execution of different elements. Redundancy has been extensively exploited in many software engineering techniques, for example for fault-tolerance and reliability engineering, and in self-adaptive and self- healing programs. Despite the many uses, though, there is no formalization or study of software redundancy to support a proper and effective design of software. Our intuition is that a systematic and formal investigation of software redundancy will lead to more, and more effective uses of redundancy. This thesis develops this intuition and proposes a set of ways to characterize qualitatively as well as quantitatively redundancy. We first formalize the intuitive notion of redundancy whereby two code fragments are considered redundant when they perform the same functionality through different executions. On the basis of this abstract and general notion, we then develop a practical method to obtain a measure of software redundancy. We prove the effectiveness of our measure by showing that it distinguishes between shallow differences, where apparently different code fragments reduce to the same underlying code, and deep code differences, where the algorithmic nature of the computations differs. We also demonstrate that our measure is useful for developers, since it is a good predictor of the effectiveness of techniques that exploit redundancy. Besides formalizing the notion of redundancy, we investigate the pervasiveness of redundancy intrinsically found in modern software systems. Intrinsic redundancy is a form of redundancy that occurs as a by-product of modern design and development practices. We have observed that intrinsic redundancy is indeed present in software systems, and that it can be successfully exploited for good purposes. This thesis proposes a technique to automatically identify equivalent method sequences in software systems to help developers assess the presence of intrinsic redundancy. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the technique by showing that it identifies the majority of equivalent method sequences in a system with good precision and performance

    Quantitative Information Flow of Side-Channel Leakages in Web Applications

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    PhDIt is not a secret that communications between client sides and server sides in web applications can leak user confidential data through side-channel attacks. The lower lever traffic features, such as packet sizes, packet lengths, timings, etc., are public to attackers. Attackers can infer a user's web activities including web browsing histories and user sensitive information by analysing web traffic generated during communications, even when the traffic is encrypted. There has been an increasing public concern about the disclosure of user privacy through side-channel attacks in web applications. A large amount of work has been proposed to analyse and evaluate this kind of security threat in the real world. This dissertation addresses side-channel vulnerabilities from different perspectives. First, a new approach based on verification and quantitative information flow is proposed to perform a fully automated analysis of side-channel leakages in web applications. Core to this aim is the generation of test cases without developers' manual work. Techniques are implemented into a tool, called SideAuto, which targets at the Apache Struts web applications. Then the focus is turned to real-world web applications. A black-box methodology of automatically analysing side-channel vulnerabilities in real-world web applications is proposed. This research demonstrates that communications which are not explicitly involving user sensitive information can leak user secrets, even more seriously than a traffic explicitly transmitting user information. Moreover, this thesis also examines side-channel leakages of user identities from Google accounts. The research demonstrates that user identities can be revealed, even when communicating with external websites included in Alexa Top 150 websites, which have no relation to Google accounts

    An Empirical Study on Mutation, Statement and Branch Coverage Fault Revelation that Avoids the Unreliable Clean Program Assumption

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    Many studies suggest using coverage concepts, such as branch coverage, as the starting point of testing, while others as the most prominent test quality indicator. Yet the relationship between coverage and fault-revelation remains unknown, yielding uncertainty and controversy. Most previous studies rely on the Clean Program Assumption, that a test suite will obtain similar coverage for both faulty and fixed (‘clean’) program versions. This assumption may appear intuitive, especially for bugs that denote small semantic deviations. However, we present evidence that the Clean Program Assumption does not always hold, thereby raising a critical threat to the validity of previous results. We then conducted a study using a robust experimental methodology that avoids this threat to validity, from which our primary finding is that strong mutation testing has the highest fault revelation of four widely-used criteria. Our findings also revealed that fault revelation starts to increase significantly only once relatively high levels of coverage are attained

    Automated Unit Testing of Evolving Software

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    As software programs evolve, developers need to ensure that new changes do not affect the originally intended functionality of the program. To increase their confidence, developers commonly write unit tests along with the program, and execute them after a change is made. However, manually writing these unit-tests is difficult and time-consuming, and as their number increases, so does the cost of executing and maintaining them. Automated test generation techniques have been proposed in the literature to assist developers in the endeavour of writing these tests. However, it remains an open question how well these tools can help with fault finding in practice, and maintaining these automatically generated tests may require extra effort compared to human written ones. This thesis evaluates the effectiveness of a number of existing automatic unit test generation techniques at detecting real faults, and explores how these techniques can be improved. In particular, we present a novel multi-objective search-based approach for generating tests that reveal changes across two versions of a program. We then investigate whether these tests can be used such that no maintenance effort is necessary. Our results show that overall, state-of-the-art test generation tools can indeed be effective at detecting real faults: collectively, the tools revealed more than half of the bugs we studied. We also show that our proposed alternative technique that is better suited to the problem of revealing changes, can detect more faults, and does so more frequently. However, we also find that for a majority of object-oriented programs, even a random search can achieve good results. Finally, we show that such change-revealing tests can be generated on demand in practice, without requiring them to be maintained over time

    Ernst Denert Award for Software Engineering 2020

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    This open access book provides an overview of the dissertations of the eleven nominees for the Ernst Denert Award for Software Engineering in 2020. The prize, kindly sponsored by the Gerlind & Ernst Denert Stiftung, is awarded for excellent work within the discipline of Software Engineering, which includes methods, tools and procedures for better and efficient development of high quality software. An essential requirement for the nominated work is its applicability and usability in industrial practice. The book contains eleven papers that describe the works by Jonathan BrachthĂ€user (EPFL Lausanne) entitled What You See Is What You Get: Practical Effect Handlers in Capability-Passing Style, Mojdeh Golagha’s (Fortiss, Munich) thesis How to Effectively Reduce Failure Analysis Time?, Nikolay Harutyunyan’s (FAU Erlangen-NĂŒrnberg) work on Open Source Software Governance, Dominic Henze’s (TU Munich) research about Dynamically Scalable Fog Architectures, Anne Hess’s (Fraunhofer IESE, Kaiserslautern) work on Crossing Disciplinary Borders to Improve Requirements Communication, Istvan Koren’s (RWTH Aachen U) thesis DevOpsUse: A Community-Oriented Methodology for Societal Software Engineering, Yannic Noller’s (NU Singapore) work on Hybrid Differential Software Testing, Dominic Steinhofel’s (TU Darmstadt) thesis entitled Ever Change a Running System: Structured Software Reengineering Using Automatically Proven-Correct Transformation Rules, Peter WĂ€gemann’s (FAU Erlangen-NĂŒrnberg) work Static Worst-Case Analyses and Their Validation Techniques for Safety-Critical Systems, Michael von Wenckstern’s (RWTH Aachen U) research on Improving the Model-Based Systems Engineering Process, and Franz Zieris’s (FU Berlin) thesis on Understanding How Pair Programming Actually Works in Industry: Mechanisms, Patterns, and Dynamics – which actually won the award. The chapters describe key findings of the respective works, show their relevance and applicability to practice and industrial software engineering projects, and provide additional information and findings that have only been discovered afterwards, e.g. when applying the results in industry. This way, the book is not only interesting to other researchers, but also to industrial software professionals who would like to learn about the application of state-of-the-art methods in their daily work

    Hybrid Differential Software Testing

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    Differentielles Testen ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil der QualitĂ€tssicherung von Software, mit dem Ziel Testeingaben zu generieren, die Unterschiede im Verhalten der Software deutlich machen. Solche Unterschiede können zwischen zwei AusfĂŒhrungspfaden (1) in unterschiedlichen Programmversionen, aber auch (2) im selben Programm auftreten. In dem ersten Fall werden unterschiedliche Programmversionen mit der gleichen Eingabe untersucht, wĂ€hrend bei dem zweiten Fall das gleiche Programm mit unterschiedlichen Eingaben analysiert wird. Die Regressionsanalyse, die Side-Channel Analyse, das Maximieren der AusfĂŒhrungskosten eines Programms und die Robustheitsanalyse von Neuralen Netzwerken sind typische Beispiele fĂŒr differentielle Softwareanalysen. Eine besondere Herausforderung liegt in der effizienten Analyse von mehreren Programmpfaden (auch ĂŒber mehrere Programmvarianten hinweg). Die existierenden AnsĂ€tze sind dabei meist nicht (spezifisch) dafĂŒr konstruiert, unterschiedliches Verhalten prĂ€zise hervorzurufen oder sind auf einen Teil des Suchraums limitiert. Diese Arbeit fĂŒhrt das Konzept des hybriden differentiellen Software Testens (HyDiff) ein: eine hybride Analysetechnik fĂŒr die Generierung von Eingaben zur Erkennung von semantischen Unterschieden in Software. HyDiff besteht aus zwei parallel laufenden Komponenten: (1) einem such-basierten Ansatz, der effizient Eingaben generiert und (2) einer systematischen Analyse, die auch komplexes Programmverhalten erreichen kann. Die such-basierte Komponente verwendet Fuzzing geleitet durch differentielle Heuristiken. Die systematische Analyse basiert auf Dynamic Symbolic Execution, das konkrete Eingaben bei der Analyse integrieren kann. HyDiff wird anhand mehrerer Experimente evaluiert, die in spezifischen Anwendungen im Bereich des differentiellen Testens ausgefĂŒhrt werden. Die Resultate zeigen eine effektive Generierung von Testeingaben durch HyDiff, wobei es sich signifikant besser als die einzelnen Komponenten verhĂ€lt.Differential software testing is important for software quality assurance as it aims to automatically generate test inputs that reveal behavioral differences in software. The concrete analysis procedure depends on the targeted result: differential testing can reveal divergences between two execution paths (1) of different program versions or (2) within the same program. The first analysis type would execute different program versions with the same input, while the second type would execute the same program with different inputs. Therefore, detecting regression bugs in software evolution, analyzing side-channels in programs, maximizing the execution cost of a program over multiple executions, and evaluating the robustness of neural networks are instances of differential software analysis with the goal to generate diverging executions of program paths. The key challenge of differential software testing is to simultaneously reason about multiple program paths, often across program variants, in an efficient way. Existing work in differential testing is often not (specifically) directed to reveal a different behavior or is limited to a subset of the search space. This PhD thesis proposes the concept of Hybrid Differential Software Testing (HyDiff) as a hybrid analysis technique to generate difference revealing inputs. HyDiff consists of two components that operate in a parallel setup: (1) a search-based technique that inexpensively generates inputs and (2) a systematic exploration technique to also exercise deeper program behaviors. HyDiff’s search-based component uses differential fuzzing directed by differential heuristics. HyDiff’s systematic exploration component is based on differential dynamic symbolic execution that allows to incorporate concrete inputs in its analysis. HyDiff is evaluated experimentally with applications specific for differential testing. The results show that HyDiff is effective in all considered categories and outperforms its components in isolation

    Ernst Denert Award for Software Engineering 2020

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    This open access book provides an overview of the dissertations of the eleven nominees for the Ernst Denert Award for Software Engineering in 2020. The prize, kindly sponsored by the Gerlind & Ernst Denert Stiftung, is awarded for excellent work within the discipline of Software Engineering, which includes methods, tools and procedures for better and efficient development of high quality software. An essential requirement for the nominated work is its applicability and usability in industrial practice. The book contains eleven papers that describe the works by Jonathan BrachthĂ€user (EPFL Lausanne) entitled What You See Is What You Get: Practical Effect Handlers in Capability-Passing Style, Mojdeh Golagha’s (Fortiss, Munich) thesis How to Effectively Reduce Failure Analysis Time?, Nikolay Harutyunyan’s (FAU Erlangen-NĂŒrnberg) work on Open Source Software Governance, Dominic Henze’s (TU Munich) research about Dynamically Scalable Fog Architectures, Anne Hess’s (Fraunhofer IESE, Kaiserslautern) work on Crossing Disciplinary Borders to Improve Requirements Communication, Istvan Koren’s (RWTH Aachen U) thesis DevOpsUse: A Community-Oriented Methodology for Societal Software Engineering, Yannic Noller’s (NU Singapore) work on Hybrid Differential Software Testing, Dominic Steinhofel’s (TU Darmstadt) thesis entitled Ever Change a Running System: Structured Software Reengineering Using Automatically Proven-Correct Transformation Rules, Peter WĂ€gemann’s (FAU Erlangen-NĂŒrnberg) work Static Worst-Case Analyses and Their Validation Techniques for Safety-Critical Systems, Michael von Wenckstern’s (RWTH Aachen U) research on Improving the Model-Based Systems Engineering Process, and Franz Zieris’s (FU Berlin) thesis on Understanding How Pair Programming Actually Works in Industry: Mechanisms, Patterns, and Dynamics – which actually won the award. The chapters describe key findings of the respective works, show their relevance and applicability to practice and industrial software engineering projects, and provide additional information and findings that have only been discovered afterwards, e.g. when applying the results in industry. This way, the book is not only interesting to other researchers, but also to industrial software professionals who would like to learn about the application of state-of-the-art methods in their daily work
