394 research outputs found

    On the automated compilation of UML notation to a VLIW chip multiprocessor

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    With the availability of more and more cores within architectures the process of extracting implicit and explicit parallelism in applications to fully utilise these cores is becoming complex. Implicit parallelism extraction is performed through the inclusion of intelligent software and hardware sections of tool chains although these reach their theoretical limit rather quickly. Due to this the concept of a method of allowing explicit parallelism to be performed as fast a possible has been investigated. This method enables application developers to perform creation and synchronisation of parallel sections of an application at a finer-grained level than previously possible, resulting in smaller sections of code being executed in parallel while still reducing overall execution time. Alongside explicit parallelism, a concept of high level design of applications destined for multicore systems was also investigated. As systems are getting larger it is becoming more difficult to design and track the full life-cycle of development. One method used to ease this process is to use a graphical design process to visualise the high level designs of such systems. One drawback in graphical design is the explicit nature in which systems are required to be generated, this was investigated, and using concepts already in use in text based programming languages, the generation of platform-independent models which are able to be specialised to multiple hardware architectures was developed. The explicit parallelism was performed using hardware elements to perform thread management, this resulted in speed ups of over 13 times when compared to threading libraries executed in software on commercially available processors. This allowed applications with large data dependent sections to be parallelised in small sections within the code resulting in a decrease of overall execution time. The modelling concepts resulted in the saving of between 40-50% of the time and effort required to generate platform-specific models while only incurring an overhead of up to 15% the execution cycles of these models designed for specific architectures

    Memory Subsystem Optimization Techniques for Modern High-Performance General-Purpose Processors

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    abstract: General-purpose processors propel the advances and innovations that are the subject of humanity’s many endeavors. Catering to this demand, chip-multiprocessors (CMPs) and general-purpose graphics processing units (GPGPUs) have seen many high-performance innovations in their architectures. With these advances, the memory subsystem has become the performance- and energy-limiting aspect of CMPs and GPGPUs alike. This dissertation identifies and mitigates the key performance and energy-efficiency bottlenecks in the memory subsystem of general-purpose processors via novel, practical, microarchitecture and system-architecture solutions. Addressing the important Last Level Cache (LLC) management problem in CMPs, I observe that LLC management decisions made in isolation, as in prior proposals, often lead to sub-optimal system performance. I demonstrate that in order to maximize system performance, it is essential to manage the LLCs while being cognizant of its interaction with the system main memory. I propose ReMAP, which reduces the net memory access cost by evicting cache lines that either have no reuse, or have low memory access cost. ReMAP improves the performance of the CMP system by as much as 13%, and by an average of 6.5%. Rather than the LLC, the L1 data cache has a pronounced impact on GPGPU performance by acting as the bandwidth filter for the rest of the memory subsystem. Prior work has shown that the severely constrained data cache capacity in GPGPUs leads to sub-optimal performance. In this thesis, I propose two novel techniques that address the GPGPU data cache capacity problem. I propose ID-Cache that performs effective cache bypassing and cache line size selection to improve cache capacity utilization. Next, I propose LATTE-CC that considers the GPU’s latency tolerance feature and adaptively compresses the data stored in the data cache, thereby increasing its effective capacity. ID-Cache and LATTE-CC are shown to achieve 71% and 19.2% speedup, respectively, over a wide variety of GPGPU applications. Complementing the aforementioned microarchitecture techniques, I identify the need for system architecture innovations to sustain performance scalability of GPG- PUs in the face of slowing Moore’s Law. I propose a novel GPU architecture called the Multi-Chip-Module GPU (MCM-GPU) that integrates multiple GPU modules to form a single logical GPU. With intelligent memory subsystem optimizations tailored for MCM-GPUs, it can achieve within 7% of the performance of a similar but hypothetical monolithic die GPU. Taking a step further, I present an in-depth study of the energy-efficiency characteristics of future MCM-GPUs. I demonstrate that the inherent non-uniform memory access side-effects form the key energy-efficiency bottleneck in the future. In summary, this thesis offers key insights into the performance and energy-efficiency bottlenecks in CMPs and GPGPUs, which can guide future architects towards developing high-performance and energy-efficient general-purpose processors.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Computer Science 201

    An Investigation of thread scheduling heuristics for a simultaneous multithreaded processor

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    Over the years, the von Neumann model of computing has undergone many enhancements. These changes include an improved memory hierarchy, multiple instruction issue and branch predic tion. Since the model\u27s introduction, the performance of processors has increased at a much greater rate than that of memory. Several modifications to hide this ever widening gap in performance are being examined in current research. A very promising one is the Simultaneous Multithreaded processor. This architecture strives to further reduce the effects of long latency instructions, such as memory accesses, by allowing multiple threads of execution to be active in the processor at the same time. With the introduction of multiple active threads in a single processor, several new aspects of processor operation can have a sizeable effect on performance. One such aspect is how to choose from which thread to fetch instructions during the next cycle. For this project, three different classes of fetch scheduling mechanisms were defined and exam ples of each were either studied or proposed. The proposed mechanisms were then tested using a set of four sample programs by adding the mechanisms to a Simultaneous Multithreading sim ulator based on the Simple Scalar tool set from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. With the proper configuration, each of the proposed mechanisms improved the performance of the simulated architecture. However, the best increase in performance was produced by the Event History Table. It achieved an IPC of 2.0995 for two threads while overriding the primary scheduling mechanism only 0.070% of the time

    An FPGA implementation of an investigative many-core processor, Fynbos : in support of a Fortran autoparallelising software pipeline

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    Includes bibliographical references.In light of the power, memory, ILP, and utilisation walls facing the computing industry, this work examines the hypothetical many-core approach to finding greater compute performance and efficiency. In order to achieve greater efficiency in an environment in which Moore’s law continues but TDP has been capped, a means of deriving performance from dark and dim silicon is needed. The many-core hypothesis is one approach to exploiting these available transistors efficiently. As understood in this work, it involves trading in hardware control complexity for hundreds to thousands of parallel simple processing elements, and operating at a clock speed sufficiently low as to allow the efficiency gains of near threshold voltage operation. Performance is there- fore dependant on exploiting a new degree of fine-grained parallelism such as is currently only found in GPGPUs, but in a manner that is not as restrictive in application domain range. While removing the complex control hardware of traditional CPUs provides space for more arithmetic hardware, a basic level of control is still required. For a number of reasons this work chooses to replace this control largely with static scheduling. This pushes the burden of control primarily to the software and specifically the compiler, rather not to the programmer or to an application specific means of control simplification. An existing legacy tool chain capable of autoparallelising sequential Fortran code to the degree of parallelism necessary for many-core exists. This work implements a many-core architecture to match it. Prototyping the design on an FPGA, it is possible to examine the real world performance of the compiler-architecture system to a greater degree than simulation only would allow. Comparing theoretical peak performance and real performance in a case study application, the system is found to be more efficient than any other reviewed, but to also significantly under perform relative to current competing architectures. This failing is apportioned to taking the need for simple hardware too far, and an inability to implement static scheduling mitigating tactics due to lack of support for such in the compiler

    Optimierung der Rechenleistung pro Fläche von Prozessorarchitekturen durch Rekonfiguration von Funktionseinheiten

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    Viele eingebettete Systeme, wie Smartphones, PDAs, MP3-Player und zahlreiche weitere, werden zur Miniaturisierung, Kostenreduktion und Steigerung der Robustheit zunehmend als System-on-a-Chip, also auf nur einem Stück Silizium, gefertigt. In solchen Systemen arbeiten sowohl Prozessoren und Speicher, wie auch mannigfaltige andere Peripherieeinheiten, welche spezialisierte Aufgaben des jeweiligen Einsatzgebietes des Systems übernehmen. Einige dieser Einheiten sind jedoch nicht durchgängig im Einsatz, wie beispielsweise ein GSM-Modulator bei Smartphones oder ein Hardware MPEG-Dekoder im PDA. Aufgrund der benötigten Flexibilität und des einfacheren Entwurfsprozesses wird es zunehmend populärer, Systems-on-a-Chip mit Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), frei programmierbaren Logikbausteinen, zu realisieren. Aktuelle Bausteine erlauben dynamische partielle Rekonfiguration. Sie können also Teile ihrer Logik ersetzen, während andere weiter in Betrieb bleiben. Die Ressourcen nicht aktiver Einheiten des Systems können somit dynamisch für andere Zwecke benutzt werden. Diese Arbeit schlägt eine Prozessorarchitektur vor, deren Rechenleistung sich durch zeitlich variable Hinzunahme und Abgabe von zur Verfügung stehenden Ressourcen der programmierbaren Logik anpasst. Zusätzliche Ressourcen werden, um dies zu erreichen, durch zusätzliche Funktionseinheiten für den Prozessor belegt. Deren Einbindung in die Berechnungen wird durch parallel ausführbare, den Prinzipien des Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computings genügende Instruktionen erreicht. Werden die belegten Ressourcen des Prozessors an anderer Stelle wieder benötigt, werden schrittweise Funktionseinheiten abgetreten, bis ein Minimum an Rechenleistung des Prozessors erreicht ist. Durch diesen Ansatz werden die zeitweise ungenutzten Ressourcen des Prozessors sinnvoll verwendet. Zudem bietet die vorgeschlagene Architektur die Fähigkeit, sich selbst an die auszuführenden Berechnungen anzupassen und sie somit schneller auszuführen. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, eine solche Klasse neuer Prozessoren zu definieren, ihren möglichen Nutzen zu quantifizieren und ihre technische Umsetzbarkeit nachzuweisen. Die mögliche Beschleunigung durch eine solche Architektur wird durch simulative Zuordnung von Befehlen potentieller Traces von Programmen auf Funktionseinheiten ermittelt. Die technische Machbarkeit des Ansatzes wird durch prototypische Implementierungen der kritischen Elemente der Architektur, vor allem im Bereich der partiellen Rekonfiguration von FPGAs, gezeigt

    Optimal Global Instruction Scheduling for the Itanium® Processor Architecture

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    On the Itanium 2 processor, effective global instruction scheduling is crucial to high performance. At the same time, it poses a challenge to the compiler: This code generation subtask involves strongly interdependent decisions and complex trade-offs that are difficult to cope with for heuristics. We tackle this NP-complete problem with integer linear programming (ILP), a search-based method that yields provably optimal results. This promises faster code as well as insights into the potential of the architecture. Our ILP model comprises global code motion with compensation copies, predication, and Itanium-specific features like control/data speculation. In integer linear programming, well-structured models are the key to acceptable solution times. The feasible solutions of an ILP are represented by integer points inside a polytope. If all vertices of this polytope are integral, then the ILP can be solved in polynomial time. We define two subproblems of global scheduling in which some constraint classes are omitted and show that the corresponding two subpolytopes of our ILP model are integral and polynomial sized. This substantiates that the found model is of high efficiency, which is also confirmed by the reasonable solution times. The ILP formulation is extended by further transformations like cyclic code motion, which moves instructions upwards out of a loop, circularly in the opposite direction of the loop backedges. Since the architecture requires instructions to be encoded in fixed-sized bundles of three, a bundler is developed that computes bundle sequences of minimal size by means of precomputed results and dynamic programming. Experiments have been conducted with a postpass tool that implements the ILP scheduler. It parses assembly procedures generated by Intel�s Itanium compiler and reschedules them as a whole. Using this tool, we optimize a selection of hot functions from the SPECint 2000 benchmark. The results show a significant speedup over the original code.Globale Instruktionsanordnung hat beim Itanium-2-Prozessor großen Einfluß auf die Leistung und stellt dabei gleichzeitig eine Herausforderung für den Compiler dar: Sie ist mit zahlreichen komplexen, wechselseitig voneinander abhängigen Entscheidungen verbunden, die für Heuristiken nur schwer zu beherrschen sind.Wir lösen diesesNP-vollständige Problem mit ganzzahliger linearer Programmierung (ILP), einer suchbasierten Methode mit beweisbar optimalen Ergebnissen. Das ermöglicht neben schnellerem Code auch Einblicke in das Potential der Itanium- Prozessorarchitektur. Unser ILP-Modell umfaßt globale Codeverschiebungen mit Kompensationscode, Prädikation und Itanium-spezifische Techniken wie Kontroll- und Datenspekulation. Bei ganzzahliger linearer Programmierung sind wohlstrukturierte Modelle der Schlüssel zu akzeptablen Lösungszeiten. Die zulässigen Lösungen eines ILPs werden durch ganzzahlige Punkte innerhalb eines Polytops repräsentiert. Sind die Eckpunkte dieses Polytops ganzzahlig, kann das ILP in Polynomialzeit gelöst werden. Wir definieren zwei Teilprobleme globaler Instruktionsanordnung durch Auslassung bestimmter Klassen von Nebenbedingungen und beweisen, daß die korrespondierenden Teilpolytope unseres ILP-Modells ganzzahlig und von polynomieller Größe sind. Dies untermauert die hohe Effizienz des gefundenen Modells, die auch durch moderate Lösungszeiten bestätigt wird. Das ILP-Modell wird um weitere Transformationen wie zyklische Codeverschiebung erweitert; letztere bezeichnet das Verschieben von Befehlen aufwärts aus einer Schleife heraus, in Gegenrichtung ihrer Rückwärtskanten. Da die Architektur eine Kodierung der Befehle in Dreierbündeln fester Größe vorschreibt, wird ein Bundler entwickelt, der Bündelsequenzen minimaler Länge mit Hilfe vorberechneter Teilergebnisse und dynamischer Programmierung erzeugt. Für die Experimente wurde ein Postpassoptimierer erstellt. Er liest von Intels Itanium-Compiler erzeugte Assemblerroutinen ein und ordnet die enthaltenen Instruktionen mit Hilfe der ILP-Methode neu an. Angewandt auf eine Auswahl von Funktionen aus dem Benchmark SPECint 2000 erreicht der Optimierer eine signifikante Beschleunigung gegenüber dem Originalcode

    Optimal Global Instruction Scheduling for the Itanium® Processor Architecture

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    On the Itanium 2 processor, effective global instruction scheduling is crucial to high performance. At the same time, it poses a challenge to the compiler: This code generation subtask involves strongly interdependent decisions and complex trade-offs that are difficult to cope with for heuristics. We tackle this NP-complete problem with integer linear programming (ILP), a search-based method that yields provably optimal results. This promises faster code as well as insights into the potential of the architecture. Our ILP model comprises global code motion with compensation copies, predication, and Itanium-specific features like control/data speculation. In integer linear programming, well-structured models are the key to acceptable solution times. The feasible solutions of an ILP are represented by integer points inside a polytope. If all vertices of this polytope are integral, then the ILP can be solved in polynomial time. We define two subproblems of global scheduling in which some constraint classes are omitted and show that the corresponding two subpolytopes of our ILP model are integral and polynomial sized. This substantiates that the found model is of high efficiency, which is also confirmed by the reasonable solution times. The ILP formulation is extended by further transformations like cyclic code motion, which moves instructions upwards out of a loop, circularly in the opposite direction of the loop backedges. Since the architecture requires instructions to be encoded in fixed-sized bundles of three, a bundler is developed that computes bundle sequences of minimal size by means of precomputed results and dynamic programming. Experiments have been conducted with a postpass tool that implements the ILP scheduler. It parses assembly procedures generated by Intel�s Itanium compiler and reschedules them as a whole. Using this tool, we optimize a selection of hot functions from the SPECint 2000 benchmark. The results show a significant speedup over the original code.Globale Instruktionsanordnung hat beim Itanium-2-Prozessor großen Einfluß auf die Leistung und stellt dabei gleichzeitig eine Herausforderung für den Compiler dar: Sie ist mit zahlreichen komplexen, wechselseitig voneinander abhängigen Entscheidungen verbunden, die für Heuristiken nur schwer zu beherrschen sind.Wir lösen diesesNP-vollständige Problem mit ganzzahliger linearer Programmierung (ILP), einer suchbasierten Methode mit beweisbar optimalen Ergebnissen. Das ermöglicht neben schnellerem Code auch Einblicke in das Potential der Itanium- Prozessorarchitektur. Unser ILP-Modell umfaßt globale Codeverschiebungen mit Kompensationscode, Prädikation und Itanium-spezifische Techniken wie Kontroll- und Datenspekulation. Bei ganzzahliger linearer Programmierung sind wohlstrukturierte Modelle der Schlüssel zu akzeptablen Lösungszeiten. Die zulässigen Lösungen eines ILPs werden durch ganzzahlige Punkte innerhalb eines Polytops repräsentiert. Sind die Eckpunkte dieses Polytops ganzzahlig, kann das ILP in Polynomialzeit gelöst werden. Wir definieren zwei Teilprobleme globaler Instruktionsanordnung durch Auslassung bestimmter Klassen von Nebenbedingungen und beweisen, daß die korrespondierenden Teilpolytope unseres ILP-Modells ganzzahlig und von polynomieller Größe sind. Dies untermauert die hohe Effizienz des gefundenen Modells, die auch durch moderate Lösungszeiten bestätigt wird. Das ILP-Modell wird um weitere Transformationen wie zyklische Codeverschiebung erweitert; letztere bezeichnet das Verschieben von Befehlen aufwärts aus einer Schleife heraus, in Gegenrichtung ihrer Rückwärtskanten. Da die Architektur eine Kodierung der Befehle in Dreierbündeln fester Größe vorschreibt, wird ein Bundler entwickelt, der Bündelsequenzen minimaler Länge mit Hilfe vorberechneter Teilergebnisse und dynamischer Programmierung erzeugt. Für die Experimente wurde ein Postpassoptimierer erstellt. Er liest von Intels Itanium-Compiler erzeugte Assemblerroutinen ein und ordnet die enthaltenen Instruktionen mit Hilfe der ILP-Methode neu an. Angewandt auf eine Auswahl von Funktionen aus dem Benchmark SPECint 2000 erreicht der Optimierer eine signifikante Beschleunigung gegenüber dem Originalcode
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