591 research outputs found

    Semantics without Semantic Content

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    I argue that semantics is the study of the proprietary database of a centrally inaccessible and informationally encapsulated input–output system. This system’s role is to encode and decode partial and defeasible evidence of what speakers are saying. Since information about nonlinguistic context is therefore outside the purview of semantic processing, a sentence’s semantic value is not its content but a partial and defeasible constraint on what it can be used to say. I show how to translate this thesis into a detailed compositional-semantic theory based on the influential framework of Heim and Kratzer. This approach situates semantics within an independently motivated account of human cognitive architecture and reveals the semantics–pragmatics interface to be grounded in the underlying interface between modular and central systems

    Incremental Semantics for Dialogue Processing: Requirements, and a Comparison of Two Approaches

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    International audienceTruly interactive dialogue systems need to construct meaning on at least a word-byword basis. We propose desiderata for incremental semantics for dialogue models and systems, a task not heretofore attempted thoroughly. After laying out the desirable properties we illustrate how they are met by current approaches, comparing two incremental semantic processing frameworks: Dynamic Syntax enriched with Type Theory with Records (DS-TTR) and Robust Minimal Recursion Semantics with incremental processing (RMRS-IP). We conclude these approaches are not significantly different with regards to their semantic representation construction, however their purported role within semantic models and dialogue models is where they diverge

    Az adverbiumok mondattani és jelentéstani kérdései = The syntax and syntax-semantics interface of adverbial modification

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    A határozószók és a határozók alaktani, mondattani és funkcionális kérdéseit vizsgáltuk a generatív nyelvelmélet keretében, főként magyar anyag alapján. Olyan leírásra törekedtünk, melyből a különféle határozófajták mondattani viselkedése, hatóköre, valamint hangsúlyozása egyaránt következik. A különféle határozótípusok PP-ként való elemzésének lehetőségét bizonyítottuk. A határozók mondatbeli elhelyezése tekintetében a specifikálói pozíció (Cinque 1999) ellen és az adjunkciós elemzés (Ernst 2002) mellett érveltünk. Megmutattuk, hogy a határozók szórendjének levezetéséhez bal- és jobboldali adjunkció feltételezése egyaránt szükséges. A különféle határozófajták szórendi helyét mondattani, jelentéstani és prozódiai tényezők összjátékával magyaráztuk. A jelentéstani tényezők között pl. a határozók inkorporálhatóságát korlátozó típusmegszorítást, a negatív határozók kötelező fókuszálását előidéző skaláris megszorítást, egyes határozófajták és igefajták komplex eseményszerkezetének inkompatibilitását vizsgáltuk. Az ige mögötti határozók szórendjét befolyásoló prozódiai tényező például a növekvő összetevők törvénye. Megfigyeltük az intonációskifejezés- újraelemzés kiváltódásának feltételeit és jelentéstani következményeit is. A helyhatározói igekötők egy típusát a mozgatási láncok sajátos fonológiai megvalósulásaként (a fonológiailag redukált kópia inkorporációjaként) elemeztük. A tárgykörben mintegy 60 tanulmányt publikáltunk. Adverbs and Adverbial Adjuncts at the Interfaces (489 old.) c. könyvünket kiadja a Mouton de Gruyter (Berlin). | This project has aimed to clarify (on the basis of mainly Hungarian data) basic issues concerning the category "adverb", the function "adverbial", and the grammar of adverbial modification. We have argued for the PP analysis of adverbials, and have claimed that they enter the derivation via left- and right-adjunction. Their merge-in position is determined by the interplay of syntactic, semantic, and prosodic factors. The semantically motivated constraints discussed also include a type restriction affecting adverbials semantically incorporated into the verbal predicate, an obligatory focus position for scalar adverbs representing negative values of bidirectional scales, cooccurrence restrictions between verbs and adverbials involving incompatible subevents, etc. The order and interpretation of adverbials in the postverbal domain is shown to be affected by such phonologically motivated constraints as the Law of Growing Constituents, and by intonation-phrase restructuring. The shape of the light-headed chain arising in the course of locative PP incorporation is determined by morpho-phonological requirements. The types of adverbs and adverbials analyzed include locatives, temporals, comitatives, epistemic adverbs, adverbs of degree, manner, counting, and frequency, quantificational adverbs, and adverbial participles. We have published about 60 studies; our book Adverbs and Adverbial Adjuncts at the Interfaces (pp. 489) is published in the series Interface Explorations of Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin

    Ideal Words: A Vector-Based Formalisation of Semantic Competence

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    Funder: Università degli Studi di TrentoAbstractIn this theoretical paper, we consider the notion of semantic competence and its relation to general language understanding—one of the most sough-after goals of Artificial Intelligence. We come back to three main accounts of competence involving (a) lexical knowledge; (b) truth-theoretic reference; and (c) causal chains in language use. We argue that all three are needed to reach a notion of meaning in artificial agents and suggest that they can be combined in a single formalisation, where competence develops from exposure to observable performance data. We introduce a theoretical framework which translates set theory into vector-space semantics by applying distributional techniques to a corpus of utterances associated with truth values. The resulting meaning space naturally satisfies the requirements of a causal theory of competence, but it can also be regarded as some ‘ideal’ model of the world, allowing for extensions and standard lexical relations to be retrieved.</jats:p

    Evaluating visually grounded language capabilities using microworlds

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    Deep learning has had a transformative impact on computer vision and natural language processing. As a result, recent years have seen the introduction of more ambitious holistic understanding tasks, comprising a broad set of reasoning abilities. Datasets in this context typically act not just as application-focused benchmark, but also as basis to examine higher-level model capabilities. This thesis argues that emerging issues related to dataset quality, experimental practice and learned model behaviour are symptoms of the inappropriate use of benchmark datasets for capability-focused assessment. To address this deficiency, a new evaluation methodology is proposed here, which specifically targets in-depth investigation of model performance based on configurable data simulators. This focus on analysing system behaviour is complementary to the use of monolithic datasets as application-focused comparative benchmarks. Visual question answering is an example of a modern holistic understanding task, unifying a range of abilities around visually grounded language understanding in a single problem statement. It has also been an early example for which some of the aforementioned issues were identified. To illustrate the new evaluation approach, this thesis introduces ShapeWorld, a diagnostic data generation framework. Its design is guided by the goal to provide a configurable and extensible testbed for the domain of visually grounded language understanding. Based on ShapeWorld data, the strengths and weaknesses of various state-of-the-art visual question answering models are analysed and compared in detail, with respect to their ability to correctly handle statements involving, for instance, spatial relations or numbers. Finally, three case studies illustrate the versatility of this approach and the ShapeWorld generation framework: an investigation of multi-task and curriculum learning, a replication of a psycholinguistic study for deep learning models, and an exploration of a new approach to assess generative tasks like image captioning.Qualcomm Award Premium Research Studentship, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council Doctoral Training Studentshi