52 research outputs found

    On the impact of video stalling and video quality in the case of camera switching during adaptive streaming of sports content

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    The widespread usage of second screens, in combination with mobile video streaming technologies like HTTP Adaptive Streaming (HAS), enable new means for taking end-users' Quality of Experience (QoE) to the next level. For sports events, these technological evolutions can, for example, enhance the overall engagement of remote fans or give them more control over the content. In this paper, we consider the case of adaptively streaming multi-camera sports content to tablet devices, enabling the end-user to dynamically switch cameras. Our goal is to subjectively evaluate the trade-off between video stalling duration (as a result of requesting another camera feed) and initial video quality of the new feed. Our results show that short video stallings do not significantly influence overall quality ratings, that quality perception is highly influenced by the video quality at the moment of camera switching and that large quality fluctuations should be avoided

    Survey of Transportation of Adaptive Multimedia Streaming service in Internet

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    [DE] World Wide Web is the greatest boon towards the technological advancement of modern era. Using the benefits of Internet globally, anywhere and anytime, users can avail the benefits of accessing live and on demand video services. The streaming media systems such as YouTube, Netflix, and Apple Music are reining the multimedia world with frequent popularity among users. A key concern of quality perceived for video streaming applications over Internet is the Quality of Experience (QoE) that users go through. Due to changing network conditions, bit rate and initial delay and the multimedia file freezes or provide poor video quality to the end users, researchers across industry and academia are explored HTTP Adaptive Streaming (HAS), which split the video content into multiple segments and offer the clients at varying qualities. The video player at the client side plays a vital role in buffer management and choosing the appropriate bit rate for each such segment of video to be transmitted. A higher bit rate transmitted video pauses in between whereas, a lower bit rate video lacks in quality, requiring a tradeoff between them. The need of the hour was to adaptively varying the bit rate and video quality to match the transmission media conditions. Further, The main aim of this paper is to give an overview on the state of the art HAS techniques across multimedia and networking domains. A detailed survey was conducted to analyze challenges and solutions in adaptive streaming algorithms, QoE, network protocols, buffering and etc. It also focuses on various challenges on QoE influence factors in a fluctuating network condition, which are often ignored in present HAS methodologies. Furthermore, this survey will enable network and multimedia researchers a fair amount of understanding about the latest happenings of adaptive streaming and the necessary improvements that can be incorporated in future developments.Abdullah, MTA.; Lloret, J.; Canovas Solbes, A.; GarcĂ­a-GarcĂ­a, L. (2017). Survey of Transportation of Adaptive Multimedia Streaming service in Internet. Network Protocols and Algorithms. 9(1-2):85-125. doi:10.5296/npa.v9i1-2.12412S8512591-

    A Survey of Machine Learning Techniques for Video Quality Prediction from Quality of Delivery Metrics

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    A growing number of video streaming networks are incorporating machine learning (ML) applications. The growth of video streaming services places enormous pressure on network and video content providers who need to proactively maintain high levels of video quality. ML has been applied to predict the quality of video streams. Quality of delivery (QoD) measurements, which capture the end-to-end performances of network services, have been leveraged in video quality prediction. The drive for end-to-end encryption, for privacy and digital rights management, has brought about a lack of visibility for operators who desire insights from video quality metrics. In response, numerous solutions have been proposed to tackle the challenge of video quality prediction from QoD-derived metrics. This survey provides a review of studies that focus on ML techniques for predicting the QoD metrics in video streaming services. In the context of video quality measurements, we focus on QoD metrics, which are not tied to a particular type of video streaming service. Unlike previous reviews in the area, this contribution considers papers published between 2016 and 2021. Approaches for predicting QoD for video are grouped under the following headings: (1) video quality prediction under QoD impairments, (2) prediction of video quality from encrypted video streaming traffic, (3) predicting the video quality in HAS applications, (4) predicting the video quality in SDN applications, (5) predicting the video quality in wireless settings, and (6) predicting the video quality in WebRTC applications. Throughout the survey, some research challenges and directions in this area are discussed, including (1) machine learning over deep learning; (2) adaptive deep learning for improved video delivery; (3) computational cost and interpretability; (4) self-healing networks and failure recovery. The survey findings reveal that traditional ML algorithms are the most widely adopted models for solving video quality prediction problems. This family of algorithms has a lot of potential because they are well understood, easy to deploy, and have lower computational requirements than deep learning techniques

    Audiovisual Quality of Live Music Streaming over Mobile Networks using MPEG-DASH

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    The MPEG-DASH protocol has been rapidly adopted by most major network content providers and enables clients to make informed decisions in the context of HTTP streaming, based on network and device conditions using the available media representations. A review of the literature on adaptive streaming over mobile shows that most emphasis has been on adapting the video quality whereas this work examines the trade-off between video and audio quality. In particular, subjective tests were undertaken for live music streaming over emulated mobile networks with MPEG-DASH. A group of audio/video sequences was designed to emulate varying bandwidth arising from network congestion, with varying trade-off between audio and video bit rates. Absolute Category Rating was used to evaluate the relative impact of both audio and video quality in the overall Quality of Experience (QoE). One key finding from the statistical analysis of Mean Opinion Scores (MOS) results using Analysis of Variance indicates that providing reduced audio quality has a much lower impact on QoE than reducing video quality at similar total bandwidth situations. This paper also describes an objective model for audiovisual quality estimation that combines the outcomes from audio and video metrics into a joint parametric model. The correlation between predicted and subjective MOS was computed using several outcomes (Pearson and Spearman correlation coefficients, Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and epsilon-insensitive RMSE). The obtained results indicate that the proposed approach is a viable solution for objective audiovisual quality assessment in the context of live music streaming over mobile network.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Quality of experience and access network traffic management of HTTP adaptive video streaming

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    The thesis focuses on Quality of Experience (QoE) of HTTP adaptive video streaming (HAS) and traffic management in access networks to improve the QoE of HAS. First, the QoE impact of adaptation parameters and time on layer was investigated with subjective crowdsourcing studies. The results were used to compute a QoE-optimal adaptation strategy for given video and network conditions. This allows video service providers to develop and benchmark improved adaptation logics for HAS. Furthermore, the thesis investigated concepts to monitor video QoE on application and network layer, which can be used by network providers in the QoE-aware traffic management cycle. Moreover, an analytic and simulative performance evaluation of QoE-aware traffic management on a bottleneck link was conducted. Finally, the thesis investigated socially-aware traffic management for HAS via Wi-Fi offloading of mobile HAS flows. A model for the distribution of public Wi-Fi hotspots and a platform for socially-aware traffic management on private home routers was presented. A simulative performance evaluation investigated the impact of Wi-Fi offloading on the QoE and energy consumption of mobile HAS.Die Doktorarbeit beschĂ€ftigt sich mit Quality of Experience (QoE) – der subjektiv empfundenen DienstgĂŒte – von adaptivem HTTP Videostreaming (HAS) und mit Verkehrsmanagement, das in Zugangsnetzwerken eingesetzt werden kann, um die QoE des adaptiven Videostreamings zu verbessern. Zuerst wurde der Einfluss von Adaptionsparameters und der Zeit pro QualitĂ€tsstufe auf die QoE von adaptivem Videostreaming mittels subjektiver Crowdsourcingstudien untersucht. Die Ergebnisse wurden benutzt, um die QoE-optimale Adaptionsstrategie fĂŒr gegebene Videos und Netzwerkbedingungen zu berechnen. Dies ermöglicht Dienstanbietern von Videostreaming verbesserte Adaptionsstrategien fĂŒr adaptives Videostreaming zu entwerfen und zu benchmarken. Weiterhin untersuchte die Arbeit Konzepte zum Überwachen von QoE von Videostreaming in der Applikation und im Netzwerk, die von Netzwerkbetreibern im Kreislauf des QoE-bewussten Verkehrsmanagements eingesetzt werden können. Außerdem wurde eine analytische und simulative Leistungsbewertung von QoE-bewusstem Verkehrsmanagement auf einer Engpassverbindung durchgefĂŒhrt. Schließlich untersuchte diese Arbeit sozialbewusstes Verkehrsmanagement fĂŒr adaptives Videostreaming mittels WLAN Offloading, also dem Auslagern von mobilen VideoflĂŒssen ĂŒber WLAN Netzwerke. Es wurde ein Modell fĂŒr die Verteilung von öffentlichen WLAN Zugangspunkte und eine Plattform fĂŒr sozialbewusstes Verkehrsmanagement auf privaten, hĂ€uslichen WLAN Routern vorgestellt. Abschließend untersuchte eine simulative Leistungsbewertung den Einfluss von WLAN Offloading auf die QoE und den Energieverbrauch von mobilem adaptivem Videostreaming

    Subjective and Objective Quality-of-Experience of Adaptive Video Streaming

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    With the rapid growth of streaming media applications, there has been a strong demand of Quality-of-Experience (QoE) measurement and QoE-driven video delivery technologies. While the new worldwide standard dynamic adaptive streaming over hypertext transfer protocol (DASH) provides an inter-operable solution to overcome the volatile network conditions, its complex characteristic brings new challenges to the objective video QoE measurement models. How streaming activities such as stalling and bitrate switching events affect QoE is still an open question, and is hardly taken into consideration in the traditionally QoE models. More importantly, with an increasing number of objective QoE models proposed, it is important to evaluate the performance of these algorithms in a comparative setting and analyze the strengths and weaknesses of these methods. In this study, we build two subject-rated streaming video databases. The progressive streaming video database is dedicated to investigate the human responses to the combined effect of video compression, initial buffering, and stalling. The adaptive streaming video database is designed to evaluate the performance of adaptive bitrate streaming algorithms and objective QoE models. We also provide useful insights on the improvement of adaptive bitrate streaming algorithms. Furthermore, we propose a novel QoE prediction approach to account for the instantaneous quality degradation due to perceptual video presentation impairment, the playback stalling events, and the instantaneous interactions between them. Twelve QoE algorithms from four categories including signal fidelity-based, network QoS-based, application QoS-based, and hybrid QoE models are assessed in terms of correlation with human perception on the two streaming video databases. Experimental results show that the proposed model is in close agreement with subjective opinions and significantly outperforms traditional QoE models

    QoE modeling for HTTP adaptive video streaming : a survey and open challenges

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    Bitstream-based video quality modeling and analysis of HTTP-based adaptive streaming

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    Die Verbreitung erschwinglicher Videoaufnahmetechnologie und verbesserte Internetbandbreiten ermöglichen das Streaming von hochwertigen Videos (Auflösungen > 1080p, Bildwiederholraten ≄ 60fps) online. HTTP-basiertes adaptives Streaming ist die bevorzugte Methode zum Streamen von Videos, bei der Videoparameter an die verfĂŒgbare Bandbreite angepasst wird, was sich auf die VideoqualitĂ€t auswirkt. Adaptives Streaming reduziert Videowiedergabeunterbrechnungen aufgrund geringer Netzwerkbandbreite, wirken sich jedoch auf die wahrgenommene QualitĂ€t aus, weswegen eine systematische Bewertung dieser notwendig ist. Diese Bewertung erfolgt ĂŒblicherweise fĂŒr kurze Abschnitte von wenige Sekunden und wĂ€hrend einer Sitzung (bis zu mehreren Minuten). Diese Arbeit untersucht beide Aspekte mithilfe perzeptiver und instrumenteller Methoden. Die perzeptive Bewertung der kurzfristigen VideoqualitĂ€t umfasst eine Reihe von Labortests, die in frei verfĂŒgbaren DatensĂ€tzen publiziert wurden. Die QualitĂ€t von lĂ€ngeren Sitzungen wurde in Labortests mit menschlichen Betrachtern bewertet, die reale Betrachtungsszenarien simulieren. Die Methodik wurde zusĂ€tzlich außerhalb des Labors fĂŒr die Bewertung der kurzfristigen VideoqualitĂ€t und der GesamtqualitĂ€t untersucht, um alternative AnsĂ€tze fĂŒr die perzeptive QualitĂ€tsbewertung zu erforschen. Die instrumentelle QualitĂ€tsevaluierung wurde anhand von bitstrom- und hybriden pixelbasierten VideoqualitĂ€tsmodellen durchgefĂŒhrt, die im Zuge dieser Arbeit entwickelt wurden. Dazu wurde die Modellreihe AVQBits entwickelt, die auf den Labortestergebnissen basieren. Es wurden vier verschiedene Modellvarianten von AVQBits mit verschiedenen Inputinformationen erstellt: Mode 3, Mode 1, Mode 0 und Hybrid Mode 0. Die Modellvarianten wurden untersucht und schneiden besser oder gleichwertig zu anderen aktuellen Modellen ab. Diese Modelle wurden auch auf 360°- und Gaming-Videos, HFR-Inhalte und Bilder angewendet. DarĂŒber hinaus wird ein Langzeitintegrationsmodell (1 - 5 Minuten) auf der Grundlage des ITU-T-P.1203.3-Modells prĂ€sentiert, das die verschiedenen Varianten von AVQBits mit sekĂŒndigen QualitĂ€tswerten als VideoqualitĂ€tskomponente des vorgeschlagenen Langzeitintegrationsmodells verwendet. Alle AVQBits-Varianten, das Langzeitintegrationsmodul und die perzeptiven Testdaten wurden frei zugĂ€nglich gemacht, um weitere Forschung zu ermöglichen.The pervasion of affordable capture technology and increased internet bandwidth allows high-quality videos (resolutions > 1080p, framerates ≄ 60fps) to be streamed online. HTTP-based adaptive streaming is the preferred method for streaming videos, adjusting video quality based on available bandwidth. Although adaptive streaming reduces the occurrences of video playout being stopped (called “stalling”) due to narrow network bandwidth, the automatic adaptation has an impact on the quality perceived by the user, which results in the need to systematically assess the perceived quality. Such an evaluation is usually done on a short-term (few seconds) and overall session basis (up to several minutes). In this thesis, both these aspects are assessed using subjective and instrumental methods. The subjective assessment of short-term video quality consists of a series of lab-based video quality tests that have resulted in publicly available datasets. The overall integral quality was subjectively assessed in lab tests with human viewers mimicking a real-life viewing scenario. In addition to the lab tests, the out-of-the-lab test method was investigated for both short-term video quality and overall session quality assessment to explore the possibility of alternative approaches for subjective quality assessment. The instrumental method of quality evaluation was addressed in terms of bitstream- and hybrid pixel-based video quality models developed as part of this thesis. For this, a family of models, namely AVQBits has been conceived using the results of the lab tests as ground truth. Based on the available input information, four different instances of AVQBits, that is, a Mode 3, a Mode 1, a Mode 0, and a Hybrid Mode 0 model are presented. The model instances have been evaluated and they perform better or on par with other state-of-the-art models. These models have further been applied to 360° and gaming videos, HFR content, and images. Also, a long-term integration (1 - 5 mins) model based on the ITU-T P.1203.3 model is presented. In this work, the different instances of AVQBits with the per-1-sec scores output are employed as the video quality component of the proposed long-term integration model. All AVQBits variants as well as the long-term integration module and the subjective test data are made publicly available for further research

    On the Influence of Network Impairments on YouTube Video Streaming, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2012, nr 3

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    Video sharing services like YouTube have become very popular which consequently results in a drastic shift of the Internet traffic statistic. When transmitting video content over packet based networks, stringent quality of service (QoS) constraints must be met in order to provide the comparable level of quality to a traditional broadcast television. However, the packet transmission is influenced by delays and losses of data packets which can have devastating influence on the perceived quality of the video. Therefore, we conducted an experimental evaluation of HTTP based video transmission focusing on how they react to packet delay and loss. Through this analysis we investigated how long video playback is stalled and how often re-buffering events take place. Our analysis revealed threshold levels for the packet delay, packet losses and network throughput which should not be exceeded in order to preserve smooth video transmission
