112,710 research outputs found

    Inspection report Waltham Forest Local Education Authority, September 2002

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    A monitoring strategy for application to salmon-bearing watersheds

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    Renaturierung kleiner Lössbäche – ein Beitrag der Ökologischen Landwirtschaft zum Naturschutz

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    As a part of the interdisciplinary research project ”Integration of nature protection goals with organic farming: an the example from the Hessian ”state domain” [Staatsdomäne] area Frankenhausen”, different restoration measures have been carried out within this site, 15 km north of Kassel. Since 1998, intensive conventional agricultural practices have been substituted with organic farming here. One intention of the agricultural restructuring was to realise nature protection goals in cooperation with sustainable organic agricultural production. The hydrologic portion of the project addresses both the implementation of restoration measures in rivers and streams and their scientific monitoring. Starting in July 2007, several restoration measures were carried out in the hydrologic systems of the Jungfernbach and Esse streams within the Frankenhausen site. Both systems are formed by typical loess streams (catchment size about 9 km2) which had been heavily degraded for several hundred years by intensive agriculture. The most important restoration measures were removal of a piped section of a tributary of the Jungfernbach at Totenhof, restoration of biological passability by removal of weirs and substitution of narrow pipes under farm paths, relocation of a section of the Jungfernbach from the edge of the floodplain to its original location in the centre, widening of narrow sections and partial raising of the deepened stream bed by means of rough ramps (stone bars) and racks made of oak wood or iron. These physical restoration measures were accompanied by a scientific monitoring programme comprising morphological, hydrochemical and biological (aquatic macrophytes, aquatic macroinvertebrates, fish and amphibians) aspects. The aim of this study was to document the original ecological conditions, the restoration measures and the early ecological effects on the stream sections for the first six months following restoration as a basis for further ecological monitoring. The restoration measures effected clear morphological changes in cross-section and passability. The chemical condition of the streams showed slight changes in some aspects following the restoration, e. g. a reduction of phosphorus, magnesium and potassium concentration. Other than macrophytic algae in the newly shaped sections, aquatic macrophytes did not develop over the winter season before the end of the monitoring phase in April 2008. Within the newly shaped stream sections of a small tributary and of the Jungfernbach, up to 14 aquatic macroinvertebrate taxa started to colonise the new habitats 6 months after restoration. Fish fauna were very poorly represented in the streams and included only a few specimens of brown trout (Salmo trutta). This did not change markedly after restoration, possibly due to the isolation of the population caused by impassable weirs downstream of the investigation area.In einem interdisziplinären „Entwicklungs- und Erprobungs-Vorhaben“ der Universität Kassel „Die Integration von Naturschutzzielen in den Ökologischen Landbau am Beispiel der Hessischen Staatsdomäne Frankenhausen“ wurden unterschiedliche Naturschutz-Maßnahmen auf dem Domänengelände durchgeführt. Seit 1998 wird die Staatsdomäne Frankenhausen, die ca. 15 km nördlich von Kassel liegt, ökologisch bewirtschaftet. Ein Aspekt bei der Umstellung auf ökologische Landwirtschaft war die Umsetzung von naturschutz-orientierten Maßnahmen, die in Kooperation mit dem landwirtschaftlichen Betrieb umgesetzt wurden. Ein gewässerökologisches Teilprojekt umfasste unterschiedliche Entwicklungsmaßnahmen an und in Bächen des Jungfernbach- und Esse-Systems auf dem Gelände der Staatsdomäne ab Juli 2007. Beide Bachsysteme (Einzugsgebietsgröße jeweils ca. 9 km2) werden von typischen lössgeprägten Bördenbächen gebildet. Löss-Gebiete zählen zu den durch intensive Landwirtschaft am tiefgreifendsten veränderten Gebieten Deutschlands. Folgende wesentliche Renaturierungsmaßnahmen wurden auf dem Domänengelände umgesetzt: Entfernung der Verrohrung, Offenlegung und Neugestaltung eines Nebenbaches des Jungfernbaches am Totenhof, Rückverlegung eines Jungfernbach-Abschnitts vom Rand der Aue in seine ursprüngliche Lage im Zentrum der Aue nach historischen Angaben, Wiederherstellung der biologischen Durchgängigkeit durch die Entfernung von Wehren und den Ersatz von unpassierbaren Wege-Durchlässen durch voluminösere Durchlässe mit durchgängiger Sohle, partielle Aufweitung enger Querprofile und Anhebung der Gewässersohle durch Stein-Riegel und Sohlrechen aus Stahl oder Eichenholz. Die Maßnahmen wurden von einem wissenschaftlichen Monitoringvorhaben begleitet. Hauptaspekte der wissenschaftlichen Begleitung waren morphologische, hydrochemische und biologische Untersuchungen aquatischer Makrophyten, des Makrozoobenthos, der Fischfauna und der Amphibien. Sie dienten der Erfassung des ökologischen Status quo der Gewässer vor Durchführung der Maßnahmen und der Dokumentation der ökologischen Situation der Gewässer im Anschluss an die Maßnahmen als Basis für die Beobachtung der künftigen Gewässerentwicklung. Die Renaturierungsmaßnahmen induzierten markante Veränderungen der morphologischen Situation der ehemals zu engen und tiefen Querprofile und verbesserten die biologische Durchgängigkeit auf dem Domänengelände. An den Sohlrechen fand während der Folgemonate nach der Renaturierung wegen zu geringer Wasserführung nur ein geringer Totholztransport und damit noch keine erkennbare Sohlanhebung statt. Die chemischen Qualitätsparameter zeigten bei einigen Wasserinhaltsstoffen (z. B. bei Phosphor, Magnesium und Kalium) einen Rückgang der Konzentrationen, der seine Ursachen im Verzicht auf mineralische Düngung mit diesen Stoffen in der ökologischen Landwirtschaft haben könnte. Bei den Wasserpflanzen traten in den neu gestalteten Gewässerabschnitten unmittelbar nach den Renaturierungsmaßnahmen Pionierbestände makrophytischer Algen wie Spirogyra, Cladophora und Vaucheria auf. Über die Herbst- und Wintermonate nach Abschluss der Maßnahmen im Oktober 2009 bis zum Ende der Monitoring-Phase im April 2008 konnten sich noch keine Makrophytenbestände in den neu gestalteten Gewässerabschnitten entwickeln. Im Gegensatz hierzu fand in diesem Zeitraum eine rasche Ansiedlung von 14 Wirbellosen-Taxa im Jungfernbach und 13 Taxa im kleinen, offengelegten und neu gestalteten Bach am Totenhof statt. In diesem Nebengewässer siedelten sich zahlreiche für Lössbache charakteristische Makroinvertebraten bachaufwärts aus dem Jungfernbach heraus an. Die sehr spärliche Fischpopulation, die aus wenigen Bachforellen in einem einzigen Gewässerabschnitt bestand, veränderte sich infolge ihrer räumlichen Isolation durch unterhalb des Untersuchungsraums gelegene Wehre nicht nennenswert

    The Potential of an Enhanced Cooperation Measure in the EAFRD (2014-2020): the case of Ireland

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    This report was funded by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) through the National Rural Network (February-May, 2012).The current Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on support for Rural Development by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) includes Article (36) Cooperation that is potentially instrumental for realising the objectives of FOOD HARVEST 20204. The purpose of this report is to assess the scope and potential of Article 36 in the context of Irish agriculture and its findings have four key aspects. First, the main areas of confluence between Article 36 and primary policy objectives as set out in Food Harvest 2020 are identified. Second, a range of cooperation categories and types relevant to Article 36, many of which are operational in Ireland, are profiled. Third, drawing from case-studies of these co-operation types5, the operational characteristics of each type are presented, focusing on compatibility with Article 36. Possible supports that would encourage and assist the formation and operation of the cooperation types on a broad scale into the future, and also any possible constraints that would prevent success, are indicated. Fourth, a brief discussion of some key implementation considerations arising from the analysis overall is presented.Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marin

    Source-tracking cadmium in New Zealand agricultural soils: a stable isotope approach

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    Cadmium (Cd) is a toxic heavy metal, which is accumulated by plants and animals and therefore enters the human food chain. In New Zealand (NZ), where Cd mainly originates from the application of phosphate fertilisers, stable isotopes can be used to trace the fate of Cd in soils and potentially the wider environment due to the limited number of sources in this setting. Prior to 1997, extraneous Cd added to soils in P fertilisers was essentially limited to a single source, the small pacific island of Nauru. Analysis of Cd isotope ratios (ɛ114/110Cd) in Nauru rock phosphate, pre-1997 superphosphate fertilisers, and Canterbury (Lismore Stony Silt Loam) topsoils (Winchmore Research Farm) has demonstrated their close similarity with respect to ɛ114/110Cd. We report a consistent ɛ114/110Cd signature in fertiliser-derived Cd throughout the latter twentieth century. This finding is useful because it allows the application of mixing models to determine the proportions of fertiliser-derived Cd in the wider environment. We believe this approach has good potential because we also found the ɛ114/110Cd in fertilisers to be distinct from unfertilised Canterbury subsoils. In our analysis of the Winchmore topsoil series (1949-2015), the ɛ114/110Cd remained quite constant following the change from Nauru to other rock phosphate sources in 1997, despite a corresponding shift in fertiliser ɛ114/110Cd at this time. We can conclude that to the present day, the Cd in topsoil at Winchmore still mainly originates from historical phosphate fertilisers. One implication of this finding is that the current applications of P fertiliser are not resulting in further Cd accumulation. We aim to continue our research into Cd fate, mobility and transformations in the NZ environment by applying Cd isotopes in soils and aquatic environments across the country

    Valuing Biodiversity in Life Cycle Impact Assessment

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    Erratum published on 13 March 2020, see Sustainability 2020, 12(6), 2270. https://doi.org/10.3390/su11205628In this article, the authors propose an impact assessment method for life cycle assessment (LCA) that adheres to established LCA principles for land use-related impact assessment, bridges current research gaps and addresses the requirements of different stakeholders for a methodological framework. The conservation of biodiversity is a priority for humanity, as expressed in the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Addressing biodiversity across value chains is a key challenge for enabling sustainable production pathways. Life cycle assessment is a standardised approach to assess and compare environmental impacts of products along their value chains. The impact assessment method presented in this article allows the quantification of the impact of land-using production processes on biodiversity for several broad land use classes. It provides a calculation framework with degrees of customisation (e.g., to take into account regional conservation priorities), but also offers a default valuation of biodiversity based on naturalness. The applicability of the method is demonstrated through an example of a consumer product. The main strength of the approach is that it yields highly aggregated information on the biodiversity impacts of products, enabling biodiversity-conscious decisions about raw materials, production routes and end user products

    EAGLE 2006 – Multi-purpose, multi-angle and multi-sensor in-situ and airborne campaigns over grassland and forest

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    EAGLE2006 - an intensive field campaign - was carried out in the Netherlands from the 8th until the 18th of June 2006. Several airborne sensors - an optical imaging sensor, an imaging microwave radiometer, and a flux airplane – were used and extensive ground measurements were conducted over one grassland (Cabauw) site and two forest sites (Loobos & Speulderbos) in the central part of the Netherlands, in addition to the acquisition of multi-angle and multi-sensor satellite data. The data set is both unique and urgently needed for the development and validation of models and inversion algorithms for quantitative surface parameter estimation and process studies. EAGLE2006 was led by the Department of Water Resources of the International Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation and originated from the combination of a number of initiatives coming under different funding. The objectives of the EAGLE2006 campaign were closely related to the objectives of other ESA Campaigns (SPARC2004, Sen2Flex2005 and especially AGRISAR2006). However, one important objective of the campaign is to build up a data base for the investigation and validation of the retrieval of bio-geophysical parameters, obtained at different radar frequencies (X-, C- and L-Band) and at hyperspectral optical and thermal bands acquired over vegetated fields (forest and grassland). As such, all activities were related to algorithm development for future satellite missions such as Sentinels and for satellite validations for MERIS, MODIS as well as AATSR and ASTER thermal data validation, with activities also related to the ASAR sensor on board ESA’s Envisat platform and those on EPS/MetOp and SMOS. Most of the activities in the campaign are highly relevant for the EU GEMS EAGLE project, but also issues related to retrieval of biophysical parameters from MERIS and MODIS as well as AATSR and ASTER data were of particular relevance to the NWO-SRON EcoRTM project, while scaling issues and complementary between these (covering only local sites) and global sensors such as MERIS/SEVIRI, EPS/MetOP and SMOS were also key elements for the SMOS cal/val project and the ESA-MOST DRAGON programme. This contribution describes the mission objectives and provides an overview of the airborne and field campaigns

    Reintroduction of North Island robins to Paengaroa Scenic Reserve : factors limiting survival, nest success, and population viability in a mainland restoration area : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Ecology at Massey University

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    Forty North Island robins (Petroica australis longipes) were reintroduced to Paengaroa Scenic Reserve in March 1999. I monitored the survival and breeding success of this population for two years post-release. This study aims to assess survival, nest success, and population viability of robins in Paengaroa in an attempt to discover whether habitat in the reserve is likely to support a population of robins. Survival from the time of release to the start of the first breeding season was lower at Paengaroa than at two other release sites, Boundary Stream Scenic Reserve and Tiritiri Matangi Island. This may be due to higher predator levels at Paengaroa or dispersal out of the reserve. Methods of estimating nest success were compared, and Stanley's (2000) method was found to have advantages over the traditional and Mayfield methods. Daily survival rates of nests at Paengaroa depended on both the stage in the nesting cycle and stage of the breeding season, with the survival rate lowest for early nests at the incubation stage. Nest success for the first two breeding seasons after translocation was compared to that for the first two seasons after release at Tiritiri Matangi and Boundary Stream. Paengaroa had a similar nest success rate to Tiritiri Matangi (25% and 26% respectively), and both of these sites had lower nest success than Boundary Stream (47%). Survival at Paengaroa was most affected by whether a bird was recently-translocated. a juvenile, or an adult. Recently-translocated birds and juveniles suffered similarly low survival rates, suggesting that this high mortality may be due to problems faced when finding and establishing a territory. The survival of juveniles from January to September was estimated to be 29%. The annual adult survival rate was also low (59%). Fecundity and survival estimates were used in a stochastic simulation model to predict the viability of the Paengaroa population. Under current conditions, the population was predicted to have a 17% probability of surviving 10 years. However, variation of parameters to lower and upper 95% confidence limits gave survival probabilities of 0% to 100% over 10 years. When data from the first year after translocation were excluded, the population was predicted to have a 100% probability of surviving 100 years. These results demonstrate the large uncertainly associated with small sample sizes and short-term studies. To assess whether habitat quality is likely to account for the poor overall viability predicted at Paengaroa, the habitat quality at Paengaroa was compared to that at Waimarino forest, where robins still persist. Food supply and predator levels were used to assess habitat quality, as these are obvious factors that may limit viability. Data on food and predator levels provided no indication of why robins may be non-viable at Paengaroa. The power of statistical tests was low due to small sample size, but results suggest Paengaroa has more food as well as fewer rats and stoats than Waimarino. There is a need for further research to improve our understanding of why robins are present and common in some mainland areas but have disappeared from others without any obvious difference in habitat quality. Continued research is also required to reduce the uncertainty regarding population viability at Paengaroa and to determine whether improved management is needed

    Making biodiversity measures accessible to non-specialists: An innovative method for rapid assessment of urban biodiversity

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    Urban biodiversity studies provide important inputs to studying the interactions between human societies and ecological systems. However, existing urban biodiversity methods are time intensive and/or too complex for the purposes of rapid biodiversity assessment of large urban sites. In this paper the authors present a biodiversity assessment method that is innovative in its approach, is reliable, and from which the data generated can be presented in an understandable way to non-ecologists. This method is based on measuring the land cover of different vegetation structures and the diversity of vascular plants, and then combining these into an overall biodiversity score. The land cover of vegetation structures was recorded by using a checklist in combination with Tandy’s Isovist Technique and the Domin cover scale. Vascular plant diversity was recorded at genus level by walking along defined transects within circular sampling areas of sixty five meter radius and using a checklist. A scoring procedure assigns an overall biodiversity score to different combinations of land cover of vegetation structures and vascular plant diversity. This method was tested in three urban locations in the United Kingdom which differed according to size, design and land use. Descriptive statistics of the resulting biodiversity scores differentiated between the biodiversity distribution within each one of the three locations, as well as across them. The main strength of this rapid biodiversity assessment method is its simplicity. Furthermore, by producing accurate results this biodiversity assessment method can be most useful in rapidly identifying areas where more detailed ecological surveys are needed