6,149 research outputs found

    Wspieranie pedagogiki demokratycznej? Budżet partycypacyjny w Lizbonie

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    Social participation is a tool to strengthen peoples’ autonomy and ability to decide upon public issues. It is also an educational and learning tool. In recent times, new forms of social participation have emerged such as the participatory budgets. These foster democratic participation and contribute to more transparent and efficient ways of governing. The participatory budget of Lisbon is an interesting example of municipal social organisation and participation involving learning. The main research question of this article is as follows: how is the participatory budget of Lisbon fostering social learning? Data collected by the use of semi-directed interviews and documental analysis showed that social learning occurred through peoples’ commitment and involvement in local public political issues. However it did not boost the development of an effective democratic participatory experienceU czestnictwo społeczne jest narzędziem wzmacniającym autonomię i zdolność decydowania o kwestiach publicznych. Jest to także narzędzie uczenia innych i uczenia się. W ostatnim czasie pojawiły się nowe formy partycypacji społecznej, takie jak budżety partycypacyjne. Wspierają one demokratyczny udział i przyczyniają się do bardziej przejrzystych i skutecznych sposobów rządzenia. Udział w budżecie w Lizbonie jest interesującym przykładem miejskiej organizacji społecznej i uczestnictwa w takiej edukacji. Główne pytanie badawcze tego artykułu przedstawia się następująco: jak budżet partycypacyjny w Lizbonie wspiera społeczne uczenie się? Dane zebrane przy użyciu częściowo ustrukturyzowanych wywiadów i analizy dokumentacji wykazały, że społeczne uczenie się pojawiło się dzięki zaangażowaniu ludzi w lokalne kwestie polityczne. Nie zwiększyło jednak znacząco doświadczenia w zakresie skuteczności demokratycznego uczestnictwa

    Periodismo alternativo en Brasil: ¿qué voces se escuchan?

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    This work presents partial findings of research that began in 2015 which aims to understand how alternative journalism is evolving in the digital sphere in Brazil. We discuss the concept of alternative journalism based on the context as well as the main characteristics of this kind of journalism, and focused our data gathering on the type of sources consulted by the websites. We considered four kinds of sources: Official, Unofficial, Expert, and Witness. We then used documental and content analysis of over 190 articles. This preliminary result shows that this kind of website cites, still, a majority of Official and Experts sources.Este trabajo presenta los resultados parciales de la investigación que comenzó en 2015 y tiene como objetivo comprender cómo se está desarrollando el periodismo alternativo en la esfera digital en Brasil. Discutimos aquí el concepto de periodismo alternativo en función del contexto, y las principales características posibles manejadas por este tipo de periodismo. Centramos nuestra búsqueda de datos en el tipo de fuentes consultadas por los sitios web seleccionados. Consideramos cuatro tipos de fuentes: Oficiales, no Oficiales, Expertos y Testigos. Como metodología, utilizamos el análisis documental y de contenido de más de 190 artículos. Este resultado muestra que este tipo de sitio web todavía cita una mayoría de fuentes Oficiales y de Expertos

    Discriminação baseada no peso: representações sociais de internautas sobre a gordofobia

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    The concept of fat phobia has been usually used to define ways of discrimination towards overweight bodies. The present work aimed to know the social representations of fat phobia elaborated by internet users. A documental research was conducted based on internet comments on an article about fat phobia published by the Superinteressante magazine. Selected opinions comprised a textual corpus which was submitted to a lexical analysis through IRAMUTEQ, revealing five thematic classes: (i) "Health as discourse to justify discrimination", (ii) "Fat versus Slim: instituting differences", (iii) "Weight loss: reinforcement versus deconstruction of the standard", (iv) "Fat phobia: invention or reality?" and (v) "Fat phobia and the (in)appropriateness of affirmative actions". Anchored on the technical and scientific argument which affirms that obesity is an epidemic disease, the representations of internet users legitimized discrimination and prejudice processes against overweight people. Moreover, ironic propositions against quota policy for overweight people showed a dissatisfaction about the existence of affirmative actions that promote equality among social groups, ratifying the idea that the privileges cannot be granted to “inferior groups” or depreciated groups, and these groups, in order to be respected by society, should try to fit their bodies into the refined standard. In this context, aiming to make fat phobia an irrelevant topic, disqualifying the magazine’s approach on this topic, representational strategies directed to deny its existence by comparing suffering between groups or setting differences (fats x thins) was observed. Considering the lack of researches about discrimination against overweight in Brazil, other studies on this topic are suggested

    Information Outlook, April 2007

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    Volume 11, Issue 4https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_io_2007/1003/thumbnail.jp

    A history and theory of textual event detection and recognition

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    Integrated Decision Support System – iDSS for Library Holistic Evaluation

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    The decision-making process in academic libraries is paramount; however highly complicated due to the large number of data sources, processes and high volumes of data to be analyzed. Academic libraries are accustomed to producing and gathering a vast amount of statistics about their collection and services. Typical data sources include integrated library systems, library portals and online catalogues, systems of consortiums, quality surveys and university management. Unfortunately, these heterogeneous data sources are only partially used for decision-making processes due to the wide variety of formats, standards and technologies, as well as the lack of efficient methods of integration. This article presents the analysis and design of an integrated decision support system for an academic library. Firstly, a holistic approach documented in a previous study is used for data collection. This holistic approach incorporates key elements including process analysis, quality estimation, information relevance and user interaction that may influence a library’s decision. Based on the mentioned approach above, this study defines a set of queries of interest to be issued against the integrated system proposed. Then, relevant data sources, formats and connectivity requirements for a particular example are identified. Next, data warehouse architecture is proposed to integrate, process, and store the collected data transparently. Eventually, the stored data are analyzed through reporting techniques such as on-line analytical processing tools. By doing so, the article provides the design of an integrated solution that assists library managers to make tactical decisions about the optimal use and leverage of their resources and services

    Estudi comparatiu de la publicació científica de la UPC i l’Escola de Camins vs.altres universitats d’àmbit internacional (2009-2018)

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    L'informe se centra en la publicació científica especialitzada en l'àmbit temàtic propi de l'Escola de Camins: l'enginyeria civil. Es comparen indicadors bibliomètrics de la UPC i l'Escola de Camins amb els d'altres universitats internacionals amb activitat de recerca notable en l'àmbit de l'enginyeria civilPostprint (published version

    Assessing accuracy predictors in megatrend qualitative forecasting in the hospitality and tourism industry

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    Plenty of literature on megatrends escapes the logic of validation. Most publications on forecasting apply quantitative methods and the use of qualitative forecasting is scarce especially in the Hospitality and Tourism (H&T) industry, which is so sensitive to macro level factors. Alongside this, it is surprising that studies that explore the accuracy of such predictions are scarce which hampers the capacity to improve forecasting techniques. With this in consideration, the main goal of this study was to uncover the potential predictors of accuracy in qualitative forecasting sources in H&T. In order to do so, we identified and selected a set of documents that used qualitative forecasting methods to predict trends in H&T for the 1998-2008 period, and devised an empirical study that puts to test the expected trends against the test of time. With a panel of 14 experts in H&T that indicated what occurred in the aforementioned period, we computed a weighted score of accuracy for each document and classified it according to four potential causal variables (Explicit methods, Number of cites, Multisource, and Multimethod, thought of as indicators of forecasting quality). The model was tested with a fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fs/QCA) which indicated that clarifying the qualitative forecasting methods (Explicit) and having multiple sources (Multisource) are the main predictors of the qualitative forecasting sources’ accuracy in H&T.A maioria das publicações sobre previsão usam métodos quantitativos e a previsão de base qualitativa é escassa especialmente no sector da Hospitalidade e Turismo (H&T) que é tão sensível a fatores de nível macro. Em acréscimo, é surpreendente que os estudos que exploram a precisão de tais previsões sejam escassos, o que reduz a capacidade de melhorar as técnicas de previsão. Considerando isto, o principal objetivo deste estudo foi o de descobrir os potenciais preditores de precisão nas fontes de previsão qualitativa em H&T. Para o concretizar, identificámos e selecionámos um conjunto de documentos que usam métodos qualitativos de previsão para as tendências de H&T para o período de 1998-2008 e desenvolvemos um estudo empírico que põe à prova as tendências esperadas em relação ao teste do tempo. Com um painel de 14 peritos em H&T que indicaram o ocorrido no período mencionado calculámos um score ponderado de precisão para cada documento e classificámo-lo de acordo com quatro potenciais variáveis causais (métodos explícitos, número de citações, multi-fonte e multi-método, tidos como indicadores da qualidade da previsão). O modelo foi testado por via da análise comparada qualitativa de conjunto difuso (fs/QCA) que indicou que clarificar os métodos de previsão usados (explícito) e contar com várias fontes de informação (multi-fonte) são os principais preditores da precisão dos documentos que oferecem previsões qualitativas em H&T