39 research outputs found

    HWA Expanded Scopes of Practice program evaluation: Extending the Role of Paramedics sub-project: final report

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    The Extending the Role of Paramedics (ERP) sub-project built on a model developed by the South Australian Ambulance Service (SAAS) which aims to provide a service that is complementary to primary health care, thus reducing emergency department presentations. The core of the model is training Extended Care Paramedics (ECPs) to treat patients in their usual place of residence, with referral to other health professionals if appropriate. ECPs manage patients with a diverse, and often ill-defined, range of signs and symptoms. Although these patients are deemed \u27low acuity\u27, these cases can be complex and require the ECP to apply advanced clinical reasoning. In many cases, the patient may have multiple chronic conditions and present as generally unwell. The published evidence to date generally supports an expansion of the role of paramedics to include the assessment and management of patients with minor illnesses and injuries to avoid transport to hospital. However, the evidence is primarily from overseas, particularly the United Kingdom, and more research is required to establish the effectiveness and safety of the model

    Open Source ERP In Organization: Research Agenda

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    Open Source Software (OSS) is a growing phenomenon, changing the way in which Information Systems (IS) are developed, distributed and implemented. The success of OSS in the worldwide market for operating systems, web servers, and other infrastructure software is substantial. However, it is still infrequent in ERP type application domains, which are said to be impossible to design from an OS angle. While a significant number of research investigate aspects of OS, few researches were dedicated to OS ERP. Based on a review of the academic and professional literature, this paper aims to improve our understanding of the current influence of OS ERP in organizations, to provide a new light on a previously developed topic and to challenge the conventional wisdom in our field which stipulates that there are some areas like ERP applications where OS could not be developed


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    Currently, Information technology has changed rapidly; it makes a lot of organizations and companies to adopt the latest information technology to help success business. Supporting Information technology for businesses typically embodied in a group system consisting of information systems and its supporting infrastructure. A solution offered is the package to manage the company's resources as a whole or general known by the term Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). ERP system is a set of packages information system built and implemented as a facilitating the realization of the concept of ERP in an organization. By implementing an ERP system in the company's work processes, all data will be integrated in one database, making it easier and faster for the management in controlling and getting information from each line of the company. In this paper described ERP technology which implemented in the small and medium enterprise (SMEs). The software Enterprise Resource Planning used is Compiere. The Compiere is one of the open source ERP software. The compiere is implemented and tested in one of a small enterprise named PT. Biru SCK Interiorindo. The results of system testing and system evaluation, shows that the implementation of Compiere has overcome the problem of merging data and increased data processing speed


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    Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) adalah sekumpulan aplikasi bisnis yang terintegrasi dalam sebuah manajemen perusahaan, dan digunakan untuk menjalankan sebagian besar fungsi bisnis. Salah satu aplikasi sistem ERP adalah SAP. SAP merupakan salah satu piranti lunak Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) yang banyak digunakan oleh perusahaan-perusahaan besar. Dalam mengimplementasikan ERP, khususnya SAP, dibutuhkan tahapan-tahapan yang dilakukan dari awal implementasi sampai sistem berjalan di perusahaan. Metode-metode implementasi SAP disajikan melalui ASAP 8. Metode implementasi ERP menggunakan SAP antara lain project preparation, business blueprint, realization, final preparation, go live, dan operation. Implementasi ERP memiliki harapan untuk mempercepat proses bisnis, namun banyak faktor yang dapat menggagalkan implementasi. Hal ini menimbulkan risikorisiko pada proyek implementasi IT. Untuk meminimalisir terjadinya risiko pada proyek implementasi ERP dan memastikan bahwa perusahaan mendapatkan manfaat dari implementasi, dibutuhkan beberapa proyek pendukung untuk menyokong kesuksesan implementasi ERP. Proyek-proyek tersebut antara lain penyediaan sistem dan infrastruktur ERP, pengawasan implementasi ERP, ERP input dan report programming, serta penyediaan data. Masing-masing proyek ini juga memiliki risiko yang cukup besar bagi proses implementasi ERP, sehingga saling berkaitan. Untuk mengendalikan risiko-risiko yang mungkin terjadi tersebut, dibutuhkan sebuah dokumen pengendalian risiko pada program implementasi ERP. Dokumen pengendalian risiko program implementasi ERP pada PT. Perkebunan Nusantara XI dibuat berdasarkan knowledge area PMBOK 5 yaitu risk management. ====================================================================================================== Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is a set of integrated business applications into a company's management, and are used to run most business functions. One application is the SAP ERP system. SAP is one of the Enterprise Resource Planning software (ERP) that is widely used by large companies. In implementing the ERP, especially SAP, necessary steps undertaken from the start of implementation until the system is running in the enterprise. SAP implementation methods are presented through ASAP 8. The method uses SAP ERP implementations include project preparation, business blueprint, realization, final preparation, go live, and operation. ERP implementations have hopes to accelerate business processes, but many factors can frustrate implementation. This poses risks to the implementation of IT projects. To minimize the risk to the ERP implementation project and ensure that the company benefited from the implementation requires supporting several projects to support the successful implementation of ERP. Such projects include the provision of infrastructure and ERP systems, monitoring the implementation of ERP, ERP programming input and report

    A Comprehensive Study of Accounting Principles and Applications through Analysis of Case Studies

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    The following thesis is a compilation of case studies that provide a detailed analysis of various financial accounting standards in agreement with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles as governed by the Financial Accounting Standards Board. In concurrence with the topics learned in the Patterson School of Accountancy program, each case focuses on a separate subject of financial reporting through application within specific corporations and dissertations. This thesis explores understanding of accounting principles, financial statement preparation and analysis, current accounting topics, and real-life application for a career in public accounting. Additionally, the thesis work incorporated knowledge from studies in other coursework, such as economics and finance. The case studies were completed under the direction of Dr. Victoria Dickinson in fulfillment of the requirements for the University of Mississippi Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honors College, Patterson School of Accountancy, and Professional Research and Development Thesis Program

    Innovation ouverte : vers la génération 2.0

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    L'innovation ouverte reste un concept très large, un peu fourre-tout, dont les frontières, les formes et les enjeux doivent encore d'être clarifiés. C'est précisément ce que nous nous proposons de faire dans cette contribution. Dans un premier temps, nous définissons le concept d'innovation ouverte et nous le confrontons aux théories existantes en économie et gestion de l'innovation. Cela nous amène notamment à distinguer les deux faces de l'innovation ouverte l'" inside-out et l'" outside-in " et à montrer que seule la première est réellement nouvelle en sciences de gestion. Cela nous permet également d'insister sur l'importance des droits de propriété intellectuels (DPI) et notamment du brevet dans l'essor et le succès des stratégies d'innovation ouverte. Dans un second temps nous présentons les différentes modalités de l'innovation ouverte. Nous insistons essentiellement sur la différence entre les formes traditionnelles d'innovation ouverte qui sont peu ouvertes et peu interactives (par exemple un accord bilatéral de collaboration de recherche entre une entreprise et une université) et des modalités qui ont émergé plus récemment et qui sont largement plus ouvertes et plus interactives (par exemple le crowdsourcing ou l'innovation avec des communautés open source). Nous appelons la première " innovation ouverte 1.0 " et la seconde " innovation ouverte 2.0 ", faisant ainsi référence à l'importance des TIC et notamment de l'Internet dit 2.0 pour favoriser la mise en place des modalités d'innovation ouverte 2.0. Enfin, dans un troisième temps nous analysons les enjeux stratégiques de l'innovation ouverte et nous évaluons la rationalité et les problématiques économiques soulevées par ce type de pratiques

    Open source software development process: a systematic review

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    Open Source Software (OSS) has been recognized by the software development community as an effective way to deliver software. Unlike traditional software development, OSS development is driven by collaboration among developers spread geographically and motivated by common goals and interests. Besides this fact, it is recognized by OSS community the need of understand OSS development process and its activities. Our goal is to investigate the state-of-art about OSS process through conducting a systematic literature review providing an overview of how the OSS community has been investigating OSS process over past years identifying and summarizing OSS process activities and their characteristics as well as translating OSS process in a macro process through BPMN notation. As a result, we systematically analysed 33 studies presenting an overview of the state-of-art of researches regarding OSS process, a generalized OSS development macro process represented by BPMN notation with a detailed description of each OSS process activity and roles in OSS environment. We conclude that OSS process can be in practice further investigated by researchers. In addition, the presented OSS process can be used as a guide for OSS projects and being adapted according to each OSS project reality. It provides insights to managers and developers who want to improve their development process even in OSS and traditional environments. Finally, recommendations for OSS community regarding OSS process activities are provided