219,445 research outputs found

    Scalable and Holistic Qualitative Data Cleaning

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    Data quality is one of the most important problems in data management, since dirty data often leads to inaccurate data analytics results and wrong business decisions. Poor data across businesses and the government cost the U.S. economy 3.1 trillion a year, according to a report by InsightSquared in 2012. Data scientists reportedly spend 60% of their time in cleaning and organizing the data according to a survey published in Forbes in 2016. Therefore, we need effective and efficient techniques to reduce the human efforts in data cleaning. Data cleaning activities usually consist of two phases: error detection and error repair. Error detection techniques can be generally classified as either quantitative or qualitative. Quantitative error detection techniques often involve statistical and machine learning methods to identify abnormal behaviors and errors. Quantitative error detection techniques have been mostly studied in the context of outlier detection. On the other hand, qualitative error detection techniques rely on descriptive approaches to specify patterns or constraints of a legal data instance. One common way of specifying those patterns or constraints is by using data quality rules expressed in some integrity constraint languages; and errors are captured by identifying violations of the specified rules. This dissertation focuses on tackling the challenges associated with detecting and repairing qualitative errors. To clean a dirty dataset using rule-based qualitative data cleaning techniques, we first need to design data quality rules that reflect the semantics of the data. Since obtaining data quality rules by consulting domain experts is usually a time-consuming processing, we need automatic techniques to discover them. We show how to mine data quality rules expressed in the formalism of denial constraints (DCs). We choose DCs as the formal integrity constraint language for capturing data quality rules because it is able to capture many real-life data quality rules, and at the same time, it allows for efficient discovery algorithm. Since error detection often requires a tuple pairwise comparison, a quadratic complexity that is expensive for a large dataset, we present a distribution strategy that distributes the error detection workload to a cluster of machines in a parallel shared-nothing computing environment. Our proposed distribution strategy aims at minimizing, across all machines, the maximum computation cost and the maximum communication cost, which are the two main types of cost one needs to consider in a shared-nothing environment. In repairing qualitative errors, we propose a holistic data cleaning technique, which accumulates evidences from a broad spectrum of data quality rules, and suggests possible data updates in a holistic manner. Compared with previous piece-meal data repairing approaches, the holistic approach produces data updates with higher accuracy because it realizes the interactions between different errors using one representation, and aims at generating data updates that can fix as many errors as possible


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    Rumah Sakit Nirmala Suri merupakan rumah sakit yang memberikan pelayanan kesehatan kepada masyarakat. Kegiatan yang dilakukan rumah sakit menimbulkan berbagai dampak, baik dampak positif maupun dampak negatif. Salah satu dampak negatif adalah rumah sakit menghasilkan sampah, yaitu sampah medis dan sampah non medis. Apabila keberadaan sampah tersebut tidak dikelola dengan baik dan benar, akan menimbulkan dampak negatif bagi masyarakat rumah sakit maupun sekitar rumah sakit. Keberhasilan pengelolaan sampah ditentukan banyak faktor, salah satunya adalah perilaku petugas. Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui gambaran karakteristik petugas kebersihan, pengetahuan, sikap, dan praktek petugas kebersihan dalam pengelolaan sampah di Rumah Sakit Nirmala Suri Sukoharjo. Metode penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif. Subyek penelitian adalah seluruh petugas kebersihan Rumah Sakit Nirmala Suri Sukoharjo sebanyak 12 orang. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara Focus Group Discussion (FGD) dan wawancara mendalam. Analisis data secara analisis isi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik petugas kebersihan berdasarkan umur, pendidikan, dan masa kerja pegawai bervariasi. Umur pegawai termuda 21 tahun dan tertua 50 tahun. Pendidikan paling rendah SD dan paling tinggi Diploma III. Rata-rata masa kerja pegawai adalah 6 tahun. Pengetahuan petugas mengenai pengelolaan sampah mulai dari proses penimbulan sampah sampai dengan penanganan akhir sampah cukup bagus. Sikap petugas dalam pengelolaan adalah positif. Petugas dalam pengelolaan sampah mengacu pada prosedur tetap (protap) yang berlaku. Namun demikian, dalam pelaksanaannya terkadang petugas tidak mealkukan sebagaimana yang tertulis dalam protap. Kata Kunci: Petugas Kebersihan, Pengelolaan Sampah, Rumah Sakit THE BEHAVIOUR OF THE CLEANING STAFF IN THE MANAGEMENT OF HOSPITAL WASTE (A CASE STUDY IN NIRMALA SURI HOSPITAL IN SUKOHARJO 2003) Nirmala Suri Hospital is a hospital that gives health service to society. The activities which are done by the hospital cause many effects either positive or negative. One of the negative effects is the hospital produces waste, namely medical and non medical waste. If the existence of the waste is not managed well and properly, it will cause negative effect to the hospital staff and the people around the hospital. The success of the management of waste is determined by many factors, one of them is the behaviour pf the cleaning staff. The research is to know the characteristic description of the cleaning staff that includes knowledge, attitude and practice in the management of waste in Nirmala Suri Hospital in Sukoharjo. The method of research is qualitative method. The subject of research is all cleaning staff of Nirmala Suri Hospital as many as 12 persons. The tehnique of collecting data by Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and indepth interview. The data analysis is content analysis. The result of the research has shown that the characteristics of the cleaning staff based on age, education and work span are various. The youngest age of the staff is 21 and the oldest one is 50. The lowes education is Elementary School and the highest one is Diplima III. The average of work span of the cleaning staff is six years. The knowledge of the staff about the management of the waste from the process of pilling to the final process is good enough. The attitude of the staff in the management of the waste is positive. In doing the management of the waste, the cleaning staff refer to the fixed procedure. However, in doing the job, the cleaning staff sometimes do not do it as written on the fixed procedure. Keyword: Cleaning Staff, waste management, hospita

    Biofouling of dental handpieces

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    Dental handpieces (HP’s) are used during semi-critical and critical dental procedures that imply the HP must be sterile at the point of use. The aim of this study was to undertake a quantitative and qualitative analysis of dental HP contamination to inform the development of HP cleaning. Preliminary validation work on protein desorbtion methods and protein detection assays resulted in boiling in 1% sodium dodecylsulphate (SDS) and the o-phthaldialedhyde (OPA) assay (sensitivity 5 μg/ml) selected for further use in this study. A quantitative and qualitative analysis of HP microbial and protein contamination was then undertaken. Before decontamination, bacteria were isolated from high speed HP’s (n=40) (median 200 cfu, range 0-1.9x104 CFU/instrument), low speed HP’s(n-40) (median 400 cfu, range 0-1x104 CFU/instrument) and surgical HP’s (n=20) (median 1x103, range 0-3.7x104 CFU/instrument). A range of oral bacteria were identified in addition to Staphylococcus aureus and Propionibacterium acnes. Protein was detected from high speed HP’s (median 1.3, range 0- 210g), low speed HP’s (median 15.41 μg, range 0 - 448 μg) and surgical HP’s (median 350 μg, range 127.5– 1,936 μg) before decontamination. Serum albumin and salivary mucin were identified on surgical HP’s before decontamination. Calcium based deposits and contaminants trapped in lubricating oil were also detected using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive x-ray analysis (EDX). The efficacy of detergents and a HP cleaning solution at cleaning HP contaminants was assessed in vitro with a standard test soil and disruption of biofilms with a range of cleaning efficacies noted from each cleaning solution tested. Alkaline detergents caused a significant biomass disruption of P. acnes biofilms compared to ROH2O alone. HP cleaning solution resulted in fixation of the biofilm and blood to the surface. The efficacy of novel HP cleaning machines was also assessed using a test soil based on the data generated in this study. Efficacy varied between devices tested with one demonstrating efficient protein removal in all but 1 HP location. The data presented describes a quantitative and qualitative assessment of common contaminants of HP’s, mainly bacteria, salivary mucin and serum albumin. In-vivo biofouling levels of HP’s are several fold lower than standard test soil formulations and consideration should be given to use of HP test soil based on in-vivo data to validate HP cleaning processes. The data generated in this thesis should aid in designing dental HP test soils and cleaning regimens

    IISE Trans Occup Ergon Hum Factors

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    Background:While playing a critical role in preventing healthcare-associated infections, patient room cleaning is often unsatisfactorily performed. To improve patient room cleaning, a human factors and systems engineering (HFSE) approach is needed to understand the complex cleaning process and associated work system factors.Purpose:We conducted an observational study to assess the performance of environmental care (EVC) associates during daily patient room cleaning and identify work system factors influencing their performance.Methods:This study was conducted in eight adult medicine inpatient units at a large urban academic medical center. An HFSE researcher shadowed 10 day-shift EVC associates performing daily patient room cleanings and used a semi-structured observation form to collect quantitative data (e.g., duration of room cleaning, orders for surface cleaning) and qualitative data (e.g., challenges to patient room cleaning). Descriptive statistics (e.g., median, interquartile range) were reported for cleaning performance, and bivariate and regression analyses were conducted to identify factors influencing cleaning performance. We also performed link analyses of the workflow of EVC associates and qualitative analyses of observer notes to identify challenges to daily patient room cleaning.Results:We observed 89 patient room cleanings. Median duration of cleaning a room was 14 minutes, and median percentage of surfaces cleaned in a room was 63%. High-touch surfaces that were frequently missed during daily cleaning included the bedrails, telephone, patient and visitor chairs, and cabinet. Work system factors that could influence cleaning performance included the type of unit, the presence of the patient and family members in the room, cleaning patterns and orders of EVC associates, and interruptions EVC associates encountered while cleaning.Conclusions:Daily patient room cleaning was influenced by a number of work system factors. To improve daily patient room cleaning, multifaceted interventions are needed to address these system-level factors.U54 CK000447/CK/NCEZID CDC HHS/United StatesU54CK000447/ACL HHS/United States2019-09-25T00:00:00Z31555756PMC67609067487vault:3519

    Challenges of the multicultural workforce which effect business growth and service

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    This research is based on the multicultural workforce of a local cleaning organisation. The main question of the research is what are the challenges faced by this multicultural organisation for making good relationships between employer and employee? The aim of the research is based on the challenges and effects of multicultural organisations on the growth of business and quality of services. The research methodology used is qualitative and the data collection method was interviews. Results of the research are based on thematic analysis methods and direct toward communication barriers, teamwork, cultural values or thinking of diverse employees. The multicultural workforce helps in the growth of the business and improves the service quality of the business

    The Self-Worth of Cleaning Service Workers at One of Universities in Surabaya

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    This qualitative psychological research aims to identify and understand the self-worth of cleaning service workers at one of universities in Surabaya. This research is important to conduct considering the limited scope of similar research topics carried out by previous researchers. This study will provide a clear understanding of the self-worth possessed by cleaning service workers. Data was collected through interviews with three cleaners at this university who served as research participants. The Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis performed on the resulting data revealed individual differences in self-worth dynamics among the three cleaning service workers. In the performance aspect, two of them possessed a positive self-image. In the aspect of ability, all the three cleaning service workers displayed the same profiles. In the effort aspect, only one cleaning service worker exhibited it. In conclusion, one cleaning service worker had better self-worth than the other two. In addition, the research discovered that social support and moral standards served as protective factors, while appearances and social interaction operated as risk factors

    Medan Makna Verba Membersihkan dan Hubungannya dengan Etimologi dalam Bahasa Melayu Dialek Sanggau

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    This study focused on one area of ​​study semantics, is the meaning of verbs studied field in BMDS. A common problem in this study is a "Verb Meaning Field Cleaning and Its Relationship with etymology in Malay Dialects Sanggau". Subproblems of this research, namely how classification based on collocation, sets, and the etymology of the verb contained in the BMDS cleaning ? This study aimed to describe the collocation, sets, and the etymology of the verb cleaning BMDS. The method used in this research is descriptive method with qualitative forms of research. The data in this study are the words that contain a verb meaning field cleans the BMDS. Sources of data in this study is BMDS spoken by native speakers BMDS. The technique used is the technique Listen involved Proficient ( SLC ) and interviews. Means of collecting data in this study is a list of questions and a tape recorder. Based on the analysis of data , it can be concluded that in the field there BMDS verb meaning cleanse consisting of 26 verbs in the BMDS cleaning can be classified into collocation, sets, and 21 verbs that can be connected with the etymology of the BMDS


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    This research aims to determine the performance of local government policies in improving solid waste services in the environmental cleanliness and gardening service of Kediri city. Based on Law No.18 of 2008 concerning waste management, regional regulation policy No. 3 of 2015 concerning waste management in Kediri City. Based on this regulation, it is very important to strengthen solid waste cleaning services in Kediri City. This research method used is a qualitative research method. Data is obtained through observation and analysis from secondary data and primary data. The results of this study indicate that the performance indicators of cleaning services on road sweeping are still less efficient and the technical work of road sweeping is still less productive, as a support for the infrastructure for waste collection equipment or waste collection from TPS / TPS 3R to TPA is still not optimal, this is due to limitations equipment in the environmental cleanliness and gardening service of Kediri City. From the results of the researchers, it can be concluded that the local government policy in improving the performance of cleaning services in Kediri City have not reached performance standards and the level of cleaning services cannot be said to be efficient and effective.Key Word: Public Policy Performance, Garbage Cleaning Service
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