413 research outputs found

    Cohomology of idempotent braidings, with applications to factorizable monoids

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    We develop new methods for computing the Hochschild (co)homology of monoids which can be presented as the structure monoids of idempotent set-theoretic solutions to the Yang--Baxter equation. These include free and symmetric monoids; factorizable monoids, for which we find a generalization of the K{\"u}nneth formula for direct products; and plactic monoids. Our key result is an identification of the (co)homologies in question with those of the underlying YBE solutions, via the explicit quantum symmetrizer map. This partially answers questions of Farinati--Garc{\'i}a-Galofre and Dilian Yang. We also obtain new structural results on the (co)homology of general YBE solutions

    Classification of Reductive Monoid Spaces Over an Arbitrary Field

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    In this semi-expository paper we review the notion of a spherical space. In particular we present some recent results of Wedhorn on the classification of spherical spaces over arbitrary fields. As an application, we introduce and classify reductive monoid spaces over an arbitrary field.Comment: This is the final versio

    Euclidean Quadratic Forms and ADC Forms I

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    Motivated by classical results of Aubry, Davenport and Cassels, we define the notion of a Euclidean quadratic form over a normed integral domain and an ADC form over an integral domain. The aforementioned classical results generalize to: Euclidean forms are ADC forms. We then initiate the study and classification of these two classes of quadratic forms, especially over discrete valuation rings and Hasse domains.Comment: 26 page

    From the arrow of time in Badiali's quantum approach to the dynamic meaning of Riemann's hypothesis

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    The novelty of the Jean Pierre Badiali last scientific works stems to a quantum approach based on both (i) a return to the notion of trajectories (Feynman paths) and (ii) an irreversibility of the quantum transitions. These iconoclastic choices find again the Hilbertian and the von Neumann algebraic point of view by dealing statistics over loops. This approach confers an external thermodynamic origin to the notion of a quantum unit of time (Rovelli Connes' thermal time). This notion, basis for quantization, appears herein as a mere criterion of parting between the quantum regime and the thermodynamic regime. The purpose of this note is to unfold the content of the last five years of scientific exchanges aiming to link in a coherent scheme the Jean Pierre's choices and works, and the works of the authors of this note based on hyperbolic geodesics and the associated role of Riemann zeta functions. While these options do not unveil any contradictions, nevertheless they give birth to an intrinsic arrow of time different from the thermal time. The question of the physical meaning of Riemann hypothesis as the basis of quantum mechanics, which was at the heart of our last exchanges, is the backbone of this note.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure

    Twisting structures and strongly homotopy morphisms

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    In an application of the notion of twisting structures introduced by Hess and Lack, we define twisted composition products of symmetric sequences of chain complexes that are degreewise projective and finitely generated. Let Q be a cooperad and let BP be the bar construction on the operad P. To each morphism of cooperads g from Q to BP is associated a P-co-ring, K(g), which generalizes the two-sided Koszul and bar constructions. When the co-unit from K(g) to P is a quasi-isomorphism, we show that the Kleisli category for K(g) is isomorphic to the category of P-algebras and of their morphisms up to strong homotopy, and we give the classifying morphisms for both strict and homotopy P-algebras. Parametrized morphisms of (co)associative chain (co)algebras up to strong homotopy are also introduced and studied, and a general existence theorem is proved. In the appendix, we study the particular case of the two-sided Koszul resolution of the associative operad.Comment: 54 page

    Toroidal crossings and logarithmic structures

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    We generalize Friedman's notion of d-semistability, which is a necessary condition for spaces with normal crossings to admit smoothings with regular total space. Our generalization deals with spaces that locally look like the boundary divisor in Gorenstein toroidal embeddings. In this situation, we replace d-semistability by the existence of global log structures for a given gerbe of local log structures. This leads to cohomological descriptions for the obstructions, existence, and automorphisms of log structures. We also apply toroidal crossings to mirror symmetry, by giving a duality construction involving toroidal crossing varieties whose irreducible components are toric varieties. This duality reproduces a version of Batyrev's construction of mirror pairs for hypersurfaces in toric varieties, but it applies to a larger class, including degenerate abelian varieties.Comment: 34 pages, 1 figure, notational changes, to appear in Adv. Mat

    The Word Problem for Omega-Terms over the Trotter-Weil Hierarchy

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    For two given ω\omega-terms α\alpha and β\beta, the word problem for ω\omega-terms over a variety V\boldsymbol{\mathrm{V}} asks whether α=β\alpha=\beta in all monoids in V\boldsymbol{\mathrm{V}}. We show that the word problem for ω\omega-terms over each level of the Trotter-Weil Hierarchy is decidable. More precisely, for every fixed variety in the Trotter-Weil Hierarchy, our approach yields an algorithm in nondeterministic logarithmic space (NL). In addition, we provide deterministic polynomial time algorithms which are more efficient than straightforward translations of the NL-algorithms. As an application of our results, we show that separability by the so-called corners of the Trotter-Weil Hierarchy is witnessed by ω\omega-terms (this property is also known as ω\omega-reducibility). In particular, the separation problem for the corners of the Trotter-Weil Hierarchy is decidable

    On arithmetic models and functoriality of Bost-Connes systems

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