152 research outputs found

    Exploiting the power of multiplicity: a holistic survey of network-layer multipath

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    The Internet is inherently a multipath network: For an underlying network with only a single path, connecting various nodes would have been debilitatingly fragile. Unfortunately, traditional Internet technologies have been designed around the restrictive assumption of a single working path between a source and a destination. The lack of native multipath support constrains network performance even as the underlying network is richly connected and has redundant multiple paths. Computer networks can exploit the power of multiplicity, through which a diverse collection of paths is resource pooled as a single resource, to unlock the inherent redundancy of the Internet. This opens up a new vista of opportunities, promising increased throughput (through concurrent usage of multiple paths) and increased reliability and fault tolerance (through the use of multiple paths in backup/redundant arrangements). There are many emerging trends in networking that signify that the Internet's future will be multipath, including the use of multipath technology in data center computing; the ready availability of multiple heterogeneous radio interfaces in wireless (such as Wi-Fi and cellular) in wireless devices; ubiquity of mobile devices that are multihomed with heterogeneous access networks; and the development and standardization of multipath transport protocols such as multipath TCP. The aim of this paper is to provide a comprehensive survey of the literature on network-layer multipath solutions. We will present a detailed investigation of two important design issues, namely, the control plane problem of how to compute and select the routes and the data plane problem of how to split the flow on the computed paths. The main contribution of this paper is a systematic articulation of the main design issues in network-layer multipath routing along with a broad-ranging survey of the vast literature on network-layer multipathing. We also highlight open issues and identify directions for future work

    Named Data Networking in Vehicular Ad hoc Networks: State-of-the-Art and Challenges

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    International audienceInformation-Centric Networking (ICN) has been proposed as one of the future Internet architectures. It is poised to address the challenges faced by today's Internet that include, but not limited to, scalability, addressing, security, and privacy. Furthermore, it also aims at meeting the requirements for new emerging Internet applications. To realize ICN, Named Data Networking (NDN) is one of the recent implementations of ICN that provides a suitable communication approach due to its clean slate design and simple communication model. There are a plethora of applications realized through ICN in different domains where data is the focal point of communication. One such domain is Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) realized through Vehicular Ad hoc NETwork (VANET) where vehicles exchange information and content with each other and with the infrastructure. To date, excellent research results have been yielded in the VANET domain aiming at safe, reliable, and infotainment-rich driving experience. However, due to the dynamic topologies, host-centric model, and ephemeral nature of vehicular communication, various challenges are faced by VANET that hinder the realization of successful vehicular networks and adversely affect the data dissemination, content delivery, and user experiences. To fill these gaps, NDN has been extensively used as underlying communication paradigm for VANET. Inspired by the extensive research results in NDN-based VANET, in this paper, we provide a detailed and systematic review of NDN-driven VANET. More precisely, we investigate the role of NDN in VANET and discuss the feasibility of NDN architecture in VANET environment. Subsequently, we cover in detail, NDN-based naming, routing and forwarding, caching, mobility, and security mechanism for VANET. Furthermore, we discuss the existing standards, solutions, and simulation tools used in NDN-based VANET. Finally, we also identify open challenges and issues faced by NDN-driven VANET and highlight future research directions that should be addressed by the research community

    FLEXNET: Flexible Networks for IoT based services

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    Internet of Things is becoming one of the main triggers in designing and deploying new services aiming at fulfilling the wide demand imposed by end-users. Usually, concrete solutions addressing the optimization of the wireless segment are found in the literature. However, it is much less frequent to find end-to-end solutions to be easily adopted by the corresponding stakeholders. It is in this context that FLEXNET brings an integrated solution, relying on cutting-edge technologies, dealing with a wide set of technical requirements imposed by the different applications and services.This work was supported by FLEXNET Project: "Flexible IoT Networks for Value Creators" (Celtic 2016/3), in the Eureka Celtic-Next Cluster

    Enabling Multipath and Multicast Data Transmission in Legacy and Future Internet

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    The quickly growing community of Internet users is requesting multiple applications and services. At the same time the structure of the network is changing. From the performance point of view, there is a tight interplay between the application and the network design. The network must be constructed to provide an adequate performance of the target application. In this thesis we consider how to improve the quality of users' experience concentrating on two popular and resource-consuming applications: bulk data transfer and real-time video streaming. We share our view on the techniques which enable feasibility and deployability of the network functionality leading to unquestionable performance improvement for the corresponding applications. Modern mobile devices, equipped with several network interfaces, as well as multihomed residential Internet hosts are capable of maintaining multiple simultaneous attachments to the network. We propose to enable simultaneous multipath data transmission in order to increase throughput and speed up such bandwidth-demanding applications as, for example, file download. We design an extension for Host Identity Protocol (mHIP), and propose a multipath data scheduling solution on a wedge layer between IP and transport, which effectively distributes packets from a TCP connection over available paths. We support our protocol with a congestion control scheme and prove its ability to compete in a friendly manner against the legacy network protocols. Moreover, applying game-theoretic analytical modelling we investigate how the multihomed HIP multipath-enabled hosts coexist in the shared network. The number of real-time applications grows quickly. Efficient and reliable transport of multimedia content is a critical issue of today's IP network design. In this thesis we solve scalability issues of the multicast dissemination trees controlled by the hybrid error correction. We propose a scalable multicast architecture for potentially large overlay networks. Our techniques address suboptimality of the adaptive hybrid error correction (AHEC) scheme in the multicast scenarios. A hierarchical multi-stage multicast tree topology is constructed in order to improve the performance of AHEC and guarantee QoS for the multicast clients. We choose an evolutionary networking approach that has the potential to lower the required resources for multimedia applications by utilizing the error-correction domain separation paradigm in combination with selective insertion of the supplementary data from parallel networks, when the corresponding content is available. Clearly both multipath data transmission and multicast content dissemination are the future Internet trends. We study multiple problems related to the deployment of these methods.Internetin nopeasti kasvava käyttäjäkunta vaatii verkolta yhä enemmän sovelluksia ja palveluita. Samaan aikaan verkon rakenne muuttuu. Suorituskyvyn näkökulmasta on olemassa selvä vuorovaikutussovellusten ja verkon suunnittelun välillä. Verkko on rakennettava siten, että se pystyy takaamaan riittävän suorituskyvyn halutuille palveluille. Tässä väitöskirjassa pohditaan, miten verkon käyttökokemusta voidaan parantaa keskittyen kahteen suosittuun ja resursseja vaativaan sovellukseen: tiedonsiirtoon ja reaaliaikaiseen videon suoratoistoon. Esitämme näkemyksemme tekniikoista, jotka mahdollistavat tarvittavien verkkotoiminnallisuuksien helpon toteuttavuuden sekä kiistatta parantavat sovelluksien suorityskykyä. Nykyaikaiset mobiililaitteet monine verkkoyhteyksineen, kuten myös kotitietokoneet, pystyvät ylläpitämään monta internet-yhteyttä samanaikaisesti. Siksi ehdotamme monikanavaisen tiedonsiirron käyttöä suorituskyvyn parantamiseksi ja etenkin vaativien verkkosovelluksien, kuten tiedostonsiirron, nopeuttamiseksi. Tässä väitöskirjassa suunnitellaan Host Identity Protocol (mHIP) -laajennus, sekä esitetään tiedonsiirron vuorotteluratkaisu, joka hajauttaa TCP-yhteyden tiedonsiirtopaketit käytettävissä oleville kanaville. Protokollamme tueksi luomme myös ruuhkautumishallinta-algoritmin ja näytämme sen pystyvän toimimaan yhteen nykyisien verkkoprotokollien kanssa. Tämän lisäksi tutkimme peliteoreettista mallinnusta käyttäen, miten monikanavaiset HIP-verkkopäätteet toimivat muiden kanssa jaetuissa verkoissa. Reaaliaikaisten sovellusten määrä kasvaa nopeasti. Tehokas ja luotettava multimediasisällön siirto on olennainen vaatimus nykypäivän IP-verkoissa. Tässä työssä ratkaistaan monilähetyksen (multicast) jakelustruktuurin skaalautuvuuteen liittyviä ongelmia. Ehdotamme skaalautuvaa monilähetysarkkitehtuuria suurille peiteverkoille. Ratkaisumme puuttuu adaptiivisen virhekorjauksen (Adaptive Hybrid Error Correction, AHEC) alioptimaalisuuteen monilähetystilanteissa. Luomme hierarkisen monivaiheisen monilähetyspuutopologian parantaaksemme AHECin suorituskykyä, sekä taataksemme monilähetysasiakkaiden palvelun laadun. Valitsimme evoluutiomaisen lähestymistavan, jolla on potentiaalia keventää multimediasovelluksien verkkoresurssivaatimuksia erottamalla virhekorjauksen omaksi verkkotunnuksekseen, sekä käyttämällä valikoivaa täydentävää tiedonlisäystä rinnakkaisverkoista vastaavan sisällön ollessa saatavilla. Sekä monikanava- että monilähetystiedonsiirto ovat selvästi osa internetin kehityssuuntaa. Tässä väitöskirjassa tutkimme monia ongelmia näiden tekniikoiden käyttöönottoon liittyen

    Interoperabilidade e mobilidade na internet do futuro

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    Research on Future Internet has been gaining traction in recent years, with both evolutionary (e.g., Software Defined Networking (SDN)- based architectures) and clean-slate network architectures (e.g., Information Centric Networking (ICN) architectures) being proposed. With each network architectural proposal aiming to provide better solutions for specific Internet utilization requirements, an heterogeneous Future Internet composed by several architectures can be expected, each targeting and optimizing different use case scenarios. Moreover, the increasing number of mobile devices, with increasing capabilities and supporting different connectivity technologies, are changing the patterns of traffic exchanged in the Internet. As such, this thesis focuses on the study of interoperability and mobility in Future Internet architectures, two key requirements that need to be addressed for the widely adoption of these network architectures. The first contribution of this thesis is an interoperability framework that, by enabling resources to be shared among different network architectures, avoids resources to be restricted to a given network architecture and, at the same time, promotes the initial roll out of new network architectures. The second contribution of this thesis consists on the development of enhancements for SDN-based and ICN network architectures through IEEE 802.21 mechanisms to facilitate and optimize the handover procedures on those architectures. The last contribution of this thesis is the definition of an inter-network architecture mobility framework that enables MNs to move across access network supporting different network architectures without losing the reachability to resources being accessed. All the proposed solutions were evaluated with results highlighting the feasibility of such solutions and the impact on the overall communication.A Internet do Futuro tem sido alvo de vários estudos nos últimos anos, com a proposta de arquitecturas de rede seguindo quer abordagens evolutionárias (por exemplo, Redes Definidas por Software (SDN)) quer abordagens disruptivas (por exemplo, Redes Centradas na Informação (ICN)). Cada uma destas arquitecturas de rede visa providenciar melhores soluções relativamente a determinados requisitos de utilização da Internet e, portanto, uma Internet do Futuro heterogénea composta por diversas arquitecturas de rede torna-se uma possibilidade, onde cada uma delas é usada para optimizar diferentes casos de utilização. Para além disso, o aumento do número de dispositivos móveis, com especificações acrescidas e com suporte para diferentes tecnologias de conectividade, está a mudar os padrões do tráfego na Internet. Assim, esta tese foca-se no estudo de aspectos de interoperabilidade e mobilidade em arquitecturas de rede da Internet do Futuro, dois importantes requisitos que necessitam de ser satisfeitos para que a adopção destas arquitecturas de rede seja considerada. A primeira contribuição desta tese é uma solução de interoperabilidade que, uma vez que permite que recursos possam ser partilhados por diferentes arquitecturas de rede, evita que os recursos estejam restringidos a uma determinada arquitectura de rede e, ao mesmo tempo, promove a adopção de novas arquitecturas de rede. A segunda contribuição desta tese consiste no desenvolvimento de extensões para arquitecturas de rede baseadas em SDN ou ICN através dos mecanismos propostos na norma IEEE 802.21 com o objectivo de facilitar e optimizar os processos de mobilidade nessas arquitecturas de rede. Finalmente, a terceira contribuição desta tese é a definição de uma solução de mobilidade envolvendo diferentes arquitecturas de rede que permite a mobilidade de dispositivos móveis entre redes de acesso que suportam diferentes arquitecturas de rede sem que estes percam o acesso aos recursos que estão a ser acedidos. Todas as soluções propostas foram avaliadas com os resultados a demonstrar a viabilidade de cada uma das soluções e o impacto que têm na comunicação.Programa Doutoral em Informátic

    On service optimization in community network micro-clouds

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    Cotutela Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya i KTH Royal Institute of TechnologyInternet coverage in the world is still weak and local communities are required to come together and build their own network infrastructures. People collaborate for the common goal of accessing the Internet and cloud services by building Community networks (CNs). The use of Internet cloud services has grown over the last decade. Community network cloud infrastructures (i.e. micro-clouds) have been introduced to run services inside the network, without the need to consume them from the Internet. CN micro-clouds aims for not only an improved service performance, but also an entry point for an alternative to Internet cloud services in CNs. However, the adaptation of the services to be used in CN micro-clouds have their own challenges since the use of low-capacity devices and wireless connections without a central management is predominant in CNs. Further, large and irregular topology of the network, high software and hardware diversity and different service requirements in CNs, makes the CN micro-clouds a challenging environment to run local services, and to achieve service performance and quality similar to Internet cloud services. In this thesis, our main objective is the optimization of services (performance, quality) in CN micro-clouds, facilitating entrance to other services and motivating members to make use of CN micro-cloud services as an alternative to Internet services. We present an approach to handle services in CN micro-cloud environments in order to improve service performance and quality that can be approximated to Internet services, while also giving to the community motivation to use CN micro-cloud services. Furthermore, we break the problem into different levels (resource, service and middleware), propose a model that provides improvements for each level and contribute with information that helps to support the improvements (in terms of service performance and quality) in the other levels. At the resource level, we facilitate the use of community devices by utilizing virtualization techniques that isolate and manage CN micro-cloud services in order to have a multi-purpose environment that fosters services in the CN micro-cloud environment. At the service level, we build a monitoring tool tailored for CN micro-clouds that helps us to analyze service behavior and performance in CN micro-clouds. Subsequently, the information gathered enables adaptation of the services to the environment in order to improve their quality and performance under CN environments. At the middleware level, we build overlay networks as the main communication system according to the social information in order to improve paths and routes of the nodes, and improve transmission of data across the network by utilizing the relationships already established in the social network or community of practices that are related to the CNs. Therefore, service performance in CN micro-clouds can become more stable with respect to resource usage, performance and user perceived quality.Acceder a Internet sigue siendo un reto en muchas partes del mundo y las comunidades locales se ven en la necesidad de colaborar para construir sus propias infraestructuras de red. Los usuarios colaboran por el objetivo común de acceder a Internet y a los servicios en la nube construyendo redes comunitarias (RC). El uso de servicios de Internet en la nube ha crecido durante la última década. Las infraestructuras de nube en redes comunitarias (i.e., micronubes) han aparecido para albergar servicios dentro de las mismas redes, sin tener que acceder a Internet para usarlos. Las micronubes de las RC no solo tienen por objetivo ofrecer un mejor rendimiento, sino también ser la puerta de entrada en las RC hacia una alternativa a los servicios de Internet en la nube. Sin embargo, la adaptación de los servicios para ser usados en micronubes de RC conlleva sus retos ya que el uso de dispositivos de recursos limitados y de conexiones inalámbricas sin una gestión centralizada predominan en las RC. Más aún, la amplia e irregular topología de la red, la diversidad en el hardware y el software y los diferentes requisitos de los servicios en RC convierten en un desafío albergar servicios locales en micronubes de RC y obtener un rendimiento y una calidad del servicio comparables a los servicios de Internet en la nube. Esta tesis tiene por objetivo la optimización de servicios (rendimiento, calidad) en micronubes de RC, facilitando la entrada a otros servicios y motivando a sus miembros a usar los servicios en la micronube de RC como una alternativa a los servicios en Internet. Presentamos una aproximación para gestionar los servicios en entornos de micronube de RC para mejorar su rendimiento y calidad comparable a los servicios en Internet, a la vez que proporcionamos a la comunidad motivación para usar los servicios de micronube en RC. Además, dividimos el problema en distintos niveles (recursos, servicios y middleware), proponemos un modelo que proporciona mejoras para cada nivel y contribuye con información que apoya las mejoras (en términos de rendimiento y calidad de los servicios) en los otros niveles. En el nivel de los recursos, facilitamos el uso de dispositivos comunitarios al emplear técnicas de virtualización que aíslan y gestionan los servicios en micronubes de RC para obtener un entorno multipropósito que fomenta los servicios en el entorno de micronube de RC. En el nivel de servicio, construimos una herramienta de monitorización a la medida de las micronubes de RC que nos ayuda a analizar el comportamiento de los servicios y su rendimiento en micronubes de RC. Luego, la información recopilada permite adaptar los servicios al entorno para mejorar su calidad y rendimiento bajo las condiciones de una RC. En el nivel de middleware, construimos redes de overlay que actúan como el sistema de comunicación principal de acuerdo a información social para mejorar los caminos y las rutas de los nodos y mejoramos la transmisión de datos a lo largo de la red al utilizar las relaciones preestablecidas en la red social o la comunidad de prácticas que están relacionadas con las RC. De este modo, el rendimiento en las micronubes de RC puede devenir más estable respecto al uso de recursos, el rendimiento y la calidad percibidas por el usuario.Postprint (published version

    An efficient pending interest table control management in named data network

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    Named Data Networking (NDN) is an emerging Internet architecture that employs a new network communication model based on the identity of Internet content. Its core component, the Pending Interest Table (PIT) serves a significant role of recording Interest packet information which is ready to be sent but in waiting for matching Data packet. In managing PIT, the issue of flow PIT sizing has been very challenging due to massive use of long Interest lifetime particularly when there is no flexible replacement policy, hence affecting PIT performance. The aim of this study is to propose an efficient PIT Control Management (PITCM) approach to be used in handling incoming Interest packets in order to mitigate PIT overflow thus enhancing PIT utilization and performance. PITCM consists of Adaptive Virtual PIT (AVPIT) mechanism, Smart Threshold Interest Lifetime (STIL) mechanism and Highest Lifetime Least Request (HLLR) policy. The AVPIT is responsible for obtaining early PIT overflow prediction and reaction. STIL is meant for adjusting lifetime value for incoming Interest packet while HLLR is utilized for managing PIT entries in efficient manner. A specific research methodology is followed to ensure that the work is rigorous in achieving the aim of the study. The network simulation tool is used to design and evaluate PITCM. The results of study show that PITCM outperforms the performance of standard NDN PIT with 45% higher Interest satisfaction rate, 78% less Interest retransmission rate and 65% less Interest drop rate. In addition, Interest satisfaction delay and PIT length is reduced significantly to 33% and 46%, respectively. The contribution of this study is important for Interest packet management in NDN routing and forwarding systems. The AVPIT and STIL mechanisms as well as the HLLR policy can be used in monitoring, controlling and managing the PIT contents for Internet architecture of the future