278 research outputs found

    Performance of OFDM QAM over Frequency-Selective Fading Channels

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    [[abstract]]We present exact symbol error rate (SER) performance analysis for M-QAM OFDM systems over Ricean and Rayleigh fading is analyzed. Both slow and fast quasi-static fading as well as frequency-selective and -nonselective channels are considered.[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]20070702~20070704[[booktype]]紙本[[booktype]]電子版[[conferencelocation]]Singapor

    Correlation between ICI and the carrier signal in OFDM under Doppler spread influence

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    [[abstract]]In this paper, we derive an exact expression for the power correlation between the inter-carrier interference (ICI) and the carrier signal and show that the correlation is non-negligible for normal Doppler spread values. However, the correlation tends to vanish as Doppler spread approaches infinity. Then, the symbol error rates (SERs) for M-QAM OFDM systems over frequency-selective Ricean fading channels based on both the correlated and the uncorrelated ICI models are given for comparison.[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]20090409~20040411[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]Antalya, Turke

    Detection and decoding algorithms of multi-antenna diversity techniques for terrestrial DVB systems

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    This PhD dissertation analyzes the behavior of multi-antenna diversity techniques in broadcasting scenarios of TDT (terrestrial digital television) systems and proposes a low-complexity detection and decoding design for their practical implementation. For that purpose, the transmission-reception chains of the European DVB-T (Digital Video Broadcasting - Terrestrial) and DVB-T2 standards have been implemented over which diversity and MIMO (multiple-input multiple-output) techniques have been assessed through Monte Carlo simulations. On one hand, the most important multi-antenna diversity techniques such as CDD (cyclic delay diversity), Alamouti code-based SFBC (space-frequency block coding) and MRC (maximum ratio combining), have been evaluated in a DVB-T system over both fixed and mobile Rayleigh and Ricean channels. With the DVB-T2 standard release, multi-antenna processing has actually been introduced in digital television systems. The distributed SFBC configuration proposed in DVB-T2 is analyzed from a performance point of view considering different propagation conditions in an SFN (single frequency network). On the other hand, error-performance and detection complexity analyses of 2x2 FRFD (full-rate full-diversity) SFBCs are carried out for last-generation DTV (digital television) systems. The use of channel coding based on LDPC (low-density parity check) codes in new standards such as DVB-T2, involves a soft-output MAP (maximum a posteriori ) detection which results in an increase of the detection complexity. In order to study the FRFD codes behavior in such a BICM (bit-interleaved coded modulation) scheme, the Golden code, which achieves the maximum coding gain, and the Sezginer-Sari code, which has a lower inherent detection complexity as an expense of sacrificing performance gain, have been chosen. Using LSD (list sphere decoder) detection, BER (bit error rate) performance and computational cost results are provided for TDT scenarios. In order to overcome the variable complexity of the LSD, LFSD (list fixed-complexity sphere decoder) detection is proposed for practical implementations. A redesign of the previously proposed LFSD algorithm for spatial multiplexing MIMO systems has been performed for FRFD SFBCs with close-to-LSD performance. Furthermore, an analysis of the number of candidates is carried out in order to maximize the eficiency of the algorithm. Due to its fixed complexity, the novel algorithm can be fully pipelined making feasible a realistic implementation in chip.Esta tesis analiza el comportamiento de las técnicas de diversidad multiantena en escenarios de radiodifusión TDT (televisión digital terrestre) y propone un diseño de baja complejidad para la detección de códigos SFBC (space-frequency block coding ) que facilita una posible implementación práctica. Para ello, se ha implementado la cadena de transmisión-recepción de los estándares europeos DVB-T (Digital Video Broadcasting - Terrestrial ) y DVB-T2 como entorno de trabajo donde se han incluido y simulado diferentes técnicas de diversidad MIMO (multiple-input multiple-output ). Por un lado, se evalúan las técnicas de diversidad multiantena CDD ( cyclic delay diversity), SFBC con codi cación Alamouti y MRC (maximum ratio combining ) en escenarios fijos y móviles de canales tanto Rayleigh como Ricean para el sistema DVB-T. En DVB-T2, se analiza la tecnología multiantena propuesta por el estándar para diferentes escenarios de propagación dentro de redes SFN (single frequency network ). Por otro lado, se realiza un estudio sobre códigos FRFD (full-rate full-diversity ) SFBC para su posible inclusión en futuros estándares de televisión digital. El uso de codificaciones de canal más potentes, como los códigos LDPC (low-density parity check ), implica la utilización de una detección MAP (maximum a posteriori ) con salida soft, incrementando considerablemente la complejidad de la detección. Para realizar el correspondiente análisis de complejidad y rendimiento, se han escogidos dos códigos FRFD. Por un lado, el código Golden, que ofrece la máxima ganancia de código y, por otro, el código propuesto por Sezginer y Sari, que consigue reducir la complejidad de detección a costa de perder cierta ganancia de código. Se presentan resultados basados en curvas de BER (bit error rate) y número de operaciones sobre un sistema BICM (bit-interleaved coded modulation ) equivalente a DVB-T2 en escenarios TDT utilizando una detección LSD (list sphere decoder ). Para resolver el problema de la complejidad variable del algoritmo LSD, se realiza un rediseño del ya propuesto LFSD (list fixed-complexity sphere decoder ) para técnicas de multiplexación espacial considerando la estructura de los códigos FRFD SFBC. Asimismo, se evalúa el número de candidatos que ofrece un funcionamiento más eficiente con menor coste computacional. Los resultados de simulación basados en curvas de BER muestran rendimientos cercanos al detector LSD manteniendo el número de operaciones constante. Por lo tanto, este nuevo diseño permite su eficiente y práctica implementación en dispositivos reales.Doktoretza-tesi honen gai nagusia Lurreko Telebista Digitalerako antena anitzeko dibertsitate tekniken portaera ikertzea da, hartzailerako konplexutasun baxuko algoritmoen diseinua oinarri hartuta. Horretarako, Europako DVB-T eta DVB-T2 telebista digitaleko estandarren igorle-hartzaile kateen simulagailua inplementatzeaz gain, dibertsitate eta MIMO ( multipleinput multiple-output ) algoritmoak garatu eta aztertu dira. Lehenengo helburu gisa, CDD (cyclic delay diversity ), Alamouti kodean oinarritutako SFBC (space-frequency block coding ) eta MRC (maximum ratio combining ) teknikak ebaluatu dira Rayleigh eta Ricean ingurunetan, bai komunikazio nko zein mugikorretarako. Argitaratu berri den DVB-T2 estandarrak antena anitzeko prozesaketa telebista sistema digitalean sartu duenez, teknologia honen analisia egin da maiztasun bakarreko telebista sareetarako SFN (single frequency network ). Tesiaren helburu nagusia FRFD (full-rate full-diversity ) SFBC kodigoen ikerketa eta hauek telebista digitalaren estandar berrietan sartzea ahalbidetuko dituzten detekzio sistemen diseinua izan da. Kanalen kodi kazio indartsuagoak erabiltzeak, LDPC ( low-density parity check ) kodeak esaterako, MAP (maximum a posteriori ) algoritmoan oinarritutako soft irteeradun detektoreen erabilera dakar berekin, detekzioaren konplexutasuna areagotuz. Bi FRFD kode aukeratu dira errendimendu eta konplexutasun analisiak DVB-T2 bezalako BICM (bit-interleaved coded modulation ) sistemetan egiteko. Alde batetik, irabazi maximoa lortzen duen Golden kodea eta, bestetik, konplexutasun txikiagoa duen Sezginer eta Sarik proposatutako kodea erabili dira. Bit errore edo BER (bit error rate) tasan eta konputazio kostuan oinarrituta, emaitzak aurkeztu dira zerrenda dekodeatzaile esferikoa ( list sphere decoder, LSD) erabiliz. LSD-aren konplexutasun aldakorraren arazoa konpontzeko, ezpazio-multiplexazioko teknikarako LFSD (list xed-complexity sphere decoder ) algoritmoaren berdiseinua garatu da, FRFD SFBC kodeen egitura berezia kontuan hartuta. Algoritmoaren eraginkortasuna maximizatzeko kandidatuen zenbakia ebaluatzen da baita ere. LSD-en antzeko errendimendua duten BER gra ketan oinarritutako simulazio emaitzak aurkezten dira, eragiketa kopurua konstante eta LSD-arenaren baino murritzagoa mantenduz. Beraz, proposatutako diseinu eraginkorrak, FRFD SFBC antena anitzeko dibertsitatean oinarritutako eskemen inplementazioa ahalbidetu dezakete telebista digitalaren estandar berrietarako

    Analysis and Performance Comparison of DVB-T and DTMB Systems for Terrestrial Digital TV

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    Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) is the most popular transmission technology in digital terrestrial broadcasting (DTTB), adopted by many DTTB standards. In this paper, the bit error rate (BER) performance of two DTTB systems, namely cyclic prefix OFDM (CP-OFDM) based DVB-T and time domain synchronous OFDM (TDS-OFDM) based DTMB, is evaluated in different channel conditions. Spectrum utilization and power efficiency are also discussed to demonstrate the transmission overhead of both systems. Simulation results show that the performances of the two systems are much close. Given the same ratio of guard interval (GI), the DVB-T outperforms DTMB in terms of signal to noise ratio (SNR) in Gaussian and Ricean channels, while DTMB behaves better performance in Rayleigh channel in higher code rates and higher orders of constellation thanks to its efficient channel coding and interleaving scheme

    An Investigation of Orthogonal Wavelet Division Multiplexing Techniques as an Alternative to Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex Transmissions and Comparison of Wavelet Families and Their Children

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    Recently, issues surrounding wireless communications have risen to prominence because of the increase in the popularity of wireless applications. Bandwidth problems, and the difficulty of modulating signals across carriers, represent significant challenges. Every modulation scheme used to date has had limitations, and the use of the Discrete Fourier Transform in OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex) is no exception. The restriction on further development of OFDM lies primarily within the type of transform it uses in the heart of its system, Fourier transform. OFDM suffers from sensitivity to Peak to Average Power Ratio, carrier frequency offset and wasting some bandwidth to guard successive OFDM symbols. The discovery of the wavelet transform has opened up a number of potential applications from image compression to watermarking and encryption. Very recently, work has been done to investigate the potential of using wavelet transforms within the communication space. This research will further investigate a recently proposed, innovative, modulation technique, Orthogonal Wavelet Division Multiplex, which utilises the wavelet transform opening a new avenue for an alternative modulation scheme with some interesting potential characteristics. Wavelet transform has many families and each of those families has children which each differ in filter length. This research consider comprehensively investigates the new modulation scheme, and proposes multi-level dynamic sub-banding as a tool to adapt variable signal bandwidths. Furthermore, all compactly supported wavelet families and their associated children of those families are investigated and evaluated against each other and compared with OFDM. The linear computational complexity of wavelet transform is less than the logarithmic complexity of Fourier in OFDM. The more important complexity is the operational complexity which is cost effectiveness, such as the time response of the system, the memory consumption and the number of iterative operations required for data processing. Those complexities are investigated for all available compactly supported wavelet families and their children and compared with OFDM. The evaluation reveals which wavelet families perform more effectively than OFDM, and for each wavelet family identifies which family children perform the best. Based on these results, it is concluded that the wavelet modulation scheme has some interesting advantages over OFDM, such as lower complexity and bandwidth conservation of up to 25%, due to the elimination of guard intervals and dynamic bandwidth allocation, which result in better cost effectiveness

    PAPR Reduction in WiMAX System

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    Dual-Polarization OFDM-OQAM Wireless Communication System

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    In this paper we describe the overall idea and results of a recently proposed radio access technique based on filter bank multicarrier (FBMC) communication system using two orthogonal polarizations: dual-polarization FBMC (DP-FBMC). Using this system we can alleviate the intrinsic interference problem in FBMC systems. This enables use of all the multicarrier techniques used in cyclic-prefix orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (CP-OFDM) systems for channel equalization, multiple-input/multiple-output (MIMO) processing, etc., without using the extra processing required for conventional FBMC. DP-FBMC also provides other interesting advantages over CP-OFDM and FBMC such as more robustness in multipath fading channels, and more robustness to receiver carrier frequency offset (CFO) and timing offset (TO). For DP-FBMC we propose three different structures based on different multiplexing techniques in time, frequency, and polarization. We will show that one of these structures has exactly the same system complexity and equipment as conventional FBMC. In our simulation results DP-FBMC has better bit error ratio (BER) performance in dispersive channels. Based on these results, DP-FBMC has potential as a promising candidate for future wireless communication systems.Comment: 1.This paper is accepted to be published in IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) FALL 2018. 2.In this new submitted version authors have revised the paper based on the VTC FALL reviewers comments. Therefore some typos have fixed and some results have change

    Performances Concatenated LDPC based STBC-OFDM System and MRC Receivers

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    This paper presents the bit error rate performance of the low density parity check (LDPC) with the concatenation of convolutional channel coding based orthogonal frequency-division-multiplexing (OFDM) using space time block coded (STBC). The OFDM wireless communication system incorporates 3/4-rated convolutional encoder under various digital modulations (BPSK, QPSK and QAM) over an additative white gaussian noise (AWGN) and fading (Raleigh and Rician) channels. At the receiving section of the simulated system, Maximum Ratio combining (MRC) channel equalization technique has been implemented to extract transmitted symbols without enhancing noise power