396 research outputs found

    Simulating Wde-area Replication

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    We describe our experiences with simulating replication algorithms for use in far flung distributed systems. The algorithms under scrutiny mimic epidemics. Epidemic algorithms seem to scale and adapt to change (such as varying replica sets) well. The loose consistency guarantees they make seem more useful in applications where availability strongly outweighs correctness; e.g., distributed name service

    Push-Pull Block Puzzles are Hard

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    This paper proves that push-pull block puzzles in 3D are PSPACE-complete to solve, and push-pull block puzzles in 2D with thin walls are NP-hard to solve, settling an open question by Zubaran and Ritt. Push-pull block puzzles are a type of recreational motion planning problem, similar to Sokoban, that involve moving a `robot' on a square grid with 1×11 \times 1 obstacles. The obstacles cannot be traversed by the robot, but some can be pushed and pulled by the robot into adjacent squares. Thin walls prevent movement between two adjacent squares. This work follows in a long line of algorithms and complexity work on similar problems. The 2D push-pull block puzzle shows up in the video games Pukoban as well as The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, giving another proof of hardness for the latter. This variant of block-pushing puzzles is of particular interest because of its connections to reversibility, since any action (e.g., push or pull) can be inverted by another valid action (e.g., pull or push).Comment: Full version of CIAC 2017 paper. 17 page


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan kit praktikum Elektronika Dasar II berbasis simulator Proteus untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah mahasiswa.Hasil observasi dalam prapenelitian menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa kesulitan merangkai komponen elektronika, kekurangan waktu praktikum, dan kesulitan dalam mendapatkan data.Untuk mengatasi permasalahan  ini dilakukan pengembangan kit praktikum Elektronika Dasar IIberbasis menggunakan simulator Proteus. Melalui kit praktikum mahasiswa fokus pada proses pengambilan data dan menganalisis sinyal keluaran rangkaian elektronika.Sedangkan simulator Proteus dapat membantu dalam mengamati gejala-gejala yang tidak dapat diamati langsung dan sebagai data pembanding. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian dan pengembangan dengan tahapan adalah analisis kebutuhan, pengembangan produk awal, validasi ahli, uji lapangan dan revisi produk. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Laboratorium Fisika FMIPA Universitas Bengkulu  semester ganjil 2018/2019dengan subyek penelitian ini adalah 22 mahasiswa. Pengumpulan data dilakukan menggunakan metode observasi dan kuesioner yang dianalisis secara deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kit praktikum yang berhasil dikembangkan terdiri dari delapan percobaan yaitu penguat common drain, common source, emitor ditanahkan, pushpull, respon frekuensi rendah, inverting dan non inverting, integrator dan diferensiator, dan filter aktif. Kelayakan kit praktikum sebagai media pembelajaran di laboratorium berdasarkan validasi ahli sebesar 82,50% (sangat layak) dan berdasarkan pengguna sebesar 82, 64% (sangat layak). Kata kunci: kit praktikum elektronika dasar II, simulator proteus, praktikum berbasis masalah  ABSTRACT This study aims to develop a Basic Electronics II practicum kit based on the Proteus simulator to improve students' problem solving abilities. The results of observations in the pre-study showed that students had difficulty assembling electronic components, lack of practicum time, and difficulties in obtaining data. To overcome this problem, the development of Basic Electronics II based practicum kit using the Proteus simulator is carried out. Through the practicum kit students focus on the process of data retrieval and analyzing the electronic circuit output signal. Whereas the Proteus simulator can help in observing symptoms that cannot be observed directly and as comparative data. This research is a type of research and development with stages are needs analysis, initial product development, expert validation, field testing and product revision. This research was conducted in the Physics Laboratory of the University of Bengkulu FMIPA odd semester 2018/2019 with the subjects of this study were 22 students. Data collection was carried out using observation methods and questionnaires which were analyzed quantitatively descriptively. The results showed that the practicum kit that was successfully developed consisted of eight experiments namely common drain amplifier, common source, ground emitter, pushpull, low frequency response, inverting and non-inverting, integrators and differentiators, and active filters. The feasibility of the practicum kit as a learning media in a laboratory based on expert validation is 82.50% (very feasible) and based on the user is 82, 64% (very feasible). Keywords: basic electronics II practicum kit, proteus simulator, problem solving laborator

    The Unintended Consequences of Censoring Digital Technology -- Evidence from Italy's ChatGPT Ban

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    We analyse the effects of the ban of ChatGPT, a generative pre-trained transformer chatbot, on individual productivity. We first compile data on the hourly coding output of over 8,000 professional GitHub users in Italy and other European countries to analyse the impact of the ban on individual productivity. Combining the high-frequency data with the sudden announcement of the ban in a difference-in-differences framework, we find that the output of Italian developers decreased by around 50% in the first two business days after the ban and recovered after that. Applying a synthetic control approach to daily Google search and Tor usage data shows that the ban led to a significant increase in the use of censorship bypassing tools. Our findings show that users swiftly implement strategies to bypass Internet restrictions but this adaptation activity creates short-term disruptions and hampers productivity


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    Palimpsest explores the various ways in which the models, individuals who have gained and/or lost a large amount of weight, feel empowered and vulnerable. The skin is marked and each discoloration or indentation telling a story of loss, gain, and removal. The photographs mark these changes

    A Laser Cutting tool for Laryngeal Surgery

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    Pada penelitian ini dilakukan perancangan serta pengujian inverter satu fasa topologi pushpull dengan variable voltage. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui cara merancang dan melakukan simulasi rancang bangun inverter satu fasa topologi pushpull variable voltage serta hasil keluaran inverter tanpa beban dan dengan beban. Untuk membangkitkan sinyal yang dapat diubah duty cycle nya digunakan TL 494 yang keluarannya dihubungkan dengan driver MOSFET IR2110. Hasil perancangan dan pembuatan rangkaian menunjukan bahwa inverter dengan variable voltage berhasil dibuat, dimana keluaran dari inverter adalah modified sinusoidal dengan frekuensi sebesar 50 Hz. Efisiensi alat yang telah di buat sebesar 33%. Pada saat menggunakan beban lampu pijar dengan beban sebesar 35 W terlihat bahwa tegangan output keluaran mencapai 200 V. Selanjutnya pada saat menggunakan beban lampu LHE dengan beban sebesar 40 W terlihat bahwa tegangan output keluaran mencapai 200 V. Pada saat menggunakan beban lampu LED dengan beban sebesar 15 W terlihat bahwa tegangan output keluaran mencapai 213 V dan tegangan ini masih sesuai dengan batas minimal tegangan jala-jala yang diperbolehkan sebesar 10%. ;--- In this research, design and testing of single phase inverter pushpull topology with variable voltage. The purpose of this study is to learn how to design and simulate design a single phases inverter pushpull topologies variable voltage and the output of the inverter no-load and load. To generate a signal that can be modified duty cyclenya used the TL 494 output associated with IR2110 MOSFET driver. The results of the design and manufacture a series of shows that inverter with variable voltage has been established, in which the output of the inverter is modified sinusoidal with a frequency of 50 hz. Efficiency tools that have been created by 33. When using an incandescent lamp load with a load of 35 W seen that the output voltage output reaches 200 V. Next, when using LHE light load with a load of 40 W seen that the output voltage output reaches 200 V. When using LED lamp load with a load of 15 W output is seen that the output voltage reaches 213 V, and this voltage is in accordance with the minimum threshold voltage of the grid is allowed by 10%

    Sketchup Woodworking Plugin

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    Cílem této práce je seznámení se s aplikací SketchUp, postupy návrhu nábytku z prefabrikovaných desek a navžení i implementace nástrojů pro zefektivnění těchto procesů. Nástroje jsou ve formě rozšíření pro SketchUp a využívají jeho API v jazyce Ruby. Text samotný tak především rozebírá základy počítačové 3D grafiky, její použití v aplikaci SketchUp, třídy a metody API aplikace SketchUp, základy tvorby nábytku z prefabrikovaných desek a samotné rozšíření. Popisovnané nástroje pro zefektivnění jsou zaměřeny na tvorbu modelů desek, jejich zprávu pomocí uživatelského rozhraní a generování hranění hran.Main goals of this work are to understand the SketchUp application, learn the basic tasks of fiberboard furniture design and the design and implementation of tools, which should increase efficacy of these tasks. Tools are created as plug-ins for SketchUp using its Ruby API. The text it self is focused on fundamentals of 3D computer graphics and use of  them in SkechtUp, fiberboard furniture design processes and the woodworking plug-in it self. Described tools are used for creation of  board models, their management through user interface and generation of edging for boards.