74 research outputs found

    Low-power pedestrian detection system on FPGA

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    Pedestrian detection is one of the key problems in the emerging self-driving car industry. In addition, the Histogram of Gradients (HOG) algorithm proved to provide good accuracy for pedestrian detection. Many research works focused on accelerating HOG algorithm on FPGA(Field-Programmable Gate Array) due to its low-power and high-throughput characteristics. In this paper, we present an energy-efficient HOG-based implementation for pedestrian detection system on a low-cost FPGA system-on-chip platform. The hardware accelerator implements the HOG computation and the Support Vector Machine classifier, the rest of the algorithm is mapped to software in the embedded processor. The hardware runs at 50 Mhz (lower frequency than previous works), thus achieving the best pixels processed per clock and the lower power design

    Concepção e realização de um framework para sistemas embarcados baseados em FPGA aplicado a um classificador Floresta de Caminhos Ótimos

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    Orientadores: Eurípedes Guilherme de Oliveira Nóbrega, Isabelle Fantoni-Coichot, Vincent FrémontTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecânica, Université de Technologie de CompiègneResumo: Muitas aplicações modernas dependem de métodos de Inteligência Artificial, tais como classificação automática. Entretanto, o alto custo computacional associado a essas técnicas limita seu uso em plataformas embarcadas com recursos restritos. Grandes quantidades de dados podem superar o poder computacional disponível em tais ambientes, o que torna o processo de projetá-los uma tarefa desafiadora. As condutas de processamento mais comuns usam muitas funções de custo computacional elevadas, o que traz a necessidade de combinar alta capacidade computacional com eficiência energética. Uma possível estratégia para superar essas limitações e prover poder computacional suficiente aliado ao baixo consumo de energia é o uso de hardware especializado como, por exemplo, FPGA. Esta classe de dispositivos é amplamente conhecida por sua boa relação desempenho/consumo, sendo uma alternativa interessante para a construção de sistemas embarcados eficazes e eficientes. Esta tese propõe um framework baseado em FPGA para a aceleração de desempenho de um algoritmo de classificação a ser implementado em um sistema embarcado. A aceleração do desempenho foi atingida usando o esquema de paralelização SIMD, aproveitando as características de paralelismo de grão fino dos FPGA. O sistema proposto foi implementado e testado em hardware FPGA real. Para a validação da arquitetura, um classificador baseado em Teoria dos Grafos, o OPF, foi avaliado em uma proposta de aplicação e posteriormente implementado na arquitetura proposta. O estudo do OPF levou à proposição de um novo algoritmo de aprendizagem para o mesmo, usando conceitos de Computação Evolutiva, visando a redução do tempo de processamento de classificação, que, combinada à implementação em hardware, oferece uma aceleração de desempenho suficiente para ser aplicada em uma variedade de sistemas embarcadosAbstract: Many modern applications rely on Artificial Intelligence methods such as automatic classification. However, the computational cost associated with these techniques limit their use in resource constrained embedded platforms. A high amount of data may overcome the computational power available in such embedded environments while turning the process of designing them a challenging task. Common processing pipelines use many high computational cost functions, which brings the necessity of combining high computational capacity with energy efficiency. One of the strategies to overcome this limitation and provide sufficient computational power allied with low energy consumption is the use of specialized hardware such as FPGA. This class of devices is widely known for their performance to consumption ratio, being an interesting alternative to building capable embedded systems. This thesis proposes an FPGA-based framework for performance acceleration of a classification algorithm to be implemented in an embedded system. Acceleration is achieved using SIMD-based parallelization scheme, taking advantage of FPGA characteristics of fine-grain parallelism. The proposed system is implemented and tested in actual FPGA hardware. For the architecture validation, a graph-based classifier, the OPF, is evaluated in an application proposition and afterward applied to the proposed architecture. The OPF study led to a proposition of a new learning algorithm using evolutionary computation concepts, aiming at classification processing time reduction, which combined to the hardware implementation offers sufficient performance acceleration to be applied in a variety of embedded systemsDoutoradoMecanica dos Sólidos e Projeto MecanicoDoutor em Engenharia Mecânica3077/2013-09CAPE

    Hardware accelerated real-time Linux video anonymizer

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica Industrial e ComputadoresOs Sistemas Embebidos estão presentes atualmente numa variada gama de equipamentos do quotidiano do ser humano. Desde TV-boxes, televisões, routers até ao indispensável telemóvel. O Sistema Operativo Linux, com a sua filosofia de distribuição ”one-size-fits-all” tornou-se uma alternativa viável, fornecendo um vasto suporte de hardware, técnicas de depuração, suporte dos protocolos de comunicação de rede, entre outros serviços, que se tornaram no conjunto standard de requisitos na maioria dos sistemas embebidos atuais. Este sistema operativo torna-se apelativo pela sua filosofia open-source que disponibiliza ao utilizador um vasto conjunto de bibliotecas de software que possibilitam o desenvolvimento num determinado domínio com maior celeridade e facilidade de integração de software complexo. Os algoritmos deMachine Learning são desenvolvidos para a automização de tarefas e estão presentes nas mais variadas tecnologias, desde o sistema de foco de imagem nosmartphone até ao sistema de deteção dos limites de faixa de rodagem de um sistema de condução autónoma. Estes são algoritmos que quando compilados para as plataformas de sistemas embebidos, resultam num esforço de processamento e de consumo de recursos, como o footprint de memória, que na maior parte dos casos supera em larga escala o conjunto de recursos disponíveis para a aplicação do sistema, sendo necessária a implementação de componentes que requerem maior poder de processamento através de elementos de hardware para garantir que as métricas tem porais sejam satisfeitas. Esta dissertação propõe-se, por isso, à criação de um sistema de anonimização de vídeo que adquire, processa e manipula as frames, com o intuito de garantir o anonimato, mesmo na transmissão. A sua implementação inclui técnicas de Deteção de Objectos, fazendo uso da combinação das tecnologias de aceleração por hardware: paralelização e execução em hardware especial izado. É proposta então uma implementação restringida tanto temporalmente como no consumo de recursos ao nível do hardware e software.Embedded Systems are currently present in a wide range of everyday equipment. From TV-boxes, televisions and routers to the indispensable smartphone. Linux Operating System, with its ”one-size-fits-all” distribution philosophy, has become a viable alternative, providing extensive support for hardware, debugging techniques, network com munication protocols, among other functionalities, which have become the standard set of re quirements in most modern embedded systems. This operating system is appealing due to its open-source philosophy, which provides the user with a vast set of software libraries that enable development in a given domain with greater speed and ease the integration of complex software. Machine Learning algorithms are developed to execute tasks autonomously, i.e., without human supervision, and are present in the most varied technologies, from the image focus system on the smartphone to the detection system of the lane limits of an autonomous driving system. These are algorithms that, when compiled for embedded systems platforms, require an ef fort to process and consume resources, such as the memory footprint, which in most cases far outweighs the set of resources available for the application of the system, requiring the imple mentation of components that need greater processing power through elements of hardware to ensure that the time metrics are satisfied. This dissertation proposes the creation of a video anonymization system that acquires, pro cesses, and manipulates the frames, in order to guarantee anonymity, even during the transmis sion. Its implementation includes Object Detection techniques, making use of the combination of hardware acceleration technologies: parallelization and execution in specialized hardware. An implementation is then proposed, restricted both in time and in resource consumption at hardware and software levels

    Reconfigurable FPGA Architecture for Computer Vision Applications in Smart Camera Networks

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    Smart Camera Networks (SCNs) is nowadays an emerging research field which represents the natural evolution of centralized computer vision applications towards full distributed and pervasive systems. In this vision, one of the biggest effort is in the definition of a flexible and reconfigurable SCN node architecture able to remotely update the application parameter and the performed computer vision application at run­time. In this respect, we present a novel SCN node architecture based on a device in which a microcontroller manage all the network functionality as well as the remote configuration, while an FPGA implements all the necessary module of a full computer vision pipeline. In this work the envisioned architecture is first detailed in general terms, then a real implementation is presented to show the feasibility and the benefits of the proposed solution. Finally, performance evaluation results underline the potential of an hardware software codesign approach in reaching flexibility and reduced processing time

    Kodizajn arhitekture i algoritama za lokalizacijumobilnih robota i detekciju prepreka baziranih namodelu

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    This thesis proposes SoPC (System on a Programmable Chip) architectures for efficient embedding of vison-based localization and obstacle detection tasks in a navigational pipeline on autonomous mobile robots. The obtained results are equivalent or better in comparison to state-ofthe- art. For localization, an efficient hardware architecture that supports EKF-SLAM's local map management with seven-dimensional landmarks in real time is developed. For obstacle detection a novel method of object recognition is proposed - detection by identification framework based on single detection window scale. This framework allows adequate algorithmic precision and execution speeds on embedded hardware platforms.Ova teza bavi se dizajnom SoPC (engl. System on a Programmable Chip) arhitektura i algoritama za efikasnu implementaciju zadataka lokalizacije i detekcije prepreka baziranih na viziji u kontekstu autonomne robotske navigacije. Za lokalizaciju, razvijena je efikasna računarska arhitektura za EKF-SLAM algoritam, koja podržava skladištenje i obradu sedmodimenzionalnih orijentira lokalne mape u realnom vremenu. Za detekciju prepreka je predložena nova metoda prepoznavanja objekata u slici putem prozora detekcije fiksne dimenzije, koja omogućava veću brzinu izvršavanja algoritma detekcije na namenskim računarskim platformama

    Robust Real-time Vision-based Human Detection and Tracking

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    In the last couple of decades technology has made its way into our everyday lives including our homes, our offices and the vehicles we use for travelling. Many modern devices interact with humans in a more or less intuitive way and some of them use cameras for observing or interacting with humans. Nevertheless, teaching a machine to detect humans in an image or a video is a very difficult task. There are many aspects that contribute to the complexity of this task, such as the many variations in the humans' perceived appearances: their constitution, the clothes they wear and the dynamic nature of the activities performed by humans. The focus of this thesis is on the development of reliable algorithms for real-time vision-based human detection and tracking in indoor as well as in outdoor applications. In order to achieve this, the algorithms presented in this thesis were developed for traditional passive cameras, as they perform well in both environments. The novel approaches for vision-based human detection and tracking are presented for three different applications: gait analysis, pedestrian detection and human-robot interaction. All these approaches have in common the need for real-time human detection and tracking in video sequences in order to extract application-specific data regarding the tracked human. In order to cope with human detection and tracking as a computational expensive task, novel hardware-specific optimizations of the proposed image processing algorithms are presented, that allow the algorithms to run in real-time. For this purpose GPU implementations are presented for pedestrian detection and the processing times are compared to CPU and FPGA implementations. In the case of human-robot interaction the real-time human tracking is achieved by using distributed computing

    Distributed Architectures for Intensive Urban Computing: A Case Study on Smart Lighting for Sustainable Cities

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    New information and communication technologies have contributed to the development of the smart city concept. On a physical level, this paradigm is characterized by deploying a substantial number of different devices that can sense their surroundings and generate a large amount of data. The most typical case is image and video acquisition sensors. Recently, these types of sensors are found in abundance in urban spaces and are responsible for producing a large volume of multimedia data. The advanced computer vision methods for this type of multimedia information means that many aspects can be dynamically monitored, which can help implement value-added applications in the city. However, obtaining more elaborate semantic information from these data poses significant challenges related to a large amount of data generated and the processing capabilities required. This paper aims to address these issues by using a combination of cloud computing technologies and mobile computing techniques to design a three-layer distributed architecture for intensive urban computing. The approach consists of distributing the processing tasks among a city’s multimedia acquisition devices, a middle computing layer, known as a cloudlet, and a cloud-computing infrastructure. As a result, each part of the architecture can now focus on a small number of tasks for which they are specially designed, and data transmission communication needs are significantly reduced. To this end, the cloud server can hold and centralize the multimedia analysis of the processed results from the lower layers. Finally, a case study on smart lighting is described to illustrate the benefits of using the proposed model in smart city environments.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Research Agency (AEI) and the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) through the project CloudDriver4Industry under Grant TIN2017-89266-R, in part by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities through the Project ECLIPSE-UA under Grant RTI2018-094283-B-C32, and in part by the Conselleria de Educación, Investigación, Cultura y Deporte of the Community of Valencia, Spain, within the Program of Support for Research under Project AICO/2017/134 and Project PROMETEO/2018/089

    SDR-GAIN: A High Real-Time Occluded Pedestrian Pose Completion Method for Autonomous Driving

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    To mitigate the challenges arising from partial occlusion in human pose keypoint based pedestrian detection methods , we present a novel pedestrian pose keypoint completion method called the separation and dimensionality reduction-based generative adversarial imputation networks (SDR-GAIN) . Firstly, we utilize OpenPose to estimate pedestrian poses in images. Then, we isolate the head and torso keypoints of pedestrians with incomplete keypoints due to occlusion or other factors and perform dimensionality reduction to enhance features and further unify feature distribution. Finally, we introduce two generative models based on the generative adversarial networks (GAN) framework, which incorporate Huber loss, residual structure, and L1 regularization to generate missing parts of the incomplete head and torso pose keypoints of partially occluded pedestrians, resulting in pose completion. Our experiments on MS COCO and JAAD datasets demonstrate that SDR-GAIN outperforms basic GAIN framework, interpolation methods PCHIP and MAkima, machine learning methods k-NN and MissForest in terms of pose completion task. In addition, the runtime of SDR-GAIN is approximately 0.4ms, displaying high real-time performance and significant application value in the field of autonomous driving