809 research outputs found

    Photon time-of-flight and continuous-wave near-infrared-spectroscopy of human skeletal muscle tissue; a comparative study

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    The focus of this thesis is to perform a comparative study between two noninvasive optical techniques: Photon Time-of-flight Spectroscopy (pTOFS) and a Continuous-wave NIRS system for measuring muscle tissue oxygen saturation. INVOS 5100C (Manufactured in 2011, Serial Number 11-10269, Produced by Somanetics Troy, MI 48084 USA) is such a CW-NIRS system that provides tissue oxygenation using continuous wave Near Infrared Spectroscopy technique and widely used in the hospitals. Wide bandwidth time-of-flight spectrometer (pTOFS) based on photon time-of-flight spectroscopy is a fast and non-invasive instrument developed in the Group of Biophotonics, Lund University. This unique system is capable to deliver continues absorption/scattering spectra of turbid samples in a singularly broad wavelength range from 600nm up to 1400nm. It enables analysis of chemical composition and structural properties of turbid material like biological tissue, pharmaceutical tablets, food and agricultural products. The main idea of this technique is to send a very short pulse (ps regime) of light through the turbid sample and observe the temporal broadening of the injected short pulse. The broadening of the pulse then can be analyzed and the optical properties of the sample can be revealed. Thus it is possible to extract the optical properties of muscle tissue by implementing the same method. In the same way pTOFS was applied on human skeletal muscle tissue and a campaign was arranged for this after a written informed permission from the 21 healthy adult volunteer participants (8 women and 13 men).This campaign was approved by the Regional Human Ethics Committee at Lund University, Sweden. In the measurement the participantā€™s right arm was extended with the palm facing upwards and the pTOFS sensor along with two CW-NIRS sensors were attached to it. The two wavelengths used in both the sensors were 730 nm and 810 nm. A blood pressure cuff was attached to the upper side of the arm to observe provocations such as immediate venous and arterial occlusion or progressive venous through arterial occlusion. From the CW-NIRS system tissue oxygenation based on both absorption and scattering effect were continuously obtained. While pTOFS provided the time of flight signals and evaluating these signals the optical properties i.e. the absorption coefficient and the scattering coefficient were estimated. Then by doing simple calculation using only the absorption coefficient it was possible to estimate the oxygen saturation. The oxygen saturation values for resting position obtained from CW-NIRS were in the range from 70-90%. From pTOFS it were in the range from 55- 60%, which is in the line with what is expected for normal physiology of muscle tissue [32][33]. By doing statistical analysis, StO2 values during different provocations are compared with respect to their prior resting position. In both the techniques physiological changes with respects to StO2 were observed. In clinical aspects monitoring of oxygen saturation in muscle tissues is very important. In critical conditions like brain injury and/or heart/kidney failure the muscle tissue saturation gets low as blood flow is increased towards the more important organs( like heart, brain and kidneys) from the less important organs like skeletal tissue etc. This functions as an indicator for the critical conditions. Hence proper steps can be taken to treat this type of clinical declining at an early stage. The unique ability of pTOFS to separate the absorption effect from the scattering effect gives more consistent StO2 values. Despite this unique feature pTOFS instrumentation requires more research to be used for clinical measurement

    The effects of serotonergic intervention on behavior and cerebral blood flow in obsessive-compulsive disorder

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    Psychiatrische stoornissen zijn zeer regelmatig voorkomende ziektebeelden die vaak grote gevolgen hebben voor het leven van patiĆ«nten. De ziekte heeft niet alleen invloed op de patiĆ«nt zelf, maar is tevens belastend voor andere gezinsleden, vrienden en kennissen. De klachten kunnen ook interfereren met prestaties op het werk. De obsessive-compulsieve stoornis (OCS) is in het dagelijks leven beter bekend als een ziekte die gepaard gaat met dwangklachten, waaronder bijvoorbeeld smetvrees of controledwang. Vaak vertellen mensen niet dat ze last hebben van deze klachten omdat ze zich ervoor schamen of niet weten dat het een ziekte is waarvoor behandelmogelijkheden bestaan. OCS komt in ongeveer 1,5% van de populatie voor en komt daarmee ongeveer even vaak voor als schizofrenie. OCS wordt gekenmerkt door dwanggedachten, zoals bijvoorbeeld de angst voor besmetting, ernstige twijfel of een handeling wel goed is gedaan of het volgen van vaste rigide regels voor bepaalde activiteiten (rituelen). Daarnaast komen dwanghandelingen voor, zoals heel frequent handen wassen, vele malen controleren of sloten van deuren of gaskranen wel dicht zijn. De dwangklachten brengen ernstige onrust en angst met zich mee, waar patiĆ«nten zeer onder lijden. Daarnaast kunnen de klachten uren per dag in beslag nemen. De gevolgen zijn niet onaanzienlijk; patiĆ«nten komen niet meer toe aan verplichtingen zoals bijvoorbeeld op tijd op het werk verschijnen of aan zorgtaken voor het gezin. Op de naasten heeft de ziekte een grote impact; zij moeten regelmatig naar de regels van de patiĆ«nt leven om deze zomin mogelijk te belasten en de minste angst te bezorgen. Dit brengt vaak conflicten in relaties teweeg en kan soms zelfs leiden tot het verbreken hiervan. Momenteel bestaat de behandeling van OCS uit medicatie en psychotherapie. De gouden standaard voor de behandeling met psychofarmaca is behandeling met antidepressiva die de serotonine huishouding in de hersenen beĆÆnvloeden. Serotonine is Ć©Ć©n van de stoffen in de hersenen die informatie van de ene zenuwcel doorgeeft aan de volgende (neurotransmitter). De medicamenteuze behandeling heeft bij ongeveer 60% van de patiĆ«nten effect; een deel van deze patiĆ«nten wordt hiermee klachtenvrij, maar het overige deel van de mensen blijft met restklachten zitten. De medicatie langdurig moet worden gebruikt (jarenlang) om een opnieuw opvlammen van de ziekte te voorkomen. Veertig procent van de patiĆ«nten kunnen met medicatie echter niet worden geholpen. Naast medicijnen is cognitieve gedragstherapie een effectieve vorm van behandeling, waarbij patiĆ«nten leren om hun dwangklachten onder controle te krijgen. De huidige wetenschappelijke inzichten laten zien dat een aantal gebieden in de hersenen een belangrijke rol spelen in OCS. Uit het beeldvormend onderzoek is de betrokkenheid van de frontale cortex (voorhoofdskwab), het striatum en de thalamus (kernen in het midden van de hersenen) bij OCS gebleken. Deze gebieden maken deel uit van hersencircuits, waarin specifieke informatie wordt voortgeleid. EĆ©n van de hypothesen van het onderliggend probleem bij OCS is dat een bepaald deel van de hersenen overactief is. Hierdoor zijn de gedachten over bijvoorbeeld besmet zijn niet vluchtig maar persisteren, waardoor deze gedachten steeds opnieuw worden ervaren. Als reactie op deze dwanggedachte zet een patiĆ«nt er een handeling tegenover (handen wassen) om de gedachte te verdrijven. Echter, mogelijk omdat het bepaalde hersengebied overactief is, blijft de gedachte steeds terugkeren en blijft betrokkene steeds maar weer de handen wassen. Onder normale omstandigheden komt er een zeer grote hoeveelheid aan informatie de hersenen binnen. Voordat deze tot ons bewustzijn doordringen worden deze echter al gefilterd door ons brein en wordt alleen de belangrijke informatie doorgelaten. Dit wordt de filterfunctie genoemd en het striatum heeft hierin waarschijnlijk een belangrijke rol. Bij OCS patiĆ«nten zou deze functie verstoord zijn. In verschillende onderzoeken waarbij klachten worden uitgelokt zie je een verhoogde activiteit in bovengenoemde hersengebieden. Wanneer patiĆ«nten worden behandeld en hun klachten verminderen, wordt er ook een daling in activiteit van betreffende hersengebieden gezien. Verschillende vragen over het ziektebeeld OCS blijven echter nog onbeantwoord; is het te voorspellen welke patiĆ«nten op welke medicijnen het beste zullen reageren? Behoren de verschillende dwangklachten tot hetzelfde ziektebeeld of bestaan er subtypen van de ziekte? Reageren de eventuele subtypen van de ziekten anders op verschillende behandelingen? Zijn er andere medicijnen die patiĆ«nten effectiever kunnen behandelen? Om OCS klachten te kunnen onderzoeken zijn er testsituaties ontwikkeld om dwangklachten bij patiĆ«nten voor een korte periode (ongeveer 2 uren) uit te lokken. Tijdens het ervaren van symptomen kunnen vervolgens vragenlijsten en metingen van verschillende aard worden verricht om meer inzicht in dit ziektebeeld te verkrijgen. Nadat de symptomen zijn weggeĆ«bd wordt de testsituatie beĆ«indigd. Deze tests, zogeheten symptoom-provocatie-tests (challenge-tests), kunnen worden uitgevoerd met farmacologische stoffen of door middel van voorwerpen waarvan bekend is dat ze bij betreffende patiĆ«nt klachten uitlokken. Uit de effectiviteit van antidepressiva die het serotonine systeem beĆÆnvloeden bij OCS, blijkt de betrokkenheid van serotonine in dit ziektebeeld. De informatieoverdracht tussen zenuwcellen gebeurt door binding van de neurotransmitter aan een specifieke receptor. Voor de neurotransmitter serotonine zijn inmiddels 17 subtypen geĆÆdentificeerd. Er zijn aanwijzingen dat een aantal subtypen een specifieke rol bij OCS zouden spelen. EĆ©n van de meest onderzochte farmacologische stoffen bij OCS is mCPP (meta-chlorophenylpiperazine), dat affiniteit heeft voor de serotonine-2C-receptor. In dit proefschrift is onderzocht of bepaalde subtypen van de serotonine receptor een specifieke rol spelen bij OCS. Zowel de farmacologische stof mCPP werd onderzocht als ook sumatriptan, dat juist meer affiniteit heeft voor de serotonine-1D-receptor. In Hoofdstuk 2 worden de resultaten beschreven van een dubbelblind, placebo-gecontroleerd experiment waarbij 7 OCS-patiĆ«nten en 8 gezonde vrijwilligers een challenge test met mCPP (0.5 mg/kg p.o.) hebben ondergaan, en waarbij tevens een 99mTc-HMPAO-SPECT scan werd gemaakt. Hoofdstuk 3 beschrijft de resultaten van de studie waarbij 7 OCS-patiĆ«nten een placebo-gecontroleerde, dubbelblinde challenge test met mCPP (0.5 mg/kg p.o.) ondergingen, en waarbij eveneens een 99mTc-HMPAO-SPECT scan en een MRI scan werden vervaardigd . De effecten van de serotoine-1D-receptor agonist sumatriptan werden onderzocht in hoofdstuk 4, waarbij 15 OCS-patiĆ«nten een dubbelblinde, placebo-gecontroleerde symptoom-provocatie-test met sumatriptan 100 mg p.o. ondergingen. Zowel mCPP als sumatriptan bleek niet in staat om een significante (aanzienlijke) toename van dwangklachten te induceren. In de literatuur wordt in verschillende onderzoeken gevonden dat mCPP goed in staat is om een tijdelijke toename van dwangklachten te bewerkstelligen. Echter, er zijn ook verschillende onderzoeken beschreven waarin juist geen effect van mCPP op dwangklachten werd gezien. Deze verschillende resultaten kunnen worden verklaard door verschillen die er waren in het uitvoeren van de symptoom-provocatie-tests en de verschillende karakteristieken van patiĆ«nten (bijvoorbeeld geslacht, eerder medicatiegebruik, duur van de klachten, type klachten). Deze aspecten zouden een verklaring kunnen zijn voor de resultaten in dit proefschrift. Een andere verklaring voor de negatieve bevindingen in dit proefschrift ten aanzien van mCPP is de hoeveelheid mCPP in het bloed (mCPP-concentratie). In een aantal eerdere onderzoeken is gemeld dat bij patiĆ«nten die een hoge mCPP-concentratie hadden, weinig dwangklachten werden gerapporteerd. Maar bij lagere mCPP-spiegels werden juist meer dwangklachten gezien. EĆ©n studie heeft dit onderzocht waarbij patiĆ«nten zowel een hoge als lage dosering mCPP kregen. Er werden respectievelijk weinig en veel dwangklachten gemeld 1. Een verschil in mCPP concentratie is daarom nog een mogelijke verklaring voor de wisselende resultaten in de literatuur en dit fenomeen zou nader moeten worden onderzocht. Sumatriptan was ook niet in staat om dwangklachten uit te lokken. Echter, er zijn een aantal kleinere onderzoeken die wel een toename van klachten beschrijven na toediening van sumatriptan. Daarnaast wordt er bij genetisch onderzoek gevonden dat de serotonine-1D-receptor een rol speelt bij OCS. Omdat er tot nu toe relatief weinig onderzoek naar de rol van de serotonine-1D-receptor bij OCS is gedaan, zal vervolgonderzoek hier meer helderheid over moeten verschaffen. Op grond van de huidige gegevens zou de rol van de serotonine-1D-receptor bij OCS niet direct kunnen worden uitgesloten. Tijdens de symptoom-provocatie-test zijn er meerdere factoren (voorzien en onvoorzien) welke de resultaten aanzienlijk kunnen beinvloeden. Als er bijvoorbeeld metingen van het angstniveau plaatsvinden kan het ook zijn dat er angst werd gemeten welke samenhing met het afnemen van bloed. Andersom kan de aanwezigheid van een arts juist geruststellend zijn waardoor er juist geen angst wordt gerapporteerd. In dit proefschrift wordt geconcludeerd dat standaardisering van symptoom-provocatie-tests een belangrijke factor is in de reproduceerbaarheid van dit soort onderzoek. In dit proefschrift is voorts met behulp van beeldvormend onderzoek onderzocht welke hersengebieden zijn betrokken bij OCS, nadat de symptomen met behulp van medicatie zijn verminderd. Tevens werd onderzocht welke hersengebieden betrokken zijn ten tijde van het manifest worden van OCS klachten. Het beeldvormend onderzoek werd verricht door middel van een SPECT-scan (Single Photon Emmision Computed Tomography) waarmee de bloeddoorstroming in de hersenen kan worden gemeten. Hiermee wordt informatie verkregen over de activiteit van verschillende hersengebieden en ook verandering in activiteit kan worden gemeten. Er werd tevens een MRI-scan vervaardigd om de precieze localisatie van de hersengebieden nauwkeurig te kunnen vastleggen. In Hoofdstuk 2 werd het effect van mCPP op de bloeddoorstroming in de hersenen gemeten met een 99mTc-HMPAO-SPECT scan. Om een meer nauwkeurige localisatie van de verschillende hersengebieden te waarborgen werd in Hoofdstuk 3 naast de 99mTc-HMPAO-SPECT scan een MRI scan gemaakt. Ondanks het feit dat in hoofdstuk 2 en 3 de toediening van mCPP geen significante toename van dwangklachten voor de hele groep liet zien, werd er wel een milde verergering van klachten gezien. De resultaten van de SPECT-scans waren dat er ten tijde van deze milde verergering van klachten een toename in de hersenactiviteit in met name de frontale cortex en het striatum was te zien. Het is denkbaar dat bij een bepaalde groep patiĆ«nten mCPP wel een toename van klachten laat zien, bijvoorbeeld mensen die lijden aan smetvrees, maar niet bij diegenen die last hebben van controledwang. Een aantal recente studies wijzen in deze richting 2. Bij een groep patiĆ«nten met OCS werden verschillende stimuli aangeboden die specifieke dwangklachten kunnen uitlokken: smetvrees, controledwang en verzameldwang. In deze studie werd gevonden dat de verschillende type symptomen verschillende hersengebieden activeerden. Dit zou een goede verklaring kunnen zijn waarom de eerdere onderzoeken steeds een iets ander resultaat laten zien. In die eerdere resultaten waren de patiĆ«nten die deelnamen aan het onderzoek namelijk niet geselecteerd op Ć©Ć©n type symptoom. In dit proefschrift wordt daarom geconcludeerd dat de rol van de hersengebieden bij patiĆ«nten met OCS duidelijker zullen worden wanneer verschillende symptoomgroepen van dit ziektebeeld apart zullen worden onderzocht. In hoofdstuk 5 werden 15 OCS-patiĆ«nten behandeld met het antidepressivum fluvoxamine gedurende 12 weken. Voorafgaande aan de behandeling en na 12 weken werd een 99mTc-HMPAO-SPECT scan vervaardigd en tevens een MRI scan gemaakt. Zeven van de 15 patiĆ«nten reageerden met een vermindering van klachten op de behandeling. Dit aantal was zoals verwacht op basis van eerdere bevindingen in de literatuur. Bij de patiĆ«nten die een vermindering van klachten rapporteerden, bleek de activiteit in de thalamus was verminderd. Dit werd echter niet gezien bij de patiĆ«nten waarbij fluvoxamine geen verbetering van klachten gaf. Eerder literatuuronderzoek geeft duidelijk de betrokkenheid aan van de thalamus in OCS en bevestigd dus de resultaten uit dit proefschrift. De thalamus lijkt een centrale rol te spelen in de bij OCS betrokken hersencircuits. De thalamus is een groot kerngebied in de hersenen en bestaat uit verschillende onderdelen. Het lijkt belangrijk om in de toekomst het OCS onderzoek ook te richten op de thalamus en met name op de betrokkenheid van de subthalame kernen bij OCS. REFERENCES 1. Erzegovesi S, Martucci L, Henin M, Bellodi L. Low versus standard dose mCPP challenge in obsessive-compulsive patients. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2001;24:31-36. 2. Mataix Cols D. Distinct neural correlates of washing, checking, and hoarding symptom. Archives of General Psychiatry. 2004;61:564.

    A temporal perspective on stress hormones and memory

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    Life is seldom devoid of stress. Stress is caused by external or internal environmental stimuli that challenge the homeostasis of the organism. In coping with these challenges, the body is mobilised to restate the inner balance. Among others, the central nervous system (CNS) is a key effector in this adaptive process (in dealing with the challenges by employing cognitive capabilities) as well as a major target of the stress-initiated physiological alterations. Correspondingly, the functionality of learning and memory is undergoing constant and dynamic modification in a stressful context. This leads to commonly observed phenomena in which human memory formation and retention are susceptible to the influence of perceived stress. This has constituted the central interest of this research that aims to identify certain of the underlying mechanisms and definable rules of the stressā€™s impacts on learning and memory, and more specifically, to decipher the intriguing phenomenon that memory is not uniformly affected by stress, but often with opposing ends (i.e. enhanced versus impaired memory). Perceived stress stimulates the sympatho-adrenomedullar system and the hypothalamic-pituitaryadrenal (HPA) axis, both of which eventually activate the adrenal gland which can, in response, release two categories of hormones: (nor)adrenaline and glucocorticoids. These are, among others, the neuromodulators that can, through their active forms in the CNS, manipulate the brain functions by molecular actions. Thus, they are the two major types of stress hormones on which we have focused our research interest. We have also narrowed down our observation of memory-related functionality to two main structures: the hippocampus and the amygdala; the former was selected due to its well-recognised role in declarative memory, and the latter for its renowned involvement in emotional memory - as negative emotion is often linked to stress. The entire research was conducted with a view to identifying functional relevances; and multiple levels of study were achieved - as in rodents and humans. In the animal, we adopted an electrophysiologically functional model at the network level - long-term potentiation (LTP), which represents a long-lasting increase in synaptic strength for neuronal contacts that have undergoneactivation and transmission events (activity-dependent synaptic plasticity). It shares various key characteristics with memory and is widely acknowledged as the best model to date to account for memory. In the human, we observed overall memory behaviour and employed fMRI technology to monitor real-time brain functional activities during memory encoding. Bearing our questions, focuses and approaches in mind, we first distilled insights from several previous studies and established a theoretical model in which the relationship between the stress hormones and memory is viewed from a new perspective that is centred on the time-dependency consideration of hormonal actions. We considered this as the starting-point to subsequent experimental attempts. In Chapter 2, we elaborated on the proposed theory by elucidating several variables that can drive stress actions towards defined modulation of memory. Here, we highlighted the significance of convergence in time and space of the "stress factors" and the learning and memory activity to which they are intrinsically linked. Stress is part of the context or history of this learning activity, it modifies the way how new information is acquired and retained. Functional regulation relies upon the molecular actions of modulatory factors. In our theory, the best example is given by glucocorticoids. This major type of stress hormones, by employing different, timedependent mechanisms - genomic and nongenomic, can result in opposite regulations of neuronal physiology. The fast, nongenomic action, in combination with the effects from other fast-acting factors (e.g. noradrenaline, CRH), can facilitate synaptic transmission while the slow-onset, genemediate mechanism simply impairs it. In the following, we aimed to acquire more substantial evidence in support of this view. We extended our observations concerning (inter)actions of corticosteroids and Ī²-adrenoceptor agonists from the hippocampal CA1 area to the dentate gyrus. As shown in Chapter 3, experiments were performed in in vitro rats brain slices. In the dentate gyrus, we were unable to demonstrate a corticosterone-mediated effect on LTP per se; however, a certain effect was revealed during inhibition of GABAergic transmission. A Ī²-adrenergic agonist, isoproterenol, was capable of facilitating the induction of LTP after brief administration. The major finding was that, if corticosterone was supplied in unison with isoproterenol and LTP induction, synaptic potentiation was accelerated (or enhanced during the early stage of potentiation), while a pretreatment of corticosterone hours in advance of isoproterenol and synaptic stimulation unequivocally hampered the LTP induced later on. This finding indicates that the time-dependent mechanisms of corticosteroids can enable bidirectional modifications of the interaction between the glucocorticoid and Ī²-adrenergic systems, with direct impacts on activity-dependent synaptic plasticity within the hippocampus. Reported in Chapter 4, we were able to replicate this study in the rat basolateral amygdala. Similarly, the Ī²-adrenergic agonist, isoproterenol was shown to facilitate the induction of LTP within the amygdala, representing the efficacy of a fast-acting factor. However, corticosterone application predominantly displayed a suppressive effect on LTP, which was demonstrated by a gradual reversal of Ī²-adrenergic-facilitated LTP in the case of co-application of corticosterone and isoproterenol around LTP induction, and by a full suppression of the isoproterenol-mediated LTP in the case of corticosterone pretreatment hours in advance. All these represent a slow-onset suppressive effect of corticosteroids on synaptic plasticity in the amygdala - a structure highly associated with emotional memory. We eventually elevated our research level to human study (Chapter 5), in which we asked our subjects to view and memorise both neutral and (negatively) emotional pictures and had their real-time brain activity monitored through fMRI. We concentrated on the time-dependent effects of glucocorticoids by administering an identical stress dose of cortisol to subjects at different time-points. In this study, we have identified a general enhanced memory of negative stimuli. Moreover, a prior adminiA temporal perspective on stress hormones and memory stration of cortisol (several hours in advance) was found to diminish the proportion of the negative pictures among all pictures remembered, without altering the absolute numbers of the remembered pictures, indicating a weight shift in memory encoding for emotional information. Neuroimaging has located this effect to the left hippocampus. This demonstrates a delayed, presumably genomic, glucocorticoid effect on human emotional memory. In conclusion, we have investigated two types of stress hormones, focusing on measurement of functional outcomes and exploitation of multiple levels of research (i.e. in the rodent and human brains). Our results support the notion that a focus on the molecular mechanisms of stress hormones is valid in the exploration of stress-mediated regulation of cognitive functions. These molecular actions can drive diverse regulatory patterns, best exemplified by the effects of glucocorticoids; indeed, we have demonstrated their facilitative effects and suppressive actions in specific contexts. Above all, we have proposed a new perspective to take in examination of stress influences, which is fundamentally based upon the understanding of the time-dependency of the hormonal functions; by doing so, we can add significant value to established theories. Especially from human-level research, our results indicate a significant relevance to the control of the emotional bias reflected in memory - likely achievable through glucocorticoids manipulation; this may lend support to newly developed therapeutic approaches in the field

    The effects of laboratory-induced mood on secretory immunoglobulin A in saliva

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    The effects of induced mood on secretory immunoglobulin A (SIgA) were tested on 104 students (51 men & 53 women) using a mixed design with between subject factors of gender, induced mood (positive vs. negative), method of induction (writing about oneself vs. viewing a video), and a within subject factor, time (baseline vs. posttest). A split-plot multivariate analysis of covariance, controlling for salivary flow rate, did not support a causal link between induced mood alone and change in SIgA concentration. The effect of induced mood on blood pressure and heart rate was also examined. There were no significant main effects, but gender interacted with mood induction such that females experienced an increase in blood pressure in the positive mood induction condition. There was no significant effect of method of mood induction on SIgA, blood pressure, or heart rate. Stable personality traits, however, moderated the effects of mood induction. Persons who scored higher on depression and neuroticism, and lower on positive affect had significantly higher SIgA concentrations in the negative mood condition. There were no significant effects of personality traits on SIgA levels in the positive mood condition, nor did they interact with induced mood to change blood pressure or heart rate. These data suggest that although SIgA concentration may not be subject to short-term laboratory mood manipulations alone, changes in SIgA concentration may be associated with an interaction of stable personality traits and mood state, especially in the case induced negative mood

    Retinal Vascular Reactivity to Incremental Hyperoxia During Isocapnia

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    PURPOSE: Systemic hyperoxia has been induced using inspired gases in many studies to investigate vascular reactivity in the retinal vasculature. Technical limitations in the past resulted in inadequate control of systemic partial pressures of O2 and CO2, the latter of which tended to decrease secondary to induced hyperoxia. Recent development of a computerized gas delivery instrument has enabled the specific control of end-tidal CO2 (ETCO2) and fractional expired O2 (FeO2), independent of each other and of minute ventilation. The specific aims of each chapter are as follows: Chapter 3: To compare the magnitude and variability of the retinal vascular reactivity response to an isocapnic hyperoxic stimulus delivered using a manually-operated method to the newly developed computer-controlled gas sequencer. Chapter 4: To investigate the retinal hemodynamic response to incremental changes in hyperoxic stimuli during isocapnia. METHODS: Chapter 3: Ten young, healthy adults inhaled gases in a sequence of normoxic baseline, isocapnic hyperoxia, and normoxic recovery, using both gas delivery systems in random order. Chapter 4: Twelve healthy, young adults participated in a gas protocol consisting of 4 phases at varying fractional expired oxygen levels (FeO2): baseline (15%), hyperoxia I (40%), hyperoxia II (65%), and recovery (15%). End-tidal carbon dioxide (ETCO2) was maintained at an isocapnic level (~ 5%) throughout the experiment. In both Chapters 3 and 4, blood flow was derived from retinal arteriolar diameter and simultaneous blood velocity measurements of the superior temporal arteriole, acquired at 1-minute intervals during each of the phases of the gas protocol. RESULTS: Chapter 3: There was no interaction effect between the phases and gas delivery methods (p = 0.7718), but ETCO2 was significantly reduced during hyperoxia (p = 0.0002) for both methods. However, the magnitude of change in ETCO2 was physiologically insignificant i.e. <1%. The two systems differed in terms of FeO2 during hyperoxia, at a level of 85.27 Ā± 0.29% for the manual method, and 69.02 Ā± 2.84% for the computer method (p < 0.05). Despite this difference in oxygen concentrations, there was no difference in the vascular reactivity response for diameter (p = 0.7756), velocity (p = 0.1176), and flow (p = 0.1885) for equivalent gas phases between the two gas delivery systems. The inter-subject variability of retinal hemodynamic parameters was consistently lower using the computer-controlled gas sequencer. Chapter 4: Repeated measures ANOVA showed that there were significant influences of incremental changes in FeO2 on arteriolar diameter (p < 0.0001), blood velocity (p < 0.0001), and blood flow (p < 0.0001) in the retina. Paired t-tests of these retinal hemodynamic parameters during each phase in the gas sequence showed they were significantly different (p < 0.05) from each other, with the exception of baseline and recovery values. Incremental increases in FeO2 caused a linear decrease in group mean arteriolar diameter (R2 = 1, p = 0.002), group mean blood velocity (R2 = 0.9968, p = 0.04), and group mean blood flow (R2 = 0.9982, p= 0.03). CONCLUSIONS: Chapter 3: Inter-subject variability for virtually all retinal hemodynamic parameters was reduced using the computer-controlled method, presumably due to a higher degree of gas control. However, care needs to be exercised in the interprtetation of these results due to the relatively small sample size. A similar retinal hemodynamic response to isocapnic hyperoxia was induced using the two gas delivery systems, despite different levels of maximal FeO2. Chapter 4: Isocapnic hyperoxia elicits vasoconstriction and the reduction of retinal arteriolar blood flow in a dose-dependent manner over the range of FeO2 explored in this study

    Effects of FODMAPs and gluten on irritable bowel syndrome- from self-reported symptoms to molecular profiling

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    Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a complex disorder of gut-brain interactions. The diagnosis of IBS is based on subjective reporting of abdominal pain and altered bowel habits in the absence of any clinical alterations of the gut or other pathological conditions. Dietary regimens for symptom management include a low fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols (FODMAPs) diet and a gluten-free diet. However, scientific evidence supporting these dietary recommendations for managing IBS symptoms is weak: trials have been non-blinded and underpowered. While mechanistic understanding and objective markers of response remain scarce. Therefore, the aim of this thesis was to conduct a large double-blind study to investigate the effect of FODMAPs and gluten on symptomatic and molecular data including 16S rRNA analysis of the gut microbiota and metabolomics analyses, both at a group and subgroup (differential response) level. The resulting data served also to assess the accuracy of the Bristol Stool Form Scale (BSFS) used in IBS subtype diagnosis, and thus overcome the lack of objective evaluation of IBS symptoms.Trial data revealed that gluten caused no symptoms and FODMAPs triggered only modest symptoms of IBS, albeit with large inter-individual differences. Subjective reporting according to the BSFS conformed only modestly with stool water content in IBS, warranting caution towards IBS subtyping. FODMAPs increased saccharolytic microbial genera, phenolic-derived metabolites and 3-indolepropionate, but decreased bile acids. The genera Agathobacter, Anaerostipes, Fusicatenibacter, and Bifidobacterium correlated with increased plasma concentrations of phenolic-derived metabolites and 3-indolepropionate, i.e, metabolites related to decreased risk of incident type 2 diabetes and inflammation. Indeed, among FODMAP-related metabolites, only weak correlations to IBS symptoms were detected, as in the case of 3-indolepropionate to abdominal pain and interference with quality of life, warranting further investigation. Gluten displayed a modest effect on metabolites involved in lipid metabolism, including carnitine derivates, an acyl-CoA derivate, a medium-chain fatty acid, and an unknown lipid, but with no interpretable link to health.No molecular markers of a differential response were found, despite a comprehensive exploration with multiple analytical approaches. This could be explained by the absence of baseline variables, such as other omics layers or psychological factors, that could have determined the difference. In summary, the results indicate that gluten does not cause IBS symptoms. Moreover, the minor effect of FODMAPs on IBS symptoms must be weighed against their potential beneficial health effects. While the complexity of IBS likely explains the absence of molecular evidence for differential responses, such data analytical approach has potential where clear benefits of dietary interventions exist. Finally, the use of BSFS should include training for self-assessment, as a tool for subtyping IBS

    Trigger factors and mechanisms in migraine

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    Migraine is a severe headache syndrome, affecting approximately 33% of females and 13% of males. Patients suffer from recurring headache episodes in combination with nausea, vomiting, phono and photophobia. It is a paroxysmal disorder for which several several trigger factors have been identified by patients. This thesis has focused on the relation between i) psychosocial stress, ii) nitroglycerin and iii) hypoxia and the occurrence of a migraine attack, as well as the mechanism of action. The first conclusion is that, in contrast to previous studies, we could not detect a correlation between psychosocial stress and migraine. The second conclusion is that normobaric hypoxia might be a trigger factor for migraine possibly through the development of mild cerebral edema. The third conclusion is that migraine can be triggered by nitroglycerin through a vascular effect without any indication of vasodilation in cerebral or meningeal arteries during the delayed provoked attack.Leiden University, Astra Zeneca B.V., Stichting Het Remmert Adriaan Laan Fonds, Janssen-Cilag B.V., Menarini Farma Nederland, Glaxo Smith Kline, Teva Pharma NL, Sanofi Aventis, Nederlandse Hoofdpijn Vereniging, JE Jurriaanse StichtingUBL - phd migration 201

    Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things : Threat Expectancy Induces the Illusory Perception of Increased Heartrate

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    The work was funded by Leverhulme Trust grant RPG-2019-248 to PB, and PhD studentship was awarded to EP from the Universities of Plymouth and Aberdeen. This work was also supported by the ā€œDepartments of Excellence 2023ā€“2027ā€ initiative of the Italian Ministry of University and Research for the Department of Neuroscience, Imaging and Clinical Sciences (DNISC) of the University of Chieti-Pescara, and by the ā€œSearch for Excellenceā€ initiative of the University of Chieti-Pescar to FF. The research was also supported by EU - NextGenerationEU - MUR-Fondo Promozione e Sviluppo - DM 737/2021; Project: INTRIGUE, Interoception and Fatigue: predicting and treating pathological and transient fatigue to MC.Peer reviewedPostprin

    The Effects of Acute Tryptophan Depletion and Psychological Traits on Cardiovascular and Mood Responses to Interpersonal Conflict

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    The present study investigated the effects of serotonin and psychosocial factors including Cook-Medley hostility, Trait anger, Trait anxiety, and Beck depression scores on cardiovascular and mood responses to interpersonal stress. Eighty-five males and females participated in either an acute tryptophan depletion, a procedure that lowers brain serotonin levels, or a sham tryptophan depletion. They were subsequently exposed to an interpersonal conflict stressor. Cardiovascular and mood measures were recorded at baseline, post-depletion pre-stress, during the stressor, and during recovery. All participants exhibited heightened cardiovascular responses as well as increased anxious, hostile, and depressed mood to the interpersonal conflict. Effects of depletion on cardiovascular reactivity were observed exclusively during recovery. Effects of depletion on negative mood were found at rest and during stress with increased negative affect in the depleted versus balanced condition. Interactions between tryptophan depletion and psychological factors other than hostility were also observed. Greater negative mood responses were found in depleted individuals with high scores on anger, anxiety, and depression factors. Overall, these findings suggest that the effect of serotonin on the stress response may be modulated by psychological factors. Implications for future research on the interaction between serotonin, psychological factors, cardiovascular reactivity, and mood are discussed

    Do haemodynamic responses to mental stress tests predict future blood pressure one year later? Prospective studies in the United Kingdom and Thailand

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    This thesis explored whether haemodynamic responses to psychological stress test predict future blood pressure (BP) levels: the Reactivity Hypothesis. The research included a systematic review and two prospective cohort studies in the UK and Thai samples. In addition, the Blunted Reactivity Hypothesis, which posits that cardiovascular reactivity is inversely related to symptoms of anxiety and depression, was examined in cross-sectional analyses. A systematic review with meta-analysis and meta-regression with 41 prospective cohort studies (from 1950 to 2012) examined whether cardiovascular responses to psychological stress tests predict future BP levels, hypertension status, preclinical coronary heart disease (CHD) and cardiac events. Three possible moderators were included in analyses: type of task (active versus passive coping), age group (children versus adults), and duration of follow-up (short versus long-term follow-up). The review found that systolic BP reactions to psychological stress tests predict future systolic BP levels and that there was better prediction in child samples with shorter follow-up periods. Similarly, diastolic BP reactions to psychological stress predicted future diastolic BP levels. Cardiovascular reactions to psychological stress tests did not predict hypertension, preclinical CHD, or cardiac events. Cross-sectional analysis of two studies conducted in the UK and Thailand provided some evidence that anxiety and depressive symptoms were negatively associated with cardiovascular reactivity: these findings supported the Blunted Cardiovascular Hypothesis. However, these relationships were observed in the UK sample, but not in the Thai sample. Further, Thai participants responded to psychological stress task with large cardiovascular reactions, of a similar magnitude to the UK participants and observed in previous studies of Europeans and North Americans. Finally, prospective analyses revealed that systolic BP responses to mental arithmetic predict future systolic BP levels after one year of follow-up in both UK and Thai individuals, after controlling for baseline cardiovascular activity and traditional risk factors. In contrast, haemodynamic responses did not predict future BP. These results provide support for the ā€œReactivity Hypothesisā€ although the effect sizes were relatively small. However, responses to only one of the three stressors, mental arithmetic, predicted future BP implicating beta-adrenergically mediated cardiovascular responses. However, there was no physiologic evidence (i.e., cardiac output responses) that suggested beta-adrenergic mechanisms. Accordingly, future studies should examine alternate mechanisms (e.g., platelet aggregation and endothelial function) and cardiovascular responses in larger samples with a longer follow-up to further clarify the predictive value of reactivity in the development of hypertension, along with potential mechanisms.Thammasat University, Thailan
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