67 research outputs found

    A Novel Real-Time, Lightweight Chaotic-Encryption Scheme for Next-Generation Audio-Visual Hearing Aids

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    Next-generation audio-visual (AV) hearing aids stand as a major enabler to realize more intelligible audio. However, high data rate, low latency, low computational complexity, and privacy are some of the major bottlenecks to the successful deployment of such advanced hearing aids. To address these challenges, we propose an integration of 5G Cloud-Radio Access Network (C-RAN), Internet of Things (IoT), and strong privacy algorithms to fully benefit from the possibilities these technologies have to offer. Existing audio-only hearing aids are known to perform poorly in noisy situations where overwhelming noise is present. Current devices make the signal more audible but remain deficient in restoring intelligibility. Thus, there is a need for hearing aids that can selectively amplify the attended talker or filter out acoustic clutter. The proposed 5G IoT-enabled AV hearing-aid framework transmits the encrypted compressed AV information and receives encrypted enhanced reconstructed speech in real time to address cybersecurity attacks such as location privacy and eavesdropping. For security implementation, a real-time lightweight AV encryption is proposed, based on a piece-wise linear chaotic map (PWLSM), Chebyshev map, and a secure hash and S-Box algorithm. For speech enhancement, the received secure AV (including lip-reading) information in the cloud is used to filter noisy audio using both deep learning and analytical acoustic modelling. To offload the computational complexity and real-time optimization issues, the framework runs deep learning and big data optimization processes in the background, on the cloud. The effectiveness and security of the proposed 5G-IoT-enabled AV hearing-aid framework are extensively evaluated using widely known security metrics. Our newly reported, deep learning-driven lip-reading approach for speech enhancement is evaluated under four different dynamic real-world scenarios (cafe, street, public transport, pedestrian area) using benchmark Grid and ChiME3 corpora. Comparative critical analysis in terms of both speech enhancement and AV encryption demonstrates the potential of the envisioned technology to deliver high-quality speech reconstruction and secure mobile AV hearing aid communication. We believe our proposed 5G IoT enabled AV hearing aid framework is an effective and feasible solution and represents a step change in the development of next-generation multimodal digital hearing aids. The ongoing and future work includes more extensive evaluation and comparison with benchmark lightweight encryption algorithms and hardware prototype implementation

    On the security of permutation-only image encryption schemes

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    Permutation is a commonly used primitive in multimedia (image/video) encryption schemes, and many permutation-only algorithms have been proposed in recent years for the protection of multimedia data. In permutation-only image ciphers, the entries of the image matrix are scrambled using a permutation mapping matrix which is built by a pseudo-random number generator. The literature on the cryptanalysis of image ciphers indicates that the permutation-only image ciphers are insecure against ciphertext-only attacks and/or known/chosenplaintext attacks. However, the previous studies have not been able to ensure the correct retrieval of the complete plaintext elements. In this paper, we revisited the previous works on cryptanalysis of permutation-only image encryption schemes and made the cryptanalysis work on chosen-plaintext attacks complete and more efficient. We proved that in all permutationonly image ciphers, regardless of the cipher structure, the correct permutation mapping is recovered completely by a chosenplaintext attack. To the best of our knowledge, for the first time, this paper gives a chosen-plaintext attack that completely determines the correct plaintext elements using a deterministic method. When the plain-images are of size M × N and with L different color intensities, the number n of required chosen plain-images to break the permutation-only image encryption algorithm is n = logL(MN). The complexity of the proposed attack is O (n · M N) which indicates its feasibility in a polynomial amount of computation time. To validate the performance of the proposed chosen-plaintext attack, numerous experiments were performed on two recently proposed permutation-only image/video ciphers. Both theoretical and experimental results showed that the proposed attack outperforms the state-of-theart cryptanalytic methods

    Overview of compressed sensing: Sensing model, reconstruction algorithm, and its applications

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    With the development of intelligent networks such as the Internet of Things, network scales are becoming increasingly larger, and network environments increasingly complex, which brings a great challenge to network communication. The issues of energy-saving, transmission efficiency, and security were gradually highlighted. Compressed sensing (CS) helps to simultaneously solve those three problems in the communication of intelligent networks. In CS, fewer samples are required to reconstruct sparse or compressible signals, which breaks the restrict condition of a traditional Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem. Here, we give an overview of recent CS studies, along the issues of sensing models, reconstruction algorithms, and their applications. First, we introduce several common sensing methods for CS, like sparse dictionary sensing, block-compressed sensing, and chaotic compressed sensing. We also present several state-of-the-art reconstruction algorithms of CS, including the convex optimization, greedy, and Bayesian algorithms. Lastly, we offer recommendation for broad CS applications, such as data compression, image processing, cryptography, and the reconstruction of complex networks. We discuss works related to CS technology and some CS essentials. © 2020 by the authors

    Entropy in Image Analysis III

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    Image analysis can be applied to rich and assorted scenarios; therefore, the aim of this recent research field is not only to mimic the human vision system. Image analysis is the main methods that computers are using today, and there is body of knowledge that they will be able to manage in a totally unsupervised manner in future, thanks to their artificial intelligence. The articles published in the book clearly show such a future