89 research outputs found

    Public Administration Owned Regional Telecommunication Networks as Strategic Asset During 2012 Earthquake in Emilia-Romagna

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    Abstract Telecom is the domain where innovation and spread of usage registered the quickest and most consistent growth in the latest ten years. Seismic event dated May 2012 in Emilia-Romagna region was a significant example of how spread and diffused presence of two PA (Public Administration) regional telecommunication networks (ERretre Regional Mobile Network for radio emergency and Lepida broadband Network) substantially contributed to address such a catastrophic situation, providing the right premises to its quick overcoming and a strategic criterion for the following reconstruction of the territory. In this situation the importance and the effectiveness of a flexible, modular and configurable regional emergency mobile network such as ERretre has been proved, but at the same time the synergies with Lepida broadband network have emerged, showing a new potential in building an enabling infrastructure not only for new services, but also for new networks

    Underground banking and money laundering: focus on China

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    L'incremento dei flussi migratori ha causato un contestuale incremento delle rimesse degli stranieri.Tuttavia tali trasferimenti di denaro vengono effettuati tramite il sistema bancario informale, che non è strettamente regolato e quindi è soggetto ad abusi, tra cui crimini finanziari

    Firms and System Competitiveness in Italy

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    Recent evolution of the Italian industrial system shows how the concepts of localization/delocalization of economic production processes have very little to do with geographical and administrative borders. In this context, a very important and discussed element of complexity is represented by the evaluation of competitiveness. Problems regarding the concept and its proper measurement require a deep elaboration and regard the context of analysis, the information and the available statistical data sources. This book aims at discussing this complex phenomenon from a critical viewpoint both at a macro (economic systems) and at a micro (firms) level showing that they are intrinsically integrated

    Regeneration of the Built Environment from a Circular Economy Perspective

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    This open access book explores the strategic importance and advantages of adopting multidisciplinary and multiscalar approaches of inquiry and intervention with respect to the built environment, based on principles of sustainability and circular economy strategies. A series of key challenges are considered in depth from a multidisciplinary perspective, spanning engineering, architecture, and regional and urban economics. These challenges include strategies to relaunch socioeconomic development through regenerative processes, the regeneration of urban spaces from the perspective of resilience, the development and deployment of innovative products and processes in the construction sector in order to comply more fully with the principles of sustainability and circularity, and the development of multiscale approaches to enhance the performance of both the existing building stock and new buildings. The book offers a rich selection of conceptual, empirical, methodological, technical, and case study/project-based research. It will be of value for all who have an interest in regeneration of the built environment from a circular economy perspective

    Possible Scenarios in the European Railway Industry after the Present Phase of Change

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    Railway Liberalization from a "Public Choice" Perspective

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    Implementing Marginal Cost Pricing of Rail Infrastructure-Barriers and Solutions

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    Experience of National Railways Privatisation, and of Vertical Separation in Metro Systems

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