18 research outputs found

    Psychophysiological patterns related to success in a special operation selection course

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    Actual theaters of operations require fast actions from special operations units with a high level of readiness and survival. Mission accomplishment depends on their psychological and physiological performance. The aim of the present study was to analyze: (1) the physical parameters related with success in a special operation selection course; and (2) the modifications of the psychological profile of recruits before and after a special operation selection course. Fifty-five male soldiers of the Spanish Army (25.1 ± 5.0 years, 1.8 ± 0.1 cm, 76.8 ± 7.9 kg, 24.4 ± 2.5 kg/m2) undertaking a 10-week special operation selection course performed a battery of physiological and psychological tests. Results showed how successful soldiers presented higher leg strength, anaerobic running performance, and cardiovascular response than non-successful soldiers. The psychological values of life engagement test, acceptance and action questionnaire, coping flexibility scale, and perceived stress scale did not present significant differences after the selection course. We can conclude that success in a special operation selection course was related to higher anaerobic and cardiovascular fitness. This special operation selection course did not modify the psychological profile of successful soldiers.Universidad Europea de Madrid, Universidad de la Costa

    Could academic experience modulate psychophysiological stress response of biomedical sciences students in laboratory

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    The aim of the present research was to analyse the subjective and objective psychophysiological stress response of experienced and non-experienced Pharmacy and Biotechnology students in laboratory practices. We analysed in 82 Pharmacy and Biotechnology degree students divided into two groups (non-experienced: n: 53; experienced: n: 29) the autonomic stress response by the analysis of heart rate variability (HRV) before, during and after and distress perception before and after a laboratory practice. Results showed how students in both groups presented a large anticipatory anxiety response at the beginning of the practise (low HRV values). During the entire laboratory practice, non-experienced students showed a maintained sympathetic modulation while experienced students presented a higher parasympathetic modulation (high HRV values) consistent with a habituation process. Laboratory practise performed by Pharmacy and Biotechnology students produced an anticipatory anxiety response independently of their experience, but, non-experienced students showed a lower habituation response in both subjective and objective stress records than experienced students at the end of the laboratory practice

    Caracterização de desempenho físico e demanda psicofisiológica de militares submetidos a cursos de Operações Especiais: um estudo descritivo

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    Introdução: Cursos de operações especiais (OpEsp) possuem como objetivo proporcionar aos instruendos conhecimentos que os capacitem a desempenhar funções de operadores especiais. Entretanto, os cursos de OpEsp podem não apresentar condições de fornecer intensidade e volume de carga de treinamento de forma sistemática e progressiva aos indivíduos ao longo do curso. Objetivo: Caracterizar o desempenho físico e a demanda psicofisiológica dos alunos de cursos de OpEsp a fim de identificar o perfil e o impacto da carga de trabalho imposta pelo programa de treinamento. Métodos: Estudo descritivo cuja análise concentrou-se na literatura acerca das alterações observadas em parâmetros fisiológicos, de desempenho físico e psicofisiológicos em OpEsp. Resultados: Dentre os desafios impostos aos participantes do curso, está a necessidade de adaptações constantes, que requerem preparação física e psicofisiológica para enfrentarem as demandas específicas dos cursos de OpEsp. Tais demandas, por vezes, são desafios quanto ao desempenho e podem, ainda, representar riscos à saúde do militar, por vezes levando o indivíduo a deixar de concluir o treinamento. Conclusão: Com vistas à otimização do desempenho, bem como a prevenção de lesões aos instruendos dos cursos de Forças de Operações Especiais (FOpEsp), é necessária a integração de várias áreas do conhecimento a fim de proporcionar a melhor preparação dos futuros especialistas, considerando aspectos como desempenho físico, nutrição, descanso, sono, dor, fatores cognitivos/psicológicos e adaptação a desafios ambientais. Ao combinar essas medidas, é possível obter uma visão holística do instruendo, contribuindo para o sucesso nos programas de treinamento intensivo

    Are Crohn’s Disease Patients Limited in Sport Practise? An UltraEndurance Case–Control Study Response

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the psychophysiological response of a Crohn’s Disease patient in an ultra-endurance event. The psychophysiological responses of a Crohn’s Disease and non Crohn’s Disease participant were analysed before during and after an 8 h ultra-endurance running event. Results showed how Crohn’s patient presented a similar psychophysiological response than non-Crohn’s participant in the ultra-endurance event, except for a higher pre- and post-event sym pathetic modulation, lower event sympathetic tone, and lower event body temperature. This study could contribute to improving physical activity recommendations for persons with Crohn’s Disease and open a new research line for an improved understanding of psychophysiological modifications of Crohn’s Disease patients during exercise.Project 2020/UEM4

    Variabilidad de frecuencia cardíaca, estrés y resiliencia en personal militar en función a su nivel de experiencia

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    The armed conflict in Colombia has generated consequences in the population in general, but especially in the members of the military forces who have been obliged to face the facts of violence, in order to ensure the protection of the State, situations that have been able to derive in affectations for their physical and mental health. In this sense, the present research proposes to analyze differences in heart rate variability, stress and resilience of veteran and novice soldiers of the Colombian Armed Forces according to their level of experience. For the above, a research with a quantitative approach, analytical-correlational scope was carried out in order to collect information for the intended analysis in the population of military of the Colombian National Army, attached to the battalions of Barranquilla and Malambo, in the department of Atlántico. For its development, data collection techniques were used as surveys and measurement tools, such as the pulsometer; and as main findings, a greater resilience capacity is verified in novice soldiers, compared to veterans. However, in the first group, the presence of higher levels of stress was observed. As for the measurement of perceived stress, no significant differences were found; and finally, the only significant correlation was determined between the variables of perceived stress and coping flexibility.El conflicto armado en Colombia ha generado consecuencias en la población en general, pero en especial en los miembros de las fuerzas militares que se han visto en la obligación de enfrentar los hechos de violencia, en función de asegurar la protección del Estado, situaciones que han podido derivar en afectaciones para su salud física y mental. En este sentido, la presente investigación propone analizar diferencias en la variabilidad de la frecuencia cardíaca, estrés y resiliencia de los militares veteranos y novatos de las Fuerzas Armadas colombianas en función de su nivel de experiencia. Para lo anterior, se llevó a cabo el desarrollo de una investigación con enfoque cuantitativo, alcance analítico – correlacional; con el fin de recolectar información para el análisis pretendido en la población de militares del Ejército Nacional de Colombia, adscritos a los batallones de Barranquilla y Malambo, del departamento del Atlántico. Para su desarrollo, se emplearon como técnicas de recolección de información mediante encuestas y herramientas de medición, como el pulsómetro; y como principales hallazgos, se comprueba una mayor capacidad de resiliencia en militares novatos, en comparación con los veteranos. Sin embargo, en el primer grupo se observó la presencia de mayores niveles de estrés. En cuanto a la medición de la percepción de estrés, no se encontraron diferencias significativas; y finalmente, la única correlación significativa fue determinada entre las variables de estrés percibido y la flexibilidad de afrontamiento

    Human-centred design of clinical auditory alarms

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    Auditory alarms are commonly badly designed, providing little to no information or guidance. In the healthcare context, the poor acoustics of alarms is one contributor for the noise problem. The goal of this thesis is to propose a human-centred methodology for the design of clinical auditory alarms, by making them less disruptive and more informative, thus improving the healthcare soundscape. It implements this methodology from concept to evaluation and validation, combining psychoacoustics with usability and user experience methods. Another aim of this research consisted in understanding the limitations and possibilities offered by online tools for scientific studies. Thus, different processes and methodologies were implemented, and corresponding results were discussed. To understand the acoustic healthcare environment, field visits, interviews, and surveys were performed with healthcare professionals. Additionally, sound pressure levels and frequency analysis of several surgeries in different hospitals provided specific sound design requirements, which were added to an existent body of knowledge on clinical alarm design. A second stage consisted in prototyping very simple sounds to comprehend which temporal and spectral parameters of sound could be manipulated to communicate clinical information. Parameters such as frequency, speed, onset, and rhythm were studied, and relations between subjective perception and physical parameters were established. In parallel, and heavily influenced by the new IEC 60601-1-8 - General requirements, tests and guidance for alarm systems in medical electrical equipment and medical electrical systems, a design strategy with auditory icons was created. This strategy intended to provide as much information as possible in an auditory alarm. To do so, it involved two main components: a priority pointer indicating the priority of the alarm; an auditory icon indicating the cause of the alarm. A third component indicating increasing or decreasing tendency of the vital sign was designed, but not validated with users. After online validation of the priority pointer and auditory icon for eight categories (cardiac, drug administration, ventilation, blood pressure, perfusion, oxygen, temperature, and power down), a new library of clinical auditory alarms is proposed.Os alarmes auditivos são habitualmente mal concebidos, dando poucas informações ou orientações perante a situação que despoletou o aviso. No contexto da saúde, a má acústica dos alarmes é um dos contribuidores para o problema do ruído. O objetivo desta tese é o de melhorar a paisagem sonora em ambientes clínicos, propondo uma metodologia centrada no Humano para o design de alarmes auditivos clínicos, tornando-os menos disruptivos e mais informativos. Essa metodologia é implementada desde o conceito até a avaliação e validação, combinando métodos da psicoacústica com métodos de usabilidade e experiência do utilizador. Outro objetivo desta investigação é o de compreender as limitações e possibilidades oferecidas pelas ferramentas online para estudos científicos. Assim, diversos processos e metodologias foram implementados, e os respetivos resultados são discutidos. Para compreender o ambiente acústico clínico, foram realizadas visitas de campo, entrevistas e inquéritos com profissionais de saúde. Além disso, avaliou-se o nível de pressão sonora e frequências de várias cirurgias em diferentes hospitais. Esta atividade forneceu requisitos específicos de design de som que foram adicionados a um corpo existente de conhecimento sobre design de alarmes clínicos. Uma segunda etapa consistiu na prototipagem de sons simples para compreender que parâmetros temporais e espectrais do som poderiam ser manipulados para comunicar informações clínicas. Parâmetros como frequência, velocidade, envelope e ritmo foram estudados, e as relações entre a perceção subjetiva e os parâmetros físicos foram estabelecidas. Paralelamente, e fortemente influenciado pela nova norma IEC 60601-1-8 - Requisitos gerais, testes e orientações para sistemas de alarme em equipamentos médicos elétricos e sistemas médicos elétricos, foi criada uma estratégia de design com ícones auditivos. Essa estratégia pretendia incorporar o máximo de informações num alarme auditivo. Para isso, envolveu dois componentes principais: um ponteiro de prioridade que indica a prioridade do alarme; e um ícone auditivo que indica a causa do alarme. Um terceiro componente de tendência (aumento ou diminuição do valor do sinal vital) foi criado, mas não validado com utilizadores. Após a validação do ponteiro de prioridade e ícone auditivo para oito categorias (cardíaco, administração de medicamentos, ventilação, pressão arterial, perfusão, oxigénio, temperatura e falha de equipamento), propõe-se uma nova biblioteca de alarmes auditivos clínicos

    Empathy as an answer for the tragedy paradox in music

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    O apelo de motivos trágicos nas artes constitui um paradoxo que remonta à Antiguidade clássica, aplicado sobretudo no âmbito das artes dramáticas, denominado Paradoxo da Tragédia. Aristóteles foi o primeiro filósofo a elaborar uma resposta para o mesmo baseada na purgação de emoções negativas do espectador pela sua experiência em contextos ficcionadas, o qual designou de catarse. O objectivo deste trabalho foi resolver o mesmo paradoxo no âmbito da música com motivos trágicos, ou seja, capaz de evocar emoções negativas - em especial a tristeza -, através de explicações conversoras , que consideram que a experiência de emoções negativas é convertida em experiências psicologicamente recompensadoras. Considerando a catarse uma proposta coerente com as explicações conversoras, o trabalho propôs-se a oferecer uma versão adaptável à música. Tendo em conta a relação estabelecida na literatura entre a apreciação de música triste e disposição individual de traços de empatia, esta foi considerada como uma capacidade importante para a resolução do referido paradoxo. Contudo, como é possível que a empatia explique tal conversão? Como empatizar com a música? Para perseguir o objectivo acima descrito, estabeleceram-se duas questões de pesquisa fundamentais que dividiram o trabalho em duas partes: Como é que uma experiência empática permite experienciar emoções negativas através da música? e Como é que a empatia pode explicar um processo catártico na música ? Na primeira parte do trabalho foi elaborada uma confirmação da evocação de sentimentos negativos através da música, indispensável para defender a explicação mencionada, produzida por mecanismos de empatia emocional ( contágio emocional ) ou cognitiva ( imaginação ), caso a resposta tenha origem nas características acústicas da música ou no significado da letra. Além disso, foi destacado o papel dos neurónios-espelho na ponte entre a percepção de emoções na música e a sua apreciação. Na segunda parte do trabalho foi atribuída a exclusiva responsabilidade das recompensas psicológicas aos mecanismos de empatia cognitiva , gerando recompensas com origem no próprio processo empático e na falta de implicações reais associadas com a tristeza provocada pela música. Tais recompensas compõe o processo catártico que leva à purificação de emoções negativas do ouvinte e justifica as suas motivações para ouvir música triste . Para o futuro, sugere-se que seja explorada a relação entre mecanismos homeostáticos de regulação de emoções e da empatia cognitiva, a fim de gerar um melhor entendimento sobre a capacidade de empatizar, bem como, sobre o papel da música como potenciador de tal capacidade, tão importante para as interações humanas a diversos níveis da sociedade.The appeal of tragic motifs in the arts constitutes a paradox already discussed in Classical Antiquity, above all, in the field of dramatic arts, the known Tragedy Paradox. Aristotle was the first philosopher answering to it through a proposal based on the purging of the negative emotions of the spectator stemmed from the experience of such emotions in fictional contexts, a process called of catharsis . The aim of this work is to solve the same paradox applied to music with tragic motives, i.e. able to evoke negative emotions - especially sadness - through conversionary explanations , which consider that the experience of negative emotions is converted into a psychological rewarding one. Considering catharsis a proposal coherent with such explanations, the work proposes a cathartic process applicable to music. Considering the relationship established in the literature between the personal trait of empathy and the appreciation of sad music, empathy was considered as the key capacity to solve the paradox. However, how to empathize with music? How would empathy explain such conversion? To pursue the objectives described above, two fundamental research questions were established to accomplish such goal: How does an empathic experience allow us to experience negative emotions through music? and How does empathy explain a cathartic process in music? In the first part of the work, it was confirmed the evocation of negative feelings through music indispensable to defend the mentioned explanation, considered to be generated by mechanisms of emotional empathy ( emotional contagion ) or cognitive empathy ( imagination ), whether the emotional response is originated from the acoustic features of music or from the meaning of the letter. Moreover, it was highlighted the role of mirror-neuron system in the link between the perception of emotions in the music and its appreciation. In the second part of the work, it was attributed exclusive responsibility to cognitive empathy mechanisms for the generation psychological rewards, which generate rewards either from the empathic process itself and the lack of real-world implications associated with the sadness-evoked by the music. Such rewards comprise the cathartic process that leads to the purification of listeners’ negative emotions and justifies their motivations to listen to sad music. For the future, it is suggested to explore the relationship between homeostatic mechanisms of emotion regulation and cognitive empathy , in order to generate a better understanding of the ability to empathize, as well as the role of music as a potentiator of such important ability for the core human interactions within society

    Seamless Multimodal Biometrics for Continuous Personalised Wellbeing Monitoring

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    Artificially intelligent perception is increasingly present in the lives of every one of us. Vehicles are no exception, (...) In the near future, pattern recognition will have an even stronger role in vehicles, as self-driving cars will require automated ways to understand what is happening around (and within) them and act accordingly. (...) This doctoral work focused on advancing in-vehicle sensing through the research of novel computer vision and pattern recognition methodologies for both biometrics and wellbeing monitoring. The main focus has been on electrocardiogram (ECG) biometrics, a trait well-known for its potential for seamless driver monitoring. Major efforts were devoted to achieving improved performance in identification and identity verification in off-the-person scenarios, well-known for increased noise and variability. Here, end-to-end deep learning ECG biometric solutions were proposed and important topics were addressed such as cross-database and long-term performance, waveform relevance through explainability, and interlead conversion. Face biometrics, a natural complement to the ECG in seamless unconstrained scenarios, was also studied in this work. The open challenges of masked face recognition and interpretability in biometrics were tackled in an effort to evolve towards algorithms that are more transparent, trustworthy, and robust to significant occlusions. Within the topic of wellbeing monitoring, improved solutions to multimodal emotion recognition in groups of people and activity/violence recognition in in-vehicle scenarios were proposed. At last, we also proposed a novel way to learn template security within end-to-end models, dismissing additional separate encryption processes, and a self-supervised learning approach tailored to sequential data, in order to ensure data security and optimal performance. (...)Comment: Doctoral thesis presented and approved on the 21st of December 2022 to the University of Port