6 research outputs found

    Improved Techniques for High Performance Noise-Tolerant Domino CMOS Logic Circuits

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    Domino CMOS logic circuit family finds a wide variety of applications in microprocessors, digital signal processors, and dynamic memory due to their high speed and low device count. However, there are inevitable problems that degrade the noise immunity of this family; they are the inevitable leakage current and the charge sharing. Added to the drawbacks is the relatively large power consumption, especially if compared to the static complementary CMOS logic family. To make the matter worse, these drawbacks are more tactile with the scaling of CMOS technology. In my thesis, An introduction to domino logic, The impact of CMOS technology scaling on the performance of domino CMOS logic, Three Phase Domino Logic Circuit, High-performance noise-tolerant circuit techniques for CMOS dynamic logic and other Domino logic techniques are studied and corresponding Domino logic techniques have been designed and simulated. Specifically, the need to decrease the dynamic power consumption forces the designer to use a lower power-supply voltage. This in turn necessitates the reduction of threshold voltage to maintain the performance with the associated increase in sub threshold leakage current. So, a properly sized PMOS keeper must be used to compensate for this leakage. It will be found that the speed, which is the major advantage of domino logic compared to other logic styles, will degrade with CMOS technology scaling due to the contention current of the keeper. To assure high performance in noise tolerant techniques, the inevitable effects like leakage currents and charge distribution have to be minimized. In this thesis few modifications have also been made to already existing domino techniques and different Domino logic circuits are simulated in both Cadence virtuoso (implemented using GPDK090- library of 90nm technology) and Mentor graphics (implemented at different technologies like Tsmc 035.mod, Tsmc 025.mod, Tsmc 018.mod) environments. The performance parameters are also compared with other standard architectures of Domino logic

    Design and Analysis of Improved Domino Logic with Noise Tolerance and High Performance

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    The demands of upcoming computing, as well as the challenges of nanometer-era of VLSI design necessitate new digital logic techniques and styles that are at the same time high performance, energy efficient and robust to noise and variation. Dynamic CMOS logic gates are broadly used to design high performance circuits due to their high speed. Conversely, the vital demerit of dynamic logic style is its high noise sensitivity. The main reason for this is the sub-threshold leakage current flowing through the pull down network. With continuous technology scaling, this problem is getting more and more severe. In this thesis, a new noise tolerant dynamic CMOS circuit technique is proposed. In the proposed work, we have enhanced the behavior of the domino CMOS logic. This technique also gets benefit in terms of delay and power. This thesis describes the new low power, noise tolerant and high speed domino logic technique and presents a comparison result of this logic with previously reported schemes. Simulation results prove that, in 180 nm CMOS technology when we used this logic style to realize wide fan-in logic gates, it could achieve maximum level of noise robustness as compared to its basic counterpart. In addition, the logic also works efficiently with sequential circuits. The feasibility of this new technique is demonstrated by means of a real hardware, we have built a custom test-chip in the UMC 180 nm process technology with an ALU core, using the proposed domino logic style for each design block. In this thesis, we have also described the design and implementation of this chip. In addition to this, we have also presented initial power and delay performance comparisons between the circuit level simulated ALU and test-chip implemented in the proposed domino logic style. Finally we conclude that, the thesis contributes a very efficient logic style for wide fan-in gates, which is not only noise robust but also energy efficient and high speed

    Design and Implementation of Novel High Performance Domino Logic

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    This dissertation presents design and implementation of novel high performance domino logic techniques with increased noise robustness and reduced leakages. The speed and overhead area became the primary parameters of choice for fabrication industry that led to invention of clocked logic styles named as Dynamic logic and Domino logic families. Most importantly, power consumption, noise immunity, speed of operation, area and cost are the predominant parameters for designing any kind of digital logic circuit technique with effective trade-off amongst these parameters depending on the situation and application of design. Because of its high speed and low overhead area domino logic became process of choice for designing of high speed application circuits. The concerning issues are large power consumption and high sensitivity towards noise. Hence, there is a need for designing new domino methodology to meet the requirements by overcoming above mentioned drawbacks which led to ample opportunities for diversified research in this field. Therefore, the outcome of research must be able to handle the primary design parameters efficiently. Besides this, the designed circuit must exhibit high degree of robustness towards noise.In this thesis, few domino logic circuit techniques are proposed to deal with noise and sub-threshold leakages. Effect of signal integrity issues on domino logic techniques is studied. Furthermore, having been subjected to process corner analysis and noise analysis, the overall performance of proposed domino techniques is found to be enhanced despite a few limitations that are mentioned in this work. Besides this, lector based domino and dynamic node stabilized techniques are also proposed and are investigated thoroughly. Simulations show that proposed circuits are showing superior performance. In addition to this, domino based Schmitt triggers with various hysteresis phenomena are designed and simulated. Pre-layout and post-layout simulation results are compared for proposed Schmitt trigger. Simulations reveal that proposed Schmitt trigger techniques are more noise tolerant than CMOS counterparts. Moreover, a test chip for domino based Schmitt trigger is done in UMC 180 nm technology for fabrication

    High-Performance, Energy-Efficient CMOS Arithmetic Circuits

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    In a modern microprocessor, datapath/arithmetic circuits have always been an important building block in delivering high-performance, energy-efficient computing, because arithmetic operations such as addition and binary number comparison are two of the most commonly used computing instructions. Besides the manufacturing CMOS process, the two most critical design considerations for arithmetic circuits are the logic style and micro-architecture. In this thesis, a constant-delay (CD) logic style is proposed targeting full-custom high-speed applications. The constant delay characteristic of this logic style (regardless of the logic type) makes it suitable for implementing complicated logic expressions such as addition. CD logic exhibits a unique characteristic where the output is pre-evaluated before the inputs from the preceding stage are ready. This feature enables a performance advantage over static and dynamic domino logic styles in a single cycle, multi-stage circuit block. Several design considerations including timing window width adjustment and clock distribution are discussed. Using a 65-nm general-purpose CMOS technology, the proposed logic style demonstrates an average speedup of 94% and 56% over static and dynamic domino logic, respectively, in five different logic gates. Simulation results of 8-bit ripple carry adders conclude that CD logic is 39% and 23% faster than the static and dynamic-based adders, respectively. CD logic also demonstrates 39% speedup and 64% (22%) energy-delay product reduction from static logic at 100% (10%) data activity in 32-bit carry lookahead adders. To confirm CD logic's potential, a 148 ps, single-cycle 64-bit adder with CD logic implemented in the critical path is fabricated in a 65-nm, 1-V CMOS process. A new 64-bit Ling adder micro-architecture, which utilizes both inversion and absorption properties to minimize the number of CD logic and the number of logic stage in the critical path, is also proposed. At 1-V supply, this adder's measured worst-case power and leakage power are 135 mW and 0.22 mW, respectively. A single-cycle 64-bit binary comparator utilizing a radix-2 tree structure is also proposed. This comparator architecture is specifically designed for static logic to achieve both low-power and high-performance operation, especially in low input data activity environments. At 65-nm technology with 25% (10%) data activity, the proposed design demonstrates 2.3x (3.5x) and 3.7x (5.8x) power and energy-delay product efficiency, respectively. This comparator is also 2.7x faster at iso-energy (80 fJ) or 3.3x more energy-efficient at iso-delay (200 ps) than existing designs. An improved comparator, where CD logic is utilized in the critical path to achieve high performance without sacrificing the overall energy efficiency, is also realized in a 65-nm 1-V CMOS process. At 1-V supply, the proposed comparator's measured delay is 167 ps, and has an average power and a leakage power of 2.34 mW and 0.06 mW, respectively. At 0.3-pJ iso-energy or 250-ps iso-delay budget, the proposed comparator with CD logic is 20% faster or 17% more energy-efficient compared to a comparator implemented with just the static logic

    Ultra Low Power Digital Circuit Design for Wireless Sensor Network Applications

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    Ny forskning innenfor feltet trådløse sensornettverk åpner for nye og innovative produkter og løsninger. Biomedisinske anvendelser er blant områdene med størst potensial og det investeres i dag betydelige beløp for å bruke denne teknologien for å gjøre medisinsk diagnostikk mer effektiv samtidig som man åpner for fjerndiagnostikk basert på trådløse sensornoder integrert i et ”helsenett”. Målet er å forbedre tjenestekvalitet og redusere kostnader samtidig som brukerne skal oppleve forbedret livskvalitet som følge av økt trygghet og mulighet for å tilbringe mest mulig tid i eget hjem og unngå unødvendige sykehusbesøk og innleggelser. For å gjøre dette til en realitet er man avhengige av sensorelektronikk som bruker minst mulig energi slik at man oppnår tilstrekkelig batterilevetid selv med veldig små batterier. I sin avhandling ” Ultra Low power Digital Circuit Design for Wireless Sensor Network Applications” har PhD-kandidat Farshad Moradi fokusert på nye løsninger innenfor konstruksjon av energigjerrig digital kretselektronikk. Avhandlingen presenterer nye løsninger både innenfor aritmetiske og kombinatoriske kretser, samtidig som den studerer nye statiske minneelementer (SRAM) og alternative minnearkitekturer. Den ser også på utfordringene som oppstår når silisiumteknologien nedskaleres i takt med mikroprosessorutviklingen og foreslår løsninger som bidrar til å gjøre kretsløsninger mer robuste og skalerbare i forhold til denne utviklingen. De viktigste konklusjonene av arbeidet er at man ved å introdusere nye konstruksjonsteknikker både er i stand til å redusere energiforbruket samtidig som robusthet og teknologiskalerbarhet øker. Forskningen har vært utført i samarbeid med Purdue University og vært finansiert av Norges Forskningsråd gjennom FRINATprosjektet ”Micropower Sensor Interface in Nanometer CMOS Technology”

    Desarrollo y evaluación de arquitecturas lógicas basadas en Nanopipeline.

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    El potencial de la lógica dinámica, con sus fases de precarga y evaluación es una solución muy estudiada y aplicada, para implementar pipeline sin elementos de memoria usando un esquema de reloj de múltiples fases solapadas (superpipeline). Se sabe que se han desarrollado distintas variantes de este superpipeline y aplicado en entornos y productos comerciales Sin embargo, el escalado tecnológico y las altas frecuencias en las que se trabaja actualmente han aumentado los principales problemas asociados a este estilo lógico. En primer lugar, en las tecnologías DSM, el diseño de puertas dinámicas robustas y rápidas se ha convertido en una tarea difícil debido al gran incremento de las corrientes de fuga y sub-umbrales, los acoplos de señal, las fluctuaciones de potencia y la variabilidad. En segundo lugar, se trata de dificultades relacionadas con la interconexión de puertas para formar redes lógicas, como su carácter no inversor o la problemática del diseño con un nivel de puertas por fase (nano-pipelines) con dos fases de reloj. El trabajo realizado en el marco de esta Tesis Doctoral tiene como objetivo general estudiar en profundidad la problemática de los nanopipelines y explorar soluciones a nivel arquitectural y a nivel eléctrico para la realización de unidades funcionales aritmético-lógicas competitivas en aplicaciones de altas prestaciones en tecnologías DSM. Las principales aportaciones y resultados obtenidos son: Desarrollo y validación experimental de una nueva topología de puerta dinámica DOE. Presenta ventajas, en términos de compromisos entre la velocidad y tolerancia al ruido, con respecto a la solución convencional Dominó. Para una misma tolerancia al ruido razonable, el retraso de una NOR con un fan_in alto Dominó es un 77% en 32nm y un 95% en 16nm superior al de DOE. Evaluación de superpipelines Dominó con distinta profundidad lógica. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que estas arquitecturas se benefician de aplicar un pipeline muy fino. La comparación de sumadores Kogge Stone en una tecnología DSM, usando tres puertas por fase de reloj y una puerta por fase (nanopipeline), muestra cómo está última puede operar un 50% más rápido con similar energía por operación, incrementar la fortaleza del keeper un 60% sin degradar la velocidad, ni la energía, o reducir un 25% el consumo sin degradar velocidad ni tolerancia al ruido, entre otros compromisos de diseño. Análisis de la operación de arquitecturas nanopipelines Dominó y DOE. La topología DOE presenta ventajas respecto a Dominó debido a su carácter inversor. Los nanopipelines DOE son más robustos frente a variaciones de parámetros de dispositivos y de operación y a no idealidades del reloj. Se simplifica considerable del esfuerzo de diseño de estas arquitecturas para operación con dos fases de reloj. Validación experimental de nanopipelines DOE