47 research outputs found

    Транспортні мережі на основі технології MPLS, принципи, перспективи розвитку

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    Мета роботи – дослідження транспортних мереж на основі технології MPLS. Аналіз напрямків адаптації технології MPLS для досягнення відповідності вимогам транспортних мереж. У даній роботі розглядається транспортна мережа як невід’ємна частина телекомунікаційної системи, аналізуються технічні принципи функціювання мереж MPLS, проводиться огляд основних технічних принципів транспортних мереж MPLS TP та їх відмінностей від принципів MPLS, аналізується питання моніторингу і керування мережами MPLS TP та питання щодо напрямку подальшого розвитку мереж MPLS TP, зокрема, переходу до технології GMPLS.The purpose of the work is to study transport networks based on MPLS technology. Analysis of directions of MPLS technology adaptation to achieve compliance with the requirements of transport networks. This paper considers transport network as an integral part of telecommunication system, analyzes technical principles of MPLS networks operation, reviews main technical principles of MPLS TP transport networks and their differences from MPLS principles, analyzes the issue of monitoring and management of MPLS TP networks and the direction of further development of MPLS TP networks, in particular, the transition to GMPLS technology

    Hybrid IP/SDN networking: open implementation and experiment management tools

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    The introduction of SDN in large-scale IP provider networks is still an open issue and different solutions have been suggested so far. In this paper we propose a hybrid approach that allows the coexistence of traditional IP routing with SDN based forwarding within the same provider domain. The solution is called OSHI - Open Source Hybrid IP/SDN networking as we have fully implemented it combining and extending Open Source software. We discuss the OSHI system architecture and the design and implementation of advanced services like Pseudo Wires and Virtual Switches. In addition, we describe a set of Open Source management tools for the emulation of the proposed solution using either the Mininet emulator or distributed physical testbeds. We refer to this suite of tools as Mantoo (Management tools). Mantoo includes an extensible web-based graphical topology designer, which provides different layered network "views" (e.g. from physical links to service relationships among nodes). The suite can validate an input topology, automatically deploy it over a Mininet emulator or a distributed SDN testbed and allows access to emulated nodes by opening consoles in the web GUI. Mantoo provides also tools to evaluate the performance of the deployed nodes.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE Transaction of Network and Service Management - December 2015 http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TNSM.2015.250762

    Overview of UMTS network evolution through radio and transmission feature validation

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    This project is based on several UMTS network feature validation with the aim to provide an end-to-end in-depth knowledge overview gained in parallel in the areas of radio network mobility processes (cell camping and inter-system handover), Quality of Service improvement for HSPA data users and transport network evolution towards the All-IP era.Hardware and software validation is a key step in the relationship between the mobile network operator and the vendor. Through this verification process, while executing that functionality or testing a specific hardware, the difference between the actual result and expected result can be better understood and, in turn, this in-depth knowledge acquisition is translated into a tailored usage of the product in the operator’s live network. As a result, validation helps in building a better product as per the customer’s requirement and helps satisfying their needs, which positively impacts in the future evolution of the vendor product roadmap implementation process for a specific customer. This project is based on several Universal Mobile Telecommunication Services (UMTS) network feature validation with the aim to provide an end-to-end in-depth knowledge overview gained in parallel in the areas of radio network mobility processes (cell camping and inter-system handover), Quality of Service improvement for High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSPA) data users and transport network evolution towards the All-IP era.Las campañas de validación hardware y software son un paso clave en las relaciones comerciales establecidas entre un operador de telecomunicaciones y su proveedor de equipos de red. Durante los procesos de certificación, mientras se ejecuta una funcionalidad software o se valida un determinado hardware, se obtiene un conocimiento profundo de la diferencia entre el resultado obtenido y el esperado, repercutiendo directamente en un uso a medida de dicha funcionalidad o hardware en la propia red del cliente. Como consecuencia de lo anterior, podemos aseverar que los procesos de validación permiten en gran medida al proveedor adaptarse mejor a los requerimientos del cliente, ayudando a satisfacer realmente sus necesidades. Esto implica directamente un impacto positivo en la futura evolución del portfolio que el fabricante ofrece a un determinado cliente. Este proyecto está basado en la validación de diferentes funcionalidades de red UMTS, cuyo objetivo es proporcionar un conocimiento global de distintos aspectos que conforman el funcionamiento de una red de telecomunicaciones 3G, como son los procesos de movilidad de acceso radio (acampado de red y handover inter-sistema), las mejoras en la calidad de servicio para usuarios de datos HSPA y la convergencia de la red de transporte hacia la era IP.Els processos de validació hardware i software són un punt clau en les relacions comercials establertes entre un operador de telecomunicaciones i el proveïdor d'equipament de la xarxa. En el transcurs dels processos de certificació, a la mateixa vegada que s'executa una funcionalitat software o es valida un determinat hardware, s'obtenen grans coneixements respecte la diferència entre el resultat obtingut i l'esperat, que són d'aplicació directa a l'hora d'establir un ús adpatat a la xarxa del client. En conseqüència, podem asseverar que les campanyes de validació permeten en gran mesura al proveïdor adaptar-se millor als requeriments del client, ajudant a satisfer realment les seves necessitats. Això implica directament un impacte positiu en la futura evol.lució del portfoli que el fabricant ofereix a un determinat client. Aquest projecte es basa en la presentació d'un procès de validació de diferents funcionalitats relacionades amb la xarxa UMTS, amb l'objectiu de proporcionar un coneixement global de la varietat d'aspectes que conformen el funcionament d'una xarxa de telecomunicacions 3G, com són els processos de mobilitat en accès radio (acampat de l'usuari i handover inter-sistema), millores en la qualitat de servei per a usuaris de dades HSPA i la convergència de la xarxa de transport cap a l'era IP

    Evaluation of MPLS Framework Congestion Control for Planning and Optimization in ATM Networks

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    Recent Advances in MPLS have led to development of real-time applications. Many routing protocols have been specifically designed for these applications where real-time guarantee is an essential design issue. Real-time MPLS is an existing area of research. The common objective is trying to provide timeless guarantee for resource constrained MPLS. MPLS is emerging as a flexible technology that can transport voice,. IPV4 , IPV6 layer 2 services and even PDH and SDH/SONET circuit over a single packet infrastructure in a new attempt to solve the old problem of new network convergence. MPLS traffic emerging QOS support and fast restoration capabilities can be used to provide each service with strict service level arguments in a cost efficient way several standardization and industry organization are contributing to this goal. Keywords: Congestion Control, MPLS

    Comparing Interconnecting Methods for Multiprotocol Label Switched Virtual Private Networks

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    Operaattorit tarjoavat leimakytkentää hyödyntäviä virtuaaliverkkopalveluita asiakkailleen. Lisäksi operaattorit hyödyntävät niitä omien palveluidensa tuottamisessa. Sekä leimakytkentä että sitä hyödyntävät virtuaaliverkkopalvelut on määritelty toimiviksi yhden autonomisen alueen sisällä. Tässä työssä vertaillaan neljää erilaista tapaa liittää virtuaaliverkot toimimaan yli AS-rajojen. Vertailu tehdään tietoturvallisuuden näkökulmasta. Työssä paneudutaan kolmeen eri virtuaaliverkkopalveluun ja siihen, miten näiden toteutustekniikat vaikuttavat yhteenliittämiseen. Vertailu on pyritty tekemään niin, että se on sovellettavissa kaikille palveluille. Kaikilta osilta näin ei ole, sillä palveluiden toteutustavat poikkeavat liikaa toisistaan. Vertailu paljasti, että yhteenliittämistavoilla on erilaisia vahvuuksia tietoturvan suhteen. Yhteenliittämistapaa valitessa operaattorin tulee määritellä, mitä tietoturvauhkia painottaa. Osa tietoturvauhista johtuu laitevalmistajien toteutuksien heikkouksista, mutta osa on standardeille ominaisia. Tietoturvariskit tiedostaen, ja ottamalla huomioon yhteenliittämisen aiheuttamat lisäriskit tietoturvalle, operaattorin on mahdollista tarjota tietoturvallisia leimakytkentäisiä virtuaaliverkkopalveluita, jotka kattavat useamman autonomisen alueen.Telecommunication operators offer Multiprotocol Label Switched Virtual Private Networks to their customers. Also, MPLS VPN technologies can be used for operators' internal purposes, to enable them to offer wider range of services in single infrastructure. Both MPLS and MPLS based VPNs are defined to be used inside single autonomous system, AS. The aim of this thesis is to compare four different interconnection methods for MPLS VPNs in different AS's. The focus is on security. Three different MPLS VPN services are looked into closely. Each service's technology's effect on interconnection is of interest. The comparison tries to incorporate all three services. But, since the services differ from each other, not all criteria concern all services. The comparison revealed that the interconnection methods have different strengths concerning security. When choosing the interconnection method, an operator needs to define what areas of security it finds relevant. A portion of security issues are implementation specific, but some come directly from the standards. When operator is aware of the security issues related to chosen interconnection method, it is safe to offer MPLS VPNs that cover multiple autonomous systems

    Mobile network design : Orange UK 2G to 3G mobile backhaul evolution

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    The research presented in this thesis is focused on the evolution of a GSM/GPRS (2G) cellular mobile network to UMTS (3G) and then subsequently, HSDPA. The particular technical area of research relates to the mobile backhaul network which provides the connectivity between radio cell sites which support the wide area radio coverage, and the mobile network operator’s core network. Due to the evolution of UMTS with HSDPA, the research covers the initial UMTS network rollout and then addresses the evolution of this infrastructure to support mobile broadband communications, through the introduction of HSDPA as a network upgrade. The two research questions being addressed are therefore: •How is it possible to evolve a GSM/GPRS mobile backhaul network to support a converged GSM/GPRS and UMTS cellular mobile service? •How is it possible to ensure scalability of the converged backhaul network given the introduction of HSDPA and associated mobile broadband data growth? The starting point of the research is an established GSM and GPRS commercial network in the UK and the study is based on the design of the Orange network and focused on the period 2000 to 2010. During this period the author was working as Principal Network Designer within Orange and had overall responsibility for the strategy, architecture and design of the UK mobile backhaul network. The thesis provides a detailed explanation of the novel network design that was adopted and how it was evolved throughout the ten year period covered by the research. The research proves that the original static TDM approach was not suitable for UMTS and therefore the outcome was the introduction of an ATM network with optimisation based on traffic class rt-VBR over protected STM-1 transmission links. HSDPA drove further traffic growth and resulted in an evolution of the solution to ensure massive scalability was supported through the migration to Carrier Ethernet and implementation of pseudo-wires. In addition, to providing a technical description of the network design, the thesis also aims to provide a historical record of the technologies and equipment used during this period of rapid change within the UKs mobile networks

    A Framework for MPLS in Transport Networks

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    Implementing low speed serial connections in packet networks

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    Teleoperaattorit ovat halukkaita korvaamaan nykyiset eri palveluita tuottavat rinnakkaiset verkkonsa yhdellä pakettiverkkoarkkitehtuurilla. Tavoitteena on säästää pääoma- ja operatiivisissa kuluissa ja yksinkertaistaa ylläpitoa. Piirikytkentäiset palvelut eivät kuitenkaan toimi sellaisenaan pakettiverkoissa johtuen puuttuvasta synkronoinnista. Työssä käsiteltävät pseudojohdot ovat emuloituja piirejä, jotka kuljettavat asiakkaan piirikytkentäisen datan tunneloimalla operaattorin pakettiverkon yli huolehtien synkronoinnin säilymisestä. Asiakkaalle verkko näyttää samalta kuin ennenkin. Työssä tutustutaan eri tekniikoihin, joilla voidaan siirtää piirikytkentäistä hidasta sarjaliikennettä pakettiverkon yli. Työssä käydään läpi lisäksi tärkeimmät sarjaliikennetyypit RS-232 ja E1, televerkkojen synkronointihierarkia, sekä tekniikoita joilla synkronointi voidaan toteuttaa pakettiverkossa. Testiverkossa pyritään tutkimaan mittaamalla, millaisia häiriöitä pseudojohtoemulaatiotekniikka sietää alustana olevalta MPLS-pakettiverkolta säilyttäen synkronoinnin ja tiedonsiirron eheyden. Verkkoon tuotetaan keinotekoista viivettä ja häiriöitä tarkoitusta varten rakennetulla PC-kokoonpanolla. Pseudojohtoemulaatioratkaisuun käytetään Alcatel-Lucentin SAR-tuoteperheen reitittimiä hyödyntäen CESoPSN ja SAToP-kehystystekniikoita. Testiverkon rajoitteista johtuen tulosten suora vertaaminen kansainvälisiin laatuvaatimuksiin ei ole mahdollista, mutta saatujen tulosten perusteella voidaan olettaa emulaatioratkaisulla saavutettavan synkronoinnin laadun riittävän normaalisti toimivissa verkoissa.Telecom operators are willing to replace current parallel networks for different services with one packet based network architecture. Their purpose is to save on capital and operational expenditures and simplify network management. However, circuit based services may not work as such in packet based networks due to missing synchronization. Pseudowires are emulated circuits that transport circuit switched customer data over operator's packet network using tunneling methods. This technology can maintain synchronization. Customer does not see any difference in the received service. This thesis introduces technologies that can transfer low speed serial data over packet networks. Thesis also deals with the most common serial connection types RS-232 and E1, telecom network synchronization hierarchy and synchronization over packet network technologies. Measurements are made in a test network to find out which sort of defects and impairments the pseudowire technologies can handle in MPLS-based packet network, still maintaining proper synchronization and data integrity. Artificial delay, jitter and disturbances are emulated in the network using common PC hardware. Devices under test belong to Alcatel-Lucent SAR product family of routers and they support CESoPSN and SAToP pseudowire technologies. Due to certain limitations in the test network, direct comparison of results against international quality standards is not possible. However, test results indicate that pseudowire emulation solutions can produce synchronization quality that meets set requirements in well-managed packet networks