1,117 research outputs found

    Major Zygmunt Kunisz – artylerzysta zamordowany w Charkowie (1894–1940)

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    The article describes the life of Major Zygmunt Kunisz, one of the victims of the Soviet crime of 1940. He was an artillery officer of armoured trains during the Polish-Bolshevik war, and after the war he served in the 22nd and 28th Light Artillery Regiment, and from 1935 as quartermaster in the 4th Heavy Artillery Regiment. In September 1939, he took command of the newly formed 1st artillery battalion of this Regiment, which he commanded during the September Campaign. After the Soviet aggression against Poland, Major Zygmunt Kunisz was taken prisoner by the Soviets in unknown circumstances. He spent several months in a prisoner-of-war camp in Starobelsk and was then murdered in a prison in Kharkov in April 1940. In Polish literature, this officer was often confused with his younger brother Tadeusz, also an artillery officer in the rank of major, in reports relating to the September 1939 campaign. This paper is based mainly on archival documents, memoirs and materials provided by Maria Kunisz, granddaughter of Stanisław Kunisz, Zygmunt’s older brother. The purpose of this article is to clarify the discrepancies and misinformation still existing in relation to Major Zygmunt Kunisz, who was posthumously promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel in 2007.Artykuł opisuje życie majora Zygmunta Kunisza – jednej z ofiar zbrodni sowieckiej z 1940 r. Był on oficerem artylerii między innymi pociągach pancernych w czasie wojny polskobolszewickiej, a po jej zakończeniu służył w 22 i 28 pułku artylerii lekkiej, zaś od 1935 r. kwatermistrzem w 4 pułku artylerii ciężkiej. We wrześniu 1939 r. objął dowództwo nowo sformowanego I dywizjonu tego pułku, którym dowodził w trakcie kampanii wrześniowej. Po agresji sowieckiej na Polskę – major Zygmunt Kunisz dostał się w bliżej nieznanych okolicznościach do niewoli sowieckiej. Przez kilka miesięcy przebywał w obozie jenieckim w Starobielsku, po czym w kwietniu 1940 r. został zamordowany w więzieniu w Charkowie. Postać tego oficera była w polskiej literaturze często mylona w odniesieniu do kampanii wrześniowej 1939 roku z jego młodszym bratem Tadeuszem – także oficerem artylerii w stopniu majora. Tekst został oparty w głównej mierze na dokumentach archiwalnych oraz wspomnieniach i materiałach przekazanych przez Marię Kunisz – wnuczkę Stanisława Kunisza, starszego brata Zygmunta. Artykuł ten ma na celu wyjaśnić istniejące nadal rozbieżności i błędne informacje na temat majora Zygmunta Kunisza, awansowanego w pośmiertnie w 2007 r. na stopień podpułkownika

    Obraz emocjonalności w tekstach folkloru

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    Słowo wstępne

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    Prusy Polskie w XV–XVIII w. Dążenia unifikacyjne a partykularyzm pruski

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    At the beginning of the article, justifying its title, the Author suggests departure from traditional name of province – the Royal Prussia, for the new one, which, in his opinion, is nearer to the historical reality – the Polish Prussia. Recent anniversaries (2009 year) – 555 anniversary of the issuance of the Incorporation Act and 440 of the decree of the king Zygmunt August, which established parliamentary union between the Polish Prussia and the Polish Crown, inspire to the new view on relationships between the Prussian Province and the Crown during the period from 1454/1466 to 1772/1793. Comprehensive approach to these issues is diff icult, especially in short article. It requires limiting of the analysis to presentation the main lines of development in mutual relationships between the Prussian Province and the Crown. First of all, it is necessary to concentrate on the turning points. It was events concerned with dates: 1454, 1466, 1526, 1569 and 1772. First date means the Incorporation Act and its contents, which from the beginning was controversial in the sphere of the character of the relationship between the Province and the Crown. The second date is concerned with the II Treaty in Toruń and its contents, which aggravated above mentioned controversy. Prussian states wanted to preserve in their hands authority in the Province and the king with the crown states were seeking to lead to full integration and unifi cation the Polish Prussia with the rest of country. The controversy and confl ict lasted until the year 1569 (when was issued the Unifi cation Decree). It had not liquidate the Prussian autonomy, but after that the Province was blending into the polish state and society. This process was fi nished in the twenties of XVIIth century. Rebirth of autonomy aspirations within the elite of the great prussian cities, appeared during the reign of Stanisław August Poniatowski. Notwithstanding, when the neighboring countries carried out the fi rst dissection of Poland, entire society of the Polish Prussia accepted this fact with reluctance. Invasion the Prussian army on the Gdańsk and Toruń in 1793 fi nished the existence of the Polish Prussia