215 research outputs found

    Proving Nontermination via safety

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    We show how the problem of nontermination proving can be reduced to a question of underapproximation search guided by a safety prover. This reduction leads to new nontermination proving implementation strategies based on existing tools for safety proving. Our preliminary implementation beats existing tools. Furthermore, our approach leads to easy support for programs with unbounded nondeterminism

    Size-Change Termination as a Contract

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    Termination is an important but undecidable program property, which has led to a large body of work on static methods for conservatively predicting or enforcing termination. One such method is the size-change termination approach of Lee, Jones, and Ben-Amram, which operates in two phases: (1) abstract programs into "size-change graphs," and (2) check these graphs for the size-change property: the existence of paths that lead to infinite decreasing sequences. We transpose these two phases with an operational semantics that accounts for the run-time enforcement of the size-change property, postponing (or entirely avoiding) program abstraction. This choice has two key consequences: (1) size-change termination can be checked at run-time and (2) termination can be rephrased as a safety property analyzed using existing methods for systematic abstraction. We formulate run-time size-change checks as contracts in the style of Findler and Felleisen. The result compliments existing contracts that enforce partial correctness specifications to obtain contracts for total correctness. Our approach combines the robustness of the size-change principle for termination with the precise information available at run-time. It has tunable overhead and can check for nontermination without the conservativeness necessary in static checking. To obtain a sound and computable termination analysis, we apply existing abstract interpretation techniques directly to the operational semantics, avoiding the need for custom abstractions for termination. The resulting analyzer is competitive with with existing, purpose-built analyzers

    Disproving termination with overapproximation

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    When disproving termination using known techniques (e.g. recurrence sets), abstractions that overapproximate the program’s transition relation are unsound. In this paper we introduce live abstractions, a natural class of abstractions that can be combined with the recent concept of closed recurrence sets to soundly disprove termination. To demonstrate the practical usefulness of this new approach we show how programs with nonlinear, nondeterministic, and heap-based commands can be shown nonterminating using linear overapproximations

    Featherweight VeriFast

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    VeriFast is a leading research prototype tool for the sound modular verification of safety and correctness properties of single-threaded and multithreaded C and Java programs. It has been used as a vehicle for exploration and validation of novel program verification techniques and for industrial case studies; it has served well at a number of program verification competitions; and it has been used for teaching by multiple teachers independent of the authors. However, until now, while VeriFast's operation has been described informally in a number of publications, and specific verification techniques have been formalized, a clear and precise exposition of how VeriFast works has not yet appeared. In this article we present for the first time a formal definition and soundness proof of a core subset of the VeriFast program verification approach. The exposition aims to be both accessible and rigorous: the text is based on lecture notes for a graduate course on program verification, and it is backed by an executable machine-readable definition and machine-checked soundness proof in Coq

    Certifying safety and termination proofs for integer transition systems

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    Modern program analyzers translate imperative programs to an intermediate formal language like integer transition systems (ITSs), and then analyze properties of ITSs. Because of the high complexity of the task, a number of incorrect proofs are revealed annually in the Software Verification Competitions. In this paper, we establish the trustworthiness of termination and safety proofs for ITSs. To this end we extend our Isabelle/HOL formalization IsaFoR by formalizing several verification techniques for ITSs, such as invariant checking, ranking functions, etc. Consequently the extracted certifier CeTA can now (in)validate safety and termination proofs for ITSs. We also adapted the program analyzers T2 and AProVE to produce machinereadable proof certificates, and as a result, most termination proofs generated by these tools on a standard benchmark set are now certified