1,822 research outputs found

    Computer-aided proofs for multiparty computation with active security

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    Secure multi-party computation (MPC) is a general cryptographic technique that allows distrusting parties to compute a function of their individual inputs, while only revealing the output of the function. It has found applications in areas such as auctioning, email filtering, and secure teleconference. Given its importance, it is crucial that the protocols are specified and implemented correctly. In the programming language community it has become good practice to use computer proof assistants to verify correctness proofs. In the field of cryptography, EasyCrypt is the state of the art proof assistant. It provides an embedded language for probabilistic programming, together with a specialized logic, embedded into an ambient general purpose higher-order logic. It allows us to conveniently express cryptographic properties. EasyCrypt has been used successfully on many applications, including public-key encryption, signatures, garbled circuits and differential privacy. Here we show for the first time that it can also be used to prove security of MPC against a malicious adversary. We formalize additive and replicated secret sharing schemes and apply them to Maurer's MPC protocol for secure addition and multiplication. Our method extends to general polynomial functions. We follow the insights from EasyCrypt that security proofs can be often be reduced to proofs about program equivalence, a topic that is well understood in the verification of programming languages. In particular, we show that in the passive case the non-interference-based definition is equivalent to a standard game-based security definition. For the active case we provide a new NI definition, which we call input independence

    Verification of the FtCayuga fault-tolerant microprocessor system. Volume 1: A case study in theorem prover-based verification

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    The design and formal verification of a hardware system for a task that is an important component of a fault tolerant computer architecture for flight control systems is presented. The hardware system implements an algorithm for obtaining interactive consistancy (byzantine agreement) among four microprocessors as a special instruction on the processors. The property verified insures that an execution of the special instruction by the processors correctly accomplishes interactive consistency, provided certain preconditions hold. An assumption is made that the processors execute synchronously. For verification, the authors used a computer aided design hardware design verification tool, Spectool, and the theorem prover, Clio. A major contribution of the work is the demonstration of a significant fault tolerant hardware design that is mechanically verified by a theorem prover

    Maintaining consistency in distributed systems

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    In systems designed as assemblies of independently developed components, concurrent access to data or data structures normally arises within individual programs, and is controlled using mutual exclusion constructs, such as semaphores and monitors. Where data is persistent and/or sets of operation are related to one another, transactions or linearizability may be more appropriate. Systems that incorporate cooperative styles of distributed execution often replicate or distribute data within groups of components. In these cases, group oriented consistency properties must be maintained, and tools based on the virtual synchrony execution model greatly simplify the task confronting an application developer. All three styles of distributed computing are likely to be seen in future systems - often, within the same application. This leads us to propose an integrated approach that permits applications that use virtual synchrony with concurrent objects that respect a linearizability constraint, and vice versa. Transactional subsystems are treated as a special case of linearizability

    A Highly-Available Move Operation for Replicated Trees

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    Replicated tree data structures are a fundamental building block of distributed filesystems, such as Google Drive and Dropbox, and collaborative applications with a JSON or XML data model. These systems need to support a move operation that allows a subtree to be moved to a new location within the tree. However, such a move operation is difficult to implement correctly if different replicas can concurrently perform arbitrary move operations, and we demonstrate bugs in Google Drive and Dropbox that arise with concurrent moves. In this paper we present a CRDT algorithm that handles arbitrary concurrent modifications on trees, while ensuring that the tree structure remains valid (in particular, no cycles are introduced), and guaranteeing that all replicas converge towards the same consistent state. Our algorithm requires no synchronous coordination between replicas, making it highly available in the face of network partitions. We formally prove the correctness of our algorithm using the Isabelle/HOL proof assistant, and evaluate the performance of our formally verified implementation in a geo-replicated setting.The Boeing Company; EPSRC “REMS: Rigorous Engineering for Mainstream Systems” programme grant (EP/K008528); Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellowship, Isaac Newton Trust; Nokia Bell Labs

    A group membership algorithm with a practical specification

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    Presents a solvable specification and gives an algorithm for the group membership problem in asynchronous systems with crash failures. Our specification requires processes to maintain a consistent history in their sequences of views. This allows processes to order failures and recoveries in time and simplifies the programming of high level applications. Previous work has proven that the group membership problem cannot be solved in asynchronous systems with crash failures. We circumvent this impossibility result building a weaker, yet nontrivial specification. We show that our solution is an improvement upon previous attempts to solve this problem using a weaker specification. We also relate our solution to other methods and give a classification of progress properties that can be achieved under different models

    Design verification of SIFT

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    A SIFT reliable aircraft control computer system, designed to meet the ultrahigh reliability required for safety critical flight control applications by use of processor replications and voting, was constructed for SRI, and delivered to NASA Langley for evaluation in the AIRLAB. To increase confidence in the reliability projections for SIFT, produced by a Markov reliability model, SRI constructed a formal specification, defining the meaning of reliability in the context of flight control. A further series of specifications defined, in increasing detail, the design of SIFT down to pre- and post-conditions on Pascal code procedures. Mechanically checked mathematical proofs were constructed to demonstrate that the more detailed design specifications for SIFT do indeed imply the formal reliability requirement. An additional specification defined some of the assumptions made about SIFT by the Markov model, and further proofs were constructed to show that these assumptions, as expressed by that specification, did indeed follow from the more detailed design specifications for SIFT. This report provides an outline of the methodology used for this hierarchical specification and proof, and describes the various specifications and proofs performed