481 research outputs found

    Provable defenses against adversarial examples via the convex outer adversarial polytope

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    We propose a method to learn deep ReLU-based classifiers that are provably robust against norm-bounded adversarial perturbations on the training data. For previously unseen examples, the approach is guaranteed to detect all adversarial examples, though it may flag some non-adversarial examples as well. The basic idea is to consider a convex outer approximation of the set of activations reachable through a norm-bounded perturbation, and we develop a robust optimization procedure that minimizes the worst case loss over this outer region (via a linear program). Crucially, we show that the dual problem to this linear program can be represented itself as a deep network similar to the backpropagation network, leading to very efficient optimization approaches that produce guaranteed bounds on the robust loss. The end result is that by executing a few more forward and backward passes through a slightly modified version of the original network (though possibly with much larger batch sizes), we can learn a classifier that is provably robust to any norm-bounded adversarial attack. We illustrate the approach on a number of tasks to train classifiers with robust adversarial guarantees (e.g. for MNIST, we produce a convolutional classifier that provably has less than 5.8% test error for any adversarial attack with bounded β„“βˆž\ell_\infty norm less than Ο΅=0.1\epsilon = 0.1), and code for all experiments in the paper is available at https://github.com/locuslab/convex_adversarial.Comment: ICML final versio

    Better the Devil you Know: An Analysis of Evasion Attacks using Out-of-Distribution Adversarial Examples

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    A large body of recent work has investigated the phenomenon of evasion attacks using adversarial examples for deep learning systems, where the addition of norm-bounded perturbations to the test inputs leads to incorrect output classification. Previous work has investigated this phenomenon in closed-world systems where training and test inputs follow a pre-specified distribution. However, real-world implementations of deep learning applications, such as autonomous driving and content classification are likely to operate in the open-world environment. In this paper, we demonstrate the success of open-world evasion attacks, where adversarial examples are generated from out-of-distribution inputs (OOD adversarial examples). In our study, we use 11 state-of-the-art neural network models trained on 3 image datasets of varying complexity. We first demonstrate that state-of-the-art detectors for out-of-distribution data are not robust against OOD adversarial examples. We then consider 5 known defenses for adversarial examples, including state-of-the-art robust training methods, and show that against these defenses, OOD adversarial examples can achieve up to 4Γ—\times higher target success rates compared to adversarial examples generated from in-distribution data. We also take a quantitative look at how open-world evasion attacks may affect real-world systems. Finally, we present the first steps towards a robust open-world machine learning system.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures, 9 table

    Provable Certificates for Adversarial Examples: Fitting a Ball in the Union of Polytopes

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    We propose a novel method for computing exact pointwise robustness of deep neural networks for all convex β„“p\ell_p norms. Our algorithm, GeoCert, finds the largest β„“p\ell_p ball centered at an input point x0x_0, within which the output class of a given neural network with ReLU nonlinearities remains unchanged. We relate the problem of computing pointwise robustness of these networks to that of computing the maximum norm ball with a fixed center that can be contained in a non-convex polytope. This is a challenging problem in general, however we show that there exists an efficient algorithm to compute this for polyhedral complices. Further we show that piecewise linear neural networks partition the input space into a polyhedral complex. Our algorithm has the ability to almost immediately output a nontrivial lower bound to the pointwise robustness which is iteratively improved until it ultimately becomes tight. We empirically show that our approach generates distance lower bounds that are tighter compared to prior work, under moderate time constraints.Comment: Code can be found here: https://github.com/revbucket/geometric-certificate

    The LogBarrier adversarial attack: making effective use of decision boundary information

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    Adversarial attacks for image classification are small perturbations to images that are designed to cause misclassification by a model. Adversarial attacks formally correspond to an optimization problem: find a minimum norm image perturbation, constrained to cause misclassification. A number of effective attacks have been developed. However, to date, no gradient-based attacks have used best practices from the optimization literature to solve this constrained minimization problem. We design a new untargeted attack, based on these best practices, using the established logarithmic barrier method. On average, our attack distance is similar or better than all state-of-the-art attacks on benchmark datasets (MNIST, CIFAR10, ImageNet-1K). In addition, our method performs significantly better on the most challenging images, those which normally require larger perturbations for misclassification. We employ the LogBarrier attack on several adversarially defended models, and show that it adversarially perturbs all images more efficiently than other attacks: the distance needed to perturb all images is significantly smaller with the LogBarrier attack than with other state-of-the-art attacks.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, 6 table

    Semidefinite relaxations for certifying robustness to adversarial examples

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    Despite their impressive performance on diverse tasks, neural networks fail catastrophically in the presence of adversarial inputs---imperceptibly but adversarially perturbed versions of natural inputs. We have witnessed an arms race between defenders who attempt to train robust networks and attackers who try to construct adversarial examples. One promise of ending the arms race is developing certified defenses, ones which are provably robust against all attackers in some family. These certified defenses are based on convex relaxations which construct an upper bound on the worst case loss over all attackers in the family. Previous relaxations are loose on networks that are not trained against the respective relaxation. In this paper, we propose a new semidefinite relaxation for certifying robustness that applies to arbitrary ReLU networks. We show that our proposed relaxation is tighter than previous relaxations and produces meaningful robustness guarantees on three different "foreign networks" whose training objectives are agnostic to our proposed relaxation.Comment: To appear at NIPS 201

    Cost-Sensitive Robustness against Adversarial Examples

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    Several recent works have developed methods for training classifiers that are certifiably robust against norm-bounded adversarial perturbations. These methods assume that all the adversarial transformations are equally important, which is seldom the case in real-world applications. We advocate for cost-sensitive robustness as the criteria for measuring the classifier's performance for tasks where some adversarial transformation are more important than others. We encode the potential harm of each adversarial transformation in a cost matrix, and propose a general objective function to adapt the robust training method of Wong & Kolter (2018) to optimize for cost-sensitive robustness. Our experiments on simple MNIST and CIFAR10 models with a variety of cost matrices show that the proposed approach can produce models with substantially reduced cost-sensitive robust error, while maintaining classification accuracy.Comment: ICLR final versio

    Universal Lipschitz Approximation in Bounded Depth Neural Networks

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    Adversarial attacks against machine learning models are a rather hefty obstacle to our increasing reliance on these models. Due to this, provably robust (certified) machine learning models are a major topic of interest. Lipschitz continuous models present a promising approach to solving this problem. By leveraging the expressive power of a variant of neural networks which maintain low Lipschitz constants, we prove that three layer neural networks using the FullSort activation function are Universal Lipschitz function Approximators (ULAs). This both explains experimental results and paves the way for the creation of better certified models going forward. We conclude by presenting experimental results that suggest that ULAs are a not just a novelty, but a competitive approach to providing certified classifiers, using these results to motivate several potential topics of further research

    Wasserstein Adversarial Examples via Projected Sinkhorn Iterations

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    A rapidly growing area of work has studied the existence of adversarial examples, datapoints which have been perturbed to fool a classifier, but the vast majority of these works have focused primarily on threat models defined by β„“p\ell_p norm-bounded perturbations. In this paper, we propose a new threat model for adversarial attacks based on the Wasserstein distance. In the image classification setting, such distances measure the cost of moving pixel mass, which naturally cover "standard" image manipulations such as scaling, rotation, translation, and distortion (and can potentially be applied to other settings as well). To generate Wasserstein adversarial examples, we develop a procedure for projecting onto the Wasserstein ball, based upon a modified version of the Sinkhorn iteration. The resulting algorithm can successfully attack image classification models, bringing traditional CIFAR10 models down to 3% accuracy within a Wasserstein ball with radius 0.1 (i.e., moving 10% of the image mass 1 pixel), and we demonstrate that PGD-based adversarial training can improve this adversarial accuracy to 76%. In total, this work opens up a new direction of study in adversarial robustness, more formally considering convex metrics that accurately capture the invariances that we typically believe should exist in classifiers. Code for all experiments in the paper is available at https://github.com/locuslab/projected_sinkhorn

    Towards Stable and Efficient Training of Verifiably Robust Neural Networks

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    Training neural networks with verifiable robustness guarantees is challenging. Several existing approaches utilize linear relaxation based neural network output bounds under perturbation, but they can slow down training by a factor of hundreds depending on the underlying network architectures. Meanwhile, interval bound propagation (IBP) based training is efficient and significantly outperforms linear relaxation based methods on many tasks, yet it may suffer from stability issues since the bounds are much looser especially at the beginning of training. In this paper, we propose a new certified adversarial training method, CROWN-IBP, by combining the fast IBP bounds in a forward bounding pass and a tight linear relaxation based bound, CROWN, in a backward bounding pass. CROWN-IBP is computationally efficient and consistently outperforms IBP baselines on training verifiably robust neural networks. We conduct large scale experiments on MNIST and CIFAR datasets, and outperform all previous linear relaxation and bound propagation based certified defenses in β„“βˆž\ell_\infty robustness. Notably, we achieve 7.02% verified test error on MNIST at Ο΅=0.3\epsilon=0.3, and 66.94% on CIFAR-10 with Ο΅=8/255\epsilon=8/255. Code is available at https://github.com/deepmind/interval-bound-propagation (TensorFlow) and https://github.com/huanzhang12/CROWN-IBP (PyTorch)

    Encryption Inspired Adversarial Defense for Visual Classification

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    Conventional adversarial defenses reduce classification accuracy whether or not a model is under attacks. Moreover, most of image processing based defenses are defeated due to the problem of obfuscated gradients. In this paper, we propose a new adversarial defense which is a defensive transform for both training and test images inspired by perceptual image encryption methods. The proposed method utilizes a block-wise pixel shuffling method with a secret key. The experiments are carried out on both adaptive and non-adaptive maximum-norm bounded white-box attacks while considering obfuscated gradients. The results show that the proposed defense achieves high accuracy (91.55 %) on clean images and (89.66 %) on adversarial examples with noise distance of 8/255 on CIFAR-10 dataset. Thus, the proposed defense outperforms state-of-the-art adversarial defenses including latent adversarial training, adversarial training and thermometer encoding.Comment: To be appeared on 27th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2020
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