386 research outputs found

    Academic methods for usability evaluation of serious games: a systematic review

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    In the last years, there has been an increasing interest in the design of video games as a tool for education, training, health promotion, socialization, etc. Usability, which is a key factor in any video game, becomes even more important in these so-called Bserious games^, where the users’ special characteristics should be considered, and the game efficacy depends on the users’ adherence and engagement. However, evaluation of the usability of this kind of games requires a redefinition of techniques, methods and even terminology. In this paper, we elicit six research questions and conduct a systematic review of the scientific literature, which resulted in the selection of 187 papers that contained the most relevant responses. The conclusions of this systematic review illustrate the general status of current academic usability evaluations of these games and the main trends in the selection of methodologies and how are they applied. This view may be a very valuable foundation for future researchMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación PROCUR@-IPT-2011-1038-90000

    Using games for learning

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    Inspiring engagement through the user experience: a project with the Fort Collins Museum of Discovery

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    2014 Fall.Includes bibliographical references.This project focused on user experience to create a plan for a web application that would increase engagement with the audience of a local museum. With the support of the Fort Collins Museum of Discovery, the researcher performed user experience research to create an interactive feature on the museum's website that can showcase the experiences and history and science content the museum has to offer. The project was conducted using a human-centered design framework and focused on engagement and user experience. Activity theory and the user experience framework drove the method. The process started with five stakeholder interviews, then proceeded to four observation sessions, five personas, and rounds of prototyping and testing. The final deliverable to the Fort Collins Museum of Discovery was a project plan - including specific design, content and technology recommendations resulting from research and development - they can use to implement the web application on their currently existing site to increase engagement and their audience size

    What Determines the Adoption of Digital Innovations by Digital Natives? – The Role of Motivational Affordances

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    Previous IS research analyzing the adoption of digital innovations has not yet distinguished between digital natives and digital immigrants. Thus, there is still a limited understanding of the special needs regarding digital innovation design and the adoption behavior of individuals identified as digital natives. Therefore, we used a motivational theory perspective from psychological studies to examine the individual needs of digital natives concerning the design of a digital innovation. We conducted a mental simulation experiment with 637 participants. Our findings shed light on the importance of digital nativeness as a predictor of attitudes towards using digital innovations, and the relevance of applying socio-psychological design principles for developing digital innovations

    Muddleware for Prototyping Mixed Reality Multiuser Games

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    Desbloquear a forma como as empresas estão aplicando gamificação ao longo do ciclo de vida inovação

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    This thesis complements an emergent body of literature on gamification of innovation by exploring how gamification, i.e. the use of game elements in non-gaming contexts, can support the management of the complex, messy and unclear Early Stage of Innovation Process (ESoIP), and therefore help firms to drive innovation forward. Thus, the goal of this thesis is threefold: Firstly to conceptualize gamification approaches to the early stage of innovation; secondly to examine by empirical research studies how the ESoIP can be supported by gamification approaches and thirdly to explore the way gamification approaches support and enhance design thinking. In fact, this thesis argues that gamification can contribute to improving the management of firms’ ESoIP by complementing design thinking practices. Since the potential value of design thinking is sometimes overhyped among academics and practitioners it is fundamental to acknowledge its main obstacles and discuss better ways to overcome the difficulties of managing the ESoIP, such the unpredictable and unstructured nature of activities and the need for more coordination and alignment of teams. Given the explorative type of goals and the need to achieve a deeper understanding of the linkages between gamification and the ESoIP, the thesis follows a qualitative research approach. Findings show that gamification approaches encourage the involvement and engagement of teams in the innovation process, improving aspects like team spirit, dialogue and consensus building, creative experience sharing, goals setting, coordination of activities and concept development as well as the overall management of the ESoIP. Finally, it also suggests that gamification complements and enhances design thinking practices by making people more engaged and delivering a more structured approach to the ESoIP.Esta tese complementa uma linha de investigação emergente na área da gamificação da inovação, explorando como é que a gamificação (utilização de elementos de jogos em contextos não lúdicos) pode apoiar a gestão da fase inicial do processo de inovação, que é mais complexa, confusa e obscura e desta forma ajudar as empresas a inovar. Os principais objetivos desta tese são em primeiro lugar conceptualizar a utilização da gamificação na fase inicial do processo de inovação, em segundo lugar investigar através de estudos empíricos como é que o processo de inovação pode ser melhorado através desta abordagem e em terceiro lugar explorar de que forma é que a gamificação pode apoiar e melhorar o design thinking. Isto porque esta tese defende que a gamificação pode contribuir para melhorar a gestão da fase inicial do processo de inovação, complementando as práticas de design thinking. Como o valor potencial do design thinking está por vezes sobreavaliado entre académicos e gestores, é fundamental reconhecer os seus principais obstáculos e discutir melhor as maneiras de ultrapassar as dificuldades de gestão da inovação, tais como a natureza das atividades pouco estruturadas e não previstas e a necessidade de maior coordenação e alinhamento das equipas. Dado o caráter exploratório dos objetivos e a necessidade de se chegar a um melhor conhecimento das ligações entre a gamificação e a fase inicial do processo de inovação, esta tese segue uma abordagem qualitativa. Os resultados mostram que a gamificação promove o envolvimento das equipas no processo de inovação, melhorando aspetos como o espírito de equipa, diálogo e consenso, partilha de experiência de forma mais criativa, definição de objetivos, coordenação de atividades, desenvolvimento de conceitos e, de uma forma geral, toda a gestão da fase inicial deste processo. Finalmente, esta tese também sugere que a gamificação complementa e melhora as práticas de design thinking aumentando o envolvimento das pessoas e proporcionando uma abordagem mais estruturada do processo de inovação.Programa Doutoral em Marketing e Estratégi

    Multimodality with Eye tracking and Haptics: A New Horizon for Serious Games?

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    The goal of this review is to illustrate the emerging use of multimodal virtual reality that can benefit learning-based games. The review begins with an introduction to multimodal virtual reality in serious games and we provide a brief discussion of why cognitive processes involved in learning and training are enhanced under immersive virtual environments. We initially outline studies that have used eye tracking and haptic feedback independently in serious games, and then review some innovative applications that have already combined eye tracking and haptic devices in order to provide applicable multimodal frameworks for learning-based games. Finally, some general conclusions are identified and clarified in order to advance current understanding in multimodal serious game production as well as exploring possible areas for new applications

    On the Development of Real-Time Multi-User Web Applications

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    With the increasing popularity of the World Wide Web (WWW), end-user applications are moving from desktop to the browser. Web applications have several benefits over native applications: web applications have worldwide availability for any browsing capable device without prior installations. In addition, web applications are easy to distribute and update – once deployed, a web application is instantly available worldwide and further modifications to the system are propagated automatically. The current trend seems to be that web applications are offering collaboration, social connections, and user to user interactions as key features. This can be seen, for example, in the popularity of Facebook, Flickr, and Twitter. Despite all the benefits of the Web, web applications are suffering from the shortcomings in underlying technologies. The Web is strongly rooted in information sharing, and the current technical solutions isolate users rather than make them aware of each other. Since the data cannot be pushed from server to a client, the client must always initiate the communication, which causes a considerable impediment for real-time multi-user web applications, like online chats that have several concurrent users continuously interacting with each other. For such systems, it would be practical if the server could push messages to clients. As a further obstacle, most web application frameworks isolate users in their private sessions that only interact indirectly via the database. This main contribution of this thesis is to make the development of real-time multi-user web applications easier. We elaborate on the difficulties in implementation and design and introduce methods of circumventing them. The main argument is that the Web, the available technology stack, and the frameworks are difficult to use for developing real-time multi-user web applications. However, by selecting the proper approach, the problems can be solved. In this thesis, we have divided the frameworks in groups based on how they make separation of concerns between the client and the server. The separation is important as it determines the thickness of the client and thus where to locate the business logic and the application state. In addition, it has effect on the synchronization of the state between the clients. To collect experiences and for backing up our assumptions, we have implemented real-time multi-user web applications for several frameworks and studied how the frameworks should be used for enabling real-time multi-user application development

    Encouraging the Acquistion of Drawing Skills in Game Design: a Case Study

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    Undergraduate, Interactive Games Design (IGD) courses offered by technical universities in the UK recruit students who are not required to have art or design backgrounds. However, they need to be able to represent their creative ideas. Observations at the University of Gloucestershire have shown that many students find difficulties in expressing their ideas in a visual manner as they do not have adequate drawing skills and eventually some focus on coding and some withdraw. This thesis investigates the links between game design and drawing skills, examining concepts of creativity, learning, design communication and education. To establish the basis of this problem, it was necessary to gain an insight into students‘ and tutors‘ viewpoints and interpretation of this course. Using an interpretive philosophical framework, a mixed method approach was chosen to allow for greater opportunity to understand the phenomenon. Within an action research paradigm, the research was carried out in an evolutionary manner. The extent of the problem was established by eliciting tutors‘ insight from other institutions both arts and technical based. A case study was set out to study two cohorts of students. This identified the problems reported by students and the impact of these on students‘ attitude and motivation. The nature and necessity of drawing skills for sketching storyboards were explored by gaining views of students, tutors and industry professionals. The effect of the tutor-led Art interventions at UoG was investigated. The research identified criteria to assess the quality of storyboard communications and finally a framework for an e-learning object to develop storyboard communication skills was specified. This study revealed that obtaining visual skills is fundamental in order to be able to draw or use rapid prototyping techniques for storyboarding. This needs to be addressed in a specified module or several sessions. It appeared that the design of an art intervention (tutor-based or e-learning object) for IGD students, needs to address the issues of confidence and teamwork alongside with the learning materials in a constructive and gamified style and as interactive as possible in a structured goal-based manner. It would also benefit from Active learning teaching style

    Virtual library:a technical implementation for a virtual reality library interface

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    Abstract. Libraries, as traditional information storages, serve an important role in providing free access to civilization’s knowledge to the public. In the advent of the information society, conventional means of knowledge seeking slowly become obsolete. As technologies advance, libraries shall discover how available inventions could be utilized in enhancing library services and raising public awareness. The offer to discover Virtual Library project was given to the author by the Center for Ubiquitous Computing in the University of Oulu, with the idea originating from Oulu City Library. The goal of the project was to implement an interactive application that would provide a unique experience for library users and show off capabilities of modern virtual technologies. The requirements for it were elicited and refined in a series of participatory design workshops held in Oulu City Library, and as a result, the content of initial web prototype was utilized in the creation of standalone virtual reality application on Unreal Engine 4. The application works with Oculus Rift headset and Oculus Touch motion controllers and lets the user explore the virtual model of Oulu City Library premises as well as some fictional places, added for diverse experience, and experience several activities. Virtual Library was evaluated in a series of testing sessions held in the Oulu City Library with a total of 12 participants, which were primarily the library’s staff members. Overall, the application was positively acclaimed, providing an interesting and unusual library experience, and presenting capabilities of modern virtual reality technologies.Virtuaalikirjasto : tekninen kuvaus virtuaalitodellisuutta hyödyntävälle kirjastopalvelulle. Tiivistelmä. Kirjastoilla on perinteisesti tärkeä rooli tiedon välittäjinä ja tallentajina. Kirjastojen tulee myös mahdollistaa pääsy tiedon ääreen. Siirryttäessä lähemmäksi tietoyhteiskuntaa, perinteiset tavat käsitellä ja havainnoida tietoa ovat jäämässä historiaan. Myös kirjastot kehittyvät ja oppivat kuinka uusia teknologioita on mahdollista hyödyntää tiedon välittämisessä yhteisöille. Virtuaalikirjasto-projekti lähti Oulun kaupungin kirjaston pyynnöstä Oulun yliopiston Jokapaikan tietotekniikan tutkimusryhmälle. Projektin päämääränä oli toteuttaa interaktiivinen sovellus, joka tarjoaisi kirjaston asiakkaille elämyksellistä sisältöä samalla havainnollistaen virtuaalitodellisuuden ja siihen liittyvien teknologioiden mahdollisuuksia. Sovelluksen toteutusta hiottiin Oulun kaupunginkirjastossa sarjalla osallistavan suunnittelun mukaisia työpajoja. Virtuaalitodellisuussovellus toteutettiin Unreal Engine 4 -pelimoottorilla. Se toimii Oculus Rift -virtuaalilaseilla ja Oculus Touch -ohjaimilla. Sovelluksessa on mahdollista kulkea vapaasti virtuaalisessa Oulun kaupunginkirjastossa, sekä tilaan liitetyissä mielikuvituksellisemmissa maailmoissa. Virtuaalikirjasto-sovellus evaluoitiin Oulun kaupunginkirjastossa sarjalla käyttäjätestejä. Testikäyttäjiä oli kaikkiaan 12 ja he olivat pääosin kirjaston työntekijöitä. Sovelluksen vastaanotto oli positiivinen. Käyttäjät totesivat sen havainnollistavan käytettävissä olevan tekniikan mahdollisuuksia samalla tarjoten mielenkiintoisen ja epätavallisen kirjastokokemuksen
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