34,884 research outputs found


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    Software engineering is the fastest-evolving engineering discipline and most of the tasks of software development organizations are diverse in nature. Various studies have shown that there is a wide gap between software industry needs and education for prospective software engineers. It is the responsibility of Software engineering education to prepare SE professionals by providing them with the skills to meet the expectations of the software industry. SE curriculum should correspond to the industry needs, and only then can Universities produce highly skilled professionals, who can meet the needs of software industry. During the last decade, software engineering education (SEE) has been emerging as an independent and mature discipline. Accordingly, various studies are being conducted to provide guidelines for SEE curriculum design. This paper summarizes the need for software industry related courses and discusses the significance of industry oriented software engineering education to meet the educational objectives of all stakeholders. The software industry oriented curriculum for undergraduate and graduate levels is discussed. An industry oriented graduate level (masterā€™s level) software engineering course which includes foundational and applied courses to provide effective training for future software engineers is also proposed.Ā  This will lead to an increase in their employment prospects in the industrial and allied sectors.Programsko inženjerstvo je najbrže rastuća disciplina inženjerstva i većina zadataka kojima se bave institucije zadužene za razvoj računalnih programa različite su prirode. Razna istraživanja pokazala su da postoji Å”iroki jaz između potreba industrije računalnih programa s jedne strane i obrazovanja budućih programskih inženjera s druge strane. Dužnost je obrazovanja u području programskog inženjerstva dobro pripremiti stručne programske inženjere na način da im se omogući uvježbavanje vjeÅ”tina koje odgovaraju potrebama industrije računalnih programa. Kurikul za programsko inženjerstvo trebao bi odgovarati potrebama industrije i tek će tada sveučiliÅ”ta biti u mogućnosti osposobljavati visoko kvalitetne stručnjake koji mogu zadovoljiti potrebe industrije. Tijekom posljednjeg desetljeća obrazovanje u području programskog inženjerstva javlja se kao samostalna i zrela disciplina. Shodno tomu, provode se razna istraživanja da bi se osmislile smjernice za izradu kurikula za programsko inženjerstvo. Ovaj rad predstavlja potrebu za kolegijima usko povezanima s industrijom računalnih programa i raspravlja o važnosti praktičnog obrazovanja programskih inženjera da bi se udovoljilo obrazovnim potrebama svih sudionika u tom procesu. Raspravlja se o kurikulu s bitnim elementima praktične nastave na dodiplomskom i diplomskom stupnju obrazovanja. Diplomski studij (magistarski studij) programskog inženjerstva koji uključuje stručnu praksu također se predlaže jer integrira i osnovne teorijske i praktične predmete kojima se postiže uspjeÅ”no obučavanje programskih inženjera. To će dovesti do boljih izgleda za njihovo zapoÅ”ljavanje u industrijskim i sličnim sektorima

    Every student counts: promoting numeracy and enhancing employability

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    This three-year project investigated factors that influence the development of undergraduatesā€™ numeracy skills, with a view to identifying ways to improve them and thereby enhance student employability. Its aims and objectives were to ascertain: the generic numeracy skills in which employers expect their graduate recruits to be competent and the extent to which employers are using numeracy tests as part of graduate recruitment processes; the numeracy skills developed within a diversity of academic disciplines; the prevalence of factors that influence undergraduatesā€™ development of their numeracy skills; how the development of numeracy skills might be better supported within undergraduate curricula; and the extra-curricular support necessary to enhance undergraduatesā€™ numeracy skills

    Between the Information Economy and Student Recruitment: Present Conjuncture and Future Prospects

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    In university programs and curricula, in general we react to the need to meet market needs. We respond to market stimulus, or at least try to do so. Consider now an inverted view. Consider our data and perspectives in university programs as reflecting and indeed presaging economic trends. In this article I pursue this line of thinking. I show how various past events fit very well into this new view. I provide explanation for why some technology trends happened as they did, and why some current developments are important now.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure

    Problems and Opportunities of Interdisciplinary Work involving Users in Speculative Research for Innovation of Novel ICT Applications

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    In this article we focus upon some challenges of multidisciplinary teams working interdisciplinary in research for innovation of novel ICT applications. We start by defining some general challenges of especially social scientists when working interdisciplinary. The formulated challenges are grounded in our personal experiences. In the next part of the article we focus upon research methods that are used when involving users in the research of novel ICT applications. We shortly describe the different methods and the value they have for social scientists, designers, marketing people and engineers. In the latest part of the article we argument why, from our opinion, using this speculative research methods involving users can help facilitating interdisciplinary work

    Design science, engineering science and requirements engineering

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    For several decades there has been a debate in the computing sciences about the relative roles of design and empirical research, and about the contribution of design and research methodology to the relevance of research results. In this minitutorial we review this debate and compare it with evidence about the relation between design and research in the history of science and technology. Our review shows that research and design are separate but concurrent activities, and that relevance of research results depends on problem setting rather than on rigorous methods. We argue that rigorous scientific methods separate design from research, and we give simple model for how to do this in a problem-driven way
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