5 research outputs found

    Korpuslingvistilised ja eksperimentaalsed meetodid grammatilise sĂŒnonĂŒĂŒmia uurimisel

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    DoktorivĂ€itekiri kĂ€sitleb alalĂŒtleva kÀÀnde ja kaassĂ”naga peal keelekonstruktsioonide paralleelset kasutust kohasuhete markeerimisel tĂ€napĂ€eva eesti kirjakeeles. MĂ”lema konstruktsiooniga on vĂ”imalik vĂ€ljendada ruumilist suhet, kus mingi figuur (nt vaas) asub tausta (nt laua) pealmisel pinnal: vaas on laual ja vaas on laua peal. VĂ€itekirjal on kaks eesmĂ€rki. Esimeseks eesmĂ€rgiks on vĂ€lja selgitada, millised semantilised ja morfosĂŒntaktilised variaablid mĂ”jutavad alalĂŒtleva ja kaassĂ”na peal kasutust. VĂ€itekiri on esimene suuremahuline kvantitatiivne uurimus grammatilisest sĂŒnonĂŒĂŒmiast sĂŒnteetiliste ja analĂŒĂŒtiliste vormide vahel, mis erineb tĂŒpoloogiliselt inglise keele sĂ”najĂ€rje alternatÂŹsioonidest. Töö teiseks eesmĂ€rgiks on hinnata erinevate meetodite kasulikkust grammatilise sĂŒnonĂŒĂŒmia uurimisel. VĂ€itekirjas on rakendatud erinevaid meetodeid, rĂ”huasetus on empiirilisel kvantitatiivsel lĂ€henemisel. Töös on esitatud kahe korpusuuringu ja kahe keelelise katse tulemused. PĂ”hijĂ€relduseks on, et parima tulemuse annab erinevate meetodite (introspektsioon, korpusanalĂŒĂŒs, keelelised katsed) kooskasutamine. AnalĂŒĂŒsist ilmneb, et semantilised variaablid, mis puudutavad erinevaid tausta omadusi (nt tausta liik ja liikuvus/liigutatavus), ja lauses kasutatud verb mĂ”jutavad oluliselt valikut kahe konstruktsiooni vahel. Suurte, staatiliste taustadega (nt turg) eelistatakse pigem kohakÀÀnet ja vĂ€iksemate, liikuvate/liigutatavate taustadega (nt kapp) kaassĂ”na. MorfosĂŒntaktilistest variaablitest mĂ€ngivad rolli taustobjekti fraasi pikkus ja komplekssus, figuuri ja tausta sĂ”naliik ja sĂ”najĂ€rg. Pikemate ja komplekssemate tausta fraasidega (nt kirjutuslaud) kasutatakse lĂŒhemat ja ökonoomsemat alalĂŒtlevat kÀÀnet. LĂŒhemate ja vĂ€hem komplekssemate taustaobjekti fraasidega, eriti asesĂ”nadega (nt see) kasutatakse kohakaassĂ”na peal. VĂ€itekirjas leiab kinnitust eeldus, et eesti keele alalĂŒtleva kÀÀnde ja kaassĂ”na peal vahel ei esine tĂ€issĂŒnonĂŒĂŒmiat, ja et nende kahe konstruktsiooni kasutust mĂ”jutavad mitmed semantilised ja morfosĂŒntaktilised variaablid.The dissertation studies the alternation between the adessive case and the adposition peal ‘on’ in present-day written Estonian. Both constructions can be used to describe a spatial scene, where, a Figure (e.g. a vase) is placed on top of a Ground (e.g. a table): vaas on laual (the adessive construction) and vaas on laua peal (the peal-construction), both meaning “The vase is on the table”. The thesis has two aims: first, to examine which semantic and morphosyntactic variables play a role in the choice between the two constructions; and second, to assess the usefulness of different methodologies in studying grammatical synonymy. The dissertation is a first large-scale quantitative study that looks at an alternation phenomenon which is typologically different from the English word order alternations and employs a combination of both corpus and experimental methodologies with an emphasis on advanced statistical analysis. The main conclusion is that the theoretical description of any linguistic phenomenon benefits from methodological pluralism. The results of two corpus studies and two experimental studies are reported. The results indicate that the various semantic properties of the Ground play a role (e.g. type and mobility). In addition, the morphosyntactic variables of length and complexity of the Ground phrase, word class of the Ground and Figure, and word order affect the choice. The adessive case construction is preferred with large, static Grounds (e.g. turg ‘market’) and with Ground phrases that are longer and more complex (e.g. kirjutuslaud ‘writing desk’). The peal-construction is preferred with smaller, movable Grounds (e.g. kapp ‘cupboard’) and with Ground phrases that are shorter and less complex, especially with pronouns (e.g. see ‘this’). The results reported in the dissertation confirm the prediction that the Estonian adessive case and the adposition peal ‘on’ are not absolute synonyms and that several semantic and morphosyntactic variables play a role in the alternation between the two constructions in present day written-Estonian

    Motivaties voor volgordevariatie : een diachrone studie van werkwoordvolgorde in het Nederlands

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    The central theme of the dissertation is an intriguing case of word order variation within the verbal phrase in modern Standard Dutch. In the subordinate clause, verbal phrases consisting of a perfect/passive auxiliary hebben (to have), zijn (to be) or worden (to become) and a past participles both allow the word order auxiliary – past participle and past participle – auxiliary, without any clear difference in meaning or function: (1) Het is normaal dat hij ooit fouten heeft gemaakt / gemaakt heeft. It is normal that he sometimes mistakes has-AUX made-PP / made-PP has-AUX This kind of variation is absent in other Germanic languages with a clause-final verbal cluster in the subordinate clause, such as Standard High German or Afrikaans. The dissertation seeks to account for the present-day word order situation in Dutch by looking into the history of the word order of the Dutch subordinate clause. The central claim of the dissertation is that the present-day word order variation can be considered as an intermediate stage in an ongoing language change whereby the auxiliary – past participle word order variant is gradually taking over from the other variant. Next to data on the changing verb order, the dissertation provides also a wealth of quantitative data on word order changes within the subordinate clause and on the development of the perfect and the passive periphrastic verbal phrase from the thirteenth century onwards