13,650 research outputs found

    Probing-Based Preprocessing Techniques for Propositional Satisfiability

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    Preprocessing is an often used approach for solving hard instances of propositional satisfiability (SAT). Preprocessing can be used for reducing the number of variables and for drastically modifying the set of clauses, either by eliminating irrelevant clauses or by inferring new clauses. Over the years, a large number of formula manipulation techniques has been proposed, that in some situations have allowed solving instances not otherwise solvable with stateof -the-art SAT solvers. This paper proposes probing-based preprocessing, an integrated approach for preprocessing propositional formulas, that for the first time integrates in a single algorithm most of the existing formula manipulation techniques. Moreover, the new unified framework can be used to develop new techniques. Preliminary experimental results illustrate that probing-based preprocessing can be effectively used as a preprocessing tool in state-of-theart SAT solvers

    SAT-based Explicit LTL Reasoning

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    We present here a new explicit reasoning framework for linear temporal logic (LTL), which is built on top of propositional satisfiability (SAT) solving. As a proof-of-concept of this framework, we describe a new LTL satisfiability tool, Aalta\_v2.0, which is built on top of the MiniSAT SAT solver. We test the effectiveness of this approach by demonnstrating that Aalta\_v2.0 significantly outperforms all existing LTL satisfiability solvers. Furthermore, we show that the framework can be extended from propositional LTL to assertional LTL (where we allow theory atoms), by replacing MiniSAT with the Z3 SMT solver, and demonstrating that this can yield an exponential improvement in performance

    SAT Solving for Argument Filterings

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    This paper introduces a propositional encoding for lexicographic path orders in connection with dependency pairs. This facilitates the application of SAT solvers for termination analysis of term rewrite systems based on the dependency pair method. We address two main inter-related issues and encode them as satisfiability problems of propositional formulas that can be efficiently handled by SAT solving: (1) the combined search for a lexicographic path order together with an \emph{argument filtering} to orient a set of inequalities; and (2) how the choice of the argument filtering influences the set of inequalities that have to be oriented. We have implemented our contributions in the termination prover AProVE. Extensive experiments show that by our encoding and the application of SAT solvers one obtains speedups in orders of magnitude as well as increased termination proving power

    Set Constraint Model and Automated Encoding into SAT: Application to the Social Golfer Problem

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    On the one hand, Constraint Satisfaction Problems allow one to declaratively model problems. On the other hand, propositional satisfiability problem (SAT) solvers can handle huge SAT instances. We thus present a technique to declaratively model set constraint problems and to encode them automatically into SAT instances. We apply our technique to the Social Golfer Problem and we also use it to break symmetries of the problem. Our technique is simpler, more declarative, and less error-prone than direct and improved hand modeling. The SAT instances that we automatically generate contain less clauses than improved hand-written instances such as in [20], and with unit propagation they also contain less variables. Moreover, they are well-suited for SAT solvers and they are solved faster as shown when solving difficult instances of the Social Golfer Problem.Comment: Submitted to Annals of Operations researc

    On Tackling the Limits of Resolution in SAT Solving

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    The practical success of Boolean Satisfiability (SAT) solvers stems from the CDCL (Conflict-Driven Clause Learning) approach to SAT solving. However, from a propositional proof complexity perspective, CDCL is no more powerful than the resolution proof system, for which many hard examples exist. This paper proposes a new problem transformation, which enables reducing the decision problem for formulas in conjunctive normal form (CNF) to the problem of solving maximum satisfiability over Horn formulas. Given the new transformation, the paper proves a polynomial bound on the number of MaxSAT resolution steps for pigeonhole formulas. This result is in clear contrast with earlier results on the length of proofs of MaxSAT resolution for pigeonhole formulas. The paper also establishes the same polynomial bound in the case of modern core-guided MaxSAT solvers. Experimental results, obtained on CNF formulas known to be hard for CDCL SAT solvers, show that these can be efficiently solved with modern MaxSAT solvers

    Stable Model Counting and Its Application in Probabilistic Logic Programming

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    Model counting is the problem of computing the number of models that satisfy a given propositional theory. It has recently been applied to solving inference tasks in probabilistic logic programming, where the goal is to compute the probability of given queries being true provided a set of mutually independent random variables, a model (a logic program) and some evidence. The core of solving this inference task involves translating the logic program to a propositional theory and using a model counter. In this paper, we show that for some problems that involve inductive definitions like reachability in a graph, the translation of logic programs to SAT can be expensive for the purpose of solving inference tasks. For such problems, direct implementation of stable model semantics allows for more efficient solving. We present two implementation techniques, based on unfounded set detection, that extend a propositional model counter to a stable model counter. Our experiments show that for particular problems, our approach can outperform a state-of-the-art probabilistic logic programming solver by several orders of magnitude in terms of running time and space requirements, and can solve instances of significantly larger sizes on which the current solver runs out of time or memory.Comment: Accepted in AAAI, 201

    SAT-based Explicit LTLf Satisfiability Checking

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    We present here a SAT-based framework for LTLf (Linear Temporal Logic on Finite Traces) satisfiability checking. We use propositional SAT-solving techniques to construct a transition system for the input LTLf formula; satisfiability checking is then reduced to a path-search problem over this transition system. Furthermore, we introduce CDLSC (Conflict-Driven LTLf Satisfiability Checking), a novel algorithm that leverages information produced by propositional SAT solvers from both satisfiability and unsatisfiability results. Experimental evaluations show that CDLSC outperforms all other existing approaches for LTLf satisfiability checking, by demonstrating an approximate four-fold speedup compared to the second-best solver