2,248 research outputs found

    Integrating the data envelopment analysis and the balanced scorecard approaches for enhanced performance assessment

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    This article presents the development of a conceptual framework which aims to assess Decision Making Units (DMUs)from multiple perspectives. The proposed conceptual framework combines the Balanced Scorecard(BSC)method with the non-parametric technique known as Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) by using various interconnected models which try to encapsulate four perspectives of performance (financial, customers, internal processes,learning and growth). The practical relevance of the conceptual model has been tested by using it to assess the performance of DMUs in a multinational company which operates in two business areas.Various models were developed with the collaboration of the directors of the company in order to conceive an appropriate and consensual framework, which may provide useful information for the company.The application of the conceptual framework provides structured information regarding the performance of each DMU(from multiple perspectives)and ways to improve it.By integrating the BSC and the DEA approaches this research helps to identify where there is room for improving organisational performance and points out opportunities for reciprocal learning between DMUs.In doing so,this article provides a set of recommendations relating to the successful application of DEA and its integration with the BSC,in order to promote a continuous learning process and to bring about improvements in performance

    Što je rečeno i što još treba reći o BSC metodi?

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    The aim of this study is to address the paradox that while the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) tool enjoys widespread penetration in the corporate world, at a theoretical level it has received many and varied criticisms. The hypothesis is that the BSC is based on a solid theoretical model that is applicable to companies. This hypothesis is analysed by means of a literature review. This review has been done over 955 documents containing the same expression related to BSC in the ISI database. Finally, after some filter criteria, 309 articles have been analyzed. The conclusion of the study is that the assumed hypothesis has been confirmed. The BSC is a model that has evolved and been honed over the years to the point where it currently has a solid and applicable theoretical foundation, which is made possible by implementing it in various sectors and countries. However, there are still some questionable aspects with regard to certain elements of the model (perspectives, indicators and cause and effect relationship).Cilj ovog istraživanja je ukazati na paradoks Balance Scorecard (BSC) metode koja iako široko rasprostranjena u korporativnom svijetu, na teorijskoj razini izložena je mnogobrojnim kritikama. Postavlja se hipoteza da se BSC temelji na čvrstom teoretskom modelu koji je primjenjiv na poduzeća, a testira se pomoću odgovarajuće literature. Pregled je napravljen na temelju više od 955 dokumenata koji sadrže iste pojmove povezane s BSC metodom u ISI bazi podataka. Naposljetku, nakon nekoliko izabranih kriterija, analizirano je 309 članaka. Zaključak istraživanja je da je pretpostavljena hipoteza potvrđena. BSC je metoda koja se razvila i usavršila tijekom godina do točke u kojoj trenutno ima čvrste i primjenjive temelje, što je čini mogućom za primjenu na različite sektore i države. Međutim, još uvijek postoje upitni aspekti s obzirom na određene elemente modela (perspektive, pokazatelje i vezu između uzroka i posljedica)

    Supply and demand in the labor market: personnel development, organizational-behavioral aspect, forecasting

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    The book is prepared by a team of authors within the framework of the international TEMPUS Project «ICo-op». The book is dedicated to the study of the features of tools to focused demand and supply in the labor market. The authors summarized Ukrainian and foreign experience of studying processes related with the peculiarities of research leadership and entrepreneurship in the context of human capital. Particular attention is paid to the development of professional competence of future engineers and productivity already operating engineers and technical staff. The problems of development of methods and models of personal development, forecasting labor market needs based on professional competency profiles are considered. For students, researchers and teachers of universities and for enterprise managers, entrepreneurs-innovators

    Spatial indicators for the analysis of peri-urban dynamics in the Languedoc Mediterranean area

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    International audienceEn zone méditerranéenne languedocienne, les dynamiques d'étalement urbain qui accompagnent la croissance des villes sont particulièrement intenses. Le desserrement et la délocalisation des populations et des activités des villes-centres vers les périphéries se traduisent par l'accroissement et la dispersion des surfaces bâties aux dépens des espaces naturels et agricoles. Dans un contexte de forte attractivité démographique et de crise foncière, de nouveaux outils de planification territoriale émergent (SCOT, SRADDT). Depuis la loi SRU de 2000, les politiques d'aménagement s'orientent désormais vers des objectifs de durabilité des systèmes territoriaux. Le décret n°2006 -821 du 7 juillet 2006 (Loi sur le Développement des Territoires Ruraux) donne aux départements de nouveaux moyens pour développer une politique de protection et de mise en valeur des espaces agricoles, forestiers et périurbains (périmètres de protection, droit de préemption). Pour accompagner ces dispositifs d'actions les acteurs de l'aménagement ont besoins d'indicateurs sur l'état actuel de l'occupation des sols ainsi que sur les dynamiques de changements en termes qualitatif et quantitatif. A l'issue d'une étude méthodologique sur le suivi de l'artificialisation des terres agricoles commanditée par la DRAF Languedoc Roussillon, auprès de l'UMR TETIS (Cemagref) et de l'UMR LISAH (INRA), une série d'indicateurs spatiaux ont été développés. Cette communication présente la réflexion menée pour la production de ces indicateurs. Ceux-ci sont destinés à constituer une aide à la décision, à la communication et à la sensibilisation sur les problématiques de disparition du potentiel agronomique des sols. En effet, la possibilité de disposer d'outils et de méthodes apparaît pour les acteurs agricoles un enjeu fort dans leur implication "récente" à l'élaboration des documents d'urbanisme. L'objectif des travaux de recherches de la thèse, menée en parallèle de cette étude, sont d'évaluer la pertinence de ces indicateurs spatiaux à révéler les spécificités des dynamiques en ½uvre et ainsi à répondre aux enjeux de planification « durable » des espaces périurbains languedociens. / France set up new regional development and urbanism rules with national laws: Voynet Law (1999) which gives sustainable development tools like SRADDT (regional scheme for territorial planning and sustainable development) for the level of Regions, urban solidarity and renewal law (2000) which gives new planning tools like SCOT (scheme for territorial coherence) and PLU (Local Urbanism Plan) at the inter-communal cooperation level. A law on the Development of rural areas (2006) gives Departements new ways to develop a policy for the protection and enhancement of agricultural, forest and peri-urban spaces (protected area, pre-emptive right). These planning policies now move towards the principles of sustainable territorial systems. To accompany these policies, the actors of the local and regional development and planning need indicators about the state of land cover and dynamic changes in terms of quantity and quality. In the context of the Mediterranean area of Languedoc, urban sprawl dynamics are particularly intense with a massive population growth and land crisis. Increase and dispersion of built-up areas from city centre towards periphery are made at the expense of natural and agricultural spaces. To accompany these plans of action planning actors need indicators about the current state of land cover and about the dynamic changes in terms of quantity and quality. After a methodological study about monitoring of agricultural land urbanisation command by DRAF Languedoc Roussillon, to the UMR TETIS (Cemagref) and the UMR LISAH (INRA), a series of spatial indicators have been developed. The communication presents the thought which has been conduct for the production of these indicators. These are intended to provide a decision, communication and awareness help on issues of loss of the agricultural soil potential. Indeed, availability of adapted tools and methods is a very important stake for actors of the agricultural sector with the application of the local planning tools (PLU, SCOT). The main objective of this research is to evaluate the relevance of these spatial indicators to show explicitly specificities of current dynamics and to throw light on challenges of sustainable planning of the Mediterranean peri-urban spaces