83 research outputs found

    A Dynamic Multimedia User-Weight Classification Scheme for IEEE_802.11 WLANs

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    In this paper we expose a dynamic traffic-classification scheme to support multimedia applications such as voice and broadband video transmissions over IEEE 802.11 Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs). Obviously, over a Wi-Fi link and to better serve these applications - which normally have strict bounded transmission delay or minimum link rate requirement - a service differentiation technique can be applied to the media traffic transmitted by the same mobile node using the well-known 802.11e Enhanced Distributed Channel Access (EDCA) protocol. However, the given EDCA mode does not offer user differentiation, which can be viewed as a deficiency in multi-access wireless networks. Accordingly, we propose a new inter-node priority access scheme for IEEE 802.11e networks which is compatible with the EDCA scheme. The proposed scheme joins a dynamic user-weight to each mobile station depending on its outgoing data, and therefore deploys inter-node priority for the channel access to complement the existing EDCA inter-frame priority. This provides efficient quality of service control across multiple users within the same coverage area of an access point. We provide performance evaluations to compare the proposed access model with the basic EDCA 802.11 MAC protocol mode to elucidate the quality improvement achieved for multimedia communication over 802.11 WLANs.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables, International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC

    WLAN performance evaluation in different wireless access techniques (DCF, PCF, HCF)

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    IEEE 802.11x Wireless Local-Area-Network (WLAN) considered a powerful solution for the last mile wireless broadband(BB) access. WLAN becomes important element in 4G and 5G mobile networks because it can provide services to mobile users in areas not covered by eNBs. However, the 802.11 legacy protocol doesn’t support delay-sensitive services like VoIP because it adopts the best-effort method. In 2001 IEEE 802.11e standard was proposed to deploy QoS with new access techniques introduction. There are many parameters related to MAC layer which affect the WLAN network performance from the prospective of delay, and throughput. This study presents performance evaluation of voice traffic and FTP traffic in IEEE802.11 legacy protocol WLAN and IEEE802.11e WLAN via OPNET computer simulation. Network performance will be tested against different MAC access protocols and different MAC parameters

    Fairness and transmission opportunity limit in IEEE 802.11e enhanced distributed channel access

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    Tämä diplomityö tutkii lähetysaikarajan vaikutusta verkon reiluuteen IEEE802.11e tehostettuun ja hajautettuun kommunikaatiokanavaan pääsyyn. IEEE802.11e tuo palvelunlaatuominaisuuksia IEEE802.11 langattomiin verkkoihin. Asemat, jotka käyttävät IEEE802.11e-ominaisuuksia jakavat liikenteen neljään kategoriaan. Kategorioiden välinen erottelu saavutetaan neljällä parametrilla, jotka kontrolloivat kanavaan pääsyä. Tämä työ tutkii yhtä näistä parametreistä, lähetysaikarajaa, joka kontrolloi lähetyksen kestoa. IEEE802.11e antaa referenssiarvoja parametreille, mutta näillä arvoilla verkon kuormituksen lisääntyessä, alemman prioriteetin liikenne kärsii nopeasti. Hyvin pian kuormituksen lisääntyessä alemman prioriteetin liikenne ei pääse verkosta läpi lainkaan. Tällöin myös verkon reiluus on matala. Reiluuden parantamiseksi, häiritsemättä korkean prioriteetin liikennettä, tämä työ tutkii ison lähetysaikarajan käyttöä. Ensimmäisessä simulaatiosarjassa alemman prioriteetin lähetysaikaraja on ääretön. Tämä tarkoitta sitä, että alemman prioriteetin jono voi lähettää kaikki pakettinsa kun se pääsee lähettämään. Tulokset osoittavat, että ääretön lähetysaikaraja parantaa reiluutta kun kanava on kuormittumassa. Tulokset osoittavat myös, että ääretön lähetysaikaraja ei merkittävästi heikennä korkean prioriteetin liikennettä. Toinen simulaatiosarja keskittyy sellaiseen verkon kuormitustilaan, missä äärettömän lähetysaikarajan vaikutus on suurin. Näissä simulaatioissa lähetysaikarajan arvo on staattinen. Simulaatiosta toiseen lähetysaikarajan arvo muutetaan toiseen arvoon väliltä nolla-suurin sallittu arvo. Tulokset näistä simulaatioista ovat hyvin samanlaiset kuin ensimmäisen simulaatiosarjan tulokset.This thesis investigates the effect of transmission opportunity limit on fairness in IEEE802.11e enhanced distributed channel access. IEEE802.11e brings quality of service features into IEEE802.11 wireless local area networks. In stations operating with IEEE802.11e, traffic is divided into categories. Differentiation between these categories is achieved by using four parameters to control the channel access. This thesis investigates one of these parameters, the transmission opportunity limit, which controls the channel access duration. With the reference parameter values given in IEEE802.11e, as the network congestion level increases, low priority traffic suffers quickly to a point where none of it gets transmitted. This makes the network overall fairness poor. To improve fairness while not disturbing high priority traffic, this thesis investigates the use of large transmission opportunity limit values. In the first set of simulations, the low priority traffic transmission opportunity limit values are set to infinite. This means that the low priority queue can send all its packets when it gains access to the channel. The results show that infinite transmission opportunity limit improves fairness when channel is getting congested. Also infinite transmission opportunity limit does not notably weaken high priority traffic performance. Second set of simulations focuses on the network congestion level where the effect of the infinite transmission opportunity limit is the largest. In these simulations the transmission opportunity limit is set to static value ranging from zero to a maximum allowed value. The results from these simulations are similar to the results of the first simulation set

    Advanced Wireless LAN

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    The past two decades have witnessed starling advances in wireless LAN technologies that were stimulated by its increasing popularity in the home due to ease of installation, and in commercial complexes offering wireless access to their customers. This book presents some of the latest development status of wireless LAN, covering the topics on physical layer, MAC layer, QoS and systems. It provides an opportunity for both practitioners and researchers to explore the problems that arise in the rapidly developed technologies in wireless LAN

    Improving the QoS of IEEE 802.11e networks through imprecise computation

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    IEEE 802.11e HCCA reference scheduler is based on fixed value parameters that do not adapt to traffic changes, thus quality of service (QoS) for multimedia applications is a challenge, especially in the case of variable bit rate (VBR) streams, that requires dynamic resource assignment. This paper is focused on immediate dynamic TXOP HCCA (IDTH) scheduling algorithm and its new evolution immediate dynamic TXOP HCCA plus (IDTH+). Their reclaiming mechanisms, refined by the monitoring of transmission duration, aim at overcoming the limits of fixed preallocation of resources by varying the stations transmission time and avoiding waste of resources. Simulations and theoretical analysis based on the imprecise computation model show that the integration of IDTH and IDTH+ can achieve improved network performance in terms of transmission queues length, mean access delay and packets drop rate, and to efficiently manage bursty traffic. Moreover, the performance improvements of IDTH+ with respect to IDTH are highlighted