19 research outputs found

    Proposal for Characterization of 3DTV Video Sequences Describing Parallax Information

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    Recommendations such as P.910 suggests parameters TI (temporal information) and SI (spatial information) for characterizing video sequences for quality assessment. In this paper, we suggest two additional parameter based on disparity called SPI (spatial parallax information) and TPI (temporal parallax information) to characterize 3DTV video sequences for this purpose

    Methods for Light Field Display Profiling and Scalable Super-Multiview Video Coding

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    Light field 3D displays reproduce the light field of real or synthetic scenes, as observed by multiple viewers, without the necessity of wearing 3D glasses. Reproducing light fields is a technically challenging task in terms of optical setup, content creation, distributed rendering, among others; however, the impressive visual quality of hologramlike scenes, in full color, with real-time frame rates, and over a very wide field of view justifies the complexity involved. Seeing objects popping far out from the screen plane without glasses impresses even those viewers who have experienced other 3D displays before.Content for these displays can either be synthetic or real. The creation of synthetic (rendered) content is relatively well understood and used in practice. Depending on the technique used, rendering has its own complexities, quite similar to the complexity of rendering techniques for 2D displays. While rendering can be used in many use-cases, the holy grail of all 3D display technologies is to become the future 3DTVs, ending up in each living room and showing realistic 3D content without glasses. Capturing, transmitting, and rendering live scenes as light fields is extremely challenging, and it is necessary if we are about to experience light field 3D television showing real people and natural scenes, or realistic 3D video conferencing with real eye-contact.In order to provide the required realism, light field displays aim to provide a wide field of view (up to 180°), while reproducing up to ~80 MPixels nowadays. Building gigapixel light field displays is realistic in the next few years. Likewise, capturing live light fields involves using many synchronized cameras that cover the same display wide field of view and provide the same high pixel count. Therefore, light field capture and content creation has to be well optimized with respect to the targeted display technologies. Two major challenges in this process are addressed in this dissertation.The first challenge is how to characterize the display in terms of its capabilities to create light fields, that is how to profile the display in question. In clearer terms this boils down to finding the equivalent spatial resolution, which is similar to the screen resolution of 2D displays, and angular resolution, which describes the smallest angle, the color of which the display can control individually. Light field is formalized as 4D approximation of the plenoptic function in terms of geometrical optics through spatiallylocalized and angularly-directed light rays in the so-called ray space. Plenoptic Sampling Theory provides the required conditions to sample and reconstruct light fields. Subsequently, light field displays can be characterized in the Fourier domain by the effective display bandwidth they support. In the thesis, a methodology for displayspecific light field analysis is proposed. It regards the display as a signal processing channel and analyses it as such in spectral domain. As a result, one is able to derive the display throughput (i.e. the display bandwidth) and, subsequently, the optimal camera configuration to efficiently capture and filter light fields before displaying them.While the geometrical topology of optical light sources in projection-based light field displays can be used to theoretically derive display bandwidth, and its spatial and angular resolution, in many cases this topology is not available to the user. Furthermore, there are many implementation details which cause the display to deviate from its theoretical model. In such cases, profiling light field displays in terms of spatial and angular resolution has to be done by measurements. Measurement methods that involve the display showing specific test patterns, which are then captured by a single static or moving camera, are proposed in the thesis. Determining the effective spatial and angular resolution of a light field display is then based on an automated analysis of the captured images, as they are reproduced by the display, in the frequency domain. The analysis reveals the empirical limits of the display in terms of pass-band both in the spatial and angular dimension. Furthermore, the spatial resolution measurements are validated by subjective tests confirming that the results are in line with the smallest features human observers can perceive on the same display. The resolution values obtained can be used to design the optimal capture setup for the display in question.The second challenge is related with the massive number of views and pixels captured that have to be transmitted to the display. It clearly requires effective and efficient compression techniques to fit in the bandwidth available, as an uncompressed representation of such a super-multiview video could easily consume ~20 gigabits per second with today’s displays. Due to the high number of light rays to be captured, transmitted and rendered, distributed systems are necessary for both capturing and rendering the light field. During the first attempts to implement real-time light field capturing, transmission and rendering using a brute force approach, limitations became apparent. Still, due to the best possible image quality achievable with dense multi-camera light field capturing and light ray interpolation, this approach was chosen as the basis of further work, despite the massive amount of bandwidth needed. Decompression of all camera images in all rendering nodes, however, is prohibitively time consuming and is not scalable. After analyzing the light field interpolation process and the data-access patterns typical in a distributed light field rendering system, an approach to reduce the amount of data required in the rendering nodes has been proposed. This approach, on the other hand, requires rectangular parts (typically vertical bars in case of a Horizontal Parallax Only light field display) of the captured images to be available in the rendering nodes, which might be exploited to reduce the time spent with decompression of video streams. However, partial decoding is not readily supported by common image / video codecs. In the thesis, approaches aimed at achieving partial decoding are proposed for H.264, HEVC, JPEG and JPEG2000 and the results are compared.The results of the thesis on display profiling facilitate the design of optimal camera setups for capturing scenes to be reproduced on 3D light field displays. The developed super-multiview content encoding also facilitates light field rendering in real-time. This makes live light field transmission and real-time teleconferencing possible in a scalable way, using any number of cameras, and at the spatial and angular resolution the display actually needs for achieving a compelling visual experience

    Compression and Subjective Quality Assessment of 3D Video

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    In recent years, three-dimensional television (3D TV) has been broadly considered as the successor to the existing traditional two-dimensional television (2D TV) sets. With its capability of offering a dynamic and immersive experience, 3D video (3DV) is expected to expand conventional video in several applications in the near future. However, 3D content requires more than a single view to deliver the depth sensation to the viewers and this, inevitably, increases the bitrate compared to the corresponding 2D content. This need drives the research trend in video compression field towards more advanced and more efficient algorithms. Currently, the Advanced Video Coding (H.264/AVC) is the state-of-the-art video coding standard which has been developed by the Joint Video Team of ISO/IEC MPEG and ITU-T VCEG. This codec has been widely adopted in various applications and products such as TV broadcasting, video conferencing, mobile TV, and blue-ray disc. One important extension of H.264/AVC, namely Multiview Video Coding (MVC) was an attempt to multiple view compression by taking into consideration the inter-view dependency between different views of the same scene. This codec H.264/AVC with its MVC extension (H.264/MVC) can be used for encoding either conventional stereoscopic video, including only two views, or multiview video, including more than two views. In spite of the high performance of H.264/MVC, a typical multiview video sequence requires a huge amount of storage space, which is proportional to the number of offered views. The available views are still limited and the research has been devoted to synthesizing an arbitrary number of views using the multiview video and depth map (MVD). This process is mandatory for auto-stereoscopic displays (ASDs) where many views are required at the viewer side and there is no way to transmit such a relatively huge number of views with currently available broadcasting technology. Therefore, to satisfy the growing hunger for 3D related applications, it is mandatory to further decrease the bitstream by introducing new and more efficient algorithms for compressing multiview video and depth maps. This thesis tackles the 3D content compression targeting different formats i.e. stereoscopic video and depth-enhanced multiview video. Stereoscopic video compression algorithms introduced in this thesis mostly focus on proposing different types of asymmetry between the left and right views. This means reducing the quality of one view compared to the other view aiming to achieve a better subjective quality against the symmetric case (the reference) and under the same bitrate constraint. The proposed algorithms to optimize depth-enhanced multiview video compression include both texture compression schemes as well as depth map coding tools. Some of the introduced coding schemes proposed for this format include asymmetric quality between the views. Knowing that objective metrics are not able to accurately estimate the subjective quality of stereoscopic content, it is suggested to perform subjective quality assessment to evaluate different codecs. Moreover, when the concept of asymmetry is introduced, the Human Visual System (HVS) performs a fusion process which is not completely understood. Therefore, another important aspect of this thesis is conducting several subjective tests and reporting the subjective ratings to evaluate the perceived quality of the proposed coded content against the references. Statistical analysis is carried out in the thesis to assess the validity of the subjective ratings and determine the best performing test cases

    Quality of Experience in Immersive Video Technologies

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    Over the last decades, several technological revolutions have impacted the television industry, such as the shifts from black & white to color and from standard to high-definition. Nevertheless, further considerable improvements can still be achieved to provide a better multimedia experience, for example with ultra-high-definition, high dynamic range & wide color gamut, or 3D. These so-called immersive technologies aim at providing better, more realistic, and emotionally stronger experiences. To measure quality of experience (QoE), subjective evaluation is the ultimate means since it relies on a pool of human subjects. However, reliable and meaningful results can only be obtained if experiments are properly designed and conducted following a strict methodology. In this thesis, we build a rigorous framework for subjective evaluation of new types of image and video content. We propose different procedures and analysis tools for measuring QoE in immersive technologies. As immersive technologies capture more information than conventional technologies, they have the ability to provide more details, enhanced depth perception, as well as better color, contrast, and brightness. To measure the impact of immersive technologies on the viewersĂą QoE, we apply the proposed framework for designing experiments and analyzing collected subjectsĂą ratings. We also analyze eye movements to study human visual attention during immersive content playback. Since immersive content carries more information than conventional content, efficient compression algorithms are needed for storage and transmission using existing infrastructures. To determine the required bandwidth for high-quality transmission of immersive content, we use the proposed framework to conduct meticulous evaluations of recent image and video codecs in the context of immersive technologies. Subjective evaluation is time consuming, expensive, and is not always feasible. Consequently, researchers have developed objective metrics to automatically predict quality. To measure the performance of objective metrics in assessing immersive content quality, we perform several in-depth benchmarks of state-of-the-art and commonly used objective metrics. For this aim, we use ground truth quality scores, which are collected under our subjective evaluation framework. To improve QoE, we propose different systems for stereoscopic and autostereoscopic 3D displays in particular. The proposed systems can help reducing the artifacts generated at the visualization stage, which impact picture quality, depth quality, and visual comfort. To demonstrate the effectiveness of these systems, we use the proposed framework to measure viewersĂą preference between these systems and standard 2D & 3D modes. In summary, this thesis tackles the problems of measuring, predicting, and improving QoE in immersive technologies. To address these problems, we build a rigorous framework and we apply it through several in-depth investigations. We put essential concepts of multimedia QoE under this framework. These concepts not only are of fundamental nature, but also have shown their impact in very practical applications. In particular, the JPEG, MPEG, and VCEG standardization bodies have adopted these concepts to select technologies that were proposed for standardization and to validate the resulting standards in terms of compression efficiency

    Open Profiling of Quality: A Mixed Methods Research Approach for Audiovisual Quality Evaluations

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    Den Anforderungen der Konsumenten gerecht zu werden und ihnen eine immer besser werdende Quality of Experience zu bieten, ist eine der großen Herausforderungen jeder Neuentwicklung im Bereich der Multimediasysteme. Doch proportional zur technischen KomplexitĂ€t neuer Systeme, in denen Komponenten unterschiedlicher Technologien zu neuen System wie zum Beispiel mobilem 3D-Fernsehen verschmolzen werden, steigt auch die Frage, wie eine optimierte Quality of Experience eigentlich zu erreichen ist. Daher werden seit langer Zeit Nutzertests zur subjektiven QualitĂ€tsbewertung durchgefĂŒhrt. Deren Ziel ĂŒber den gesamten Entwcklungsprozesses ist es, die kritischen Komponenten des Systems mit so wenig wie möglich wahrnehmbarem Einfluss auf diewahrgenommene QualitĂ€t des Nutzers zu optimieren. Bereits seit den 1970er Jahren werden hierfĂŒr LeitfĂ€den verschiedener Standardisierungsgremien zur VerfĂŒgung gestellt, in denen unterschiedliche Evaluationsmethoden definiert sind, um die wahrgenommene GesamtqualitĂ€t des Systems mit Hilfe von Skalen quantitativ evaluieren zu können. Aktuelle AnsĂ€tze erweitern diese klassische Methoden um Sichtweise, die ĂŒber die klassische Evaluation hedonistischer GesamtqualitĂ€t hinausgehen, um das Wissen ĂŒber individuell zugrundeliegende QualitĂ€tsfaktoren zu erweitern.Die vorliegende Dissertation verfolgt dabei zwei Ziele. Zum einen soll eine audiovisuelle Evaluationsmethode entwickelt werden, die eine kombinierte Analyse quantitativer und qualitativer Daten ermöglicht, um eine VerknĂŒpfung hedonistischer QualitĂ€t und zugrundeliegender QualitĂ€tsfaktoren zu ermöglichen. Weiter soll diese Methode innerhalb des Gebiets der mobiler 3DTV-Systeme erprobt und validiert werden.Open Profiling of Quality (OPQ) als Evaluationsmethode kombiniert quantitative Evaluation wahrgenommener GesamtqualitĂ€t und deskriptive, sensorische Analyse zur Erhebung individueller QualitĂ€tsfaktoren. Die Methode ist fĂŒr Erhebungen mit naiven Probanden geeignet. OPQ wurde unter besonderer Beachtung von ValiditĂ€t und ReliabilitĂ€t in einem konstruktivem Ansatz entwickelt und in einer Folge von Studien wĂ€hrend der Entwicklung eines mobilem 3DTV-Systems mit ĂŒber 300 Probanden angewendet. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studien unterstreichen die sich ergĂ€nzenden Ergebnisse quantitativer und sensorischer Analysen.Neben der Entwicklung von OPQ werden in der vorliegenden Arbeit weitere AnsĂ€tze sensorischer Analyse prĂ€sentiert und miteinander verglichen. Gerade dieser Vergleich ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil der Validierung der OPQ-Methode. Um die StĂ€rken und SchwĂ€chen jeder Methode ganzheitlich erfassen und vergleichen zu können, wurde hierfĂŒr ein Methodenvergleichsmodell entwickelt und operationalisiert, das den methodischen Beitrag der Arbeit vervollstĂ€ndigtTo meet the requirements of consumers and to provide them with a greater quality of experience than existing systems do is a key issue for the success of modern multimedia systems. However, the question about an optimized quality of experience becomes more and more complex as technological systems are evolving and several systems are merged into new ones, e.g. systems for mobile 3D television and video. To be able to optimize critical components of a system under development with as little perceptual errors as possible, user studies are conducted throughout the whole process. A variety of research methods for different purposes have been provided by standardization bodies since the 1970s. These methods allow researchers to evaluate the hedonic excellence of a set of test stimuli. However, a broader view to quality has been taken recently to be able to evaluate quality beyond its hedonic excellence to obtain a greater knowledge about perceived quality and its subjective quality factors that impact on the user.The goal of this thesis is twofold. The primary goal is the development of a validated mixed methods research approach for audiovisual quality evaluations. The method shall allow collecting quantitative and descriptive data during the experiment to combine evaluation of hedonic excellence and the elicitation of underlying subjective quality factors. The second goal is the application of the developed method within a series of studies in the domain of mobile 3D video and television to show its applicability.Open Profiling of Quality (OPQ) is a mixed-methods research approach which combines a quantitative, psychoperceptual evaluation of hedonic excellence and a descriptive sensory analysis of underlying quality factors based on naive participants' individual vocabulary. This combination allows defining the excellence of overall quality, understanding the characteristics of quality perception, and, eventually, constructing a link between preferences and quality attributes. The method was developed under constructive research with respect to validity and reliability of test results. A series of quality evaluation studies with more than 300 test participants was conducted along different critical components of a system for optimized mobile 3DTV content delivery over DVB-H.The results complemented each other, and, even more importantly, quantitative quality preferences were explained by sensory descriptions in all studies. Beyond the development of OPQ, the thesis proposes further research approaches, e.g. a conventional profiling in which OPQ's individual vacobulary is substituted by a fixed set of Quality ofExperience components or Descriptive Sorted Napping which combines a sorting task and a short post-task interview. All approaches are compared to Open ProVling of Quality at the end of the thesis. To be able to holistically contrast strengths and weaknesses of each method, a comparison model for audiovisual evaluation methods was developed and a Vrst conceptual operationalization of the model was applied in the comparison

    Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference Proceedings 2017

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    Crosstalk in stereoscopic displays

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    Crosstalk is an important image quality attribute of stereoscopic 3D displays. The research presented in this thesis examines the presence, mechanisms, simulation, and reduction of crosstalk for a selection of stereoscopic display technologies. High levels of crosstalk degrade the perceived quality of stereoscopic displays hence it is important to minimise crosstalk. This thesis provides new insights which are critical to a detailed understanding of crosstalk and consequently to the development of effective crosstalk reduction techniques

    Augmented Reality and Its Application

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    Augmented Reality (AR) is a discipline that includes the interactive experience of a real-world environment, in which real-world objects and elements are enhanced using computer perceptual information. It has many potential applications in education, medicine, and engineering, among other fields. This book explores these potential uses, presenting case studies and investigations of AR for vocational training, emergency response, interior design, architecture, and much more

    Material Visualisation for Virtual Reality: The Perceptual Investigations

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    Material representation plays a significant role in design visualisation and evaluation. On one hand, the simulated material properties determine the appearance of product prototypes in digitally rendered scenes. On the other hand, those properties are perceived by the viewers in order to make important design decisions. As an approach to simulate a more realistic environment, Virtual Reality (VR) provides users a vivid impression of depth and embodies them into an immersive environment. However, the scientific understanding of material perception and its applications in VR is still fairly limited. This leads to this thesis’s research question on whether the material perception in VR is different from that in traditional 2D displays, as well as the potential of using VR as a design tool to facilitate material evaluation.       This thesis is initiated from studying the perceptual difference of rendered materials between VR and traditional 2D viewing modes. Firstly, through a pilot study, it is confirmed that users have different perceptual experiences of the same material in the two viewing modes. Following that initial finding, the research investigates in more details the perceptual difference with psychophysics methods, which help in quantifying the users’ perceptual responses. Using the perceptual scale as a measuring means, the research analyses the users’ judgment and recognition of the material properties under VR and traditional 2D display environments. In addition, the research also elicits the perceptual evaluation criteria to analyse the emotional aspects of materials. The six perceptual criteria are in semantic forms, including rigidity, formality, fineness, softness, modernity, and irregularity.       The results showed that VR could support users in making a more refined judgment of material properties. That is to say, the users perceive better the minute changes of material properties under immersive viewing conditions. In terms of emotional aspects, VR is advantageous in signifying the effects induced by visual textures, while the 2D viewing mode is more effective for expressing the characteristics of plain surfaces. This thesis has contributed to the deeper understanding of users’ perception of material appearances in Virtual Reality, which is critical in achieving an effective design visualisation using such a display medium