1,637 research outputs found

    Implementation and evaluation of a simulation system based on particle swarm optimisation for node placement problem in wireless mesh networks

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    With the fast development of wireless technologies, wireless mesh networks (WMNs) are becoming an important networking infrastructure due to their low cost and increased high speed wireless internet connectivity. This paper implements a simulation system based on particle swarm optimisation (PSO) in order to solve the problem of mesh router placement in WMNs. Four replacement methods of mesh routers are considered: constriction method (CM), random inertia weight method (RIWM), linearly decreasing Vmax method (LDVM) and linearly decreasing inertia weight method (LDIWM). Simulation results are provided, showing that the CM converges very fast, but has the worst performance among the methods. The considered performance metrics are the size of giant component (SGC) and the number of covered mesh clients (NCMC). The RIWM converges fast and the performance is good. The LDIWM is a combination of RIWM and LDVM. The LDVM converges after 170 number of phases but has a good performance.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Investigation of fitness function weight-coefficients for optimization in WMN-PSO simulation system

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    (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.With the fast development of wireless technologies, Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) are becoming an important networking infrastructure due to their low cost and increased high speed wireless Internet connectivity. In our previous work, we implemented a simulation system based on Particle Swam Optimization for solving node placement problem in wireless mesh networks, called WMN-PSO. In this paper, we use Size of Giant Component (SGC) and Number of Covered Mesh Clients (NCMC) as metrics for optimization. Then, we analyze effects of weight-coefficients for SGC and NCMC. From the simulation results, we found that the best values of the weight-coefficients for SGC and NCMC are 0.7 and 0.3, respectively.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Node placement in Wireless Mesh Networks: a comparison study of WMN-SA and WMN-PSO simulation systems

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    (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.With the fast development of wireless technologies, Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) are becoming an important networking infrastructure due to their low cost and increased high speed wireless Internet connectivity. In our previous work, we implemented a simulation system based on Simulated Annealing (SA) for solving node placement problem in wireless mesh networks, called WMN-SA. Also, we implemented a Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) based simulation system, called WMN-PSO. In this paper, we compare two systems considering calculation time. From the simulation results, when the area size is 32 × 32 and 64 × 64, WMN-SA is better than WMN-PSO. When the area size is 128 × 128, WMN-SA performs better than WMN-PSO. However, WMN-SA needs more calculation time than WMN-PSO.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Towards LoRa mesh networks for the IoT

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    There are several LPWAN radio technologies providing wireless communication to the billions of connected devices that form the so-called IoT. Among them, LoRa has emerged in recent years as a popular solution for low power embedded devices to transmit data at long distances on a reduced energy budget. Most often, LoRa is used as the physical layer of LoRaWAN, an open standard that defines a MAC layer and specifies the star-of-stars topology, operation, roles and mechanisms for an integrated, full-stack IoT architecture. Nowadays, millions of devices use LoRaWAN networks in all sorts of agriculture, smart cities and buildings, industry, logistics and utilities scenarios. Despite its success in all sorts of IoT domains and environments, there are still use cases that would benefit from more flexible network topologies than LoRaWAN's star-of-stars. For instance, in scenarios where the deployment and operation of the backbone network infrastructure is technically or economically challenging, a more flexible model may improve certain performance metrics. As a first major contribution, this thesis investigates the effects of adding multi-hop capability to LoRaWAN, by means of the realistic use case of a communication system based on this architecture that provides a coordinated response in the aftermath of natural disasters like an earthquake. The capacity of end nodes to forward packets and perform multi-hop transmissions is explored, as a strategy to overcome gateway infrastructure failures, and analyzed for challenges, benefits and drawbacks in a massive system with thousands of devices. LoRa is also used as a stand-alone radio technology, independently from the LoRaWAN architecture. Its CSS modulation offers many advantages in LPWANs for IoT deployments. In particular, its different SFs available determine a trade-off between transmission time (i.e., data rate) and sensitivity (i.e., distance reach), and also generate quasi-orthogonal signals that can be demodulated concurrently by different receivers. The second major contribution of this thesis is the design of a minimalistic distance-vector routing protocol for embedded IoT devices featuring a LoRa transceiver, and the proposal of a path cost calculation metric that takes advantage of the multi-SF capability to reduce end-to-end transmission time. The protocol is evaluated through simulation and compared with other well-known routing strategies, analyzing and discussing its suitability for heterogeneous IoT LoRa mesh networks.Hi ha diverses tecnologies de ràdio LPWAN que proporcionen comunicació sense fils als milers de milions de dispositius connectats que conformen l'anomenada IoT. D'entre elles, LoRa ha emergit en els darrers anys com una solució popular per a què dispositius encastats amb pocs recursos transmetin dades a llargues distàncies amb un cost energètic reduït. Tot sovint, LoRa s'empra com la capa física de LoRaWAN, un estàndard obert que defineix una capa MAC i que especifica la topologia en estrella d'estrelles, l'operació, els rols i els mecanismes per implementar una arquitectura de la IoT integrada. A dia d'avui, milions de dispositius fan servir xarxes LoRaWAN en escenaris d'agricultura, edificis i ciutats intel·ligents, indústria, logística i subministraments. Malgrat el seu èxit en tot tipus d'entorns i àmbits de la IoT, encara romanen casos d'ús que es beneficiarien de topologies de xarxa més flexibles que l'estrella d'estrelles de LoRaWAN. Per exemple, en escenaris on el desplegament i l'operació de la infraestructura troncal de xarxa és tècnicament o econòmica inviable, una topologia més flexible podria millorar certs aspectes del rendiment. Com a primera contribució principal, en aquesta tesi s'investiguen els efectes d'afegir capacitat de transmissió multi-salt a LoRaWAN, mitjançant el cas d'ús realista d'un sistema de comunicació, basat en aquesta arquitectura, per proporcionar una resposta coordinada en els moments posteriors a desastres naturals, tals com un terratrèmol. En concret, s'explora l'estratègia d'afegir la capacitat de reenviar paquets als nodes finals per tal d'eludir les fallades en la infraestructura, i se n'analitzen els reptes, beneficis i inconvenients per a un sistema massiu amb milers de dispositius LoRa s'empra també com a tecnologia de ràdio de forma autònoma, independentment de l'arquitectura LoRaWAN. La seva modulació CSS li confereix molts avantatges en xarxes LPWAN per a desplegaments de la IoT. En particular, els diferents SFs disponibles hi determinen un compromís entre la durada de les transmissions (i.e., la taxa de dades) i la sensibilitat en la recepció (i.e., l'abast en distància), alhora que generen senyals quasi-ortogonals que poden ser desmodulades de forma concurrent per receptors diferents. La segona contribució principal d'aquesta tesi és el disseny d'un protocol d'encaminament dinàmic vector-distància per a dispositius de la IoT encastats amb un transceptor LoRa, i la proposta d'una mètrica per calcular el cost d'un camí que aprofita la capacitat multi-SF per minimitzar el temps de transmissió d'extrem a extrem. El protocol és avaluat mitjançant simulacions i comparat amb altres estratègies d'encaminament conegudes, analitzant la seva conveniència per a xarxes LoRa mallades per a la IoT.Existen varias tecnologías de radio LPWAN que proporcionan comunicación inalámbrica a los miles de millones de dispositivos conectados que forman el llamado IoT. De entre ellas, LoRa ha emergido en los últimos años como una solución popular para que dispositivos embebidos con pocos recursos transmitan datos a largas distancias con un coste energético reducido. Habitualmente, LoRa se usa como la capa física de LoRaWAN, un estándar abierto que define una capa MAC y que especi_ca la topología en estrella de estrellas, la operación, los roles y los mecanismos para implantar una arquitectura del IoT integrada. A día de hoy, millones de dispositivos utilizan redes LoRaWAN en escenarios de agricultura, edificios y ciudades inteligentes, industria, logística y suministros. A pesar de su éxito en todo tipo de entornos y ámbitos del IoT, existen casos de uso que se beneficiaran de topologías de red más flexibles que la estrella de estrellas de LoRaWAN. Por ejemplo, en escenarios en los que el despliegue y la operación de la infraestructura troncal de red es técnica o económicamente inviable, una topología más flexible podrá mejorar ciertos aspectos del rendimiento. Como primera contribución principal, en esta tesis se investigan los efectos de añadir capacidad de transmisión multi-salto a LoRaWAN, mediante el caso de uso realista de un sistema de comunicación basado en dicha arquitectura, para proporcionar una respuesta coordinada en los momentos posteriores a desastres naturales, tales como un terremoto. En concreto, se explora la estrategia de añadir la capacidad de reenviar paquetes a los nodos finales para sortear las fallas en la infraestructura, y se analizan los retos, beneficios e inconvenientes para un sistema masivo con miles de dispositivos. LoRa se usa también como tecnología de radio de forma autónoma, independientemente de la arquitectura LoRaWAN. Su modulación CSS le confiere muchas ventajas en redes LPWAN para despliegues de IoT. En particular, los distintos SFs disponibles determinan un compromiso entre la duración de las transmisiones (i.e., la tasa de datos) y la sensibilidad en la recepción (i.e., el alcance en distancia), a la vez que generan señales cuasi-ortogonales que pueden ser desmoduladas de forma concurrente por receptores distintos. En segundo lugar, esta tesis contiene el diseño de un protocolo de enrutamiento dinámico vector-distancia para dispositivos Internet of Things (IoT) embebidos con un transceptor LoRa, y propone una métrica para calcular el coste de un camino que aprovecha la capacidad multi-SF para minimizar el tiempo de transmisión de extremo a extremo. El protocolo es evaluado y comparado con otras estrategias de enrutamiento conocidas, analizando su conveniencia para redes LoRa malladas para el IoT.Postprint (published version

    Connectivity sharing for wireless mesh networks

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    Tesi en modalitat de cotutela: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya i Katholieke Universiteit LeuvenInternet access is still unavailable to one-third of the world population due to the lack of infrastructure, high cost, and the digital divide. Many access-limited communities opt for shared Internet access where they build common network infrastructures to mitigate the cost. Internet connectivity in such infrastructures is typically provided by several limited, sometimes non-dedicated, gateways. Client nodes, i.e., the end-user hosts, use one gateway and switch to another when the first fails. In this scheme, the gateway configuration is done manually on the end-user side. This form of Internet connectivity is widespread and has the advantage that no central control is required, but it is also unreliable and inefficient due to several factors, such as unbalanced traffic load across the gateways. There is no doubt that the network would benefit from a gateway selection mechanism that can provide good connectivity to the client node as well as balanced load distribution and a dynamic adaptation to the current network state. However, providing such a dynamic gateway selection is complicated: since the perceived performance of the gateways changes frequently and might depend on the location of the client node in the network, and optimal selection would require the continuous monitoring of the gateway performance by the client node. The cost of such network-wide performance monitoring is high in large-scale networks and can outweigh the benefits of the dynamic gateway selection. The thesis's goal is to design a low-cost, distributed mechanism that provides an efficient and dynamic gateway selection while considering the overall balanced gateway selection distribution. To this end, we have split the problem of gateway selection into different sub-problems. First, we focus on reducing the cost of gateway performance monitoring. We propose an approach to reduce the number of monitoring requests generated by each node and analyze its effect on the gateway selection. Then, we present a collaborative monitoring method that allows neighbor nodes to share the load of the gateway monitoring. We show that every node can carry out the necessary tasks: performance monitoring, collaboration with its neighbors, and fault tolerance measures, with little computation and communication overhead. Second, to improve the gateway selection, we focus on making a selection decision that fulfills the individual performance requirements of the client nodes as well as global load balancing requirements. The solutions developed by us for the different sub-problems are embedded into a general and extensible, layered framework for gateway selection that we have called the Sense-Share-Select framework. Experimental validation and comparison with existing methods show that our framework provides accurate collaborative performance monitoring, improves the QoE for the nodes, and distributes the client nodes over the gateways in a balanced manner. The simplicity and flexibility of the framework make it adaptable to other network domains such as IoT networks and other scenarios where resource monitoring and load balancing are required.El acceso a Internet aún no está disponible para un tercio de la población mundial debido a la falta de infraestructuras, el alto costo y la brecha digital. Muchas comunidades con acceso limitado optan por el acceso compartido a Internet donde construyen infraestructuras de red comunitaria para mitigar el costo. La conectividad a Internet en dichas infraestructuras suele estar a cargo de varias puerta de enlaces limitadas en recursos, y a veces no dedicadas. Los nodos de cliente, es decir, los hosts de usuario final, utilizan una puerta de enlace y cambian a otra cuando falla la primera. En este esquema, la configuración de la puerta de enlace se realiza manualmente en el lado del usuario final. Esta forma de conectividad a Internet está muy extendida y tiene la ventaja de que no se requiere un control central, pero tampoco es confiable y eficiente debido a varios factores, como una carga desequilibrada de tráfico a través de las puertas de enlace. No hay duda de que la red se beneficiaría de un mecanismo de selección de pasarela que pueda proporcionar una buena conectividad al nodo cliente, así como una distribución equilibrada de la carga y una adaptación dinámica al estado actual de la red. Sin embargo, proporcionar una selección de puerta de enlace tan dinámica es complicado: dado que el rendimiento percibido de las puertas de enlace cambia con frecuencia y podría depender de la ubicación del nodo cliente en la red, y la selección óptima requeriría la supervisión continua del rendimiento de la puerta de enlace por parte del nodo cliente. El costo de dicha supervisión del rendimiento en toda la red es muy alto en redes de gran escala y puede superar los beneficios de la selección de puerta de enlace dinámica. El objetivo de la tesis es diseñar un mecanismo distribuido de bajo costo que proporcione una selección de puerta de enlace dinámica y eficiente al tiempo que considera la distribución general de selección de puerta de enlace equilibrada. Con este fin, hemos dividido el problema de la selección de la puerta de enlace en diferentes subproblemas. Primero, nos enfocamos en reducir el coste del monitoreo del rendimiento de la puerta de enlace. Proponemos un enfoque para reducir la cantidad de solicitudes de monitoreo generadas por cada nodo y analizar su efecto en la selección de la puerta de enlace. Luego, presentamos un método de monitoreo colaborativo que permite a los nodos vecinos compartir la carga del monitoreo de la puerta de enlace. Demostramos que cada nodo puede realizar las tareas necesarias: monitoreo del rendimiento, colaboración con sus vecinos y medidas de tolerancia a fallas, con poca sobrecarga de cómputo y comunicación. En segundo lugar, para mejorar la selección de la puerta de enlace, nos centramos en tomar una decisión de selección que cumpla con los requisitos de rendimiento individuales de los nodos del cliente, así como con los requisitos de equilibrio de carga global. Las soluciones desarrolladas por nosotros para los diferentes subproblemas están integradas en un marco general y extensible en capas para la selección de puertas de enlace que hemos llamado el marco Sense-Share-Select. La validación experimental y la comparación con los métodos existentes muestran que nuestro marco proporciona un monitoreo de rendimiento colaborativo preciso, mejora la QoE para los nodos y distribuye los nodos del cliente a través de las puertas de enlace de manera equilibrada. La simplicidad y flexibilidad del marco lo hacen adaptable a otros dominios de red, como las redes de IoT y otros escenarios donde se requiere monitoreo de recursos y equilibrio de carga.Postprint (published version

    Group Authentication Scheme for Neighbourhood Area Networks(NANs) In Smart Grids

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    A Neighbourhood Area Network is a functional component of the Smart Grid that interconnects the end user domain with the Energy Services Provider (ESP) domain. It forms the “edge” of the provider network, interconnecting homes instrumented with Smart Meters (SM) with the ESP. The SM is a dual interface, wireless communication device through which information is transacted across the user (a home) and ESP domains. The security risk to the ESP increases since the components within the home, interconnected to the ESP via the SM, are not managed by the ESP. Secure operation of the SM is a necessary requirement. The SM should be resilient to attacks, which might be targeted either directly or via the network in the home. This paper presents and discusses a security scheme for groups of SMs in a Neighbourhood Area Network that enable entire groups to authenticate themselves, rather than one at a time. The results show that a significant improvement in terms of resilience against node capture attacks, replay attacks, confidentiality, authentication for groups of SMs in a NAN that enable entire groups to authenticate themselves, rather than one at a time

    Security and Privacy Issues in Wireless Mesh Networks: A Survey

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    This book chapter identifies various security threats in wireless mesh network (WMN). Keeping in mind the critical requirement of security and user privacy in WMNs, this chapter provides a comprehensive overview of various possible attacks on different layers of the communication protocol stack for WMNs and their corresponding defense mechanisms. First, it identifies the security vulnerabilities in the physical, link, network, transport, application layers. Furthermore, various possible attacks on the key management protocols, user authentication and access control protocols, and user privacy preservation protocols are presented. After enumerating various possible attacks, the chapter provides a detailed discussion on various existing security mechanisms and protocols to defend against and wherever possible prevent the possible attacks. Comparative analyses are also presented on the security schemes with regards to the cryptographic schemes used, key management strategies deployed, use of any trusted third party, computation and communication overhead involved etc. The chapter then presents a brief discussion on various trust management approaches for WMNs since trust and reputation-based schemes are increasingly becoming popular for enforcing security in wireless networks. A number of open problems in security and privacy issues for WMNs are subsequently discussed before the chapter is finally concluded.Comment: 62 pages, 12 figures, 6 tables. This chapter is an extension of the author's previous submission in arXiv submission: arXiv:1102.1226. There are some text overlaps with the previous submissio

    Models and Protocols for Resource Optimization in Wireless Mesh Networks

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    Wireless mesh networks are built on a mix of fixed and mobile nodes interconnected via wireless links to form a multihop ad hoc network. An emerging application area for wireless mesh networks is their evolution into a converged infrastructure used to share and extend, to mobile users, the wireless Internet connectivity of sparsely deployed fixed lines with heterogeneous capacity, ranging from ISP-owned broadband links to subscriber owned low-speed connections. In this thesis we address different key research issues for this networking scenario. First, we propose an analytical predictive tool, developing a queuing network model capable of predicting the network capacity and we use it in a load aware routing protocol in order to provide, to the end users, a quality of service based on the throughput. We then extend the queuing network model and introduce a multi-class queuing network model to predict analytically the average end-to-end packet delay of the traffic flows among the mobile end users and the Internet. The analytical models are validated against simulation. Second, we propose an address auto-configuration solution to extend the coverage of a wireless mesh network by interconnecting it to a mobile ad hoc network in a transparent way for the infrastructure network (i.e., the legacy Internet interconnected to the wireless mesh network). Third, we implement two real testbed prototypes of the proposed solutions as a proof-of-concept, both for the load aware routing protocol and the auto-configuration protocol. Finally we discuss the issues related to the adoption of ad hoc networking technologies to address the fragility of our communication infrastructure and to build the next generation of dependable, secure and rapidly deployable communications infrastructures