304 research outputs found

    Attestation Mechanisms for Trusted Execution Environments Demystified

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    Attestation is a fundamental building block to establish trust over software systems. When used in conjunction with trusted execution environments, it guarantees the genuineness of the code executed against powerful attackers and threats, paving the way for adoption in several sensitive application domains. This paper reviews remote attestation principles and explains how the modern and industrially well-established trusted execution environments Intel SGX, Arm TrustZone and AMD SEV, as well as emerging RISC-V solutions, leverage these mechanisms.Comment: This publication incorporates results from the VEDLIoT project, which received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 957197. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2204.0679

    Trust enhanced security in SaaS cloud computing

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    Trust problem in Software as a Service Cloud Computing is a broad range of a Data Owner’s concerns about the data in the Cloud. The Data Owner’s concerns about the data arise from the way the data is handled in locations and machines that are unknown to the Data Owner

    TREDIS – A Trusted Full-Fledged SGX-Enabled REDIS Solution

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    Currently, offloading storage and processing capacity to cloud servers is a growing trend among web-enabled services managing big datasets. This happens because high storage capacity and powerful processors are expensive, whilst cloud services provide cheaper, ongoing, elastic, and reliable solutions. The problem with this cloud-based out sourced solutions are that they are highly accessible through the Internet, which is good, but therefore can be considerably exposed to attacks, out of users’ control. By exploring subtle vulnerabilities present in cloud-enabled applications, management functions, op erating systems and hypervisors, an attacker may compromise the supported systems, thus compromising the privacy of sensitive user data hosted and managed in it. These attacks can be motivated by malicious purposes such as espionage, blackmail, identity theft, or harassment. A solution to this problem is processing data without exposing it to untrusted components, such as vulnerable OS components, which might be compromised by an attacker. In this thesis, we do a research on existent technologies capable of enabling appli cations to trusted environments, in order to adopt such approaches to our solution as a way to help deploy unmodified applications on top of Intel-SGX, with overheads com parable to applications designed to use this kind of technology, and also conducting an experimental evaluation to better understand how they impact our system. Thus, we present TREDIS - a Trusted Full-Fledged REDIS Key-Value Store solution, implemented as a full-fledged solution to be offered as a Trusted Cloud-enabled Platform as a Service, which includes the possibility to support a secure REDIS-cluster architecture supported by docker-virtualized services running in SGX-enabled instances, with operations run ning on always-encrypted in-memory datasets.A transição de suporte de aplicações com armazenamento e processamento em servidores cloud é uma tendência que tem vindo a aumentar, principalmente quando se precisam de gerir grandes conjuntos de dados. Comparativamente a soluções com licenciamento privado, as soluções de computação e armazenamento de dados em nuvens de serviços são capazes de oferecer opções mais baratas, de alta disponibilidade, elásticas e relativa mente confiáveis. Estas soluções fornecidas por terceiros são facilmente acessíveis através da Internet, sendo operadas em regime de outsourcing da sua operação, o que é bom, mas que por isso ficam consideravelmente expostos a ataques e fora do controle dos utiliza dores em relação às reais condições de confiabilidade, segurança e privacidade de dados. Ao explorar subtilmente vulnerabilidades presentes nas aplicações, funções de sistemas operativos (SOs), bibliotecas de virtualização de serviços de SOs ou hipervisores, um ata cante pode comprometer os sistemas e quebrar a privacidade de dados sensíveis. Estes ataques podem ser motivados por fins maliciosos como espionagem, chantagem, roubo de identidade ou assédio e podem ser desencadeados por intrusões (a partir de atacantes externos) ou por ações maliciosas ou incorretas de atacantes internos (podendo estes atuar com privilégios de administradores de sistemas). Uma solução para este problema passa por armazenar e processar a informação sem que existam exposições face a componentes não confiáveis. Nesta dissertação estudamos e avaliamos experimentalmente diversas tecnologias que permitem a execução de aplicações com isolamento em ambientes de execução confiá vel suportados em hardware Intel-SGX, de modo a perceber melhor como funcionam e como adaptá-las à nossa solução. Para isso, realizámos uma avaliação focada na utilização dessas tecnologias com virtualização em contentores isolados executando em hardware confiável, que usámos na concepção da nossa solução. Posto isto, apresentamos a nossa solução TREDIS - um sistema Key-Value Store confiável baseado em tecnologia REDIS, com garantias de integridade da execução e de privacidade de dados, concebida para ser usada como uma "Plataforma como Serviço"para gestão e armazenamento resiliente de dados na nuvem. Isto inclui a possibilidade de suportar uma arquitetura segura com garantias de resiliência semelhantes à arquitetura de replicação em cluster na solução original REDIS, mas em que os motores de execução de nós e a proteção de memória do cluster é baseado em contentores docker isolados e virtualizados em instâncias SGX, sendo os dados mantidos sempre cifrados em memória

    Remote attestation to ensure the security of future Internet of Things services

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) evolution is gradually reshaping the physical world into smart environments that involve a large number of interconnected resource-constrained devices which collect, process, and exchange enormous amount of (more or less) sensitive information. With the increasing number of interconnected IoT devices and their capabilities to control the environment, IoT systems are becoming a prominent target of sophisticated cyberattacks. To deal with the expanding attack surface, IoT systems require adequate security mechanisms to verify the reliability of IoT devices. Remote attestation protocols have recently gained wide attention in IoT systems as valuable security mechanisms that detect the adversarial presence and guarantee the legitimate state of IoT devices. Various attestation schemes have been proposed to optimize the effectiveness and efficiency of remote attestation protocols of a single IoT device or a group of IoT devices. Nevertheless, some cyber attacks remain undetected by current attestation methods, and attestation protocols still introduce non-negligible computational overheads for resource-constrained devices. This thesis presents the following new contributions in the area of remote attestation protocols that verify the trustworthiness of IoT devices. First, this thesis shows the limitations of existing attestation protocols against runtime attacks which, by compromising a device, may maliciously influence the operation of other genuine devices that interact with the compromised one. To detect such an attack, this thesis introduces the service perspective in remote attestation and presents a synchronous remote attestation protocol for distributed IoT services. Second, this thesis designs, implements and evaluates a novel remote attestation scheme that releases the constraint of synchronous interaction between devices and enables the attestation of asynchronous distributed IoT services. The proposed scheme also attests asynchronously a group of IoT devices, without interrupting the regular operations of all the devices at the same time. Third, this thesis proposes a new approach that aims to reduce the interruption time of the regular work that remote attestation introduces in an IoT device. This approach intends to decrease the computational overhead of attestation by allowing an IoT device to securely offload the attestation process to a cloud service, which then performs attestation independently on the cloud, on behalf of the IoT device

    Cyber-security for embedded systems: methodologies, techniques and tools

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    L'abstract è presente nell'allegato / the abstract is in the attachmen

    Advanced Remote Attestation Protocols for Embedded Systems

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    Small integrated computers, so-called embedded systems, have become a ubiquitous and indispensable part of our lives. Every day, we interact with a multitude of embedded systems. They are, for instance, integrated in home appliances, cars, planes, medical devices, or industrial systems. In many of these applications, embedded systems process privacy-sensitive data or perform safety-critical operations. Therefore, it is of high importance to ensure their secure and safe operation. However, recent attacks and security evaluations have shown that embedded systems frequently lack security and can often be compromised and misused with little effort. A promising technique to face the increasing amount of attacks on embedded systems is remote attestation. It enables a third party to verify the integrity of a remote device. Using remote attestation, attacks can be effectively detected, which allows to quickly respond to them and thus minimize potential damage. Today, almost all servers, desktop PCs, and notebooks have the required hardware and software to perform remote attestation. By contrast, a secure and efficient attestation of embedded systems is considerably harder to achieve, as embedded systems have to encounter several additional challenges. In this thesis, we tackle three main challenges in the attestation of embedded systems. First, we address the issue that low-end embedded devices typically lack the required hardware to perform a secure remote attestation. We present an attestation protocol that requires only minimal secure hardware, which makes our protocol applicable to many existing low-end embedded devices while providing high security guarantees. We demonstrate the practicality of our protocol in two applications, namely, verifying code updates in mesh networks and ensuring the safety and security of embedded systems in road vehicles. Second, we target the efficient attestation of multiple embedded devices that are connected in challenging network conditions. Previous attestation protocols are inefficient or even inapplicable when devices are mobile or lack continuous connectivity. We propose an attestation protocol that particularly targets the efficient attestation of many devices in highly dynamic and disruptive networks. Third, we consider a more powerful adversary who is able to physically tamper with the hardware of embedded systems. Existing attestation protocols that address physical attacks suffer from limited scalability and robustness. We present two protocols that are capable of verifying the software integrity as well as the hardware integrity of embedded devices in an efficient and robust way. Whereas the first protocol is optimized towards scalability, the second protocol aims at robustness and is additionally suited to be applied in autonomous networks. In summary, this thesis contributes to enhancing the security, efficiency, robustness, and applicability of remote attestation for embedded systems