191 research outputs found

    Resolution over Linear Equations and Multilinear Proofs

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    We develop and study the complexity of propositional proof systems of varying strength extending resolution by allowing it to operate with disjunctions of linear equations instead of clauses. We demonstrate polynomial-size refutations for hard tautologies like the pigeonhole principle, Tseitin graph tautologies and the clique-coloring tautologies in these proof systems. Using the (monotone) interpolation by a communication game technique we establish an exponential-size lower bound on refutations in a certain, considerably strong, fragment of resolution over linear equations, as well as a general polynomial upper bound on (non-monotone) interpolants in this fragment. We then apply these results to extend and improve previous results on multilinear proofs (over fields of characteristic 0), as studied in [RazTzameret06]. Specifically, we show the following: 1. Proofs operating with depth-3 multilinear formulas polynomially simulate a certain, considerably strong, fragment of resolution over linear equations. 2. Proofs operating with depth-3 multilinear formulas admit polynomial-size refutations of the pigeonhole principle and Tseitin graph tautologies. The former improve over a previous result that established small multilinear proofs only for the \emph{functional} pigeonhole principle. The latter are different than previous proofs, and apply to multilinear proofs of Tseitin mod p graph tautologies over any field of characteristic 0. We conclude by connecting resolution over linear equations with extensions of the cutting planes proof system.Comment: 44 page

    Extending SMTCoq, a Certified Checker for SMT (Extended Abstract)

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    This extended abstract reports on current progress of SMTCoq, a communication tool between the Coq proof assistant and external SAT and SMT solvers. Based on a checker for generic first-order certificates implemented and proved correct in Coq, SMTCoq offers facilities both to check external SAT and SMT answers and to improve Coq's automation using such solvers, in a safe way. Currently supporting the SAT solver zChaff, and the SMT solver veriT for the combination of the theories of congruence closure and linear integer arithmetic, SMTCoq is meant to be extendable with a reasonable amount of effort: we present work in progress to support the SMT solver CVC4 and the theory of bit vectors.Comment: In Proceedings HaTT 2016, arXiv:1606.0542

    Splitting Proofs for Interpolation

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    We study interpolant extraction from local first-order refutations. We present a new theoretical perspective on interpolation based on clearly separating the condition on logical strength of the formula from the requirement on the com- mon signature. This allows us to highlight the space of all interpolants that can be extracted from a refutation as a space of simple choices on how to split the refuta- tion into two parts. We use this new insight to develop an algorithm for extracting interpolants which are linear in the size of the input refutation and can be further optimized using metrics such as number of non-logical symbols or quantifiers. We implemented the new algorithm in first-order theorem prover VAMPIRE and evaluated it on a large number of examples coming from the first-order proving community. Our experiments give practical evidence that our work improves the state-of-the-art in first-order interpolation.Comment: 26th Conference on Automated Deduction, 201

    New Results on Cutting Plane Proofs for Horn Constraint Systems

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    In this paper, we investigate properties of cutting plane based refutations for a class of integer programs called Horn constraint systems (HCS). Briefly, a system of linear inequalities A * x >= b is called a Horn constraint system, if each entry in A belongs to the set {0,1,-1} and furthermore there is at most one positive entry per row. Our focus is on deriving refutations i.e., proofs of unsatisfiability of such programs using cutting planes as a proof system. We also look at several properties of these refutations. Horn constraint systems can be considered as a more general form of propositional Horn formulas, i.e., CNF formulas with at most one positive literal per clause. Cutting plane calculus (CP) is a well-known calculus for deciding the unsatisfiability of propositional CNF formulas and integer programs. Usually, CP consists of a pair of inference rules. These are called the addition rule (ADD) and the division rule (DIV). In this paper, we show that cutting plane calculus is still complete for Horn constraints when every intermediate constraint is required to be Horn. We also investigate the lengths of cutting plane proofs for Horn constraint systems

    Narrow Proofs May Be Maximally Long

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    We prove that there are 3-CNF formulas over n variables that can be refuted in resolution in width w but require resolution proofs of size n^Omega(w). This shows that the simple counting argument that any formula refutable in width w must have a proof in size n^O(w) is essentially tight. Moreover, our lower bound generalizes to polynomial calculus resolution (PCR) and Sherali-Adams, implying that the corresponding size upper bounds in terms of degree and rank are tight as well. Our results do not extend all the way to Lasserre, however, where the formulas we study have proofs of constant rank and size polynomial in both n and w

    Verified AIG Algorithms in ACL2

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    And-Inverter Graphs (AIGs) are a popular way to represent Boolean functions (like circuits). AIG simplification algorithms can dramatically reduce an AIG, and play an important role in modern hardware verification tools like equivalence checkers. In practice, these tricky algorithms are implemented with optimized C or C++ routines with no guarantee of correctness. Meanwhile, many interactive theorem provers can now employ SAT or SMT solvers to automatically solve finite goals, but no theorem prover makes use of these advanced, AIG-based approaches. We have developed two ways to represent AIGs within the ACL2 theorem prover. One representation, Hons-AIGs, is especially convenient to use and reason about. The other, Aignet, is the opposite; it is styled after modern AIG packages and allows for efficient algorithms. We have implemented functions for converting between these representations, random vector simulation, conversion to CNF, etc., and developed reasoning strategies for verifying these algorithms. Aside from these contributions towards verifying AIG algorithms, this work has an immediate, practical benefit for ACL2 users who are using GL to bit-blast finite ACL2 theorems: they can now optionally trust an off-the-shelf SAT solver to carry out the proof, instead of using the built-in BDD package. Looking to the future, it is a first step toward implementing verified AIG simplification algorithms that might further improve GL performance.Comment: In Proceedings ACL2 2013, arXiv:1304.712

    ADCL: Acceleration Driven Clause Learning for Constrained Horn Clauses

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    Constrained Horn Clauses (CHCs) are often used in automated program verification. Thus, techniques for (dis-)proving satisfiability of CHCs are a very active field of research. On the other hand, acceleration techniques for computing formulas that characterize the N-fold closure of loops have successfully been used for static program analysis. We show how to use acceleration to avoid repeated derivations with recursive CHCs in resolution proofs, which reduces the length of the proofs drastically. This idea gives rise to a novel calculus for (dis)proving satisfiability of CHCs, called Acceleration Driven Clause Learning (ADCL). We implemented this new calculus in our tool LoAT and evaluate it empirically in comparison to other state-of-the-art tools

    On the Relative Strength of Pebbling and Resolution

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    The last decade has seen a revival of interest in pebble games in the context of proof complexity. Pebbling has proven a useful tool for studying resolution-based proof systems when comparing the strength of different subsystems, showing bounds on proof space, and establishing size-space trade-offs. The typical approach has been to encode the pebble game played on a graph as a CNF formula and then argue that proofs of this formula must inherit (various aspects of) the pebbling properties of the underlying graph. Unfortunately, the reductions used here are not tight. To simulate resolution proofs by pebblings, the full strength of nondeterministic black-white pebbling is needed, whereas resolution is only known to be able to simulate deterministic black pebbling. To obtain strong results, one therefore needs to find specific graph families which either have essentially the same properties for black and black-white pebbling (not at all true in general) or which admit simulations of black-white pebblings in resolution. This paper contributes to both these approaches. First, we design a restricted form of black-white pebbling that can be simulated in resolution and show that there are graph families for which such restricted pebblings can be asymptotically better than black pebblings. This proves that, perhaps somewhat unexpectedly, resolution can strictly beat black-only pebbling, and in particular that the space lower bounds on pebbling formulas in [Ben-Sasson and Nordstrom 2008] are tight. Second, we present a versatile parametrized graph family with essentially the same properties for black and black-white pebbling, which gives sharp simultaneous trade-offs for black and black-white pebbling for various parameter settings. Both of our contributions have been instrumental in obtaining the time-space trade-off results for resolution-based proof systems in [Ben-Sasson and Nordstrom 2009].Comment: Full-length version of paper to appear in Proceedings of the 25th Annual IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity (CCC '10), June 201

    Small Proofs from Congruence Closure

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    Satisfiability Modulo Theory (SMT) solvers and equality saturation engines must generate proof certificates from e-graph-based congruence closure procedures to enable verification and conflict clause generation. Smaller proof certificates speed up these activities. Though the problem of generating proofs of minimal size is known to be NP-complete, existing proof minimization algorithms for congruence closure generate unnecessarily large proofs and introduce asymptotic overhead over the core congruence closure procedure. In this paper, we introduce an O(n^5) time algorithm which generates optimal proofs under a new relaxed "proof tree size" metric that directly bounds proof size. We then relax this approach further to a practical O(n \log(n)) greedy algorithm which generates small proofs with no asymptotic overhead. We implemented our techniques in the egg equality saturation toolkit, yielding the first certifying equality saturation engine. We show that our greedy approach in egg quickly generates substantially smaller proofs than the state-of-the-art Z3 SMT solver on a corpus of 3760 benchmarks