9,467 research outputs found

    Afterschool in Action: How Innovative Afterschool Programs Address Critical Issues Facing Middle School Youth

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    With support from MetLife Foundation, the Afterschool Alliance presents this compendium, containing a series of four issue briefs examining critical issues facing middle school youth, schools and communities, and the vital role afterschool programs play in addressing these issues. The four issue briefs featured in this publication address: the importance of aligning afterschool with the school day, bullying awareness and prevention, service-learning opportunities and literacy education. Each brief combines relevant statistics, comments from experts and community leaders, and examples of outstanding afterschool programs. The compendium also includes profiles of successful programs and a discussion of the MetLife Foundation Afterschool Innovator Award.The 2011 MetLife Foundation Afterschool Innovator Award winners are:Kids Rethink New Orleans Schools - New Orleans, LAHigher Achievement - Washington, D.C.Urban Arts/Project Phoenix - Oakland, CA21st Century PASOS - Gettysburg, PAAmerica SCORES - Chicago, I

    Experiential Learning for Children Aged 4-14: A Rapid Evidence Assessment

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    A rapid evidence assessment (REA) about experiential learning in education was undertaken to synthesise research concerning children aged 4-14. The REA investigated the effects that approaches to experiential learning had on children’s motivation, engagement, agency, wellbeing, and academic achievement. Database searches were carried out of the Education Resources Information Center (ERIC), the British Education Index, the Teacher Reference Center, the Education Database and APA PsycInfo to review peer-reviewed research studies published between 2013 and 2023. Studies were screened for their relevance, and the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT) was used to assess the methodological quality of relevant studies. 88 studies were included in the final analysis. Synthesis of the findings of the 88 research studies showed positive effects for experiential learning approaches related to children’s motivation, engagement, agency, wellbeing, and academic achievement. Key effects included strong evidence for the beneficial effect of experiential learning on children’s science and maths achievement, and the positive effect that experiential learning had on the engagement and motivation of children who are at-risk, have special educational needs, have behavioural or emotional difficulties, or who are otherwise struggling in formal education. The implications of the REA include the importance of embedding experiential learning within the curriculum, and of connecting it to the wider community

    Comparing middle school students\u27 learning and attitudes in face-to-face and online mathematics lessons

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    Online learning has become a staple within education for college students, and has started to enter high schools. While this instructional delivery system has been shown to work for older students, few studies have involved middle school students. If this trend toward online teaching of younger students continues, online learning could become a large part of education for middle school students, making research in this area important. Multiple positive and negative aspects have been identified for online learning. Positive characteristics include individualized pacing; electronic resources, and the opportunity for rapid or personalized feedback, while negative aspects address increased student responsibility and technological ability. Online communication may be viewed as an asset and detriment, depending upon the emotional needs of middle school students that differ from the older online student. This study examined sixth grade students\u27 academic performance in face-to-face and online mathematics units. Research participants included 46 sixth grade students attending a rural middle school in a Midwestern state. The counterbalanced, repeated measures study compared pretest and posttest scores on unit tests addressing mathematical content learned under two instructional conditions. Students alternated between online and face-to-face units, completing ten units during the school year. No statistically significant differences in overall student performance between the two conditions were found. A Two One-Sided T-Test indicated that student performance in the online and face-to-face learning in this study could be called equivalent. Students also responded to surveys in which they rated perceived learning and enjoyment of the learning condition. No significant difference in perceived learning between the conditions was found. Student-reported enjoyment was significantly higher for online learning, but that enthusiasm decreased a small but significant amount during the year, probably because of loss of novelty. Student responses concerning their reasons for preferences for instructional condition paralleled characteristics reported in the professional literature. This investigation demonstrated the equivalency of both conditions; however, additional studies with a greater number and diversity of students are warranted. Future research studies will need to determine if a blend of both instructional approaches is optimal

    Academic Achievement And Perceptions Of Nature Appreciation, Environmental Awareness, And Well-Being Of Participants In Sully\u27s Hill Nature Education Program

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    Experiential and hands-on learning are important for any effective educational environment, and when combined with natural elements that can stimulate students\u27 senses to enhance their learning, these educational methods may have a profound effect (Louv, 2008). The Sully\u27s Hill Nature Education Program (SHNEP) allows fifth-grade students at Central Middle School in Devils Lake, North Dakota, to learn in an outdoor setting. The purpose of this study was to determine if a relationship exists between Devils Lake fifth graders and sixth graders who participate(d) in the Sully\u27s Hill Nature Education Program (SHNEP), and those students who have not participated in the program, regarding their academic achievement in math, language, and science as well as their individual perceptions of nature appreciation, environmental awareness, and overall well-being. The researcher reviewed math, language, and science and examined student attendance data. The researcher also surveyed fifth and sixth-grade students at the middle school to gain their perceptions of nature appreciation, environmental awareness, and overall well-being. The students who had not participated in the SHNEP acted as the control group. Results from the study indicated statistical significance (p \u3c .005) in the differences in student perceptions in all three areas of nature appreciation, environmental awareness, and well-being between students who were involved in the program and those educated in the traditional setting. Academically, math scores grew at a higher rate for students involved in SHNEP; however, language and science scores were equal to those educated in the traditional setting. School attendance for SHNEP students also showed to be superior in comparison to that of traditional classroom students. The findings from this study suggest incorporating daily nature education into elementary school classrooms to increase student appreciation for nature, environmental awareness, and overall well-being and a recommendation is made to develop similar programs throughout the world

    What is the impact of blogging used with self-monitoring strategies for adolescents who struggle with writing?

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    Plan B Paper. 2012. Master of Science in Education- Reading--University of Wisconsin-River Falls. Teacher Education Department. 28 leaves. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 25-26).Writing is an onerous task for those who struggle with the skill. The basic prerequisites of organizing thoughts, transcribing thoughts into words, and writing down those words is fundamental to the more advanced skills of developing a sense of audience, writing with voice and applying conventions. Without proficient skills, students who cannot write, do not write. Positive attitude toward the process of writing suffers. Time spent on actual writing is limited. As a consequence, writing skill does not develop. Students who struggle with writing can be supported in their skill development through self-monitoring strategies. Self-monitoring strategies for writing give students a systematic process to know how to approach a writing task. The clear step-by-step process breaks down difficult skills and allows students to build proficiency through guided practice and eventually, independence. This action research project explored the impact of using self-monitoring strategies with the 21st century skill of blogging within a Writer's Workshop instructional model. Sixteen students (eleven males, five females) in grades 6-8th participated in a twelve week study. Target writing skills of fluency, stamina, motivation, awareness of audience and participation in peer review were measured for changes over the course of the study. Students were instructed in the use of self-monitoring strategies focusing on increasing word counts in correct word sequence timings, on-command prompt passages, and formal writing process pieces. Blogging was introduced and used to apply target skills to a digital writing setting. Each student learned self monitoring strategies to compose posts in personal blogs and to read and comment on other students' blogs. Pre-and post-writing attitude survey, correct word sequence timings and writing samples were taken throughout the study to assess each students' skill level and attitude toward writing. The group showed average gains of 34% in correct word sequence and 66% in word counts of process writing pieces. Qualitative data and quantitative data demonstrate that writing skills and attitudes toward writing also showed positive development when self-monitoring strategies were used to support the writing tasks of blogging in a Writer's Workshop model

    Faculty open educational practices at a regional university

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    Open educational resources (OER), which are cost-free, openly licensed educational materials available in a variety of languages and formats, have in recent years accumulated abundant evidence of disruptive potential to surmount barriers to learning. This is certainly good news to the world of education, especially higher education, which has experienced steady growth in its cost to students. Evidence also shows, however, a low uptake of this concept in higher education. A key reason for this is a lack of awareness, understanding, and acceptance of OER and their related practices amongst faculty. If one intent of a higher educational institution, such as is that of the University of the South Pacific (USP), is to provide greater affordability for students through OER, ushering faculty towards OER is thus paramount, for they are the ones who normally choose and assign educational resources. As an initial step toward moving the USP closer to its aspirations, a survey study was undertaken aiming to describe the current status of OER uptake and open educational practices (OEP) by faculty, with the purpose of gathering information for planning future activities in this area. This paper reports results from the survey examining USP faculty: teaching practices, OER awareness, OER use, participation in OEP staff development, awareness of student OER use, barriers to OER adoption, and impact of OER use. The paper concludes with a discussion of current status and expected future steps for propelling faculty towards integrating OER in USP courses

    Promoting flexible mathematical thinking with growth mindset, deliberate practice, and serious games

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    ABSTRACT Adaptive expertise is a greatly appreciated, yet rarely achieved, goal of mathematics curricula because it is considered to typify high-level mathematical thinking. Adaptive expertise demonstrates knowledge and skills that can be dynamically implemented in uncommon situations, not just within highly defined tasks or sufficiently prepared contexts. To achieve adaptive expertise, students must be given occasions to practice solving open-ended mathematical tasks in unfamiliar circumstances, allowing them to contemplate, analyze, and explore different connections and alternative solutions to develop their emerging skills and knowledge structures. Traditional math classrooms are often equipped with textbooks and instructional approaches that focus on isolated, routine exercises, or drill-andpractice, which encourage students to master isolated procedural techniques to find the most or only efficient solution. Math teachers, therefore, employ teaching methods that emphasize speed and accuracy using these materials. The idea of mathematics as a “fixed” subject, which is full of rigid and absolute rules, unintentionally continues to be reinforced. This doctoral dissertation aims to investigate design principles for learning environments that support flexible mathematical thinking in mathematics education. This thesis focuses on two objectives: first, it aspires to understand how adaptive expertise can be promoted with deliberate practice, and whether it can be done by using a mathematical game-based learning environment called the Number Navigation Game (NNG). The nature of deliberate practice is demanding and occurs just beyond one’s abilities. It necessitates deep engagement, continuous efforts to enhance performance, and a positive attitude towards challenges—traits synonymous with a growth mindset. Given the association between a growth mindset and persistent learning behavior, the second objective explores ways to cultivate growth mindset in mathematics classrooms. This is vital for integrating game-based learning into conventional mathematics instruction and realizing the goal of adaptive expertise in mathematics. This dissertation is divided into two parts, encompassing three sub-studies. Part one, comprising Studies I and II, focuses on the Number Navigation Game (NNG). Study I explores game experiences during the NNG development process and examines how different design choices influence students’ gaming experiences. The results provide insights into the iterative design process of a research-based serious game, shedding light on students' interactions with both learning and gaming components and their relation to novel mathematical learning objectives. Study II delves into various game performance profiles using gaming analytics and investigates the diverse ways students engage with the NNG. Utilizing log data from game performances in the energy mode, combined with measured mathematics learning outcomes, math interest, perceived challenge, and experienced flow during gameplay, Study II offers evidence on promoting adaptive expertise through deliberate practice, game-based learning environments, and learning outcomes. In essence, Studies I and II highlight how the NNG serves as a supportive platform for presenting students with novel contexts, challenging tasks, and immediate feedback, making it a viable tool for traditional classrooms. Part two (Study III) investigates the current state of growth mindset interventions in mathematics education through a systematic review. The results show that when implicit theories of intelligence interventions were conducted specifically in the math domain, positive results were reported, whereas general implicit theories of intelligence interventions yielded mixed results. This indicates that to make the necessary behavioral changes based on changed beliefs, participants need to engage with mathematical content at a deeper level than the surface level. Most importantly, the learning environment must be embedded with elements that support struggle and mistakes, encourage effortful practices, and make progress visible to students. In this way, students will be provided with evidence of the development of their own mathematical skills as a result of practice. KEYWORDS: adaptive expertise, game-based learning environment, growth mindset, deliberate practice, flexible mathematical thinkingTIIVISTELMÄ Adaptiivinen asiantuntijuus on yksi korkeatasoisen matemaattisen ajattelun taidoista ja sen kehittymistä on pidetty tärkeänä tavoitteena matematiikan opetussuunnitelmissa, vaikka käytännön opetustyössä sitä harvoin saavutetaankaan. Adaptiivinen asiantuntijuus kuvaa tietoja ja taitoja, joita voidaan soveltaa joustavasti uusissa tilanteissa, ei vain selkeästi ennalta määritellyissä tehtävissä tai konteksteissa. Tämän saavuttamiseksi on tärkeää, että oppilaille tarjotaan mahdollisuus harjoitella avoimien matemaattisten ongelmien ratkaisemista uusissa konteksteissa. Tällöin he voivat pohtia, analysoida, tutkia erilaisia yhteyksiä ja vaihtoehtoisia ratkaisuja, mikä kehittää heidän taitojaan. Perinteisessä matematiikan opetuksessa on usein käytössä oppikirjoja ja opetusmenetelmiä, jotka keskittyvät yksittäisiin, rutiininomaisiin harjoituksiin tai yksinkertaiseen toistoon perustavaan harjoitteluun. Nämä valmistavat oppilaita hallitsemaan mekaaniset laskutoimitukset ja proseduurit tehokkaimman tai ainoan ratkaisun löytämiseen. Tällaiset oppimateriaalit ja -menetelmät tähtäävät nopeuteen ja tarkkuuteen. Tällöin ajatus matematiikasta joustamattomana kouluaineena, joka on täynnä jäykkiä ja ehdottomia sääntöjä, jatkaa vahvistumistaan tahattomasti. Tämän väitöskirjan tavoitteena on edistää joustavan matemaattisen ajattelun kehittämistä matematiikan opetuksessa. Väitöskirja keskittyy kahteen osatavoitteeseen. Ensinnäkin väitöskirjatutkimuksissa pyritään ymmärtämään, miten adaptiivista asiantuntijuutta voidaan edistää määrätietoisella harjoittelulla, ja voidaanko adaptiivista asiantuntijuutta kehittää käyttämällä matemaattista pelillistä Number Navigation Game oppimisympäristöä. Toiseksi määrätietoinen harjoittelu on vaativaa ja tapahtuu juuri oppijan kykyjen äärirajoilla; se vaatii syvää keskittymistä, sitoutumista, sinnikästä pyrkimystä suorituksen parantamiseen ja positiivista asennetta vaikeiden, epämiellyttäviäkin tunteita herättävien tehtävien edessä. Sekä sinnikkyys suoritusten parantamisessa että positiiviset asenteet haasteita kohtaan ovat myös kasvun asenteelle tunnusomaisia piirteitä. Useissa tutkimuksissa väitetään, että kasvun ajattelutavan tukeminen edistää sinnikästä oppimiskäyttäytymistä. Ymmärrystä siitä, kuinka kasvun ajattelutapaa voidaan tukea matematiikan tunneilla, voidaan hyödyntää, kun pelillistä oppimista integroidaan perinteiseen matematiikan opetukseen ja tavoitteena on adaptiivisen asiantuntijuuden taidot matematiikassa. Väitöskirjassa on kaksi osaa, joihin kolme osatutkimusta jakautuu. Ensimmäinen osa sisältää Number Navigation Game -peliä koskevat tutkimukset I ja II. Tutkimuksessa I kartoitettiin oppilaiden pelikokemuksia pelin kehitysprosessin aikana, ja sekä sitä, kuinka erilaiset suunnitteluvalinnat vaikuttivat oppilaiden pelikokemuksiin. Tutkimukset tuottivat uutta tietoa tutkimuspohjaisen oppimispelin suunnittelusta ja muokkausprosessista, mikä puolestaan tuotti yleisempää tietoa oppilaiden ja pelin elementtien vuorovaikutuksesta, ja siitä miten tämä vuorovaikutus liittyy uudenlaisiin matemaattisiin oppimistavoitteisiin. Tutkimus II keskittyi erilaisiin pelaajien suoritusprofiileihin pelianalytiikan avulla ja tutki erilaisia tapoja, joilla oppilaat pelasivat Number Navigation Game -peliä. Tutkimuksessa hyödynnettiin lokidataa pelaajien suorituksista yhdessä mitattujen matematiikan oppimistulosten, matematiikan kiinnostuksen sekä pelaamisen aikana koetun haastavuuden ja flow-kokemuksen kanssa. Tutkimus tuotti tietoa siitä, millä tavalla adaptiivista asiantuntijuutta voidaan edistää tukemalla määrätietoista harjoittelua pelioppimisympäristössä. Yhteenvetona voidaan todeta, että tutkimukset I ja II tuottivat aikaisempaa tarkempaa tietoa siitä, kuinka Number Navigation Game -peli voi tarjota kannustavan oppimisalustan, joka tarjoaa avoimen oppimisympäristön, rutiinista poikkeavia ja haastavia tehtäviä, sekä pelidesignin, joka antaa oppijalle selkeää, välitöntä palautetta. Väitöskirjan toisen osan (Tutkimus III) tavoitteena on tarkastella kasvun ajattelutavan interventioita matematiikan opetuksessa systemaattisen katsauksen avulla. Tulokset osoittivat, että kun älykkyyttä koskeviin uskomuksiin perustuvia kasvun ajattelutapaa tukevia interventioita toteutettiin erityisesti matematiikan alalla, raportoitiin positiivisia tuloksia. Kun kasvun ajattelutapaa tukevia interventioita toteutettiin yleisesti ilman erityistä kontekstia, tulokset olivat ristiriitaisia. Tämä osoittaa, että jotta tarvittavat käyttäytymismuutokset toteutuvat muuttuneiden uskomusten perusteella, osallistujien on uppouduttava matemaattiseen sisältöön pintatasoa syvällisemmin. On olennaista, että oppimisympäristöön on upotettu elementtejä, jotka tukevat "kamppailua ja virheitä", että ne kannustavat ponnisteluihin ja että edistyminen tehdään oppijalle näkyväksi. Näin oppija saa todisteita omien matemaattisten taitojensa kehittymisestä harjoittelun seurauksena. ASIASANAT: adaptiivinen asiantuntijuus, pelioppimisympäristö, kasvun ajattelutapa, tarkoituksellinen harjoittelu, joustava matemaattinen ajattel

    Instructional Technology Integration and Situational Interest in Math

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    Motivating students to be engaged in learning, especially in math, has been a perennial challenge for educators. Over the past 20 years, instructional technology has become an increasingly prevalent teaching tool that, according to many educational observers and researchers, can have a transformative effect on teaching and learning because of the way that it engages today’s students. The purpose of this quantitative study was to determine the relationship between students’ perceptions of technology integration and situational interest in middle school math so that educational planners will be better informed when making instructional decisions concerning the use of technology in the math classroom. In this study, the relationship between students’ perceptions of teacher technology integration and situational interest in math was investigated using the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient. A moderate, positive correlation was established and found to be significant [r=.461, n=223, pResults from this study showed middle school students who perceive a higher degree of teacher instructional technology integration show higher levels of situational interest in math. Results also indicated that there was a statistically significant difference in the relationship between perceptions of instructional technology integration and situational interest in math between sixth and eighth graders. No statistically significant differences in this relationship were found between any other sub-groups. The findings of this study suggest that instructional technology can be a motivating factor for middle school students regardless of sex, grade, or race and that educators should pursue student centered paths to instructional technology integration

    Youth and Digital Media: From Credibility to Information Quality

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    Building upon a process-and context-oriented information quality framework, this paper seeks to map and explore what we know about the ways in which young users of age 18 and under search for information online, how they evaluate information, and how their related practices of content creation, levels of new literacies, general digital media usage, and social patterns affect these activities. A review of selected literature at the intersection of digital media, youth, and information quality -- primarily works from library and information science, sociology, education, and selected ethnographic studies -- reveals patterns in youth's information-seeking behavior, but also highlights the importance of contextual and demographic factors both for search and evaluation. Looking at the phenomenon from an information-learning and educational perspective, the literature shows that youth develop competencies for personal goals that sometimes do not transfer to school, and are sometimes not appropriate for school. Thus far, educational initiatives to educate youth about search, evaluation, or creation have depended greatly on the local circumstances for their success or failure
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