86 research outputs found

    Brown's moduli spaces of curves and the gravity operad

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    This paper is built on the following observation: the purity of the mixed Hodge structure on the cohomology of Brown's moduli spaces is essentially equivalent to the freeness of the dihedral operad underlying the gravity operad. We prove these two facts by relying on both the geometric and the algebraic aspects of the problem: the complete geometric description of the cohomology of Brown's moduli spaces and the coradical filtration of cofree cooperads. This gives a conceptual proof of an identity of Bergstr\"om-Brown which expresses the Betti numbers of Brown's moduli spaces via the inversion of a generating series. This also generalizes the Salvatore-Tauraso theorem on the nonsymmetric Lie operad.Comment: 26 pages; corrected Figure

    Dependency structures and lexicalized grammars

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    In this dissertation, we show that that both the generative capacity and the parsing complexity of lexicalized grammar formalisms are systematically related to structural properties of the dependency structures that these formalisms can induce. Dependency structures model the syntactic dependencies among the words of a sentence. We identify three empirically relevant classes of dependency structures, and show how they can be characterized both in terms of restrictions on the relation between dependency and word-order and within an algebraic framework. In the second part of the dissertation, we develop natural notions of automata and grammars for dependency structures, show how these yield infinite hierarchies of ever more powerful dependency languages, and classify several grammar formalisms with respect to the languages in these hierarchies that they are able to characterize. Our results provide fundamental insights into the relation between dependency structures and lexicalized grammars.In dieser Arbeit zeigen wir, dass sowohl die Ausdrucksmächtigkeit als auch die Verarbeitungskomplexität von lexikalisierten Grammatikformalismen auf systematische Art und Weise von strukturellen Eigenschaften der Dependenzstrukturen abhängen, die diese Formalismen induzieren. Dependenzstrukturen modellieren die syntaktischen Abhängigkeiten zwischen den Wörtern eines Satzes. Wir identifizieren drei empirisch relevante Klassen von Dependenzstrukturen und zeigen, wie sich diese sowohl durch Einschränkungen der Interaktion zwischen Dependenz und Wortstellung, als auch in einem algebraischen Rahmen charakterisieren lassen. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit entwickeln wir natürliche Begriffe von Automaten und Grammatiken für Dependenzstrukturen, zeigen, wie diese zu unendlichen Hierarchien immer ausdrucksmächtigerer Dependenzsprachen führen, und klassifizieren mehrere Grammatikformalismen in Bezug auf die Sprachen in diesen Hierarchien, die von ihnen charakterisiert werden können. Unsere Resultate liefern grundlegende Einsichten in das Verhältnis zwischen Dependenzstrukturen und lexikalisierten Grammatiken

    Projective toric varieties as fine moduli spaces of quiver representations

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    This paper proves that every projective toric variety is the fine moduli space for stable representations of an appropriate bound quiver. To accomplish this, we study the quiver QQ with relations RR corresponding to the finite-dimensional algebra (i=0rLi)\bigl(\bigoplus_{i=0}^{r} L_i \bigr) where L:=(OX,L1,...c,Lr)\mathcal{L} := (\mathscr{O}_X,L_1, ...c, L_r) is a list of line bundles on a projective toric variety XX. The quiver QQ defines a smooth projective toric variety, called the multilinear series L|\mathcal{L}|, and a map XLX \to |\mathcal{L}|. We provide necessary and sufficient conditions for the induced map to be a closed embedding. As a consequence, we obtain a new geometric quotient construction of projective toric varieties. Under slightly stronger hypotheses on L\mathcal{L}, the closed embedding identifies XX with the fine moduli space of stable representations for the bound quiver (Q,R)(Q,R).Comment: revised version: improved exposition, corrected typos and other minor change

    Strong generative capacity of RST, SDRT and discourse dependency DAGSs

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    The aim of this paper is to compare the discourse structures proposed in RST, SDRT and dependency DAGs which extend the semantic level of MTT for discourses. The key question is the following: do these formalisms allow the representation of all the discourse structures which correspond to felicitous discourses and exclude those which correspond to infelicitous discourses? Hence the term of “strong generative capacity” taken from formal grammars