40,105 research outputs found

    Risk factors for project success in the Chinese construction industry

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    Purpose – To achieve project success, an effective project risk management procedure is inevitable. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the influence of risk factors on project success in the Chinese construction industry context. Design/methodology/approach – This study by way of utilizing both qualitative and quantitative methods has examined risk factors that are closely linked to project success in the Chinese construction industry. Findings – After a thorough survey and analysis, risk factors related to designer, contractor, subcontractor, client and government are shown to affect project success to some extent. Originality/value – It is suggested that the present research may be made more generalizable by a larger, more representative samples across various industries and regions of China


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    This study entitled “the Implementation of Project Based Learning (PjBL) in Teaching and Learning English as a Foreign Language” was conducted: (1) to describe the teacher’s process of teaching and learning English by implementing project based learning, and (2) to identify the teacher’s difficulties in implementing project based learning in teaching and learning English. The data in the form of document analysis, observations, and interviews were taken from an English teacher at a Junior High School in Bangka Tengah. To analyze the data, theory of a descriptive qualitative was implemented. The findings showed that: First, the teacher implemented project-based learning by conducting several steps starting from the planning until the evaluation. Those steps can be categorized as follows: (1) planning the projects (2) modifying the teaching scenarios and teaching assessment (3) applying the teaching scenarios (4) assessing the projects. Second, the teacher stated that she faced some difficulties in implementing PjBL. The difficulties were related to some factors such as classroom management, students learning support, limited time, and assessment. In addition, teacher’s solutions to overcome those difficulties as follows: first, to overcome the difficulty in relation to classroom management is by monitoring students’ learning activities in the school area, grouping the students based on their heterogeneous ability, and controlling the running of group discussion. Second, to overcome lack of students learning support, the teacher used the power point and video to motivate them. Third, to overcome the limited time, the teacher added extra times. Fourth, to overcome the difficulty in assessment, teacher applied peer assessment.;-- Penelitian ini berjudul “the Implementation of Project Based Learning (PjBL) in Teaching and Learning English as a Foreign Language” bertujuan untuk (1) mendeskripsikan proses guru dalam kegiatan belajar dan mengajar Bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran Project Based Learning, dan (2) untuk menemukan kesulitan-kesulitan guru dalam mengimplementasikan Project-Based Learning dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Data berupa dokumen analysis, observasi, dan wawancara bersumber dari seorang guru Bahasa Inggris di salah satu SMP di Bangka Tengah. Untuk menganalisis seluruh data yang dihimpun, penelitian ini menggunakan metode descriptive qualitative. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan: pertama, guru mengimplementasikan PjBL dengan melakukan langkah-langkah mulai dari persiapan sampai dengan evaluasi. Langkah-langkah tersebut dikategorikan sebagai berikut: (1) merencanakan proyek (2) merancang skenario dan penilaian pembelajaran (3) mengaplikasikan skenario pembelajaran (4) mengevaluasi proyek. Kedua, guru mengalami kesulitan dalam mengimplementasikan PjBL. Kesulitan-kesulitan tersebut disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor seperti manajemen kelas, kemampuan siswa, keterbatasan waktu, dan penilaian. Oleh karena itu, solusi guru dalam mengatasi kesulitan-kesulitan tersebut antara lain: pertama, untuk mengatasi kesulitan dalam manajemen kelas, guru mengawasi kegiatan pembelajaran siswa dilingkungan sekolah, mengelompokkan siswa berdasarkan kemampuan mereka yang berbeda-beda, dan mengontrol kegiatan diskusi. Kedua, untuk mengatasi kelemahan siswa, guru menggunakan media power point dan video untuk memoivasi mereka. Ketiga, untuk untuk mengatasi keterbatasan waktu, guru mengalokasikan waktu tambahan. Keempat, untuk mengatasi kesulitan dalam melakukan penilaian, guru mengaplikasikan penilaia sejawa

    The Baosteel Group – A national champion amongst national champions

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    In comparison to many of the Chinese and Indian state-owned enterprises examined in this volume, the institutional and competitive position of the Baosteel Group is somewhat unique. First, Baosteel stands out as one of the major success stories of recent Chinese state-owned enterprise (SOE) reform. Created as a national steel champion by the Chinese government in the early years of the reform period, and benefiting from the industrial policy support this status has brought during the intervening three decades, Baosteel has earned the status of one of China’s most internationally competitive SOEs. However, Baosteel is also unique in that it does not dominate the Chinese steel sector. Accounting for only a small share of Chinese steel production, Baosteel’s position is one of a technological leader within a competitive market structure populated by a large ‘national champions group’ of SOEs. Moreover, Baosteel has also faced special obligations to implement national industrial policies, by acting as a technological leader tasked with the role of acquiring and upgrading ailing steelmakers. Understanding Baosteel’s position within the Chinese steel sector as a ‘national champion amongst national champions’ is critical to explaining its operational characteristics, its special relationship with the Chinese government, and the benefits and costs this has carried for the firm

    Doubting Thomas: Sensemaking, sensegiving and storytelling in the excellence project

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    Manajemen Stakeholder pada Sekolah Berdasarkan Standar Nasional Pendidikan (SNP) Menggunakan Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK)

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    Kondisi stakeholder merupakan hal yang sangat penting dalam mencapai keberhasilan proyek. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah merancang strategi yang tepat agar Kepala Sekolah dapat melakukan manajemen stakeholder. Data primer didapatkan dari Standar Nasional Pendidikan (SNP) dan data sekunder atau data pendukung yang didapatkan dari   Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK). Pada penelitian ini menggunakan analisis Management Stakeholder dalam Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK). Hasil penelitian utama menunjukan bahwa hasil strategi stakeholder tergolong menjadi Key Player sebanyak 3 stakeholder, yaitu Kepala sekolah, Menteri pendidikan nasional dan Komite sekolah. Keep Informed sebanyak 1 stakeholder, yaitu Karyawan / Tata usaha. Keep Satisfied sebanyak 3 stakeholder, yaitu Guru, Siswa dan Orang tua siswa dan Minimal Effect sebanyak 0 stakeholde

    Job satisfaction of secondary school teachers in Tawau, Sabah

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    In order for the teachers to function effectively in a school system, it is important that teachers need to seek satisfaction and happiness not only in the intrinsic aspects of teaching job but also in other dimensions related to the teacher work experience in the wider social environment. This paper examines the level and differences in the job satisfaction of 200 Sabah secondary school teachers with respect to the various teachers characteristics identified as gender, service category, job title, tenure and place of origin. Data was collected through survey questionnaire. The finding reveals that secondary school teachers in Tawau, Sabah are generally satisfied with their job. There is significant relationship between job satisfaction and gender, whereby the male teachers are generally more satisfied than female teachers. The graduate teachers are more satisfied than non-graduate teachers. The higher ranking teachers are more satisfied than the ordinary teachers. Also, older teachers are more satisfied than younger teachers. However, there is no significant relationship between places of origin of teachers with job satisfaction. Based on the findings, several recommendations are proposed

    Opnet, Arne, and the Classroom

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    This paper examines OPNET Technology, Inc\u27s management programs, and Regis University\u27s Academic Research Network (ARNe) needs to find out which OPNET programs can meet the needs of ARNe. The method used was to examine ARNe\u27s needs, and research Microsoft\u27s SMF/MOF management framework, research OPNET\u27s program and module offerings, research OPNET\u27s University Program, and research how OPNET\u27s programs are used at some other universities. The research was used to create a match up between Microsoft\u27s Service Management Functions and OPNET\u27s programs and modules. And it was used to create a list of textbooks, labs, and lab manuals that would work with OPNET\u27s IT Guru and Modeler in a classroom to help teach networking theory. The examination was combined with the research to create an evaluation criteria matrix from which project recommendations could be drawn. The conclusion was that the following OPNET Technology programs and modules could be of benefit to Regis University\u27s ARNe - ACE, Automation module, Commander, DAC module, Flow Analysis module, IT Sentinel, IT Guru, NetDoctor, Report Server, and VNE Server

    The using of model context. input, process and products (CIPP) in learning programs assessment

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    Assessment is one process to determine problem, choose relevant information, and collect and analyze information to report useful summary to decision maker. Evaluation model discussed in this topic was CIPP Stufflebeam’s model. CIPP assessment's model selected because his effectiveness to get revenue formative and summative and to find decision and problem-solving ability. CIPP assessment's model may be made assessment whether before, during or after the project conducted. This very different with Stake's approach assume that researcher may make level current study implementation or during the programme running. CIPP assessment's model also be formed to satisfy programme mastermind and administration not just filling individual ' wish. Lastly CIPP is not designed to prove a decision but act as to improve where information derivative later can be made as a guide to planning something programme
