74 research outputs found

    Lighting Retrofitting: improving energy efficiency and lighting quality

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    In order to minimize energy consumption for lighting and increasing lighting quality in existing offices old lighting systems can be retrofitted with more efficient luminaires. Additional savings can be achieved by installing a lighting control system. Installation time and costs can be reduced by installing LED luminaires equipped with inbuilt lighting controls. In the case study six rooms were analysed: in two rooms the old lighting system has been retrofitted with LED luminaires with inbuilt active dimming controls; in two rooms LED luminaires without dimming were installed and two rooms were left as reference. Old and new lighting systems performances were measured in terms of energy efficiency, lighting quality and user satisfaction. The conducted analysis can be used as a monitoring guideline for the evaluation of lighting retrofitting results

    Lighting of open plan (automated) offices

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    Ankara : The Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design and Institute of Fine Arts of Bilkent Univ., 1995.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 1995.Includes bibliographical references leaves 113-116.Lighting in Open Plan (Automated) offices is an important factor for the workers performance and productivity. Generally, physiological and psychological requirements of the office lighting are being neglected while designing or relocating of the office environment. Hence, offices become unpleasant places to work in. The aim of this study is to analyze lighting requirements of open plan automated offices and to prepare a set of criteria for the lighting design of these spaces.Öner, İlkinM.S

    Aging-In-Place Home Modification: LED Lamp Color Temperature Preference Among Adults

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    This study evaluated LED color temperature preference and effectiveness in a task light setting for older adults with a comparison to younger adults. Test subjects included visually active adults, male and female, from 19 years to 96 years of age. The researcher tested one hundred participants from several test sites. The researcher ascertained conclusions based on the correlations of age, gender, visual acuity, time of day, and visual medical conditions to LED preference. A tunable lamp with four correlated color temperatures (CCT/K), 2700K, 3500K, 4100K, and 5000K was analyzed using timed and graded, reading and number comparison tasks. Lumen output between the correlated color temperatures was adjusted for consistency to prevent illuminance (lumens) from effecting the outcome. Test subjects choose a preferred correlated color temperature and completed a subjective survey accessing the preferred comfort level. Results indicated the test subjects performed better with the 4100K correlated color temperature. Regarding personal preference of correlated color temperature by test subjects on average: the 4100K correlated color temperature was preferred first (36%), the 3500K correlated color temperature was preferred second (28%), the 5000K was preferred third (24%), and the 2700K was preferred least (12%). A significant difference was discovered between men and women with men, on average, taking longer to complete the reading and number matching tasks than women

    Tetracycline flourescence of malignant tumours

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    Processing Decoded Video for Backlight Dimming:Video Quality Enhancement on LCD with Dynamic Local Backlight

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    Adaptation Toward A Sustainable Built Environment: A Technical Potential & Quantification of Benefit for Existing Boilding Deep Energy Retrofits in a Subtropic Climate

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    The issues surrounding energy consumption in our existing building stock is proving to be a key component in the move toward a truly sustainable built environment. Best practice energy levels today are much lower than they have been in the past meaning that the buildings we are currently occupying are using much more than they need to be. It is clear that the majority of these structures will remain in operation through 2030 and even 2050. In order to limit overall energy consumption for the foreseeable future, our societies will need to focus on existing building retrofits based on finding the minimum consumptions possible. Methods for attaining deep energy retrofits can be applied to a wide variety of climates and building typologies. Measures utilized to realize results will vary by climate, building function, building use, and other site specific variables. This project focuses on developing a methodology and set of criteria for determining approaches to deep energy retrofits for office space in the Hawaiian climate. The method generated focuses on a passive first approach in order to pursue the deepest savings - otherwise known as a technical potential energy solution. The method is then applied to a specific property in Honolulu to display its potential energy consumption and economic benefits. Best practice levels were researched and applied to the property in question. By reducing active and passive loading, the space is able to reach temperature level suitable for natural ventilation with a ceiling fan assist. Application of the strategies to this property were able to show the potential to save 83% over its existing condition and a consumption level of 7.53 kBtu/sf/yr. Future steps would need to consider a moisture mitigation strategy which are not included in this package. Benefits stemming from the design are many and are calculated to a life cycle present value to show an order of magnitude value associated with the package. Direct owner value is calculated to a present value of 47/SFandqualitativetenantbenefitsequateto47/SF and qualitative tenant benefits equate to 368/SF showing that direct owner benefit is not enough accomplish the scope proposed, but when combined with tenant benefit it becomes an option that may be viable and deserves further investigation. Benefits quantified include energy savings, indoor environmental improvements, value adding amenities, and increased square footage included in the design package

    Дослідження зносостійкості високотемпературних покриттів при фретинг-корозії

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    Робота публікується згідно наказу Ректора НАУ від 27.05.2021 р. №311/од «Про розміщення кваліфікаційних робіт здобувачів вищої освіти в репозиторії університету» . Керівник проекту: доцент, к. т. н. Хімко Андрій Миколайович.Working conditions of turbine blades modern aviation gas turbine engines (GTE) characterized by high levels of current static loads, wide range of operating temperatures, high speed of rotation, and as a result – high vibroloading. Given the general trend towards the growth of inter-repair and general technical resources are increasing the increase of traction characteristics becomes more significant GTE, which causes an increase in the limits of permissible loads and operating temperatures of blades. To reduce the vibroload, the blades are tightened in the upper part on the zigzag surfaces. As a result of vibro displacement is intense wear contact the surfaces of the shelves as a result of the development of fretting-corrosion that leads to increased wear and premature release parts of the system. In addition, the destruction due to the occurrence cyclic displacements in a nominally fixed connection. The shanks of the blades are also subjected. The purpose of the study was to find such a material, which at higher operating temperatures should have higher values wear resistance.Умови роботи турбінних лопаток сучасних авіаційних газотурбінних двигунів (ГТД) характеризуються високими рівнями поточних статичних навантажень, широким діапазоном робочих температур, високою швидкістю обертання, і як наслідок – високим вібронавантаженням. Враховуючи загальну тенденцію до зростання міжремонтних і загальнотехнічних ресурсів, зростає підвищення тягових характеристик ГТД, що зумовлює підвищення меж допустимих навантажень і робочих температур лопаток. Для зменшення вібронавантаження лопаті затягуються у верхній частині на зигзагоподібні поверхні. В результаті вібропереміщення відбувається інтенсивне зношування контактних поверхонь полиць в результаті розвитку фреттинг-корозії, що призводить до підвищеного зношування і передчасного звільнення деталей системи. Крім того, руйнування обумовлено виникненням циклічних зсувів в номінально закріпленому з'єднанні. Хвостовики лез також піддаються. Метою дослідження було знайти такий матеріал, який при більш високих робочих температурах повинен мати вищі значення зносостійкості

    The intersection of technology and aesthetics in contemporary cinema

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    The continuity of change in the film industry is evident, with cinematographers seeking new forms of lighting expression and production efficiency while manufacturers aim to sell. However, the rapid pace of technological development means that professionals often rely on personal preferences and recommendations from colleagues to create appropriate lighting setups that serve the needs of the story. Since content and form of expression are interlinked, technology enables new practices of emulating lighting for cinematographers. Although, there is a misconnect between the needs of cinematographers and manufacturers, which can result in the oversaturation of just one type of lighting that the industry focuses on, such as the soft light of LED lighting. It is important to remember that there are multiple ways of emulating lighting, even if newer practices have surpassed older ones. New technology should not necessarily replace old ways of working but should instead be an addition to the already plentiful ways of expressing through light. One aspect of this research is examining the impact that technological advancements in camera equipment have had on the art of lighting. The historical origins of the symbiotic relationship between camera and lighting technology are traced back to the late 19th century with the invention of the first moving image camera, the Kinetographe. Moreover, this thesis highlights significant lighting inventions which remain ubiquitous on contemporary sets. These fixtures have been adapted and developed over the years, offering more possibilities for contemporary filmmaking than they did in early cinema. It is essential to recognise that new technologies continually drastically influence how we perceive, and just as we make the technology, technology guides our decisions. By observing the details and paying attention to the connections between lighting technology and productions in contemporary cinema, we can create a working method that aligns with the vision of storytellers and avoids the negative impacts of technological advancements on film as an art form. This is not a study that can be completed and forgotten; rather, it requires continuous exploration throughout a cinematographer's life to facilitate contemporary and authentic expression through lighting in cinematography.Media files notes: A Day Without Prohibition, 2023. An MA thesis film for Aalto University. Description: Two young women decide to defy the dancing prohibition set by the Finnish government by organizing a secret graduation dance in war-torn Helsinki in 1944. Media creators: An MA thesis film for Aalto University